SVG Javascript and managing translate matrices when doing rotations - javascript

I've got a series of SVG files that have been created in inkscape (or similar vector graphics application).
The editing tools apply translations to elements within the SVG when they are moved around the screen (apparently they do this for efficiency reasons). These tools set the transformation of each element that is dragged, resized, etc, based on a matrix.
The problem is that if I try and apply a rotation to an element within a SVG from within javascript, the application of the rotation is overwriting the transformation. This results in a lot more than just a rotation, as the matrix is replaced with the rotation.
I'm presuming I need to retrieve the matrix, update the matrix with the rotation that I wish and then re-apply the matrix.
Can someone explain how one does this when trying to increment the rotation by fractions of a degree please (factions due to performing animation).
I've created an example in JSFiddle here. While it's not obvious what is happening, I've tested the code locally. When inspecting via firebug I can see that the transform attribute is being replaced with a rotate(r).
btw, I've been reading through the w3 site and I've only found this. While it talks about the matrix in depth, it doesn't provide any examples. I'm finding it hard to read as the last time I studied matrices was back in the 80s. It does appear to me though that I may need to do some matrix multiplication and possibly use cos and sin. Kinda hoping that I don't because I'm uncertain of the performance impact of using such an approach while animating.
Btw, I've already looked at tools to strip out the transformations from the SVG. However as the SVG files I wish to use are a part of another project, I would rather avoid doing this. Also it creates problems in the future as I wish to let people create their own SVG to use with the software I'm writing.

Use the SVG DOM to append a translation rather than overwriting it.
$('#control1').mousedown(function() {
if (timer !== null) {
timer = null;
// change to stop if the current anim is running, and get the current angle
timer = setInterval(function() {
angle += 1;
if (angle >= 360) {
angle -= 360;
if (anim.transform.baseVal.numberOfItems < 2) {
var transform = document.getElementById("arm1").createSVGTransform();
transform.setRotate(angle, 100, 100);
} else {
anim.transform.baseVal.getItem(1).setRotate(angle, 100, 100);
}, 1);


Three.JS | PerObject-Blur, What techniques can I use for GLSL/C to optimize code?

I've implemented custom attributes with THREE.js, influences come with each pass in the vertex shader aligned with position attribute, the best solution with minimal code.
I will add the example later
This method sets alpha to vertexes influenced by the velocity range inside bounding box. I need tips to deal with GLSL code repetition pervertex, it is a bit strange to me?
Shall I use functions? How?
Anyways I have this:
//for .x
if (position.x > 0.0) {
if (velocityPosition.x + (velocities.x*shutterSpeed) > boundingBoxMaxView.x) {
influence = position.x/boundingBoxMax.x;
velocityPosition.x += (velocities.x*shutterSpeed*influence);
} else if (position.x < 0.0) {
if (velocityPosition.x + (velocities.x*shutterSpeed) < boundingBoxMinView.x) {
influence = position.x/boundingBoxMin.x;
velocityPosition.x += (velocities.x*shutterSpeed);
//for .y
if (position.y > 0.0) {
} else if (position.y < 0.0) {
//for .z
if (position.z > 0.0) {
} else if (position.z < 0.0) {
Now that I think about it, I'm doing the code a bit backwards.
Old Post >
I have an app where objects move fast and needs to be described better in terms of its motion, like flying saucers with blurs and light trails. How could I achieve this special effect?
I have started the base to the implementation per-object-motion-blur, along with the best docs that I could find, follow this link for Collab:
Could it be possible to have light blurs for lighter parts of the cube?
uniforms: {
//velocity: {type: "f", value: velocity},
//uVelocityScale: {type: "f", value: uVelocityScale},
//speed: {type: "f", value: uVelocityScale},
//nSamples: {}
//attributes: {
Blur is a screenspace operation, so you need to run it once everything is rendered.
So, you need to output the "influence" somehow to a render buffer target so that you can have acess to it inside the screenspace blur
here's one, the variable you want to tweak is mSize, and that should be coming from a texture outputed to a render target before.
That's why the tutorial you linked use a "velocity buffer", which stores velocities in screen-space so that it can be used by the screen space blur.
Anyway some tips on optimizations, but not sure the vertex shader code would pose any performance problems here anyway. Functions usage may not be a good path for optimization, best bet is math function optimisation and depending on GPU target, vectorization.
What's your device target ? mobile and desktop have different GPU
Faster BBox transform
vectorization for example test on mutliple value of a vector
run glsl-optimizer on your shader once finished
Note you miss 0 in your branches ( > 0 && < 0 but no == 0)
It sounds like you're looking for the THREE.GPUComputationRenderer. You should be able to do exactly the content of the per-object-motion-blur tutorial by rendering the object's position to a buffer (a texture) and then passing that buffer into the next round of calculations by passing in the texture - in this way you can compute blur values based on both the object's past and current positions.
Take a look at this example which doesn't do a blur, but does show how to use the GPUComputationRenderer to render out your positions as a texture (sampler2D) and then reference them in the next pass - exactly as your tutorial recommends. In this way you can precompute all sorts of values per vertex ahead of time and render the image based on those values (motion blurs, single object blurs, etc.).
As #Tuan Kuranes said, you can't do things like single object blur or motion blur in a single pass that is also computing everything else in your scene, but using the GPUComputationRenderer you can render out the image and values to help you do this in as few passes as possible. Good Luck!!

Dynamically Animating Hue Shift on Canvas Image

I'm still relatively new to working with the canvas tag. What I've done so far is draw an image to the canvas. My goal is to have a fake night/day animation that cycles repeatedly.
I've exhausted quite a few different avenues (SVG, CSS3 filters, etc) and think that canvas pixel manipulation is the best route in my case. I'm trying to:
Loop through all pixels in the image
Select a certain color range
Adjust to new color
Update the canvas
Here's the code I have so far:
function gameLoop(){
for(var i=0; i<data.length; i+=4){
var hsl=rgbToHsl(red, green, blue);
var hue=hsl.h*360;
if(hue>colorRangeStart && hue<colorRangeEnd){
var newRgb=hslToRgb(hsl.h+colorShift, hsl.s, hsl.l);
ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0);
The code works and selects a hue ranges and shifts it once, but is incredibly laggy. The canvas dimensions are roughly 500x1024.
My questions:
Is it possible to improve performance?
Is there a better way to perform a defined hue shift animation?
It's hard to do this real-time using high quality HSL conversion. Been there done that, so I came up with a quantized approach which allow you to do this in real-time.
You can find the solution here (GPL3.0 licensed):
Example of usage can be found here (MIT license) incl. demo:
Apologies for referencing my own solutions here, but the inner workings (the how to's) is too extensive to present in a simple form here and both of these are free to use for anything..
The key points are in any case:
Quantize the range you want to use (don't use full 360 degrees and not floating points for lightness etc.)
Cache the values in a 3D array (initial setup using web workers or use rough values)
Quantize the input values so they fit in the range of the inner 3D array
Process the bitmap using these values
It is not accurate but good enough for animations (or previews which is what I wrote it for).
There are other techniques such as pre-caching the complete processed bitmap for key positions, then interpolate the colors between those instead. This, of course, requires much more memory but is a fast way.
Hope this helps!

Canvas shining star background performance issue

I've got an issue with an experiment I'm working on.
My plan is to have a beautiful and shining stars Background on a whole page.
Using that wondeful tutorial ( I managed to get the perfect background.
I use a static canvas to display static stars and an animated canvas for the shining ones.
The fact is it's very memory hungry! On chrome and opera it runs quite smoothly, but on firefox IE or tablet, it was a total mess 1s to render each frame etc... It is worse on pages where HEIGHT is huge.
So i went into some optimisations:
-Using a buffer canvas, the problem was createRadialGradient which was called 1500 times each frame
-Using a big buffer canvas, and 1 canvas for each stars with an only call to createRadialGradient at init.
-Remove that buffer canvas and drawing every stars canvas to the main one
That last optimisation was the best i could achieve so i wrote a fiddle displaying how is the code right now.
//Buffering the star image
this.scanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
g = this.scon.createRadialGradient(this.r,this.r,0,this.r,this.r,this.r);
g.addColorStop(0.0, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)');
g.addColorStop(this.stop, 'rgba('+this.color.r+','+this.color.g+','+this.color.b+','+this.stop+')');
g.addColorStop(1.0, 'rgba('+this.color.r+','+this.color.g+','+this.color.b+',0)');
this.scon.fillStyle = g;
That's the point where I need you:
-A way to adjust the number of shining stars according to the user perfomance
-Optimisation tips
Thanks in advance to everyone minding to help me and I apologize if I made grammar mistakes, my english isn't perfect.
Thanks for your feedbacks,
Let me explains the whole process,
Every stars has it's own different gradient and size, that's why I stored it into a personal canvas, the shining effect is only done by scaling that canvas on the main one with drawImage.
I think the best would be to prerender 50 or 100 different stars in a buffer canvas then picking and drawing a random one, don't you think?
Updated fiddle according to Warlock great advises, one prerendered star, scaled to match the current size. The stars are less pretty, but the whole thing runs a lot smoother.
Updated fiddle to use a sprite sheet. Gorgeous!!!!
//generate the star strip
var len=(ttlm/rint)|0;
scanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
var newo = (i/len);
var cr = r*newo;
g = scon.createRadialGradient(2*r*i+r,r,0,2*r*i+r,r,(cr <= 2 ? 2 : cr));
g.addColorStop(0.0, 'rgba(200,220,255,'+newo+')');
g.addColorStop(0.2, 'rgba(200,220,255,'+(newo*.7)+')');
g.addColorStop(0.4, 'rgba(150,170,205,'+(newo*.2)+')');
g.addColorStop(0.7, 'rgba(150,170,205,0)');
scon.fillStyle = g;
EDIT 4(Final)
Dynamic stars creations
function draw() {
for(var i = 0, len = pxs.length; i < len; i++) {
if(allowMore === true && frameTime.length == monitoredFrame)
if(getAvgTime()<threshold && pxs.length<totalStars )
Here is the updated and final fiddle, with spritesheet, dynamic stars creation and several optimisations. If you see anything else i should update don't hesitate.
POST EDIT Reenabled shooting stars/Prototyped object/got rid of Jquery
Thanks everyone who helped me, that was really kind and instructive, and I hope it will help somebody sometimes.
PS: I'm so happy. After testing, that script run smoothly on every browser even IE9. Yatta!!
Adopting to browser performance
To measure capability of the user's setup you can implement a dynamic star creator which stops at a certain threshold.
For example, in your code you define a minimum number of stars to draw. Then in your main loop you measure the time and if the time spent drawing the stars are less than your max threshold you add 10 more stars (I'm just throwing out a number here).
Not many are aware of that requestAnimationFrame gives an argument (DOMHighResTimeStamp) to the function it calls with time in milliseconds spent since last request. This will help you keep track of load and as we know that 60 fps is about 16.7 ms per frame we can set a threshold a little under this to be optimal and still allow some overhead for other browser stuff.
A code could look like this:
var minCount = 100, /// minimum number of stars
batchCount = 10, /// stars to add each frame
threshold= 14, /// milliseconds for each frame used
allowMore = true; /// keep adding
/// generate initial stars
/// timeUsed contains the time in ms since last requestAnimationFrame was called
function loop(timeUsed) {
if (allowMore === true && timeUsed < threshold) {
} else {
allowMore = false;
/// render stars
Just note that this is a bit simplified. You will need to run a few rounds first and measure the average to have this work better as you can and will get peak when you add stars (and due to other browser operations).
So add stars, measure a few rounds, if average is below threshold add stars and repeat.
As to optimizations sprite-sheets are the way to go. And they don't have to just be the stars (I'll try to explain below).
The gradient and arc is the costly part of this applications. Even when pre-rendering a single star there is cost in resizing so many stars due to interpolation etc.
When there becomes a lot of costly operations it is better to do a compromise with memory usage and pre-render everything you can.
For example: render the various sizes by first rendering a big star using gradient and arc.
Use that star to draw the other sizes as a strip of stars with the same cell size.
Now, draw only half of the number of stars using the sprite-sheet and draw clipped parts of the sprite-sheet (and not re-sized). Then rotate the canvas 90 degrees and draw the canvas itself on top of itself in a different position (the canvas becoming a big "sprite-sheet" in itself).
Rotating 90 degrees is not so performance hungry as other degrees (0, 90, 180, 270 are optimized). This will give you the illusion of having the actual amount of stars and since it's rotated we are not able to detect a repetitive pattern that easy.
A single drawImage operation of canvas is faster than many small draw operations of all the stars.
(and of course, you can do this many times instead of just once up to a point right before where you start see patterns - there is no key answer to how many, what size etc. so to find the right balance is always an experiment).
Integer numbers
Other optimizations can be using only integer positions and sizes. When you use float numbers sub-pixeling is activated which is costly as the browser need to calculate anti-alias for the offset pixels.
Using integer values can help as sub-pixeling isn't needed (but this doesn't mean the image won't be interpolated if not 1:1 dimension).
Memory bounds
You can also help the underlying low-lowel bitmap handling a tiny bit by using sizes and positions dividable on 4. This has to do with memory copy and low-level clipping. You can always make several sprite-sheet to variate positions within a cell that is dividable on 4.
This trick is more valuable on slower computers (ie. typical consumer spec'ed computers).
Turn off anti-aliasing
Turn off anti-aliasing for images. This will help performance but will give a little more rough result of the stars. To turn off image anti-aliasing do this:
ctx.webkitEnableImageSmoothing = false;
ctx.mozEnableImageSmoothing = false;
ctx.enableImageSmoothing = false;
You will by doing this see a noticeable improvement in performance as long as you use drawImage to render the stars.
Cache everything
Cache everything you can cache, being the star image as well as variables.
When you do this stars.length the browser's parser need to first find stars and then traverse that tree to find length - for each round (this may be optimized in some browsers).
If you first cache this to a variable var len = stars.length the browser only need to traverse the tree and branch once and in the loop it will only need to look up the local scope to find variable len which is faster.
Resolution reduction
You can also reduce resolution in half, ie. do everything at half the target size. In the final step draw your render enlarged to full size. This will save you initially 75% render area but give you a bit low-res look as a result.
From the professional video world we often use low-resolution when things are animated (primarily moving) as the eye/brain patch up (or can't detect) so much details when objects are moving and therefor isn't so noticeable. If this can help here must be tested - perhaps not since the stars aren't actually moving, but worth a try for the second benefit: increased performance.
How about just creating a spritesheet of a star in its various stages of radial glow.
You could even use canvas to initially create the spritesheet.
Then use context.drawImage(spritesheet,spriteX,spriteY,starWidth,starHeight) to display the star.
Spritesheet images can be drawn to the screen very quickly with very little overhead.
You might further optimize by breaking the spritesheet into individual star images.
Good luck on your project :)
1. Minimize operations, related to the DOM;
In the LINE 93 you are creating canvas:
this.scanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
You need only one canvas instead of this. Move canvas creation to the initialization step.
2. Use integer coordinates for canvas;
3. Use Object Pool design pattern to improve performance.
4. In for loops cache the length variable:
for(var i = 0; i < pxs.length; i++) {...
for(var i = 0, len = pxs.length; i < len; i++) {
Note: don't mix jquery with native js.

Detecting irregular Shape

Leading up from this question Detecting mouse coordinates with precision, I have learnt quite a bit in the past few days. Here are what I picked as best learning resources on this topic:
The code in (3) works in JSFiddle but breaks at this section in my testing environment (VS2012):
var myTree = new Quadtree({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 400,
height: 300
with the message Quadtree is undefined in IE. FF & Chrome just gloss over it and display an empty page. I couldn't sort it out. Question 1: Can someone help out with that?
My main question:
I have a region (parcels of land like a map) with about 1500 parcels drawn in html5, not jpg or png images. It is a lot of lines of code to complete that but the rendering is great, so I am keeping it that way. I intend to have a mouseover event tell me which parcel I am standing on when the mouse stops. As you will see in the previous question referred my previous attempts were not impressive. Based on the learning I have been doing, and thanks to Ken J's answer/comments, I would like to go with this new approach of slicing up my canvas into say 15 quads of 100 objects each. However, I would like some guidance before I take another wild dive the wrong way.
Question 2: Should I slice it up at creation or should the slicing happen when the mouse is over a region, ie, trail the mouse? The latter sounds better to me but I think I can do with some advice and, if possible, some start out code. The quadtree concept is completely new to me. Thanks.
Can't help with question 1.
You should definitely build the tree as early as possible, given that the objective is to get the page to respond as quick as possible once the user clicks somewhere.
Keep the tree for as long as the user interacts with the 2d area. Updating a quad tree shouldn't be too hard, so even if the area changes contents, you should be able to reuse the existing tree (just update it).
Given the fact that your draw area is well know i see no advantage in a QuadTree over a spacial hash function. This function will give you an integer out of an (x,y) point.
var blocWidth = 20;
var blocHeight = 20;
var blocsPerLine = ( 0 | ( worldWidth / blocWidth) ) + 1 ;
function hashPoint(x,y) {
return ( 0 | (x/blocWidth)) + blocsPerLine*(0|(y/blocHeight));
once you built that, hash all your parcels within an array :
parcelHash = [];
function addHash(i,p) {
if (!parcelHash[i]) { parcelHash[i]=[ p ]; return; }
if (parcelHash[i].indexOf(p) != -1 ) return;
function hashParcel (p) {
var thisHash = hashPoint(p.x,p.y); // upper left
addHash( thisHash, p);
thisHash = hashPoint(p.x+width, p.y); // upper right
addHash(thisHash, p);
thisHash = hashPoint(p.x, p.y+p.height); // lower left
addHash(thisHash, p);
thisHash = hashPoint(p.x+width, p.y+p.height); // lower right
addHash(thisHash, p);
for (var i=0; i<allParcels.length; i++) { hashParcel(allParcels[i]) };
now if you have a mouse position, you can retrieve all the parcels in the
same block with :
function getParcels(x,y) {
var thisHash = hashPoint(x,y);
return parcelHash[thisHash];
I'll just give you few tips in addition to what others have said.
... have a mouseover event tell me which parcel I am standing on ...
From your other messages I conclude that parcels will have irregular shapes. Quadtrees in general work with rectangles, so you'd have to calculate the bounding rectangle around the shape of the parcel and insert that rectangle in the quadtree. Then are when you want to determine whether mouse is over a parcel, you'll query the quadtree which will give you a set of parcels that might be under the mouse, but you'll have to then do a more precise check on your own to see if it indeed is.
... when the mouse stops.
From your other questions I saw that you try to detect when the mouse has "stopped". Maybe you should look at it this way: mouse cursor is never moving, it's teleporting around the screen from previous point to next. It's always stopped, never moving. This might seem a bit philosophical, but it'll keep your code simpler. You should definitely be able to achieve what you intended without any setTimeout checks.
... slicing up my canvas into say 15 quads of 100 objects each.
... Should I slice it up at creation or should the slicing happen when the mouse is over a region
You won't (and can't) do slicing, quadtree implementation does that automatically (that's its purpose) when you insert or remove items from it (note that moving the item is actually removing then re-inserting it).
I didn't look into the implementation of quadtree that you're using, but here are two MX-CIF quadtree implementations in case that one doesn't work out for you:
The problem in question 1 probably happens because jsfiddle (http) page is trying access quadtree.js which is on https

How can I stop elements overlapping using JavaScript and the Raphael JavaScript library

I’m generating multiple, random sized, circular elements using the Raphael JavaScript library but because it’s random a lot of the circular elements being generate overlap or cover each other. What I wanted to know, is there any way with JavaScript to tell if one element is in already in particular position so to avoid the overlapping? Essentially, I want to create random elements on a canvas, of a random size that don’t overlap or cover each other.
There's a couple of test files I created here to give you an idea of what I'm doing. The first one generates random objects and the second link sets them to a grid to stop the overlapping.
The easiest way is to create an object and give it a repulsive force that degrades towards zero at it's edge. As you drop these objects onto the canvas the objects will push away from each other until they reach a point of equilibrium.
Your examples aren't working for me, so I cannot visualize your exact scenario.
Before you "drop" an element on the canvas, you could query the positions of your other elements and do some calculations to check if the new element will overlap.
A very simple example of this concept using circle elements might look like this:
function overlap(circ1, circ2) {
var attrs = ["cx", "cy", "r"];
var c1 = circ1.attr(attrs);
var c2 = circ2.attr(attrs);
var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow( - ,2) + Math.pow( -, 2));
return (dist < (c1.r + c2.r));
var next_drop =, y, r);
for (var i in circles) {
if (overlap(next_drop, circles[i])) {
// do something
Of course calculating just where you're going to place a circle after you've determined it overlaps with others is a little more complicated.

