Jquery extract string from url and load remote element - javascript

I'm new in Jquery, I would like to have Jquery code to get the current page url and if the url contains certain string then load remote element.
i have the page urls like this:
the part "/Country/AU" is what I need to determine which page element I should load in, then if "AU" I load from "/state-loader.html .state-AU", if "CA" I load from "/state-loader.html .state-CA"
I have a builtin module "{module_pageaddress}" to get the value of the current page url, I just dont know the Jquery logic to let it work.
I expect something like this:
if {module_pageaddress} contains "/Country/AU/"
$('#MyDiv').load('state-loader.html .state-AU');
if {module_pageaddress} contains "/Country/CA/"
$('#MyDiv').load('state-loader.html .state-CA');

You can try the following if the country string is always last before the last slash in the URL
See a live fiddle
var url = "http://......./Country/AU/result-search-to-buy"
var loc = url.split( '/' );
//should be using the next line in live
//var loc = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );
var country = alert(loc [loc.length-2]);


JQuery Using passed parameter value to initialize a page via $(document).ready

I am trying to access or make a parameter value which was passed via an <a> visible within another javascript file. I can't figure out how to go about it.
I have the ff. line of code which goes to a new page: student_learn_topiclink.php everytime the link is clicked
var topicLink = $('<a>' + topicTitle+ '</a>').addClass('topic_link').attr('href','view/student_learn_topiclink.php?topicId=' + topicId).attr('target','_blank');
This is what shows in the address bar after clicking the topicLink
I want to use the value 5 in student_learn_topiclink page's JS file.
How can I expose or make the topicId = 5 visible in student_learn_topiclink JS file?
In student_learn_topiclink.js, I'd like to do something like this,
See this thread about retrieving URL parameters with javascript. For your specific example, try the following:
var url_string = window.location.href;
var url = new URL(url_string);
var topicId = url.searchParams.get("topicId");
Example fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/craftman32/yxrvbcun/1/
You can use like this :
var topicId = window.location.search.split('topicId=')[1];

How to deal with a friendly url with parameters in a static webpage?

I have the following URL https://mywebsite/somepage/1234/5678 where somepage is a route to a page and the numbers are are parameters.
My page is a static page, just html and javascript. Ex.: https://mywebsite/somepage.html.
How could I open this page given the above url get the parameters inside the page?
The reason for this is that I have a mobile deeplink direct the user to a website so that it can download the app in case it isn't installed or to the app itself. I don't have the choice to use a dinamic page with a routing system like in Cake PHP or in Spring Framework.
If you want to load the normal page (https://mywebsite/somepage.html) then you could use hashes instead. They don't get seen by the server, so it would serve the regular html file.
// get the url
var url = window.location.href; // = "https://mywebsite/somepage.html#1234/5678"
// get the bit you want
var params = url.substring(32); // = "1234/5678"
// ^ the length of "https://mywebsite/somepage.html#"
// split it apart into individual parts
params = params.split("/"); // = ["1234", "5678"]
// then do whatever you like with the params
Create array from current pathname split on /
var urlPath = window.location.pathname.split('/');
Do something with the array...
urlPath.forEach(function(item) {

Get last segment of url without parameters in javascript?

Ho do I get the last part of a URL segment excluding any URL parameters.
So if I'm on this page:
I want to get:
You can do something this way:
// The first thing is to strip off the things after query string:
var url = "http://example.com/myfolder/mypage.aspx?x=1";
url = url.split("?")
url = url[0];
// Get the last path:
url = url.split("/");
page = url[url.length-1];
The above path will work even if there's no ? in it.

how to get the full path of a page in javascript

I know that var pathname = window.location.pathname; returns path only and var url = window.location.href; returns full URL.
Now suppose i have page MyPageName.aspx in the root of my site and my site can be deployed on servers serverone, servertwo & serverthree.
On Serverone, i want to display http://example.com/MyPageName.aspx
On servertwo, i want to display http://example.net/MyPageName.aspx
On serverthree, i want to display http://example.org/MyPageName.aspx
So how do i get the full URL path of a page in i'ts current environment with out browising to that page but knowing in advance that the page exists.
I want to display the URL some where on a master page.
You can use window.location.origin to return everything up to and including the .com:
var url = window.location.origin;
-> "http://example.com"
As MyPageName.aspx appears to be static, you can then just use string concatenation to append it to the end:
url += "/MyPageName.aspx";
-> "http://example.com/MyPageName.aspx"
var url = window.location.origin + "/MyPageName.aspx";
Did you try
read http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_doc_url.asp

Get HTML Current Page name alone, followed by ".htm" from URL or Pathname using Jquery & Javascript

I have Scenario like: Below,
Following a "Menu List" having href value set to corresponding ".htm" Pages inside "Menu.html"
Click Me to got to pageOne.htm
Click Me to got to pageTwo.htm
Click Me to got to pageThree.htm
Click Me to got to pageFour.htm
Each Pages pageOne.htm, pageTwo.htm & pageThree.htm etc.. are having footer part, In footer it must be like it has to contain 3 Links with href values.
I require a solution:
If my Current page is pageOne.htm the Footer should show me shortcuts links to pageTwo.htm, pageThree.htm and pageFour.htm and wise verse depending on my current page.
So I require code to Get .htm from URL pathname.
Can we find() method of Jquery after getting the URL PATH like find(".htm") from URL.
Require just a snippet of Code to get the .htm page name alone.
Including an sample case below:
What if the Url is Like >>
I wish to get the value "pageThree.htm" alone from above url, if its the current page.
Thanks in advance
var lastPartOfUrl = document.URL.split('/').pop();
Or with regular expression:
var regexp = /([^\/]+)(.htm)/;
var match = regexp.exec(document.URL);
console.log(match[0]); // pageThree.htm
console.log(match[1]); // pageThree
console.log(match[2]); // .htm
The following will give you the current URL, which you can tidy up using replace():
you may try this code:
var a = window.location.href;
var fileName = a.substring(a.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
use window.location.pathname; will returns the full path
try following function
function getFileName(){
var url = window.location.pathname;
var path=url.split("/");
var filname=path[path.length-1];
return filname;

