HOsted XMPP Service with HTTP Developer APIs - javascript

Is there any services out there that supports XMPP Server with a developer API that allows xml/json http request to send/receive IMs?
I am trying to build a web chat system that connects to my jaber/xmpp IM client. What I am trying to do is integrate what I currently have in operation for my company but add web chatting. provides everything I want as far as features however I want to build my own client interface/architecture since Olark's pricing gets expensive on the scale I plan to role this out in my company.
Any suggestions would be greatly helpful!
oh and on a side note, I am using to run my web chatting and it works flawlessly. The problem is that I want to connect pusher's websockets into my current xmpp/jaber network.


Connecting AWS MQTT via websocket

I am trying to connect a sensor to an AWS MQTT Broker to a database that will send it to a webserver so that it can be easily accessible. Right now the only way people in our lab can have access to our sensor data is through contacting me directly and having me connect to the Node Red dashboard. Would there be any way for everyone to have access to the data via WebSocket, or at least a couple of people?
I've searched for hours on end and have had no success regarding the ease of accessibility.
From what I've researched there is this a java based client called MQTT.Cool that can connect multiple brokers and have data published via WebSocket using JavaScript. However there is literally no data available except the ones provided by the company. So combining it it with my project has not been an easy task.
Also, I've thought about allowing my node red dashboard to be accessed out of my local
ip-address, but due to security reasons it has been recommended not to be done.
AWS IoT provides an SDK that you can use in your browser:
You can write a web application and view the contents returned by the database after logging in
If you need to browse in real-time, you can use mqtt.js to subscribe to some topics:
Or use MQTTX, a client tool, to connect directly to the MQTT broker and subscribe to topic

Is it possible to setup websocket server (android/ios) in local network/hotspot and connect via PWA?

I'm planning to create a PWA as a medium to exchange real-time data between multiple devices (android,ios & etc) in offline local network. Looking at the options, I'm considering to use nodejs(ws library) and run it in android(assume an android tablet will act as a local server via hotspot) as a host.
Is this the best way to achieve the goal and also sustainable for numbers of customer(assume up to 50 devices connected to that 1 android host)?
Just assume it is a local ordering system between shop owner and customers that just connect to the hotspot that was created locally to join the network. Actually it also will have the ability to sync data with online db which not the main question here.
sure any website can use web sockets.
However, service workers only capture HTTPS traffic, so none of the websocket traffic passes through the service worker.
For what you are building I would see a combination of websockets and HTTPS traffic. The websockets would be used to update a client when state on the server changes.
For example, a customer places an order. The back office needs to know a new order is expected so they can full fill it. The back office interface would be notified through the web socket channel.

Connect to Secure Socket Server written in C++ with client written in JavaScript

What I want to achieve:
I have a linux server connected to network which runs a database. The database is not reachable from network. There is a software which acts as a middle layer between the server and client(s). The clients would access the database through this layer. This is required because:
There will be multiple users with different permissions.
I want a common API because the client software will be implemented to mobile platform, mostly for Android and as a webpage(this is where I want to use JavaScript) as well.
I don't want to expose the database directly to clients because I would be forced to store the database's login credentials in client's device.
The client software will be used only for data exchange and displaying the result to user. Any processing would be done in server.
The part which is not clear is the webpage. I could use PHP, but I want to make it like the Google Hangouts app in Gmail or the Facebook Messenger. The content which is fetched from database is displayed without reloading the page. Since I have't done anything like this in JavaScript, I don't know where to start, which libraries I should use.
Note that the communication between the client and the server would be done over secure sockets. The middle layer would be implemented in C++ using OpenSSL.
I would suggest to connect to the server using C++ with the system() command.

How to secure user name/password in JavaScript client interfacing with REST API

I am developing a RESTfull web services. This web services will serve as a Web API to the outside world to get some data from our system. So, it will be consumed by other external clients: Mobile Apps, JavaScript clients, etc. For security, it will require Basic HTTP Authentication: user name and password sent as clear text over HTTPS.
So, I want to put together a proof of concept JavaScript application to demonstrate how one would use this API. But I don't want to hard-code user name/password in JavaScript code, since it can be viewed in page HTML source. In fact I don't want JavaScript to be involved in Authentication at all. So, I was thinking having another web page for server to server authentication. So that client's server sends credential to WEB Appi server, then Web API server issues a token valid for one session only, after that Client server uses this token in JavaScript.
Is this the right approach? If not, what's the "best" solutions for this scenario? I am sure this was done before. Any articles, or code samples will be much appreciated. Thank you

How to build xmpp over web sockets web chat application like gtalk

How to build xmpp over web sockets web chat application like gtalk using javascript+html or
ıt accepts file transfer, video conferencing, private or group chatting. Multiple users and servers can communicate with each other.
If you want your chat system to work with google's gtalk, or If you want to create your own chat server and make private system you will need to implement xmpp on javascript,
follow the links that will help you
There are two ways to achieve your goal:
You can build your own chat solution from scratch (build backend solution using XMPP XEPs, etc. and client-side app)
To make it easier for you, you can use a ready backend and SDK provided by some BaaS providers. In such way you can concentrate on building client-side solution and its UI while you already have a ready backend and a set of requests to connect to that backend and use it.
You can try ConnectyCube since it has both chat and video chat. For video chat they have two options: WebRTC peer-to-peer solution and SFU based one.

