Calling a function on an element inserted into the DOM - javascript

I have no control over when and how this element is added to the DOM. But when it does get added I would like to call a call a jQuery function on it. I am looking to match form[data-validate] elements then call a jQuery function I wrote: validate
A temporary solution I have come up with:
document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function(event) {
if ( === 'FORM' && $('validate')) {
return $(;
}, false);
According to this code will "profoundly degrades the performance of further DOM modifications to that document (making them 1.5 - 7 times slower!)" and the browser compatibility is rather poor.
Can anybody do better?

Try delegating the event..
$(document).on('DOMNodeInserted' , 'form' , function(event){
if ( === 'FORM' && $('validate')) {
return $(;
return false;
This will make sure that the function will be called when a new form is created...


document.querySelector() on elements not in DOM?

I'm working on a website, with jQuery but I'm trying to not use it anymore. In jQuery you can add an even listener on a element that wasn't on the website or wasn't created yet and no problem. I have elements that are only on the DOM when you're logged in, and I only have one JS file for the whole website.
Problem is, for example, when you're logged in you can't see the "log in" button, it's not even in the DOM, but it still have the event listener in the code, no error on the console, script runs well.
$("#logInButton").on("click", somefunction);
But, using document.querySelector("#logInButton").onclick = somefunction and being logged in already, it throws an error because document.querySelector("#logInButton") is null.
I can do like:
let logInButton = document.querySelector("#logInButton");
logInButton ? logInButton.onclick = somefunction : "";
And it works well, but I know it's not a good practice. Any workaround or improvement to that, not using jQuery?
JSFiddle if what happens. (See console)
And it works well, but I know it's not a good practice.
If having #logInButton on the page is optional, that's perfectly good practice — other than using onclick rather than addEventListener (but that's probably a matter of style). Naturally, you'd have this code in a script linked at the end of the document, just prior to the </body> tag (or trigger it via a DOMContentLoaded callback).
But if you want the equivalent of the jQuery, you need to think in jQuery's "set-based" mindset and use querySelectorAll:
// Not very efficient
document.querySelectorAll("#logInButton").forEach(function() {
// Set up the handler here using `this`
Except that jQuery optimizes queries using #id format to a getElementById call (which is dramatically faster) and then uses an if (like yours) to build the set with either one element or zero.
Perhaps in your quest to not use jQuery, you might give yourself a couple of helper functions to take its place, as the DOM API is quite verbose. If you like jQuery's set-based nature, you might even make them set-based:
function MyQuery(selector) {
if (!selector) { = [];
} else if (typeof selector === "string") {
// (jQuery takes it further than this, search in an unminified version for `rquickExpr`)
var id = /#([\w-]+)/.match(selector);
if (id) {
var e = document.getElementById(id[0]); = e ? [e] : [];
} else { = Array.from(document.querySelector(selector));
} else {
/* ...handle other things, such as DOM elements or arrays of them...? */ = /*...*/;
MyQuery.prototype = {
constructor: MyQuery,
on: function(eventName, handler) { {
element.addEventListener(eventName, handler);
return this;
// ...etc...
function qset(selector) {
return new MyQuery(selector);
qset("#logInButton").on("click", /*...*/);
Of course, you might find yourself basically recreating jQuery. But if you keep it lean...
Side note: Using forEach on the return value of querySelectorAll requires an up-to-date browser, or that you polyfill it:
if (typeof NodeList !== "undefined" &&
NodeList.prototype &&
!NodeList.prototype.forEach) {
Object.defineProperty(NodeList.prototype, "forEach", {
value: Array.prototype.forEach
For truly obsolete browsers (like IE8), you'd have to polyfill Array.prototype.forEach first.
You can do it the same way jQuery does it, using event bubbling.
document.addEventListener('click', function (ev) {
if ( === 'someIdHere') {

jQuery function in two events

I have this code:
$('#email').keyup(function() {
if(true || false)) {
} else {
I need include this function also in blur event.
I've tried to create a jquery function but I could not. Somebody give me a light.
You can do this -
$('#email').on('keyup blur',function() {
Use the on method to attach multiple events, which are specified in the first argument passed to the function.
$('#email').on('keyup blur', function() {
if(true || false) { //there was an extra ) here
} else {
Working Example
One thing to be aware of, the keyup event is going to fire prior to the blur event firing.
Make a separate function as follows
function funcName(){
//Your code
Now,use jQuery on
For reference,check
There are (at least) two ways you could achieve this.
Specify multiple, space separated events as the first argument:
$('#email').on('keyup blur',function() {
// your logic
Use a named function:
function yourFunction() {
// your logic
$('#email').on('keyup', yourFunction);
$('#email').on('blur', yourFunction);
Option 1 is probably the best choice assuming you don't want to use the function anywhere else, and that you want to bind the event handlers at the same time. If, however, you wanted to bind the blur event at a later point (perhaps in response to another event), or to a different element, then the named function method would be the best choice.

Attach function with parameters to dynamically created div with jQuery

I am creating some divs dynamically and Im attaching onclick functions to them.
Is there any way to attach functions which take parameters in this way?
If I just create the div in html I can attach a function and it works perfectly. I can also attach simple functions without parameters dynamically and they work perfectly.
How could I attach this function which takes 'this' as a parameter to my div??
Would anyone have any suggestions???
function playSound(el){
var soundId = $(el).html();
if ( soundId == ('d')){
else if ( soundId == ('a')){
else if ( soundId == ('n')){
I can attach a function like this and it works fine.
$(".myDiv").live("click", function(){
Any help would be hugely appreciated!!!
For this specific case you could use something like:
If you refactor your code dropping el and using this in this way:
function playSound() {
var soundId = $(this).html();
if (soundId == ('d')) {
} else if (soundId == ('a')) {
} else if (soundId == ('n')) {
You could use it directly.
You can attach some data to your elements using $(el).data('some-key', 'some-value') and
$(".myDiv").live("click", function() {
In this way you can attach data to an element and make use of it later.
absolutely. It's called javascript's bind function:
playSound.bind(this, arg1, arg2, ...)
Another useful function that is similar is jquery's proxy function. This only keeps track of the scope though and doesn't allow you to send other parameters:
$.proxy(playSound, this)

How can jQuery's click() function be so much faster than addEventListener()?

I'm sure we've all seen the site for vanilla-js (the fastest framework for JavaScript) ;D and I was just curious, exactly how much faster plain JavaScript was than jQuery at adding an event handler for a click. So I headed on over to jsPerf to test it out and I was quite surprised by the results.
jQuery outperformed plain JavaScript by over 2500%.
My test code:
//Plain JavaScript
document.getElementById('test').addEventListener('click', function(){
I just can't understand how this would happen because it seems that eventually jQuery would end up having to use the exact same function that plain JavaScript uses. Can someone please explain why this happens to me?
As you can see in this snippet from jQuery.event.add it does only create the eventHandle once.
See more:
// Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first
events =;
if (!events) { = events = {};
eventHandle = elemData.handle;
if (!eventHandle) {
elemData.handle = eventHandle = function (e) {
// Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and
// when an event is called after a page has unloaded
return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && (!e || jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type) ? jQuery.event.dispatch.apply(eventHandle.elem, arguments) : undefined;
// Add elem as a property of the handle fn to prevent a memory leak with IE non-native events
eventHandle.elem = elem;
And here we have the addEventListener:
// Init the event handler queue if we're the first
handlers = events[type];
if (!handlers) {
handlers = events[type] = [];
handlers.delegateCount = 0;
// Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special events handler returns false
if (!special.setup ||, data, namespaces, eventHandle) === false) {
// Bind the global event handler to the element
if (elem.addEventListener) {
elem.addEventListener(type, eventHandle, false);
} else if (elem.attachEvent) {
elem.attachEvent("on" + type, eventHandle);
I think it's because internally jQuery really only has to call addEventListener() once, for its own internal handler. Once that's set up, it just has to add your callback to a simple list. Thus most of the calls to .click() just do some bookkeeping and a .push() (or something like that).

addEventListener for new elements

Consider a basic addEventListener as
.addEventListener('click', function(){
}, false);
where <div id="alert">ALERT</div> does not exist in the original document and we call it from an external source by AJAX. How we can force addEventListener to work for newly added elements to the documents (after initial scan of DOM elements by window.onload)?
In jQuery, we do this by live() or delegate(); but how we can do this with addEventListener in pure Javascript? As a matter of fact, I am looking for the equivalent to delegate(), as live() attaches the event to the root document; I wish to make a fresh event listening at the level of parent.
Overly simplified and is very far away from jQuery's event system but the basic idea is there.
var div = document.createElement("div"),
prefix = ["moz","webkit","ms","o"].filter(function(prefix){
return prefix+"MatchesSelector" in div;
})[0] + "MatchesSelector";
Element.prototype.addDelegateListener = function( type, selector, fn ) {
this.addEventListener( type, function(e){
var target =;
while( target && target !== this && !target[prefix](selector) ) {
target = target.parentNode;
if( target && target !== this ) {
return target, e );
}, false );
What you are missing on with this:
Performance optimizations, every delegate listener will run a full loop so if you add many on a single element, you will run all these loops
Writable event object. So you cannot fix e.currentTarget which is very important since this is usually used as a reference to some instance
There is no data store implementation so there is no good way to remove the handlers unless you make the functions manually everytime
Only bubbling events are supported, so no "change" or "submit" etc which you took for granted with jQuery
Many others which I'm simply forgetting about for now
document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", evtNewElement, false);
function evtNewElement(e) {
try {
switch( {
case 'alert': /* addEventListener stuff */ ; break;
default: /**/
} catch(ex) {}
Note: according to the comment of #hemlock, it seems this family of events is deprecated. We have to head towards mutation observers instead.

