Looping with array data javascript - javascript

I'm new to javascript, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to loop through some code so that it will basically create an array that I can then pass on to my plot variable.
I'm not really sure where to start. Right now I have a chunk of code that takes my first dataset (dataOne) and formats it so that it can go into my plot variable. I basically need to do that three more times for the other data sets - hoping to include the example.getDataSets function to loop through somehow.
Is there a good way to do this?
Here is my code:
var example = {};
example.data = {
dataOne: {data: [{"date":1333238400000,"data":23},{"date":1333324800000,"data":37},{"date":1333411200000,"data":49},{"date":1333497600000,"data":54},{"date":1333584000000,"data":30},{"date":1333670400000,"data":19},{"date":1333756800000,"data":15},{"date":1333843200000,"data":19},{"date":1333929600000,"data":145}]},
dataTwo: {data: [{"date":1335830400000,"data":63},{"date":1335916800000,"data":77},{"date":1336003200000,"data":66}]},
dataThree: {data: [{"date":1341100800000,"data":24},{"date":1341187200000,"data":50},{"date":1341273600000,"data":43},{"date":1341360000000,"data":39},{"date":1341446400000,"data":56},{"date":1341532800000,"data":66}]},
dataFour: {data: [{"date":1333238400000,"data":71},{"date":1333324800000,"data":46},{"date":1333411200000,"data":66},{"date":1333497600000,"data":73},{"date":1333584000000,"data":105},{"date":1333670400000,"data":84}]}
example.getDataSets = function(){
return ['dataOne', 'dataTwo', 'dataThree', 'dataFour']
example.getSeries = function(month){
return example.data[month]
example.processData = function(data){
var newData = []
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
newData.push([data[i].date, data[i].data])
return newData;
My script in the HTML page:
.done(function() {
var b = example.getSeries('dataOne');
var d = example.processData(b.data);
// first correct the timestamps - they are recorded as the daily
// midnights in UTC+0100, but Flot always displays dates in UTC
// so we have to add one hour to hit the midnights in the plot
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; ++i)
d[i][0] += 60 * 60 * 1000;
var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), [d] , options);
Any suggestions are much appreciated!

Loop over the value returned from .getDataSets, too
var sets = example.getDataSets(), set_i = 0, // get list of sets
b = {}, d = [], i = 0, plot; // set-up vars
for(; set_i < sets.length; set_i++){ // loop over each set
b = example.getSeries( sets[ set_i ] ); // get your set
d = example.processData(b.data);
for (i = 0; i < d.length; ++i)
d[i][0] += 60 * 60 * 1000;
plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), [d] , options);
// ... etc with plot
If you want them all in one array before plotting, use concat on another array (call it d_total or something) and then in the set loop, d_total = d_total.concat( d );, then plot outside loop

I'm assuming you want to process each of
var b = example.getSeries(X);
where X is, in turn, 'dataOne', 'dataTwo', 'dataThree', 'dataFour'?
If so, you'll be looking for something like this:
// see below for where example.ordering is suggested
for (var i in example.ordered) {
var month = example.ordered[i];
var b = example.getSeries(month);
var d = example.processData(b.data);
... further processing with month, b, d.
The getDataSets() is fine for yielding your 'months' in what must be proper order for you. My only concern is that you have the list of months in two places. The array you have is necessary for ordering the months, because you cannot extract the 'month names' from example.data and expect them to be in the same order (keys are essentially stored randomly due to hashing).
The qualification would be if your keys are sortable, but the keys you have here are not. Of course, if you're building the pair of structures from the same source, then storing the data in the associated array (example.data object) along with a separate array to indicate ordering is both common and acceptable. Ideally you'd pair these two into yet another object so they can be handled as a team.
Since your array of ordered months is literally 'lost' in a function, I would suggest you add something like
example.ordering = [ ..... ]
and even better, push the months onto the end of that list in the same order they are put into the hash. I would be using a helper function to store the data:
example.ordering = []; // initially empty
example.storeSet = function (month, dataList) {
example.data[month] = { data : dataList };
// now store the data
example.storeSet('dataOne', [{"date":1333238400000,"data":23}, ....]);
example.storeSet('dataTwo', [{"date":1335830400000,"data":63}, ....]);
example.storeSet('dataThree', [{"date":1341100800000,"data":24}, ....]);
example.storeSet('dataFour', [{"date":1333238400000,"data":71}, ....]);
Of course my code is untested (of course!) but it looks right, and I'm sure you can fix any stupid mistakes I might have made.

I am new and understand your frustration when you have sat and looked and still cannot find the answer. However, what I think you are looking for is something like this:
for (example.data=dataOne;example.data<dataFour;example.data=example.data+increment)
code to be executed
or maybe even recursively but I am not the best at that but below is an standard example
function recurs(p1) {
if (p1 < 0) return // exit condition


Reorganizing multidimensional arrays based on multiple value characteristics in JavaScript?

I'm having trouble organizing this data the way I would like it to. On my pages, a few things happen that I know work...
Some PHP spits out a multidimensional associative array. The top level of this array is an array of regions. Each region is an array of timezones.
Some more PHP creates a second multidimensional associative array. The top level of this array is an array of regions. Each region is an array of UTC offsets.
Both arrays are generated in the same order from the same data. This means that $offsets["region"][0] will have be based on the same timezone as $timezones["region"][0].
Both arrays are encoded into JSON and passed to my JavaScript.
I have the following JavaScript code...
var tempCurrentTimezoneArray = timezoneArray[ $("select[name='region_selector']").val() ];
var tempCurrentOffsetArray = timezoneOffsetArray[ $("select[name='region_selector']").val() ];
var groupedTimezones = {};
var groupedOffsets = {};
for (counter = 0; counter < tempCurrentOffsetArray.length; counter++) {
significantOffset = tempCurrentOffsetArray[counter].substr(tempCurrentOffsetArray[counter].length - 2);
if (!(significantOffset in groupedTimezones)) {
groupedTimezones[significantOffset] = [];
groupedOffsets[significantOffset] = [];
var offsetArray = [];
for (var property in groupedTimezones) {
if (!groupedTimezones.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
var currentTimezoneArray = [];
var currentOffsetArray = [];
for (counter = 0; counter < offsetArray.length; counter++) {
currentTimezoneArray = currentTimezoneArray.concat(groupedTimezones[offsetArray[counter]]);
currentOffsetArray = currentOffsetArray.concat(groupedOffsets[offsetArray[counter]]);
In the top two lines I remove all of the timezone data not pertaining to the region selected on the page. This means that I am left with 2 single-dimensional arrays. Any given index of either array relates directly to the other array. I.E....
tempCurrentOffsetArray[0] is the UTC offset of the timezone found at tempCurrentTimezoneArray[0].
The rest of this code is intended to complete the following tasks...
Group timezones and offsets by their UTC offset.
Organize each offset group in alphabetical order.
Create two arrays where values are organized first by UTC offset and second by alphabetical order.
The problem I'm having is that on some regions I receive almost perfect listings,and on others I receive some listings with a seemingly random number of undefined values, and I'm not sure why. Can anyone identify the syntactical or logical errors in my code?
JSON of tempCurrentTimezoneArray input data here
JSON of tempCurrentOffsetArray input data here
You think still too complicated. It is a mess to keep these two Arrays in sync, better use one Array with objects.
var region_selector = $("select[name='region_selector']").val();
var tempCurrentTimezoneArray = timezoneArray[ region_selector ];
var tempCurrentOffsetArray = timezoneOffsetArray[ region_selector ];
//consolidate the Arrays
var data = []; //create a new Array `data`
for(var i = tempCurrentOffsetArray.length; i--; ){
//write into Array `data` at index `i` an object, containing these properties:
//`timezone`, `offset` and `offsetValue`, and their respective values
data[i] = {
timezone: tempCurrentTimezoneArray[i],
offset: tempCurrentOffsetArray[i],
//the + at the beginning converts the value behind that into a Number, like parseFloat() would do
offsetValue: +tempCurrentOffsetArray[i].match(/^GMT([+-]\d+(?:\.\d+)?)$/)[1]
//sorter-function for data to sort the values by offsetValue ASC first, then by timezone ASC
function sortedByOffset(a, b){
return a.offsetValue - b.offsetValue || a.timezone.localeCompare(b.timezone);
//you should do this as late as possible, usually after the filtering
If you insist on the two output-Arrays
var currentTimezoneArray = data.map(d => d.timezone);
var currentOffsetArray = data.map(d => d.offset);
otherwise this is imo more flexible
//utilities to fetch a property off the object
var getTimezone = d => d.timezone;
//aka function getTimezone(d){ return d.timezone }
var getOffset = d => d.offset;
//aka function getOffset(d){ return d.offset }
//example usages:
data.filter(d => d.offset === "GMT-5").map( getTimezone );
data.filter(d => d.offsetValue >= -2 && d.offsetValue <= -5 ).map( getOffset );
taking the first example; thinking in terms of a SQL-statement this would be
SELECT timezone FROM data WHERE offset = "GMT-5"
get me the timezone-values for each entry where the offset is GMT-5
you start with an Array containsing all values data then you get the subset you are interested in (in this case every entry, with the offset "GMT-5") by filtering.
Now you have an Array containing all values you are intersted in, but still the whole objects; like a SELECT * FROM ...
the map() function calls the function getTimezone() on every entry in this subset and returns another Array containing only the timezone-values.
The second example defines a range for the filter (every entry from GMT-2 to and including GMT-5 and every GMT in between) and returns for these entries the offset-protperty.
I discovered the issue with my code. There were actually three issues the first being on line 6. After looking over the data one more time I realized that some of the values had offsets that were floating point integers or had more than two significant digits. The new line 6 is...
significantOffset = tempCurrentOffsetArray[counter].replace(/[^\d.-]/g, '');
The second issue with my code also had to do with parsing floating integers. On line 21 we need to use parseFloat instead of parseInt. The new line 21 is...
The third issue lies on line 23. sort() needs to be told how to sort the integers. This is the new line 23...
offsetArray.sort(function(a, b){return a-b});
The final code looks like this...
var tempCurrentTimezoneArray = timezoneArray[ $("select[name='region_selector']").val() ];
var tempCurrentOffsetArray = timezoneOffsetArray[ $("select[name='region_selector']").val() ];
var groupedTimezones = {};
var groupedOffsets = {};
for (counter = 0; counter < tempCurrentOffsetArray.length; counter++) {
significantOffset = tempCurrentOffsetArray[counter].replace(/[^\d.-]/g, '');
if (!(significantOffset in groupedTimezones)) {
groupedTimezones[significantOffset] = [];
groupedOffsets[significantOffset] = [];
var offsetArray = [];
for (var property in groupedTimezones) {
if (!groupedTimezones.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
offsetArray.sort(function(a, b){return a-b});
var currentTimezoneArray = [];
var currentOffsetArray = [];
for (counter = 0; counter < offsetArray.length; counter++) {
currentTimezoneArray = currentTimezoneArray.concat(groupedTimezones[offsetArray[counter]]);
currentOffsetArray = currentOffsetArray.concat(groupedOffsets[offsetArray[counter]]);

How to create multiple objects based on dynamic data?

Basically what i'm doing, is trying to create my own steam market JSON, by HTML parsing.
Example of how I'm currently doing that :
var url = 'http://steamcommunity.com/market/search?appid=730'
var itemDiv = $("<div></div>")
data = $(r).find('stuff i need')
and now say I wanted to find names of the items in the div, i would do something like :
var name = $(this).find("y").text()
// console.log(name) [or do whatever is needed ect]
As I mentioned before, I need to return objects based on that data in the format of:
var item = {name:"",price:0}
However, things like price will always be changing.
Based on the data thats in the div, the final product would look along the lines of :
var x = {name:"a",price:1}
var x2 = {name:"a2",price:2}
How do I go about doing this? I thought maybe i could store the data in an array, and then do something like
for(x in y){
return object
or something along those lines.
Sorry if this seems like a bonehead question, I'm pretty new to javascript.
clarification: i'm trying to figure out how to return multiple objects based on the data inside the div.
Here is the code that builds an array of objects based on two arrays (assuming they are of equal length).
function buildStocks() {
// Names and prices can also be passed as function arguments
var names = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
var prices = [1, 2, 3];
var result = []; // Array of these objects
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
name: names[i],
price: prices[i]
return result;

Finding a color in a column and getting the data from another column

I have an spreadsheet like the following.
7- Test [red]
8- Test1 [yellow]
9- Test2 [red]
So, I'm trying to pass a loop in the column C, starting on C7. When it gets the color red, I should be able to get the values from column A, which are Test and Text2.
Here is the related code (it's not entering on the if)
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var dataCor = s.getRange('C7:C').getBackgrounds();
Browser.msgBox(dataCor); //Here I show the codes from the colors.
var dataValor = s.getRange('A7:A').getValues();
Browser.msgBox(dataValor); //Here I show the values from the column A.
var list = [];
var n = 0;
var n2 = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < dataCor.length; i++)
n = n + 1;
if(dataCor == '#cc0000')
list[n2] = s.getRange('A7'+n-1).getValue();
PS: If you guys have any suggestions, please tell me.
PS1: Just to knowledge, is there any function that ignores the weekend days on a math? For example, if I get the date 22 of february, I know that 20 and 21 should be ignored so people would be able to work from 15 to 19. Anyway, it's not related to the topic.
I agreed to #serge-insas,
rather than going through two arrays for background and value, we can use same range. Just a thought
function getValueByColor()
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var myRange = s.getRange('A7:C');
var list = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= myRange.getNumRows(); i++)
// 3 -column c :
if(myRange.getCell(i,3).getBackground() == '#cc0000')
//1- column A
The arrays you get from your getValues() statements are 2D arrays, in other words, arrays of arrays.
In you Logger you should see something like that : [[xx],[yy],[zz],...]
so your comparison should compare the content of the array at the desired index and not - as you did - the entire 2D array.
In your script replace
if(dataCor == '#cc0000')
if(dataCor[n][0] == '#cc0000')
and similarly when you add the result to the output list :
list[n2] = dataValue[n]
which I would replace be using the array.push method
And in the end, when you get your list array write it in one single step to your sheet column using something like
Following iJay's answer which is using spreadsheet service calls in the loop (which is a bad idea because it is very slow - see best practices here- )
here is his code modified for a better efficiency ;
function getValueByColor(){
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var myRangeValues = s.getRange('A7:C').getValues();
var myRangeColors = s.getRange('A7:C').getBackgrounds();
var list = [];
for (var i = 0; i < myRangeValues.length; i++) {
if(myRangeColors[i][2] == '#cc0000'){ // idx 2 is 3rd column = C
list.push([myRangeValues[i][0]]) // grab value in column A
Edit 2
To get col A and B in the result list simply change this line :
list.push(myRangeValues[i][0]+' | '+myRangeValues[i][1] ) // grab value in column A and B
note : since Browser.msgBox does not handle "new line" I'd suggest using HTML to show it the way you want.
Code :
var list = '';
for (var i = 0; i < myRangeValues.length; i++) {
if(myRangeColors[i][2] !== '#cc0000'){ // idx 2 is 3rd column = C
list+=myRangeValues[i][0]+' | '+myRangeValues[i][1] +'<br>' // grab value in column A and B
var result= HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(list)
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(result, 'result')

JavaScript stop referencing object after pass it to a function

I know JavaScript passes Objects by reference and thus I'm having a lot of trouble with the following code:
function doGradeAssignmentContent(dtos) {
var x = 5;
var allPages = [];
var stage = new App.UI.PopUpDisplay.PopUpStageAssignmentGrader(null, that);// pass launch element
for(var i = 0; i < dtos[0].result.students.length; ++i) {
var pagesSet = [];
for(var j = 0; j < dtos[0].result.questions.length; ++j) {
var questionObject = jQuery.extend(true, {}, new Object());
questionObject = dtos[0].result.questions[j];
if(dtos[0].result.students[i].answers[j].assignmentQuestionId === questionObject.questionId) {// expected, if not here something is wrong
questionObject.answer = dtos[0].result.students[i].answers[j].studentAnswer;
questionObject.pointsReceived = dtos[0].result.students[i].answers[j].pointsReceived;
} else {
var theAnswer = findAssociatedStudentAnswer(questionObject.questionId, dtos[0].result.students[i].answers[j]);
if(theAnswer !== null) {
questionObject.answer = theAnswer.studentAnswer;
questionObject.pointsReceived = theAnswer.pointsReceived;
} else {
alert("Unexpected error. Please refresh and try again.");
pagesSet[pagesSet.length] = new App.UI.PopUpDisplay.StageAssignmentGradingPages[dtos[0].result.questions[j].questionType.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + dtos[0].result.questions[j].questionType.slice(1) + "QuestionAssignmentGradingPage"](j + 1, questionObject);
var studentInfo = {};
studentInfo.avatar = dtos[0].result.students[i].avatar;
studentInfo.displayName = dtos[0].result.students[i].displayName;
stage.addPageSet(pagesSet, studentInfo);
First let me show you what the result (dtos) looks like so you can better understand how this function is parsing it:
The result (dtos) is an Object and looks something like:
dtos Array
dtos[0], static always here
dtos[0].result, static always here
dtos[0].questions Array
dtos[0].questions.index0 - indexN. This describes our Questions, each one is an Object
dtos[0].students Array
dtos[0].students[0]-[n].answers Array. Each student array/Object has an Answers array. Each student will have as many elements in this answers Array that there were questions in dtos[0].questions. Each element is an Object
Now what we do in this here is create this Object stage. Important things here are it has an array called "this.studentsPages". This array will ultimately have as many entries as there were students in dtos[0].students.
So we loop through this for loop disecting the dtos array and creating a pagesSet array. Here comes my problem. On the first iteration through the for loop I create this questionObject element. I also have tried just doing var questionObject = {}, but what you see now was just an attempt to fix the problem I was seeing, but it didn't work either.
So at the end of the first iteration of the outer for loop I call stage.addPageSet, this is what happens here:
var pageObject = [];
pageObject["questions"] = pageSet;
pageObject["displayName"] = studentInfo.displayName;
this.studentsPages[this.studentsPages.length] = pageObject;
if(this.studentsPages.length === 1) {// first time only
for(var i = 0; i < pageSet.length; ++i) {
The important thing to take notice of here is where I add pageObject on to this.studentsPages which was an empty array before the first call. pageObject now has pageSet plus a little bit more information. Remember, pageSet was an Object and thus passed by reference.
On the next iteration of the for loop, when I hit this line:
questionObject.answer = dtos[0].result.students[i].answers[j].studentAnswer;
It goes wrong. This changes the local copy of questionObject, BUT it also changes the copy of questionObjec that was passed to addPageSet and added to the studentsPages array in the first iteration. So, if I only had 2 students coming in, then when all is said and done, studentsPages hold 2 identical Objects. This should not be true.
The problem is questionObject in the doGradeAssignmentContent function is keeping a reference to the Object created on the previous iteration and then overrides it on all subsequent iterations.
What can I do to fix this?
Thanks for the help!
With out having looked at it too closely I believe you need to change the following:
// Before:
var questionObject = jQuery.extend(true, {}, new Object());
questionObject = dtos[0].result.questions[j];
// After:
var questionObject = jQuery.extend(true, {}, dtos[0].result.questions[j]);
I didn't look too closely if there are other instances in the code where this needs to be applied, but the core concept is to utilize jQuery's deep copy to generate a duplicate of the object you do not wish to retain a reference to.

trying to iterate data sets

I'm new to javascript, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to loop through some code so that it will basically create an array that I can then pass on to my plot variable.
I'm not really sure where to start. Right now I have a chunk of code that takes my first dataset (dataOne) and formats it so that it can go into my plot variable. I basically need to do that three more times for the other data sets - hoping to include the example.getDataSets function to loop through somehow.
Is there a good way to do this?
Here is my code:
var example = {};
example.data = {
dataOne: {data: [{"date":1333238400000,"data":23},{"date":1333324800000,"data":37},{"date":1333411200000,"data":49},{"date":1333497600000,"data":54},{"date":1333584000000,"data":30},{"date":1333670400000,"data":19},{"date":1333756800000,"data":15},{"date":1333843200000,"data":19},{"date":1333929600000,"data":145}],
dataTwo: {data: [{"date":1335830400000,"data":63},{"date":1335916800000,"data":77},{"date":1336003200000,"data":66}],
dataThree: {data: [{"date":1341100800000,"data":24},{"date":1341187200000,"data":50},{"date":1341273600000,"data":43},{"date":1341360000000,"data":39},{"date":1341446400000,"data":56},{"date":1341532800000,"data":66}],
dataFour: {data: [{"date":1333238400000,"data":71},{"date":1333324800000,"data":46},{"date":1333411200000,"data":66},{"date":1333497600000,"data":73},{"date":1333584000000,"data":105},{"date":1333670400000,"data":84}]}
example.getDataSets = function(){
return ['dataOne', 'dataTwo', 'dataThree', 'dataFour']
example.getSeries = function(month){
return example.data[month]
example.processData = function(data){
var newData = []
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
newData.push([data[i].date, data[i].data])
return newData;
My script in the HTML page:
.done(function() {
var b = example.getSeries('dataOne');
var d = example.processData(b.data);
// first correct the timestamps - they are recorded as the daily
// midnights in UTC+0100, but Flot always displays dates in UTC
// so we have to add one hour to hit the midnights in the plot
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; ++i)
d[i][0] += 60 * 60 * 1000;
var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), [d] , options);
Any suggestions are much appreciated!
You're passing the string literal 'b' to example.processData not the object stored in the variable b. Its should be
var d = example.processData(b);
Also example.getSeries returns an object not an array. The array is in the data property of the object.
Also your data has syntax errors in it, missing ]} at the end of the arrays in the first 3 objects.
var d = example.processData(b);
won't log your data (in the b variable) as well, but the string :-)

