Object storage for HTML5 game - what to use? - javascript

I'm a fairly well versed programmer, so learning new technologies shouldn't be that big of an issue. That being said I'm currently attempting to make a card game in HTML5 using canvas/javascript etc.
The current question that I have is what to use to store instances of the cards. I was thinking about using XML to store the card data, but I'd like to limit the amount of work the browser has to do so the game runs more smoothly, I've heard JSON is a good alternative, but I'm just looking for suggestions. Thanks!

JSON is better in my opinion.
You can serialize objects to JSON at server side and send JSON string to client (browser), then your client will be able to parse JSON string into regular JavaScript object using JSON.parse.
In this way you'll not need to walk through XML to find particular nodes, but will just work with data in more convenient way using native JavaScript objects/arrays.
Also in most cases JSON will be more compact than XML so this can save bandwidth and speed-up data loading.
Also the data types stuff may be important here - JSON represents datatypes correctly (integers, booleans, floats, strings) and XML is storing them as strings so you'll need some additional attributes to set datatype during serialization and determine it during deserialization.

I am not sure how to do this without a framework, but what I would do is use Backbone.JS and create a model of what an instance would look like. Eg:{CardNumber:'2', CardColor: 'red', CardClass: 'hearts'}. Now I would create a collection to hold all these models, see backbone collections.
So I would store all this data client side, and possibly provide the user with an option to save the game, to persist this data to a database. This stores it as JSON and then when you persist it to the database, you can serialize it to get the individual components.
If you dont want to save to the db and do not want to use a framework. Try stack/queue implementations in Javascript. See:How do you implement a Stack and a Queue in JavaScript?
I hope that answers your question.

Stick to JSON because JSON is just a string representation of plain JS objects, and browsers are very comfortable with it. JS have no good XML handling and that will be too expensive.
Use HTML5 localStorage for keeping data until you really need to sync with the server. Frequent server operations will cause your game to suffer. Use bulk data transfers instead of many small server connections (for example at the start and the end).
Consider using a game library if the canvas graphics are intense. I have used http://jawsjs.com sometime back, but there should be better libs available out there. Selectively render only the dynamic objects, not everything on canvas.

JSON in conjunction with localStorage is a great way to go.
There are libraries available to serialize and deserialize Javascript objects and allow you tp store and retrieve it from localStorage. Simple Github search is a good way to start


Use web worker to stringify

So I have an app that needs to JSON.stringify its data to put into localStorage, but as the data gets larger, this operation gets outrageously expensive.
So, I tried moving this onto a webWorker so it's off the main thread, but I'm now learning posting an object to a webWorker is even more expensive than stringifying it.
So I guess I'm asking, is there any way whatsoever to get JSON.stringify off the main thread, or at least make it less expensive?
I'm familiar with fast-json-stringify, but I don't think I can feasibly provide a complete schema every time...
You have correctly observed that passing object to web worker costs as much as serializing it. This is because web workers also need to receive serialized data, not native JS objects, because the instance objects are bound to the JS thread they were created in.
The generic solution is applicable to many programming problems: chose the right data structures when working with large datasets. When data gets larger it's better sacrifice simplicity of access for performance. Thus do any of:
Store data in indexedDB
If your large object contains lists of the same kind of entry, use indexed DB for reading and writing and you don't need to worry about serialization at all. This will require refactor of your code, but this is the correct solution for large datasets.
Store data in ArrayBuffer
If your data is mostly fixed-size values, use an ArrayBuffer. ArrayBuffer can be copied or moved to web worker pretty much instantly and if your entries are all same size, serialization can be done in parallel. For access, you may write simple wrappers classes that will translate your binary data into something more readable.

Is JSON acceptable for storing/ accessing static data?

I'm building a nodejs app that needs access to some data. I am not sure what is the best way to store the data. If it is json or mongodb or a sql database considering the performance of the read operation.
The app will never update/ insert/ delete any of the data. That's why I wrote it is static. And the amount of data could be a total of at most a few hundreds small objects.
What is your opinion on that? Really considering the max performance of the read operation.
Since it is 'static' data and that too only a few hundreds small objects, I'd recommend that you go ahead with JSON. SQL should be preferred when operations such as data manipulation, concurrent sessions etc. are involved.
This is not opinion based.
The answer is a flat file.
Reasoning: When leveraging a database, there are defined use cases. triggers, inserts, deletes, updates, etc. All of this is managed by a database language of your choosing.
If you are not leveraging any key aspects of a database, then why do you need the overhead of it.
The best way to approach this situation would be to consolidate the access to a class you create called: StaticService or whatever fits your fancy. In this class you will read in the data and store it in memory as a property. Then have various methods in that service which will get you the data you request.
Even with a Database, you would still implement this kind of service worker, but you dont have this overhead. You can also optimize it as you see fit, but it sounds like you may be looking to display lists, or specific values which are generally o(1) access if the json is designed correctly.

Parsing "Streaming" JSON

I have a grid in a browser.
I want to send rows of data to the grid via JSON, but the browser should continuously parse the JSON as it receives it and add rows to the grid as they are parsed. Put another way, the rows shouldn't be added to the grid all at once after the entire JSON object is received -- they should be added as they are received.
Is this possible? Particularly using jQuery, Jackson, and Spring 3 MVC?
Does this idea have a name? I only see bits of this idea sparsely documented online.
You can use Oboe.js which was built exactly for this use case.
Oboe.js is an open source Javascript library for loading JSON using streaming, combining the convenience of DOM with the speed and fluidity of SAX.
It can parse any JSON as a stream, is small enough to be a micro-library, doesn’t have dependencies, and doesn’t care which other libraries you need it to speak to.
You can't parse incomplete or invalid JSON using the browser's JSON.parse. If you are streaming text, it will invariably try and parse invalid JSON at some point which will cause it to fail. There exists streaming JSON parsers out there, you might be able to find something to suit your needs.
Easiest way in your case would remain to send complete JSON documents for each row.
Lazy.js is able to parse "streaming" JSON (demo).
Check out SignalR.
March 2017 update:
Websockets allow you to mantain an open connection to the server that you can use to stream the data to the table. You could encode individual rows as JSON objects and send them, and each time one is received you can append it to the table. This is perhaps the optimal way to do it, but it requires using websockets which might not be fully supported by your technology stack. If websockets is not an option, then you can try requesting the data in the smallest chunks the server will allow, but this is costly since every request has an overhead and you would end up doing multiple requests to get the data.
AFAIK there is no way to start parsing an http request before it's finished, and there is no way to parse a JSON string partially. Also, getting the data is orders of magnitude slower than processing it so it's not really worth doing.
If you need to parse large amounts of data your best bet is to do the streaming approach.

packing tree-like structures into a cookie

I would like to be able to store a tree-like structure in a cookie. Ideally, I would like to have something that easily serealizes/deserializes a javascript plain object.
JSON might be a good option, but a quick googling did not filtered out a mainstream approach how to serialize to JSON from JavaScript.
What is the best way to approach the problem?
Related questions bubbled up Javascript / PHP cookie serialization methods?, which suggests using Prototype's Object.toJSON. I would prefer to stay with jQuery.
It turned out that window.JSON.stringify might actually suffice in my case, but mentioned Douglas Crockford's library seems like a good fallback to support browsers where JSON property of the global object is not present.
JSON is your friend.
A free and recognized implementation made by Douglas Crockford is available here
I have used this method to read and store to HTML5's local storage without any problems.
JSON is undoubtedly a good option. To have it work cross-browser include this file in your page https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js/blob/master/json2.js. Then use JSON.stringify() to convert to a string and store, and JSON.parse() to retrieve the object from the cookie.
Be aware that there can be quite low character limits on a single cookie's length, which any jsonified tree could hit, so you might want to preprocess your data before converting to JSON (e.g. replacing booleans with 1's and 0's, switching property names for abbreviated versions) and post-process to reverse these changes after retrieveing from your cookie.
If the amount of data you're storing is really large it may be better to store a session/identifier cookie which is used to retrieve the data from the server via an ajax request (or if you need a quick response on page load, output the data into a script tag) and save the data directly to the server via ajax requests instead of using a cookie.
One more JSON serialization implementation as a jQuery plugin: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-json/

How dangerous is it to store JSON data in a database?

I need a mechanism for storing complex data structures created in client side javascript. I've been considering using the stringify method to convert the javascript object into a string, store it in the database and then pull it back out and use the reverse parse method to give me the javascript object back.
Is this just a bad idea or can it be done safely? If it can, what are some pitfalls I should be sure to avoid? Or should I just come up with my own method for accomplishing this?
It can be done and I've done it. It's as safe as your database.
The only downside is it's practically impossible to use the stored data in queries. Down the track you may come to wish you'd stored the data as table fields to enable filtering and sorting etc.
Since the data is user created make sure you're using a safe method to insert the data to protect yourself from injection attacks (don't just blindly concatenate the data into a query string).
It's fine so long as you don't deserialize using eval.
Because you are using a database it means you need a serverside language to communicate with the database. Any data you have is easily converted from and to json with most serverside languages.
I can't imagine a proper usecase unless you have a sh*tload of javascript, it needs to be very performant, and you have exhausted all other possibilities such as caching, query optimization, etc...
An other downside of doing this is that you can't easily query the data in your database which is always nice when you want to get any kind of reporting done.
And what if your json structure changes? Will you update all the scripts in your database? Or will you force yourself to cope with the changes in the parsing code?
Imho it is not dangerous to do so but it leaves little room for manageability and future updates.

