Javascript alert number starting with 0 - javascript

I have a button where in the code behind I add a onclick and I pass a unique ID which will be passed to the js function. The id starts with a 0.
It wasn't working and eventually I figured out that the number, id, it was passing was wrong...
Ie. see this: js fiddle
It works with a ' at the start and end of the number. Just wondering why 013 turns to 11. I did some googling and couldn't find anything...
Thanks guys. Yep understand now.
As in this case the 0 at the start has a meaning, here the recipient ID in a mailing list, I will use '013' instead of just 013, i.e. a string. I can then split the values in js as each of the 3 values represents a different id which will always be only 1 character long, i.e. 0-9.

A numeric literal that starts with a 0 is treated as an octal number. So 13 from base 8 is 11 in base 10...
Octal numeric literals have been deprecated, but still work if you are not in strict mode.
(You didn't ask, but) A numeric literal that starts with 0x is treated as hexadecimal.
More info at MDN.
In your demo the parameter is called id, which implies you don't need to do numerical operations on it - if so, just put it in quotes and use it as a string.
If you need to be able to pass a leading zero but still have the number treated as base 10 to do numerical operations on it you can enclose it in quotes to pass it as a string and then convert the string to a number in a way that forces base 10, e.g.:
function something(id){
alert(+id); // use unary plus operator to convert
// OR
alert(parseInt(id,10)); // use parseInt() to convert

013 is octal, not decimal, it's equal 11 in decimal

You should note that 013 starts with a 0. In Javascript, this causes the number to be considered octal. In general you'll want to use the decimal, and hexadecimal number systems. Occasionally though, octal numbers are useful, as this question shows.
I hope this helps! :)

If the first digit of a number is a zero, parseInt interprets the number as an octal.
You can specify a base of ten like this:
parseInt(numberString, 10)
You could also remove such zeros with a regex like this (the result will be a string):
numberString.replace(/^0+/g, '');


How do I retain leading zeroes in an Integer/Number in JavaScript?

I am trying to retain leading zeroes in an integer/number within JavaScript.
In this example I have an "ItemName" key which has either a string or an integer as its value.
I only want to have integers to be the value, but when I try converting any string value to a number, it will remove the leading zeroes.
I need to retain the zeroes so that the data sent will reliably be 6 digits, where in the example it would only be 4 digits.
The value is intended to be an identifier for a given Item.
{"Item": [{"ItemName":"007730","BusinessUnit":1}] }
{"Item": [{"ItemName":917730,"BusinessUnit":1}] }
This is for my work and we use ES6, but if there's an option outside of that, I'm certainly open to it.
Thanks in advance!
You can't have a number with leading zeroes in Javascript, because, as Randy Casburn said, they don't have any value. You have to convert it to a string and use String.padStart() to pad the string with zeroes. parseInt will work with leading zeroes. For example:
(294).toString().padStart(6, "0") --> "000294"
parseInt("000294") --> 294

How does type conversion works in JS?

I'm new to programming, and currently I learn JS. There's one thing about operators/type conversions that kind of confused me. Here are some practice examples that I tried:
"4px" - 2
//this returns NaN because this string can't be converted into number to do the arithmetic.
"2" * "3"
// this returns 6 because they can be converted into numbers.
" \t \n" - 2
// now this one is the one that I don't get it. The result is 2. I thought this string can't be converted.
Please enlighten me on the last example, thanks!
Strings that consist of all whitespace characters are converted to the number 0. It's section in the spec. A numeric literal can include leading or trailing spaces plus zero or more digits. If there are no digits, the value is 0.

RegEx to filter out all but one decimal point [duplicate]

i need a regular expression for decimal/float numbers like 12 12.2 1236.32 123.333 and +12.00 or -12.00 or ...123.123... for using in javascript and jQuery.
Thank you.
Optionally match a + or - at the beginning, followed by one or more decimal digits, optional followed by a decimal point and one or more decimal digits util the end of the string:
The right expression should be as followed:
this apply for:
Here is Python example:
import re
#print if found
print(bool('[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+', '1.0')))
#print result
print('[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+', '1.0').group(0))
If you are using mac, you can test on command line:
python -c "import re; print(bool('[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+', '1.0')))"
python -c "import re; print('[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+', '1.0').group(0))"
You can check for text validation and also only one decimal point validation using isNaN
var val = $('#textbox').val();
var floatValues = /[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+/;
if (val.match(floatValues) && !isNaN(val)) {
// your function
This is an old post but it was the top search result for "regular expression for floating point" or something like that and doesn't quite answer _my_ question. Since I worked it out I will share my result so the next person who comes across this thread doesn't have to work it out for themselves.
All of the answers thus far accept a leading 0 on numbers with two (or more) digits on the left of the decimal point (e.g. 0123 instead of just 123) This isn't really valid and in some contexts is used to indicate the number is in octal (base-8) rather than the regular decimal (base-10) format.
Also these expressions accept a decimal with no leading zero (.14 instead of 0.14) or without a trailing fractional part (3. instead of 3.0). That is valid in some programing contexts (including JavaScript) but I want to disallow them (because for my purposes those are more likely to be an error than intentional).
Ignoring "scientific notation" like 1.234E7, here is an expression that meets my criteria:
or if you really want to accept a leading +, then:
I believe that regular expression will perform a strict test for the typical integer or decimal-style floating point number.
When matched:
$1 contains the full number that matched
$2 contains the (possibly empty) leading sign (+/-)
$3 contains the value to the left of the decimal point
$5 contains the value to the right of the decimal point, including the leading .
By "strict" I mean that the number must be the only thing in the string you are testing.
If you want to extract just the float value out of a string that contains other content use this expression:
Which will find -3.14 in "negative pi is approximately -3.14." or in "(-3.14)" etc.
The numbered groups have the same meaning as above (except that $2 is now an empty string ("") when there is no leading sign, rather than null).
But be aware that it will also try to extract whatever numbers it can find. E.g., it will extract 127.0 from
If you want something more sophisticated than that then I think you might want to look at lexical analysis instead of regular expressions. I'm guessing one could create a look-ahead-based expression that would recognize that "Pi is 3.14." contains a floating point number but Home is does not, but it would be complex at best. If your pattern depends on the characters that come after it in non-trivial ways you're starting to venture outside of regular expressions' sweet-spot.
Paulpro and lbsweek answers led me to this:
>> /^[+-]?(?:\d*\.)?\d+$/
>> Array [ "1" ]
>> Array [ "1.5" ]
>> Array [ "-1" ]
>> Array [ "-1.5" ]
>> Array [ ".5" ]
>> null
>> null
For anyone new:
I made a RegExp for the E scientific notation (without spaces).
const floatR = /^([+-]?(?:[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)$/;
let str = "-2.3E23";
let m = floatR.exec(str);
parseFloat(m[1]); //=> -2.3e+23
If you prefer to use Unicode numbers, you could replace all [0-9] by \d in the RegExp.
And possibly add the Unicode flag u at the end of the RegExp.
For a better understanding of the pattern see
And for making RegExp, I can suggest
EDIT: found another site for viewing RegExp in color:
EDIT 2: although op asks for RegExp specifically you can check a string in JS directly:
const isNum = (num)=>!Number.isNaN(Number(num));
isNum("123.12345678E+3");//=> true
isNum("80F");//=> false
converting the string to a number (or NaN) with Number()
then checking if it is NOT NaN with !Number.isNaN()
If you want it to work with e, use this expression:
Here is a JavaScript example:
var re = /^[+-]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$/;
Here is my js method , handling 0s at the head of string
1- ^0[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$ : will find numbers starting with 0 and followed by numbers bigger than zero before the decimal seperator , mainly ".". I put this to distinguish strings containing numbers , for example, "0.111" from "01.111".
2- ([1-9]{1}[0-9]\.?[0-9]) : if there is string starting with 0 then the part which is bigger than 0 will be taken into account. parentheses are used here because I wanted to capture only parts conforming to regex.
3- ([0-9]\.?[0-9]): to capture only the decimal part of the string.
In Javascript , st.match(regex), will return array in which first element contains conformed part. I used this method in the input element's onChange event , by this if the user enters something that violates the regex than violating part is not shown in element's value at all but if there is a part that conforms to regex , then it stays in the element's value.
const floatRegexCheck = (st) => {
const regx1 = new RegExp("^0[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*$"); // for finding numbers starting with 0
let regx2 = new RegExp("([1-9]{1}[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]*)"); //if regx1 matches then this will remove 0s at the head.
if (!st.match(regx1)) {
regx2 = new RegExp("([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]*)"); //if number does not contain 0 at the head of string then standard decimal formatting takes place
st = st.match(regx2);
if (st?.length > 0) {
st = st[0];
return st;
Here is a more rigorous answer
The following values will match (+- sign are also work)
The following values will not match
How it works
The (?! regex) means NOT operation
let's break down the regex by | operator which is same as logical OR operator
This regex is to check the value starts from 0
First Check + and - sign with 0 or 1 time ^[+-]
Then check if it has leading zero 0
If it has,then the value next to it must not be zero because we don't want to see 00.123 (?![0-9])
Then check the dot exactly one time and check the fraction part with unlimited times of digits .[0-9]*
Last, if it has a dot follow by fraction part, we discard it.(?![.])$
Now see the second part
^[+-]? same as above
If it starts from non zero, match the first digit exactly one time and unlimited time follow by it [1-9]{1}[0-9]* e.g. 12.3 , 1.2, 105.6
Match the dot one time and unlimited digit follow it .[0-9]*$
Now see the third part
This will check the value starts from . e.g. .12, .34565
^[+-]? same as above
Match dot one time and one or more digits follow by it .[0-9]+$

In javascript: why does parseInt("08") evaluate to zero, but parseInt(08) evaluate fine? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Workarounds for JavaScript parseInt octal bug
I would think it has something to do with octal parsing, since it only happens on 8 or 9. There was also the thought that this was a Chrome bug, but it replicates in Firefox as well.
Is this intentional behavior? If so, why?
The solution here is simple. NEVER call parseInt() without specifying the desired radix. When you don't pass that second parameter, parseInt() tries to guess what the radix is based on the format of the number. When it guesses, it often gets it wrong.
Specify the radix like this and you will get the desired result:
parseInt("08", 10) == 8;
As to what rules it uses for guessing, you can refer to the MDN doc page for parseInt().
If radix is undefined or 0, JavaScript assumes the following:
If the input string begins with "0x" or "0X", radix is 16
If the input string begins with "0", radix is eight
(octal). This feature is non-standard, and some implementations
deliberately do not support it (instead using the radix 10). For this
reason always specify a radix when using parseInt.
If the input string
begins with any other value, the radix is 10 (decimal). If the first
character cannot be converted to a number, parseInt returns NaN.
So, according to these rules, parseInt() will guess that "08" is octal, but then it encounters a digit that isn't allowed in octal so it returns 0.
When you pass a number to parseInt(), it has nothing to do because the value is already a number so it doesn't try to change it.
"Is this intentional behavior?"
"If so, why?"
A leading 0 is the notation used for denoting an octal number as defined in the specification. The symbols 8 and 9 don't exist in octal numbering, so parseInt uses the first valid number it finds, which is 0.
If you do...
...the result will be...
...because a valid number was found at the beginning of the string. Anything invalid beyond that is discarded.
You can fix this like that :

How to delete "px" from 245px

Whats a simple way to delete the last two characters of a string?
To convert 245px in 245 just run:
parseInt('245px', 10);
It retains only leading numbers and discards all the rest.
var size = parseInt('245px', 10);
where 10 is the radix defining parseInt is parsing to a decimal value
use parseInt but don't use parseInt without a radix
The parseInt() function parses a string and returns an integer.
The signature is parseInt(string, radix)
The second argument forces parseInt to use a base ten numbering system.
The default input type for ParseInt() is decimal (base 10).
If the number begins in "0", it is assumed to be octal (base 8).
If it begins in "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal
why? if $(this).attr('num') would be "08" parsInt without a radix would become 0
To convert a pixel value without the "px" at the end. use parseFloat.
parseFloat('245px'); // returns 245
Note: If you use parseInt, the value will be correct if the value is an integer. If the value is a decimal one like 245.50px, then the value will be rounded to 245.
This does exactly what you ask: remove last two chars of a string:
s.substr(0, s.length-2);
Surprisingly, the substring method s.substr(0, s.length-2); is actually quite a bit faster for removing the px (yes it isn't as clean looking, and if there is a space it will remain -- "250px" -> "250" vs "250 px" -> "250 ").
If you want to account for spaces (which you probably should) then using the .trim() function will actually slow down the substr test enough that the parseInt method actually becomes superior.
An added benefit of using parseInt(s, 10) is that you also get a type conversion and can immediately start to apply it to mathematical functions.
So in the end, it really depends on what you plan on doing with the result.
If it is display only, then using the substr method without a trim would probably be your best bet.
If you're just trying to see if the value without px is the same as another value s.substr(0, s.length-2) == 0, then using the substr method would be best, as "250 " == 250 (even with the space) will result as true
If you want to account for the possibility of a space, add it to another value, or to compute something with it, then you may want to consider going with the parseInt route.
The tests on jspref account for a space. I also tried a s.split('px')[0] and s.replace(/ *px/g, '') function, both found to be slower.
Feel free to add additional test cases.
Although parseInt() is a good option but still it is good to have many other solutions
var pixels = '245px';
Number(pixels.replace('px', ''));
substr() is now a legacy feature; use substring() instead: (syntax is the same in this case)
str.substring(0, str.length-2);
Or, use slice():
str.slice(0, -2);
slice() looks much cleaner, IMO. Negative values count back from the end.
In your case would be something like
string.substr(0, string.length - 2)
I prefer:
since it's not surrounding the input.
Also, the *1 is for casting it to int.

