Use result in javascript function - javascript

I've got no clue how to do the following, so I wasn't sure what to search for either.
For validating my registration form I've a javascript function that checkes the existence of the inserted username in the database onblur of the username textfield.
function checkUsername(username){
$.post("checkmail.php", {username: username} , function(data){
var $response=$(data);
var response = $response.filter('#username-response').text();
if(response == "taken") {
document.getElementById('username').style.borderColor = rood;
valid = false;
This works fine, but now I want to validate it again onsubmit of the form in case users decide to submit an existing username.
function validateForm() {
var valid = true;
//checks different fields
//now check voor username existence
var username = document.getElementById('username').value;;
if (!valid) {
return false;
else {
return true;
I'm not familiar enough with Javascript to get this working. Probably thinking in the wrong direction...

You can use synchronous ajax call for this as you are using return data for validation.


How to turn this Password validation right?

var password=123;
var input;
var opp=0;
for(var t=0;t<=2;t++){
if(password!=input && t<=2){
input=prompt("enter your password");
else if(opp<1){
im expect it to be a password validation which can only try three times.
but it will failed even with typing correct password in the third try.
Let's begin saying this should just be a didactic excercise.
I suggest you to drop the for loop strategy and embed the logic inside a while loop that will keep running as long as the attempt counter variable will be <=3.
Until the typed password still doesn't match the expected one, it will keep asking for a new password after saying fail for a total amount of 3 attemps max.
If the typed password matched, it just alerts the user saying success and exiting the loop.
Of course as just said by other users, this approach is very wrong in terms of security starting from the fact that the expected password is stored in plain text.
As a side note, the expected password defined as a literal should be a string literal and not a number.
let password = '123';
let attempt = 0;
let input;
let wasSuccess = false;
input = prompt("enter your password");
if(input == password){
wasSuccess = true;
//perform any logic expected to run after successfully logged in
I am not sure what it is you are trying to do, this is totally unsafe.
To easily crack your password challenge, click 'view source' on the browser, and lookup the password.
Please use better authentication, preferably on the server, not in javascript.
Of course you can use Javascript, but not for actual password checking.
Since OP is just trying and will never use this in a production environment, here is a working piece of script:
var password= "123";
var input;
var tries=1;
var maxTries = 5;
var passed = false;
while ( (!passed) && (tries <= maxTries) ){
input=prompt("enter your password (attempt nr "+tries+")");
if (input === password){
passed = true; // Yeah!
} else {
tries = tries + 1;
if (passed){
} else {

Check if at least one form field has been filled

To check if at least one forem field has been filled out, among other solutions, I am considering the following solution:
var form = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#myform')[0];
form.getForm().getFields().each(function(field) {
var value = field.getRawValue();
if(value !== ''){
//submit form
//error message
Since I have several forms that require filling in at least one field, I wanted to create a method in a Util file class and call this method in the controller; something like:
//Class Util
testFields: function(form){
form.getForm().getFields().each(function(field) {
var value = field.getRawValue();
if(value !== ''){
if(MyApp.util.Util.testFields(form) !== ''){ //does not work
//submit form
//error message
Is a solution like this feasible, or is it preferable to get the value of each field in the controller without iterating and testing if they are empty?
I would say, that your util method should return a boolean like
//Class Util
testFields: function(form){
var result = false;
form.getForm().getFields().each(function(field) {
if(field.getRawValue()){ // at least one field needs to be filled out
result = true;
return result;
Than your controller method should just test form like
//error message

Firebase does multiple calls even with if/else statement JS

I am building an app with Vue and also Firebase. I am new to Firebase and i've some problems with it. I try to store names + emails in the database. What I want is to check first if the email is already in the database and if not, run another function that will store the name + email. If the email is stored in the database I would like to output an alert and cancel the submit.
So the check of the email in the database is going quite well, it will output an alert, and also I am able to retrieve the data. But where the problem lays is that when I enter an email that is not in the database. When I enter a new email (and name) it will check the database and return false but then right away does another call (I dont know why, that's the problem I guess) and it will return true, and the alert of already being there, at the same time. Then it will proceed to another function to store the data because that was the output of the first call (which was false).
My JS code:
checkForm() {
let app = this;
if ( == '' || this.emailadress == '') {
alert('You have to fill out the form');
} else {
getFirebase() {
let app = this;
var ref = firebase.database().ref().child('/aanmeldingen/');
ref.on('value', function(snapshot) {
const array = [];
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
var checkEmail = childSnapshot.val().email;
const res = array.includes(app.emailadress);
if(res) {
alert('You already have entered the giveaway');
} else if (res == false) {;
store() {
this.step_two = false;
this.active_two = false;
this.active_three = true;
this.step_three = true;
let app = this;
email: app.emailadress,
Screenshot of console (entered Jane, not in the database)
You should be using once() instead of on(). on() leaves the listener attached, so when you push data in store() the listener fires again.

Validate forms using javascript

I want to validate 3 inputs (name, email and password) in a form using javascript. When the user submits the form, and all the fields are empty, it works correctly showing the error messages. But then if I write a correct password (length 7) and wrong email and name, and I try to submit the form again the "Password too short" message is stil there and the password is correct. What I am doing wrong?
Javascript file
function verify(){
return true;
return false;
function verPassword(){
var ok = true;
var frm = document.getElementById("register");
var pass = frm.elements[2].value;
var text="Password too short";
ok = false;
return ok;
HTML file
<form id='register' name='register' onsubmit="return verify()">
function verify(){
document.getElementById('textPassword').innerHTML = ' ';
return true;
return false;
change your code it like this:
function verify(){
return true;
return false;
with this solution, each validation occurs if the previous validation runs true! and if not, just the previous validation errors shows up !
in each function verName(), verEmail() and verPassword(), return Boolean value of TRUE of FALSE
also add this line of code, on your form submit event:
verify() {
document.getElementById('textPassword').innerHTML= ' '
The problem is that your verPassword function is adding that error string when the password is invalid, but it doesn't remove it when the password is valid.
Also, your verify function makes little sense.
How about:
function verify(){
return verName() && verEmail() && verPassword();
function verPassword(){
var frm = document.getElementById("register");
var pass = frm.elements[2].value;
var ok = pass.length > 5;
var text = ok ? "" : "Password too short";
return ok;
You have to empty the #textPassword element by write something like: document.getElementById('textPassword').innerHTML.
In addition I can see some wrong codes there. First, if every ver* function returns true or false, you better use && rather than & in if condition expression. Or you can just return the evaluated value of the condition expression like this: return verName() && verEmail() && verPassword().
Second, the ver* functions are already called while if evaluate condition expression. No need to call those functions again in else part.
And I don't think you need ok variable in verPassword() function.
I suggest to change the code like below:
function verify(){
return verName() && verEmail() && verPassword();
function verPassword(){
var frm = document.getElementById("register");
var pass = frm.elements[2].value;
var textPassword = document.getElementById('textPassword');
if (pass.length < 6) {
var text="Password too short";
textPassword.innerHTML = text;
return false;
} else {
textPassword.innerHTML = ""; // Empty #textPassword
return true;

ajax success callback executes out of expected order

I have a function that validates some fields when a button is pressed. First one checks if the username and password are authentic or not. then if the password is appropriately secure. Then if it matches the confirm-password box. However, it seems that the ajax that check to see if the user is authentic does not complete before the alert in the first function pops up.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#submit_pw_ch').on('click', function(){
var alertString = "Please correct the following errors: \n"
//current username and password are correct
var vUsr = valUsr();
//new password is sufficiently secure
var vPwd = valPwd();
//confirmation of new password is same as previous box
var sPwd = samePwd();
console.log('valid user : ' + vUsr + ' valid password : ' + vPwd + ' same password : ' + sPwd);
//append appropriate warnings to alert string
if ( !vUsr ) { alertString += "-Your current username and password are invalid. \n"; }
if ( !vPwd ) { alertString += "-The new password you have selected is not strong enough. \n"; }
if ( !sPwd ) { alertString += "-The confirmation of your new password does not match the previous entry. \n"; }
if ( !vUsr || !vPwd || !sPwd ) {
return false;
} else {
//change password
So the line that checks for that is var vUsr = valUsr(); which calls
function valUsr() {
var un = $('#uNameInput').val();
var pw = $('#uPwdInput').val();
//return value
var validUsr = false;
type: "post",
url: "queries/confirm_user.php?<?=time()?>",
data: "un=" + un + "&pw=" + pw,
dataType: "json",
success: function (returnedData) {
if (data == 'true') {
validUsr = true;
} else {
validUsr = false;
return validUsr;
Somehow though the alert is not waiting for the ajax to finish getting it's data. The console.log(returnedData) in the valUsr() function appears in the console after I've dismissed the alert box. Why is this happening? How can I prevent it? Thanks!
You need to cater for the inherent asynchronicity of ajax, in other words you need to wait until a response to the ajax request has arrived before deciding what to do.
jQuery's Deferreds (and promises) allow us to write simple code but Deferreds tend to blow you mind at first, at least very slightly.
There's no unique way in which to use Deferreds for a problem like this but here's one.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#submit_pw_ch').on('click', function() {
var form = this.form; //the form containing the submit button and the fields .
//`alertArr` is an array to which messages will be added.
var alertArr = ["Please correct the following errors:"];
//`addAlert` will be called from a `Deferred.resolveWith(this, ...)` statement.
//The context, `this`, is unused.
function addAlert(index, txt) {
alertArr[index] = txt;
//`compositeAction` will be called from a promise.done() statement.
function compositeAction() {
//first filter out null messages (ie. validation successes) from alertArr.
var message = $.map(alertArr, function(txt, i){
return txt || null;
if(message.length > 1) {
//then alert the complete message with line breaks
} else {
//submit the form to change the password
//or another ajax call as required
// Invoke ajax validators and assign returned promises.
// An index is passed, so the text messages can be displayed in a logical order,
// regardless of the order in which the validation promises are resolved.
//If we didn't care about the order of the messages then the code would be slighly simpler.
var vUsr = valUsr(0),
vPwd = valPwd(1),
sPwd = samePwd(2);
//All validations adopt a similar pattern regardless of whether ajax is involved or not.
//Here, we establish what is to be done when the promise are resolved, or
//what is to be done immediately if the promise are alrady resolved.
//At this stage, `addAlert` will contain entries for successful as well as unsuccessful validations. Successful entries will be filtered out by `compositeAction`
//Establish what is to be done when all three promises are resolved.
$.when(vUsr, vPwd, sPwd).done(compositeAction);
//Return false unconditionally
return false;
function valUsr(index) {
var messages = {
validated: '',//important - this message must be an empty string - do not change
notValidated: '- Your current username and password are invalid.',
ajaxError: '- Validation error: username and password.'
//Create a Deferred object, which will be resolved in response to several different outcomes.
var def = $.Deferred();
type: "post",
url: "queries/confirm_user.php?<?=time()?>",
data: {
'un': $('#uNameInput').val(),
'pw': $('#uPwdInput').val()
dataType: "json",
success: function (returnedData) {
if (returnedData == 'true') {
def.resolveWith(this, [index, messages.validated]);
} else {
def.resolveWith(this, [index, messages.notValidated]);
error: function() {
def.resolveWith(this, [index, messages.ajaxError]);
return def.promise();//Return a promise derived from the as yet unresolved Deferred.
function samePwd(index) {
var pw1 = $('#uPwdInput').val();
var pw2 = $('#uPwdInput2').val();
var errMessage = (pw1 === pw2) ? '' : '-The confirmation of your new password does not match the previous entry';
var def = $.Deferred();//Create a Deferred object, which will be resolved immediately
def.resolveWith(this, [index, errMessage]);
return def.promise();//Return a promise derived from the already resolved Deferred.
valPwd() will be of the same format as either valUsr() or samePwd(), depending on whether ajax is involved or not.
Ajax is run on the fly, synchronously
You will need to check the validation of the other fields after the ajax request has completed in the success callback. You can turn off the synchronous request but the browser will freeze up 'till it gets one, not advised.
You will need to restructure your calls to reflect this; I would suggest that as soon as they have finished typing the password and the field blurs you send the request to check. That way, if there are any errors you will be able to prevent the wait time at the end of the form.

