Jquery Mutate Plugin - javascript

I have come across this plugin but I'm a newbie, I was wondering if anyone could give me an example on how to use this on my website.
<div id="content">
<h1>Favourite Teams</h1>
<li>Man U</li>
I would like to check when content div height changes to display more or less teams depending on the available height.
Updated code
This is what I managed to come up with. I don't know why it does not work.
$('content ul').mutate('height',function (element,info){
var h= $(this).height();
var calculate = h/$(this).find('li').eq(0).height();
var i = 0;
$(this).find('li').hide().each(function (){

The problem is with you're Selector.
If you want to find the DIV with ID = content than you should use $("#content")
$('#content ul').mutate('height',function (element,info){
var h= $(this).height();
var calculate = h/$(this).find('li').eq(0).height();
var i = 0;
$(this).find('li').hide().each(function (){


In pure JS, I am trying to set two similar classes but with different numbers or to set the same class to two different elemnts

I tried to set the same class imagens-giratorias to two elements or to set imagens-giratorias and imagens-giratorias-2. The class worked in first element, and the same class stopped of animating in the second element.
[I provide the JSFiddle at the end.]
Check the #rafaelcastrocouto's original code at https://stackoverflow.com/a/59524483/8041366. If you prefer reading the complete code here, here is the code taken from there, but with a bit modified:
var counter = 1;
var div = document.querySelector('.imagens-giratorias');
var imagens = document.querySelectorAll('.imagens-giratorias img');
var showNext = function () {
if (counter > 3) counter = 1;
div.classList.remove('imagem1', 'imagem2', 'imagem3')
for (var img of imagens) {
img.addEventListener('animationend', showNext);
And small CSS snippet:
<div class="section-2">
<div class="item-2">
<div class="imagens-giratorias imagem1">
<div class="section-3">
<div class="item-2">
<div class="imagens-giratorias imagem1">
<div class="section-3">
<div class="item-2">
<div class="imagens-giratorias-2 imagem1">
1st solution, that same original code above I am referring.
2nd solution:
var div = document.querySelector('.imagens-giratorias, .imagens-giratorias-2');
var imagens = document.querySelectorAll('.imagens-giratorias img, .imagens-giratorias-2 img');
3rd solution
var div = document.querySelector('[class^=imagens-giratorias]');
var imagens = document.querySelectorAll('[class^=imagens-giratorias] img');
4th solution
const contador = 1;
const div = document.querySelector('.imagens-giratorias');
const imagens = document.querySelectorAll('.imagens-giratorias img');
I also tried to use from multiple selectors with document.querySelectorAll. No luck.
But all these solutions did not work.
Please pay attention to two elements. While one element will always animate, another will stop of animating.
If I understand you correctly you're trying to grab elements that have a class name starting with imagens-giratorias. If that's the case, use the ^ attribute selector as shown below:
Based on your update it appears that only one of your two divs' images is animating but in reality they're stacked on top of each of other. Feel free to use whatever layout method you want but for demonstration's sake I floated one left and the other right. Other that it was a matter of looping through your divs and assigning your function to their child images as so:
var divs = document.querySelectorAll('.imagens-giratórias');
var contador = 1;
var mostrarPróximo = function(div) {
if (contador > 3) contador = 1;
div.classList.remove('imagem1', 'imagem2', 'imagem3')
div.classList.add('imagem' + contador);
Array.from(divs).forEach(function(div, index) {
var images = div.querySelectorAll('img');
Array.from(images).forEach(function(img) {
img.addEventListener('animationend', mostrarPróximo.bind(null, div));

How can I select every single element with JS or jQuery?

I want to select every single element in a document and make them color red when I scroll to them.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on("scroll", animationDivs);
function animationDivs(event) {
var scrollPos = $(document).scrollTop();
var divs = $("*");
$(divs).each(function() {
var currLink = $(this);
if (currLink.position().top <= scrollPos && currLink.position().top + currLink.height() > scrollPos) {
currLink.style.color = "red";
I used this codes but didn't work.
using JS:
.forEach(el => el.style.color = 'red')
Try it in the console of your browser to see how it works and here's a brief overview of DOM selection with JS vs jQuery.
This is a similar question with a variety of solutions.
First add some common css class on each divs and add following jquery.
$('.class-name').each(function() {
var currLink = $(this);
if (currLink.position().top <= scrollPos && currLink.position().top + currLink.height() > scrollPos) {
currLink.style.color = "red";
using jq, you could simple get all element withing the html by "*"
var items = $("*").css({background : "red"})
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
currLink is a jQuery object in your code. So use a jQuery method on it.
That would be the .css() method in your case.
And I suggest you use an else part to your condition so the elements does not turn red after the first single wheel spin... Since <body> is also collected in $("*").
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on("scroll", animationDivs);
function animationDivs(event) {
var scrollPos = $(document).scrollTop();
var divs = $("*");
$(divs).each(function() {
var currLink = $(this);
if (currLink.position().top <= scrollPos && currLink.position().top + currLink.height() > scrollPos) {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<span>Scroll me.</span>
<div class="spacer"></div>
<div class="spacer"></div>
By the way... Using an .each() loop on the $("*") collection on every scroll event is the worst jQuery usage I suppose I will ever see. I can assure you that you'll scratch your head pretty soon with a real web page with real content.
Every elements, including <br> and <script> and <link> etc. are collected using $("*") that way... And are compared in the loop. You should only use it when absolutely necessary and within at least a container to lower the amount of collected elements.... Like $(".some-class *").

Trying to loop a function to run on multiple elements - jQuery

I'm trying to get this jQuery parallax code to work but I don't want to spaghetti everything. How can it be looped to apply to multiple element IDs?
(it doesn't work with classes because the function needs to run multiple times specific to each particular div) - I'm not very good when it comes to looping, still learning how to do this stuff.
Anyway, this is a functioning code for one section (a div with a child div, #about > #pAbout in this instance):
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($("#pAbout").length) {
$(window).scroll(function(e) {
if ($("#pAbout").length) {
function parallax(){
if( $("#pAbout").length > 0 ) {
var plxBackground = $("#pAbout");
var plxWindow = $("#about");
var plxWindowTopToPageTop = $(plxWindow).offset().top;
var windowTopToPageTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var plxWindowTopToWindowTop = plxWindowTopToPageTop - windowTopToPageTop;
var plxBackgroundTopToPageTop = $(plxBackground).offset().top;
var windowInnerHeight = window.innerHeight;
var plxBackgroundTopToWindowTop = plxBackgroundTopToPageTop - windowTopToPageTop;
var plxBackgroundTopToWindowBottom = windowInnerHeight - plxBackgroundTopToWindowTop;
var plxSpeed = 0.35;
plxBackground.css('top', - (plxWindowTopToWindowTop * plxSpeed) + 'px');
I was hoping to create an array like this:
var ids = ['#pAbout', '#pConcept', '#pBroadcast', '#pDigital', '#pDesign', '#pContact'];
But I can't get the e business to work unfortunately, it's very frustrating for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can use multiple selector in jQuery to select disparate elements by simply using a comma between the selectors.
$("#pAbout, #pConcept, #pBroadcast, #pDigital, #pDesign, #pContact")
//manipulate element here
That each() iterates over all matched elements so no need to check for length etc.

Giving specific css with jquery for each instance of div depending on text height

I have a grid with several boxes (280px by 280px)and I need to vertical align text enclosed on hover overlays.
My code is working for first element but txt lenght/height varies on each box and I need a function that assigns top padding depending on specific p height.
I believe I can use .each , but I wasn't able to implement it successfully.
Here is my working code that I need to modify to target each box individually:
var txtHeight = $( ".login-item .lgn-overlay p" ).height();
var topPadding = ((284 - txtHeight) / 2);
$('.login-item .lgn-overlay').css('padding-top', topPadding);
$('.login-item .lgn-overlay').each(function(){
var $this = $(this);
$this.css('padding-top', function(){
return ((284 - $this.find("p").height()) / 2);
Try if this works. I made this on plan page so correct if any error in the code
Try something like this
//determine this programmatically
var necessaryHeight = 200;
$('.login-item .lgn-overlay').each(function () {
//this = each individual element
//$this = a jQuery wrapper for the given element.
var $this = $(this);
//The rest I think you understand
var thisHeight = $this.outerHeight();
var missingHeight = necessaryHeight - thisHeight;
var addedPadding = missingHeight / 2;
$this.css('padding-top', addedPadding);

Jquery to check height and add class

I am trying to check which div has bigger height and than place a class inside the one that is greater.
I have this code
$(document).ready(function () {
var sideNavMenu = $(".col-md-3").height();
var mainColumn = $(".col-md-9").height();
if (sideNavMenu > mainColumn)
The goal here is to check if sideNavMenu is greater than mainColumn than place dotRight on its div tag.
If the mainColumn is greater, then place dotLeft on its div tag.
But its not working.
Any suggestion how to change/improve it.
Thanks a lot
You should reference these by IDs and not classes, since there can be multiple elements with these class names on the page. There should only be one with each ID.
$(document).ready(function () {
var sideNavMenu = $("#sidebar").height();
var mainColumn = $("#main").height();
if (sideNavMenu > mainColumn) {
} else {
Of course, you need to add the id's to your <div>s respectively.
The jQuery docs say:
Get the current computed height for the first element in the set of matched elements or set the height of every matched element.
But, I was just playing with it in jsfiddle and it seems to return an object containing the height of the first element.
Which means you should be able to do:
$(document).ready(function () {
var sideNavMenu = $(".col-md-3").height();
var mainColumn = $(".col-md-9").height();
if (JSON.stringify(sideNavMenu) > JSON.stringify(mainColumn)) {
} else {
But the first way I said is preferred. This is not stable, since there can be more objects introduced with the same class. The only reason I'm even mentioning it is to explain why you were having problems with your original code. :)
I put the jsfiddle together for you
<div class='col-md-3'>
<div class='col-md-9'>
var sideNavMenu = $(".col-md-3").height();
var mainColumn = $(".col-md-9").height();
if (sideNavMenu > mainColumn){
updated jsFiddle with Animation

