My VAT calculation is wrong - javascript

I'm trying to do a function for making a small calcul with vat.
So I have the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function calcdebours()
var taux = document.getElementById('debours_taux_tva').value;
var ht_no_tva = document.getElementById('debours_montant_ht_no_tva').value;
var ht_tva = document.getElementById('debours_montant_ht_tva').value;
var tva= Math.round((((ht_tva)*(taux))/100)*100)/100;
document.getElementById('debours_montant_tva').value = tva ;
document.getElementById('debours_montant_ttc').value = (tva) + parseInt(ht_tva)+ parseInt(ht_no_tva)
And below the fiddle:
But for all it make the wrong calculation, I think it does not count the cent.
I've tried using just var 1 + var 2 but it just used to concatenate the number sor I use the parseInt function.
It has worked but the result is wrong for any kind of amount.
The trouble is that I tried parseDecimal but it say that this function does not exist.
Any kind of help will be much appreciated.

Try parseFloat. Or use the unitary + like this: var ht_no_tva = +document.getElementById('debours_montant_ht_no_tva').value; This gives JavaScript the hint that it should treat the value as a number.

Use parseFloat() instead of parseDouble:


Calculating 2 values from fields but it's not working properly

I am calculating 2 fields on a form with values but it seems in some cases it's not working. Here's my javascript. I am adding $oneTimeCostField and $recurringTotalCostField to get the value into the $totalRetailAmountField. Here's the result I am getting when I add say 1,555.00 + 566.00 = the value is 567.00 (?). Any idea what I'm doing wrong? In some cases it works correctly when the values are lower. Thanks, just stumped
var $recurringCostField = $('#am_attribute_campaign_addon_monthly_cost_value');
var $recurringTotalCostField = $('#am_attribute_campaign_addon_total_monthly_cost_value');
var $totalRetailAmountField = $('#am_oie_string_total_monthly_cost_value');
var $oneTimeCostField = $('#am_attribute_campaign_addon_one_time_cost_value');
function calcVal() {
var num1 = $oneTimeCostField.val();
var num2 = $recurringTotalCostField.val();
var result = parseFloat(num1) + parseFloat(num2);
if (!isNaN(result)) {
$oneTimeCostField.on("keydown keyup", function() {
$recurringTotalCostField.on("keydown keyup", function() {
You need to remove the commas before parsing:
var result = parseFloat(num1.replace(/,/g, '')) + parseFloat(num2.replace(/,/g, ''));
similiar question on this link
Remove commas from the string using JavaScript
That is because parseFloat() converts the string "1,555.00" to the number 1.
To convert it to a proper floating point number, it needs to include a single dot only.

Add together numbers in separate DIVs

(obligatory I'm new to this) What I am trying to do is...
Fetch the contents (a number) of the DIV ID.
Add those numbers together
Print them in the "at" DIV.
I know it should be pretty darn simple. But I cant wrap my head around why it isn't working. I want to learn WHY it's not working. I dont necessarily want you guys to write it for me. I want to learn. Here is my code...
var at = document.getElementById("a-total");
var ac = document.getElementById("a-coffee").innerHTML;
var ah = document.getElementById("a-hobby").innerHTML;
var af = document.getElementById("a-fundme").innerHTML;
var addopt = ac + ah + af;
function aTotal (){
if (addopt >= 0){
at.innerHTML = addopt;
} else {
console.log("tis broken");
It outputs properly, but it's just not adding the numbers in the DIVs together. It's placing them side by side rather than adding them together.
That's because you are only doing a string concatenation.
You need to transform the values to numbers as .innerHTML() returns a string. This is how should your operation:
var addopt = +ac + +ah + +af;
It's better to use .innetrText() or .textContent() over .innerHTML to avoid getting HTML markups inside your elements if there are any into the result.
This happens a lot. What you need to do is convert to integer because it reads it as a string using ParseInt (variable) or ParsefLoat (variable) ParsefLoat (variable) can also use .toFixed (decimal_places)
You have to parse the content of the divs to a number, as the innerHTML returns a string.
So either var addopt = +ac + +ah + +af; or var addopt = parseInt(ac) + parseInt(ah) + parseInt(af); should work for you.
You need to parse the innerHTML to integers or floats to be able to do mathematical operations on them. Check the below code that takes the text and parses it to ints:
var addopt = parseInt(ac) + parseInt(ah) + parseInt(af);
You try to additionnal strings instead of numbers.
innerHTML return the string in a HTML element.
You should parseInt or parseFloat the content to have numbers.
var at = document.getElementById("a-total");
var ac = document.getElementById("a-coffee").innerHTML;
var ah = document.getElementById("a-hobby").innerHTML;
var af = document.getElementById("a-fundme").innerHTML;
// Values are taken as string and mus be converted to int.
// We check also that a value is not undefined.
ac = isNaN(parseInt(ac)) ? 0 : parseInt(ac);
ah = isNaN(parseInt(ah)) ? 0 : parseInt(ah);
af = isNaN(parseInt(af)) ? 0 : parseInt(af);
var addopt = ac + ah + af;
function aTotal (){
if (addopt >= 0){
at.innerHTML = addopt;
} else {
console.log("tis broken");
The contents of your divs are strings, even though the represent numbers. So if your divs have the values '1', '2' and '3' adding them togther gives you '123' rather than 6 as you might expect. Have a look at the parseInt function to see how you can turn your strings into numbers.

Integer not being interpreted

This code doesn't seem to understand the integer in the var.
var btndelivery = $j('.delivery').parent("li");
var grandtotaltxt = $j(".gtman").text().replace("$", "");
var grandtotal = parseInt(grandtotaltxt);
$j(document).ready(function() {
if ($j(grandtotal) > 60) {
alert("plus grand");
} else {
alert("plus petit");
It always alerts plus petit.
The variable grandtotal was already parsed into an integer. It looks like you need to remove the jQuery wrapping to compare it to another integer. Also, if $j(".gtman").text() comes back undefined then the replace function will throw an error. It's probably good to wrap the code in an if statement.
if ($j(".gtman").length) {
var btndelivery = $j('.delivery').parent("li");
var grandtotaltxt = $j(".gtman").text().replace("$", "");
var grandtotal = parseInt(grandtotaltxt);
$j(document).ready(function() {
if (grandtotal > 60) {
alert("plus grand");
} else {
alert("plus petit");
You can use '+' sign infront of the variable you expect as integer.
var integerVal = +$('someSelector').text();
This makes integerVal variable an integer variable and you need not to put parseInt for it.
You can refer this article for more such JavaScript Tricks.

Regex Nan error number only

I have an HTML form with input = "text". I need this to be text and not number.
On the javascript side, I try to remove the nonnumerical character which works only if the first thing I type is a number. If I type a letter first, I will get a NaN error. And yes I need the parseInt as another script launches after this one. Thanks
function numberonly(id)
var x = document.getElementById(id);
var numbers = x.value.replace(/[^\d]/g,'');
if (x.value.length>0)
x.value = parseInt(numbers, 10);
If possible, i would avoid using the "event" option as seen here.
Thanks guys. Problem solved. It was the parseInt giving an error. I think it is parsing what blank means.
var x = document.getElementById(id);
var numbers = x.value.replace(/[^\d]/g,'');
if (numbers.length>0)
x.value = parseInt(numbers, 10);
x.value = ""; //0 can be used

Adding User input without rounding (Google Apps Script)

I am adding a users input in to UI as they add numbers and returning the results. The input is currency so I need to carry it out two decimals and not round.
Here is an example of my code:
function ceiling2(number) {
var ceiling2;
return ceiling2 = Math.ceil(number*100)/100;
function lD23Total (e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var tB1v = parseInt(e.parameter.TextBox1);
var tB9v = parseInt(e.parameter.TextBox9);
var tB17v = parseInt(e.parameter.TextBox17);
var tB25v = parseInt(e.parameter.TextBox25);
var tB33v = parseInt(e.parameter.TextBox33);
var tB41v = parseInt(e.parameter.TextBox41);
var tB49v = parseInt(e.parameter.TextBox49);
var lD23 = app.getElementById("LabelD23").setStyleAttribute('fontWeight','bold');
var lD23T = tB1v + tB9v + tB17v + tB25v + tB33v + tB41v + tB49v;
lD23.setText("$ " + ceiling2(lD23T));
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
return app;
Currently it returns a rounded number.
I appreciate an suggestions you may offer!
The function parseInt() will convert the value to an integer, dropping the values after the decimal. Use parseFloat() instead.
I think your function is just fine...
if you remove the parseInt() and replace it either with parseFloat()as suggested by Eric or by Number() it should work...
if not then the problem might come from the way numbers are written:
If you used 26,4567 but you should use 26.4567 with a dot as separator in place of a comma.
Could you try and keep us informed ?
Or you can use this before sending to your function:
var newnumber=Number(number.toString().replace(",","."));// convert to string, replace comma with dot and set as number again.
and your function will work in both cases

