Select doesn't work with flexslider in android (< 4.x) - javascript

I seem to face a problem with displaying and selecting the dropdown while using the flexslider in my mobile website.
Here, similar problem was listed. But the solution didn't work for me. I did use useCSS:false, somehow that didn't work for me too.
I use Android GingerBread.
I can submit buttons, enter text, use checkboxes but just not the dropdown. Any advice is welcome.
I found a somewhat similar reported issue here:
Even if it is a webkit related issue, can anyone suggest any solution for this?
Sometimes the dropdown from other slide is displayed, despite having backface-visibility:hidden.


Tabulator select rows range with shift not working

I have a tabulator table with selectable:true, in its definition. However there is a problem: Holding the shift button down and dragging does NOT select multiple rows. I tried with: selectableRangeMode:"click" and/or selectableRollingSelection:true, without any effect. Note that I style the even/odd rows via CSS: .tabulator .tabulator-tableHolder .tabulator-table .tabulator-row.tabulator-row-odd{... if that has any effect. Please help. Thanks.
Not working for me in Firefox either. I am using Firefox Quantum v64.0.2 (64-bit) on Linux.
There also seems to be a GitHub Issue already for this:
The developer is very responsive and hopes to have a fix in a future build. He alludes to it being a Firefox issue for which someone filed a Firefox bug report and he also suggests click functionality to be the most consistent experience.

Any possible method to detect click on cross-domain iframe on mobile?

been a few weeks trying different ways to detect a cross-domain iframe click on mobile without success.
I have tried all that has come through, all plugins, all forum tips, and yet i can't get a way to do it.
I coded whatever way i through will work and i got no positive results.
Some plugins are working on newest phones like s6/7 (maybe for other older phones too?) using blur events but i need a reliable solution that will work with most to date phones.
Maybe there is a workaround with touchstart function for mobile..
I lost my chances into believing that there's a way to do it so today i am asking here maybe someone figured it out.
Thank you.
Ps this is a demo of a plugin called iframetracker.
Can someone tell me if it works on old mobiles?
The answer in short is No.
Regarding your plugin, on the github, it states very clearly:
About mobile devices
This plugin doesn't work on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, because this hardware uses a touchscreen instead of a mouse as click input. This design makes the boundary monitoring trick useless
This is why you won't find a solution for your issue.
There is no known work around for your particular problem with touch screen devices.

ng-repeat not updating in Chrome

I am currently to implement a small drag and drop ranking question with angular. Everything seems to be working fine except in Chrome where the labels for the ranking question aren't updating correctly.
I have recreated the problem in plunker. To recreate the problem drag all options into the drop area (the grey bit) and then switch the first with the second place. Now the first two items should display the same $index and label when doing this in Chrome.
When I switch to another tab and come back to the page it has updated correctly. It looks like it just isn't repainting for some reason.
I had a look in the model with Batarang and everything looks correct in there. I have run an additional $digest cycle by hand to see if there was a problem there, but it seemed fine.
The issue seems to only affect Chrome for some reason. If I recreate it on Firefox it works fine.
I've been recently working on one old project - it was using angular 1.2.6. And I met same issue.
Updating to version 1.2.29 helped me.
I know it's a little bit late but still may help to somebody :)

Shareaholic Social Bookmarking Errors

I've used shareaholic in the past and found it pretty good but they must have recently changed their formats which look great but are not functioning properly on my website.
The problems are:
The bookmarks are only showing the first row (not clearing the top row to show the second)
It's adding a background color to all of my links
Any ideas what the problem is and solutions?
I have the exact same problem..... I think Shareaholic is going down the toilet... Just look at what they did to 7.2. A very simplistic and stupid plugin. 6.1 was way better!

Jquery Drag and Drop Issues

I am having a problem with bringing Jquery over to iPad. I made a drag and drop puzzle using Jquery, and on my computer it works fine. When I try to move that over to the iPad, the drag and drop functions cease to work. I have tried many a third party fix for this problem with no avail. Does anyone know how to solve this problem on iOS5? Or is there a better way to code it in HTML5 that works or a Jquery solution I do not know of? Any tutorials on the issue would be appreciated as well. Thanks.
Use jQuery Mobile instead, and make sure you use .preventDefault() as mentioned in this post:
jquery mobile drag and drop
See also:
See if this helps

