How to adjust the height of table inside a table - javascript

I have a web page whose layout is constructed using a Table
<table id="page-head">
<tr style="vertical-align: top">
<td class="s-part">
<table class="s-table" style="height: 131px; ">
<tr class="s-head"><td></td></tr>
<tr class="s-body"><td></td></tr>
<td class="main-part">
<div><!-- The Main Part --></div>
<!-- Menu -->
<table id="page-foot"> . . . </table>
The Main Part contains the content of the page
-> in Page-Head, it contains logo and site links
-> in Page-Foot, it contains the actual content of the page.
The screen is below:
Page screenshot
I faced a problem: The s-part is a table and I had to resize it to match the height of the main-part. So I used this jQuery script
var adjustSideBar = function () {
var e = $("#page-head");
if ($(".s-table", e).outerHeight() < $(".main-part", e).outerHeight()) {
$(".s-table", e).css({ "height": $(".main-part", e).outerHeight() - 5 });
var e = $("#page-foot");
if ($(".s-table", e).outerHeight() < $(".main-part", e).outerHeight()) {
$(".s-table", e).css({ "height": $(".main-part", e).outerHeight() - 5 });
So it automatically adjusted as shown in (1) and (3) from the above Screen Shot
Now the problem is, When I use dynamic content like jQuery PlugIn and Toggling the div elements in page-foot -> main-part, the s-part is not resizing. Again I called the adjustSideBar() function whenever I Toggle the content in the page. But it resulted as below:
Before Toggling, 2. After Toggling & 3. Again Toggling of "Sec 1":
Toggling Screenshot
Note: the gray bar is an Expander constructed using a jQuery PlugIn.
The function call is done from here:
$("div[id^='sec']").click(function (e) {
$(".e-content", this).slideToggle();
// this to toggle the content of the Sec #
Can I know what to do now guys, to resize the inner table s-part such that both s-part and main part of same heights?
If you want I can give additional codes that are involved also. But I think they are not concerned here. [ Additionally, I use PHP for server side programming for if there is something I can do with it too ]
Thank you in advance.
PS: I am not allowed to post images as of now. So I'm just Hyperlinking them.

First up, I should discourage using tables for layout.
For the answer, you should use the callback for slideToggle to call the sidebar adjustment after the animation instead of calling it right after the slideToggle function like so:
$("div[id^='sec']").click(function (e) {
$(".e-content", this).slideToggle(500, adjustSideBar);
Even like this it will first animate and adjust the background only after the toggle has finished. I am not certain this will fix your problem completely, but something you can work on.
I suggest using or similar to make a test case so your problem can be tested easier.


Dojo Event dynamically created events not handled

I have the following Dojo Javascript snippet:
postCreate: function () {
var hitchWidgetToaddLevelButtonClickHandler = DojoBaseLang.hitch(this, addLevelButtonClickHandler);
DojoOn(this.AddLevelButton, "click", hitchWidgetToaddLevelButtonClickHandler);
function addLevelButtonClickHandler() {
hierarchyLevelNumber += 1;
var myButton = new Button({
label: "Click me!",
id: "level_button_" + hierarchyLevelNumber,
onClick: function(){
// Do something:
console.log("Hello there, ");
var registeredRemovalButton = DijitRegistry.byId(("level_button_" + hierarchyLevelNumber));
DojoOn(registeredRemovalButton, "click", function someFunction() {
console.log("how are you?");
and the following HTML
<div id="settingsBorderContainer" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer" data-dojo-props="design:'headline', gutters:false, region:'top'" class="${theme}">
<table data-dojo-attach-point="HierarchyLevelsTable">
<th> Table Name </th>
<th> Column Name</th>
<td id="someNode">
The goal here is, when AddLevelButton is clicked it dynamically creates a row in the table with the necessary information and a new button for each row. Note that the HTML and Javascript are largely simplified to illustrate my problem. I did not include all of the row logic that occurs in addLevelButtonClickHandler() method. The HTMl is built as intended, as you can see in the following screenshot:
The problem is that everytime I add a button, only the last button's event listeners work, i.e. in the case of the screenshot the button circled in red logs: Hello there, you called the remove handler [object MouseEvent], and the previous button in the table no longer can be clicked and catch the necessary event. Sorry if the code is a gross-simplification of my goal, I appreciate any help that is offered.
So I took a different approach and placed only 1 button total, and delete level by level from the bottom up. As long as it resides outside of a <table> it functions..Which brings me to the conclusion of NEVER PUT DIJITS OR BUTTONS IN A TABLE After many hours lost, I would recommend if you absolutely need a table in the first place, just placing the button next to the table as necessary using CSS and floats
I will leave this question as unanswered until someone may be able to offer an explanation of why the inner table approach does not work.
While working with dojo. You should never use node.innerHTML to add or update nodes. It will basically convert all the dijits into HTML string and parse as regular HTML by the browser. which in turn will destroy dom object and event associated to it.
Instead create dom object using dojo/dom-construct and add it with appendChild for DOM nodes or addChild in case of container dijits.

Is it possible to put a link within an anchor's title attribute? [duplicate]

Is there a way to put actual html code inside a title attribute on a table row element? My goal is to pop-up not only text but some info-graphics along with it, so a mouseover event thats not a modal would be great. Am I going in the wrong direction?
This table is already using jquery datatables but I don't believe it can do that sort of event.
<tr title='This activity will be open to registration on April 31st' >
Nope. You'd need to create your own title substitute with JavaScript.
HTML can't be placed in an attribute.
If the goal is to have a pop-up with rich content, then you need to handle this via javascript. In addition, from an accessibility standpoint, you likely don't want to put that amount of content into the title attribute anyways, so going the JS route is going to solve a few problems for you. Google 'JS Tooltip' for dozens of options.
Native tooltips do not use HTML. jQuery UI tooltips would be very useful here.
EDIT: You would need to use the content option to use markup instead of the title attribute.
.tooltip({ content: '<b style="color: red">Tooltip</b> <i>text</i>' });
Here's a Fiddle demonstrating this:
You can use jquery ui tooltip plugin for showing custom title
There is no direct way to render HTML code written inside a tooltip. However, if you are using jQueryUI (or, if you can) then the code below will show the HTML effect (render) and not the HTML code in the tooltip.
Requirements: jQuery, jQueryUI.js, jQueryUI.css
HTML Code:
<tr data-title='This activity will be open to registration on <b>April 31st</b>'>.....</tr>
$(function() {
$( document ).tooltip({
items: '[title], [data-title]',
content: function(){
var element = $( this );
if ( "[title]" ) ) {
return element.attr( "title" );
if ( "[data-title]" ) ) {
return element.attr( "data-title" );
Instead of focusing on the title attribute, enclose a popup message with tags inside the target <td></td> (table data element). Then put a class in that td to control the div with CSS, hiding it first, then making its contents visible when the mouse hovers over the specific table data element. Something like this:
<tr><td class="info-tooltip">This activity will be open to registration on April 31st <div>[ *the contents you would want to popup here* ]</div></td></tr>
Your CSS then might be something like: div {
} {
} div {
position:absolute; /* this will let you align the popup with flexibility */
top: 0px; /* change this depending on how far from the top you want it to align */
left: 0px; /* change this depending on how far from the left you want it align */
width: 500px; /* give this your own width */
Using Bootstrap Tooltips one can do the following
<span title="Some <b>bold words</b>" data-toggle='tooltip' data-html='true'>this has an html supported tooltip</span>
for me it happens automatically but you might need to trigger it with javascript.
$(function () {
I think a good option is to put that content inside a data attribute, something like this:
<div data-tooltip="Some information I want to show">
Actual content
And then, write a simple jQuery plugin that shows that content inside an element upon hover over.

Image hide and show not working

I am using this jquery.smoothZoom.min.js to zoom and pan image.I have successfully applied that to my project for single image,now i want to add (<,>.i.e. corousal) ,so that I can use it for multiple images.When I add the corresponding part in my custom.js it does not work properly.
I will attach two screen sorts which will clear the picture
This is the first case
and after clicking the right corousal button
I can see only the background but not the required image . I can not understand what i am missing ,
This the html part i have been using
<div class="image-display" id="displayplan4" style="width:70%;height:120%; left:39%;top:10%;position:absolute;display:none;">
<img src="images/amenities.jpg" style="width:150%;height:130%; left:-60%;top:-20%;position:absolute;overflow:auto; z-index:1;">
<div style="width:150%;height:130%; left:-60%;top:-20%;position:absolute;background:rgba(255,255,255,0.7);z-index:2;">
<img class="planzoom" src="gallery/Residential/ongoing/Almog/Plan/almog1.jpg" id = "almogplan0" style="width:100%;height:100%; right:3%;top:50%;position:absolute;z-index:3;">
<!--button for forward and backward movement-->
<div id = "almogplandivII">
<img class="planzoom" src="gallery/Residential/ongoing/Almog/Plan/almog2.jpg" id= "almogplan1" style="width:100%;height:100%; right:3%;top:50%;position:absolute;z-index:3;display:none;">
and the corresponding js part to show and hide image on mouse click upon the image.
var almog_plan_div=0;
//Function for image forward with forward button
$("#almogforward").click(function ()
//Function for image backward with backward button
$("#almogback").click(function ()
I have tried like adding display:none style properties but it does not help my cause,
any help on this ?
Remove inline styling display: none from the img tag and then when u initialize your page, then hide that image using hide() function.
Inline-styling might be overriding this
Thanks to both of your answers ,both of u may not be exactly correct but definitely helped me getting me my solution.
The trick i was missing:
I) have used two different divs ,but i have not positioned the second one, (I noticed only that when I tried the whole thing in a new web page with only 2 images in it ,they were not positioned properly )my requirement needs the divs to be hidden ,i had to hide them.
2) The other thing i had to remove was the position:absolute thing from individual image elements.
Once rectified its cool now.

Rendering dynamic Enyo Repeaters

I need to make a data table for an enyo project I am working on that will ultimately display the result of an Ajax call.
This (Blatantly stolen from ryanjduffy here)seems to be a good starting point, but when I try to call setData() from a button event (rather than in the constructor) as I have here I get the following error:
InvalidCharacterError: String contains an invalid character #
I looked at the Control.js code and it seems that it tries to create a new node, but the this.tag property is set to null and things break.
I feel like I am missing something really simple, but I just can't see the problem yet...
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Apparently calling render() is not needed. Here is the original working version with render() commented out. Everything looks great. However, if I try to remove render() from the version that requires a button click, the repeater starts creating div's above the table instead of tr td's inside the table...
Basically, from what I can tell, the Repeater inside of a table will lose it's parent once the table is rendered (or something like that). The result is the Repeater will start rendering its new items outside of the original table and because a td tag without a table makes no sense, it just renders a div.
The solution I have come up with is to give the Repeater itself a table tag so its children always wind up in the right spot. This adds the challenge of needing to recreate the header line each time, but it is not that big of a deal. I have a working example if anyone is interested.
I'm sure you're not looking for a solution any longer but since I was mentioned in the post, I thought I'd let you know what I figured out. In short, my code shouldn't have worked but since browsers are forgiving, it did ... sort of.
When the code run at create time, it renders something like this:
<tr> <!-- header row --> </tr>
<div> <!-- repeater tag -->
<tr> <!-- repeater row --> </tr>
The browser looks at that and says, "Hey, dummy! No <div>s in a <table>" and kicks it out but leaves the <tr>s.
In your example, since you're delaying the render of the rows, Enyo renders:
<tr> <!-- header row --> </tr>
And the browser ejects the <div> and you're left with an empty table. When you later set the data, those rows are rendered into the div. Unfortunately, since you're rendering <tr> and <td>, those aren't valid outside a table so you just get text.
I found a couple solutions. The simplest was to set the tag of the Repeater to be TBODY which is allowed inside a table. The slightly more involved solution was to make the DataTable inherit from Repeater and set the header row to be chrome so they're not removed when updating the data.
Option #2 Fiddle
tag: "table",
kind: "Repeater",
handlers: {
onSetupItem: "setupItem"
{name:"row", kind:"DataRow"}
create:function() {
this.mapChanged = this.dataChanged = enyo.bind(this, "refresh");
refresh:function() {
if( && {
buildHeader:function() {
if(this.$.header) {
} else {
this.createComponent({name:"header", tag:"tr", isChrome: true});
for(var i=0;i<;i++) {
this.$.header.createComponent({[i].header, tag:"th"});
setupItem:function(source, event) {
for(var i=0;i<;i++) {
return true;

How to push top table rows to the bottom - HTML and JavaScript

I want to push certain rows to bottom of table, how can it be achieved in plain JavaScript?
In the table below, I want to push the 1st and 2nd rows to bottom:
Just do something like this:
Say you have table like so:
<table id='table'>
<tr id='row1><td>....</td></tr>
<tr id='row2><td>....</td></tr>
<tr id='row3><td>....</td></tr>
<tr id='row4><td>....</td></tr>
And an array with the new order like this:
NewOrder[1] = 3;
NewOrder[2] = 4;
NewOrder[3] = 2;
Then, do some something like this (not tested, so you may need to tweak the code, but this is the idea):
for ( i=1; i<=NewOrder.length; i++ ) {
$('row'+i).appendTo( '#table' );
This way, they are moved to the end of the table in order.
So you will have 3 moved to the end, then 4 behind it, then 2 behind that, etc. After they have ALL been appended to the end of the table, the first one will become the first row, and the rest will be in the correct order behind it.
Make the table style='display:none;' and then do $('#table').show(); at startup.
Edit Again: You could do a div around the entire body content, like
<div id='everything' style='display:none;'>
So that the entire page will be hidden (just blank white) for the fraction of a second it takes to load and order the table.
Then you would use:
To show the entire page all at once as soon as the DOM is ready. It will take a fraction of a second longer for the page to load, but it will all load at once, so there won't be any flash of missing tables, etc. As long as EVERYTHING is in #everything, it will just look like the page loaded - should be transparent to the viewer.
Append the first child of the table body to the table body.
A tablebody element can only have trs as children.

