HTML5, JS Based PDF Reader for Web App - javascript

Well, after a lot of searching, i realy can't find a solution for my problem. I'll explain what is about.
Im building a series of apps for iPhone, iPad, Android phone, Android Tablet, using HTML5, PhoneGap.
The app is alredy coded and done, using ChildBrowser plugin for PhoneGap. So basically, i upload PDF files of magazine on my server, the app, download it and you read it on your phone or tablet.
ChildBrowser is a good solution, but for something small. My pdf files are about 15mb each, so you need to wait while it download the whole pdf file and then it will come on the screen. It is a pretty rough solution for a magazine.
I tried pdf.js but it cant render graphics of the pdf.
I saw flexpaper zine, but its too expensive.
Anybody have any ideas please?
Thank you!

I don't know much about this, but one of my favorite magazines, Full Circle Magazine, uses Scribd last I knew. I don't know how it works, but it may be worth looking into.

There are Two options either you can cut your single pdf(15mb) files into number of single page pdf and load as as user request(more often load next 2 3 before user completes reading the previous page) or convert each page in pdf to jpg image and load in to web view .bot these technique require tools for either slicing or converting pdf.


PDFs viewing possibility

Is there any application or method to view PDFs as "picture-in-picture"?
I wanted to try this as a means of duping a window focus tracker on a remote proctoring site.
The examination is open-book and since I don't have the prints I'm trying to explore ways to view PDFs without having to change windows or tabs.
The best way to do so is by using PDF.js as it renders PDF's in HTML5 in your browser. I haven't come across any better solutions.

How to embed a pdf into a html page for android browsers

At the moment I embed a base64 encoded pdf into a html page using iframe and I have no problem with this but I want to display it also on android browsers like chrome and firefox.
I also tried object or embed tag but none worked.
What should I do ?
You should try Viewer.JS or PDF.JS. If none of those work, you could possibly use Google Docs Viewer. This site will help you generate the URL for that : I prefer Google Docs currently because the performance is a little sluggish using both of those Javascript viewers. Keep in mind that in order for the Google Docs Viewer to work, you must have the file published to the web and accessible for Google's servers.
Another option would be to use a conversion library (such as imageMagick) to turn the PDF into an image and then offer a link to the full file. If your html is going to be viewed by other devices such as desktops, you could always check to see if Adobe Reader is installed and then, if not, offer an image instead with a link to the file. I use PluginDetect to check for support for PDFs.
There are other commercial options like iSSUU or FlexPaper but I don't have any experience with those. iSSUU is a software service that allows embedding viewers on your website and FlexPaper is a software that you buy and install to your website.
This is assuming you're trying to embed a PDF to a website. :/

Extracting EXIF data with JavaScript

I'm evaluating image upload techniques using Canvas for a mobile web app. The sticking point is reading EXIF data client-side. Other discussions on this site point towards the excellent Blueimp JavaScript Image Load. I particularly want to extract from EXIF:
date & time of photo taken
Geopositioning - latitude & longitude of photo taken
Testing the Blueimp script on Firefox v.33.1 on Windows Vista using a photo taken on an iPhone (with geo data), it successfully extracts all the EXIF data including date, time & geocoords. Running the same test with the same photo on iOS and it only extracts a tiny amount of EXIF data - just the dimensions and orientation (I'm using iPhone 5, iOS 8.1), nothing else. Why is this? Is there a fix or an alternative JavaScript EXIF extraction tool to recommend?
Suggestions very gratefully received as this is doing my head in!! Thanks in advance.
Please note: I don't want to do it server-side with PHP because this requires uploading the full image, which can be slow on mobile bandwidth, hence going for the canvas option to resize images client-side.
After more reading around on this issue, a similar question was asked here a year ago, with no satisfactory responses. According to one commenter, uploaded files on iOS devices only get access to a sanitized version of the file for privacy reasons. This means what useful stuff like time/date and GPS is stripped out of a file before it is made available to the browser.
Which kind of scuppers this idea. :(

Allow phone-users to save files from my website to their phone storage without using an app

I have a simple HTML/CSS/JS website that is designed to be accessed with phones. It is not a native app.
I need to make a couple of MP3 files able to be saved to the user's phone SD card or storage. This is legal - the MP3 files are our own recordings.
I can only find solutions that require users to install 3rd party applications in order to download our files. I would much prefer a simple "click here to save this MP3 to your device" button (in the interest of user-friendliness :)
I have searched Google and SO and tried many different ways to word this question. Is this even possible? Thanks in advance...
In Android browsers you could use the download attribute in your anchor tags. However, this is not yet supported in ios.
You could use a server side programming language to create a download page, but I do not know if that is possible in your app.

Convert HTML page into image using Javascript

EDIT: I want to achieve it by with out using any third party software..My application is a SAP product and I cannot go to every customer and install that software in his system.
I have the following scenario.. There is a button in my webiste(ofcourse,its a business applicaion) named "Save as image".so whenever user presses that button the content of the page has to be converted to image file and saved in his system.
Can we achieve it by either javascript or jquery?
If we cannot do it in javascript ,can we do it in SAP BSP,since my application is being developed in SAP BSP?
I had already searched in this site and found one solution which only works in Firefox extesnion. But I need a cross-browser solution which must work for IE,Chromer,ect.
The way to do this would be render the HTML page in hidden <canvas> element and then saving the canvas content as an image.
It is possible, but you won't have perfect rendering output or a solution working on legacy browsers.
Please see
for more information.
Alternatively submit a stateless page URL to the server-side where a headless browser renders the page and takes a screenshot using Selenium automation. If the page is public some web services exist for this too.
One easy but partial IE solution, it uses ActiveX so not crosswbrowser and a general one that is a bit more cumbersome
The IE solution
function printScreen(){
var oWordBasic;
if (window.ActiveXObject){
oWordBasic = new ActiveXObject("Word.Basic");
oWordBasic.SendKeys('%{PRTSC}'); //or if the above doesnt work..
//save or transfer the clipboard contensts
The general solution:
Use a screen capture utility like Gadwin PrintScreen, it's for windows but i'm sure there are the like for Linux and Mac. You can define a hotkey and let this save the image to a fixed location with autonumbering. The program doesn't need to be installed, it's portable so it can reside on a networkshare.
you may also try to create java applet or jar included into site that would capture some part of the screen or browser. i saw mechanism for real time screen sharing based on jar loaded files, but i didn't see the code.
here is some lib for java html into image conversion
heres simmilar topic
How to capture selected screen of other application using java?

