jquery replace all <ol> with <ul> - javascript

Given the following dom structure I would like to transform an ordered list to an unordered list.
<div class="wrapper">
What is the best way to do this?

You should use jQuery replaceWith.

ok i had to work from the inside to the outside, only replaceWith wasn't working because it replaced only the outer tags and didn't replace the inner ones, so i solved it this way:
if someone has a better solution i would be glad to hear it.


Why does removeChild function behave differently with list items and i tag?

I have noticed that removeChild does NOT behave as it does with other elements such as list item. I am using the i tag for some icons from frontAwesome and want these items removed individually when a button is clicked.
Unfortunately, I can only remove each i tag element only if I use removeChild() function twice. (Weird!)
What's going on?
<div id="myFonts">
function FunctionTwo() {
var font = document.getElementById("myFonts");
Note: It makes a difference if you use LineBreaks or not!
<ul id="myList">
Here, there are 6 child nodes. Apparently, the LineBreaks are also considered as child nodes!
<ul id="myList"><li>Coffee</li><li>Tea</li><li>Milk</li></ul>
Here, there are 3 child nodes. WEIRD - is this a bug?
From MDN,
childNodes includes all child nodes, including non-element nodes like
text and comment nodes. To get a collection of only elements, use
ParentNode.children instead.
Hence, in both the cases, the elements are being removed weirdly. You should update
For tweaking, https://codepen.io/anon/pen/aazoLK
Also.. if you notice both of your code closely on your link...
Code for <ul id="myList">
<ul id="myList"><li>Coffee</li><li>Tea</li><li>Milk</li></ul>
We see no spaces between tags.
Whereas, Code for <div id="myFonts">
<div id="myFonts">
You see the empty spaces before the <i>? Those got added as a text node in the childNodes object of your div
<div id="myFonts">
You could have used exactly the same code that you have currently, if you had chosen to rather Not add spaces before the <i> tags.
For Eg. like this:
<div id="myFonts"><i>1</i><i>2</i><i>3</i><i>4</i><i>5</i></div>
Check modified HTML for div here:

How to get the parent element too with getElementByClassName?

I have certainly extremely simple problem and I'm a little ashamed of not being able to solve it by myself.
<ul class="test">
<ul class="test">
var tests = document.getElementsByClassName('test')[0].innerHTML;
Try it
Currently, the result shows me <li>1</li>.
This is not what I want. I want the result to be <ul class="test"><li>1</li></ul>.
I tried using .parent() (I can use jQuery) but it gives me all <ul> tag while I just want the first. I also know that I could use some .split() but it is surely not the adviced way.
I thought the problem might be coming from the .innerHTML, there is a function that would allow me to recover also the target element, and not just his children?
Just use outerHTML instead of innerHTML
var tests = document.getElementsByClassName('test')[0].outerHTML
Check Fiddle
You can do the same with jQuery. $.each to iterate over the elements and then use this so that it only points to that elements instead of all the elements with that class
var $tests = $('.test');
$tests.each(function() {
jQuery Fiddle

Convert jQuery selector to HTML for a new DOM element

I want to implement a jQuery plugin that converts a selector to HTML. I understand that the mapping between these two syntaxes is many-to-many, but simple selectors would be easy to covert to HTML.
might generate:
<div id="my-id" class="my-class" />
The purpose is to create an element if the selector returns an empty set, without having to add redundant code.
var jqs = $('div#my-id');
if(jqs.length===0) jqs = jqs.create();
var elementWillAlwaysBeThere = jqs.get(0);
i know this might not be what you are lokking for. the project zen coding is about using a css like syntax to create dom structurs. so i think lokking at there source is going to help you alot, even thou its not pure css selectores.
div#wrapper>ul#imageSlider>li.image$*3 compiles to:
<div id="wrapper">
<ul id="imageSlider">
<li class="image1"></li>
<li class="image2"></li>
<li class="image3"></li>
so if you where to use the jQuery port you can do youre example like
$.zc("div#my-id.my-class") again resulting in
<div id="my-id" class="my-class"></div>
happy source reading

Changing the inner tags class of a tag using jquery or javascript

I have the following code:
<li id="toto" class="jstree-leaf">
<ins class="jstree-icon2"> </ins>
<a class=""><ins class="jstree-icon2"> </ins>Story B</a>
I need to change the class of the <ins> tags for a specific <li>.
I need to access the <li> id and then change the class of all <ins> tags found inside it
I would appreciate it if someone could show me the right way to do that.
Thanks a lot..
You can add and remove classes for the ins tags like this, using jQuery:
$('#toto ins').removeClass('oldClass').addClass('newClass');
$("#toto ins").attr("class","className"); // all ins
$("#toto ins:eq(0)").attr("class","className"); // first ins
$("#toto ins").removeClass().addClass("yourClass")
$('#toto ins').attr('class', 'new-class');
You can also use toggleClass for this:
$("#toto ins").toggleClass("className");

How to aceess span directly using jQuery

I want to know how to get access of this [span class="myclass"] in below html structure..
<li class="first">
<span class="myclass"></span>
<div class="xx">
<li >
<span class="myclass"></span>
<div class="xx">
Here I need to write one function in [span class="myclass"], but i cant do it using $(".myclass") [I have few issues] I just want to directly access the span itself.How to do this..?
EDIT:the sln by phoenix is working fine..but lets say(just for my knowledge) the structure is
<li >
<span class="myclass"></span>
<div class="xx">
so why the span inside 2 nd li(which is under div) is not getting the ref, is it bcoz they are not in the same level..if I need to access them do I need to do some thing like
enter code here
$("li").next(".xx").find(li span:first-child )..or something else is there?
$("li span.myclass")
EDIT: Okay then maybe with
$("li span:first") //EDIT: Don't do that. See below.
apparently :first stops after the first hit. So :first-child is the way to go.
which will select the first span in every li-element. But this can be tricky in case you have other li-elements with spans inside...
EDIT: If you can't use the class you already have, maybe assigning an additional class helps?
<span class="myclass newClass"></span>
var spans = $("li span.newClass");
As phoenix pointed out
$("li span:first-child")
returns a list with all span elements that are the first child of a li-element. I don't know if jQuery treats textnodes as child nodes. So if you have a space between <li> and <span>, this might be counted as the first-child. So check if you have any whitespace between your elements beside line breaks.
If span is the first child then you can use
$("li span:first-child");

