Unable to display nested JSON on Sencha Touch 2 - javascript

Consider this JSON
"stream": {
"posts": [{
"post_id": "1",
"post_type": "text",
"post_thumb": "bla1",
"comments": [{
"comment_id": "7",
"comment_text": "asd",
"comment_id": "8",
"comment_text": "sdf",
and my Model
Ext.define('MyAppApp.model.Post', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
config: {
fields: [
proxy: {
type: 'jsonp',
url: 'http://MyApp.com/home/index_app',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'stream'
The above correctly shows a list of posts in my view.
I added a controller to push a panel to show the full content of each post, which is working.
Ext.define('MyAppApp.controller.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
config: {
refs: {
stream: 'homepanel'
control: {
'homepanel list': {
itemtap: 'showPost'
showPost: function(list, index, element, record) {
/////// begin code block that solved my problem
var data = record.get('comments');
var comments = '';
Ext.Array.each(data, function(item) {
comments += [item.comment_text] + '<br />';
/////// end
xtype: 'panel',
html: [
'<p>' + record.get('post_thumb') + '</p>',
'<p>' + record.get('comments') + '</p>',
comments // added to output HTML
scrollable: true,
styleHtmlContent: true,
My trouble is with retrieving the data from comments, which are nested in the JSON.
With the above controller, I get
[object Object],[object Object]
in my view and in the console I can open those objects and see the entirety of my comments.
But how do I display them in the view? (eg, how do I display "comment_text"?)

Well, they are no longer JSON as soon as they are in your model, they got deserialized to object. To display them you should use a XTemplate. If you already use a template within your view you can directly access the properties of the objects to to render them. Let me know if anything is still unclear.
Why exactly do you render the content by yourself into html property? Is that cause of performance reasons? I am not that used to ST, therefore I ask. Anyway, build up a little helper function that will loop through the comment array and return is as more or less formatted string (this will be up to you, also the check that the array is at least a empty one and never null)
var data = record.get('comments')
function(data) {
var result = '',
len = data.length,
for(;i<len;i++) {
result += data[i]['comment_text'] +'<br />'
return result;
Here is a implementation into the origin function. I post this cause the use of Ext.Array.each is not recommend, because it executes a function for each element and functioncalls within loops should be spared.
showPost: function(list, index, element, record) {
var data = record.get('comments');
function fetchComments(data) {
var result = '',
len = data.length,
i = 0;
for(;i<len;i++) {
result += data[i]['comment_text'] + '<br />';
return result;
xtype: 'panel',
html: [
'<p>' + record.get('post_thumb') + '</p>',
'<p>' + fetchComments(data) + '</p>'
scrollable: true,
styleHtmlContent: true,

Here is the other way I have iterated.
Json data:
"account" : [
"id": "1",
"accNo" : "5869785254",
"curAmt" : "25000",
"balAmt" : "15000",
"transdate" : [
"date" : "10",
"month" : "03",
"description" : "Check 232",
"crddbt" : "-1200"
"date" : "14",
"month" : "03",
"description" : "ATM Withdrawl",
"crddbt" : "-500"
Sencha Code to iterate on transdate object.
var transDateObj = record.get('transdate');
Ext.Object.each(transDateObj, function(key, value, myself){
Ext.Object.each(value, function(key, value, myself){
console.log(key + ":" + value);


Unable to parse JSON filename object

I am unable to parse a JSON object (whatever.png) for some reason, I get [object%20Object] which is strange as I never have this issue, as its clearly simple to resolve or stringify and debug if in doubt.
My jQuery code:
$(function () {});
url: '/shouts/get/ajax',
method: 'GET',
dataType: 'JSON',
success: function (res) {
res.forEach((element, i) => {
data = {
message: element['message'],
date: element['date'],
descr: element['descr'],
last_login: element['last_login'],
added: element['added'],
user: element['user'],
username: element['username'],
user_id: element['user_id'],
avatar: element['avatar'],
badges: element.badges
var result = XBBCODE.process({
text: data.message,
removeMisalignedTags: false,
addInLineBreaks: false
let allstring = '<div class="shoutbox-container"><span class="shoutDate" style="width:95px">' + jQuery.timeago(data.date) + ' <span style="color:#b3b3b3">ago</span><span id="user_badge_' + i + '"></span></span><span class="shoutUser"><a class="tooltip-shoutuser" title="' + data.username + '" href="/user/?id=' + data.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.avatar + '" class="shout-avatar" /></a></span><span class="shoutText">' + result.html + '</span></div><br>';
document.getElementById('shoutbox').innerHTML += allstring;
let badges = [];
data.badges.forEach(badge => {
badges.push('<img src="/images/avatars_gear/' + badge + '">').innerHTML += badges; // <--- Object bug
badges.forEach(badge => {
document.getElementById('user_badge_' + i).innerHTML += badge;
$('.shoutbox-container').filter(function () {
return $(this).children().length === 3;
$('.shoutbox-container').each(function () {
$(this).parent().nextAll().slice(0, this.rowSpan - 1).addClass('shoutbox_alt');
animation: 'grow',
delay: 200,
theme: 'tooltipster-punk'
JSON output from PHP:
"badges": [],
"username": "tula966",
"message": "perk added for [url=/user/?id=39691]tula966[/url]",
"avatar": "images/avatars/0f885488eb90548b5b93899615c5b838d2300bdb_thumb.jpg",
"date": "2022-02-04 01:00:01",
"last_login": "2022-02-03 12:36:06",
"user_id": "39691"
"badges": [
"image": "star.png",
"descr": " Star Power"
"image": "toolbox.png",
"descr": "Worker"
"username": "Tminus4",
"message": "testing testing",
"avatar": "images/avatars/8cc11eb4cb12c3d7e00abfba341c30b32ced49be_thumb.jpg",
"date": "2022-02-04 01:00:00",
"last_login": "2022-02-03 10:52:08",
"user_id": "1"
badge is not pushing the PNG file names from the JSON response to the DIV. I cant figure this out. This same code structure works perfectly on 3 other areas using the same JSON structure and logic, in fact more complex in our Site Polls area without any issues.
I also attempted to force the object with json_encode($array, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT) on the PHP side, which breaks the JS - and I have never needed to utilize that before in any case.
However this seems to differ greatly in this case. Any help is appreciated.

Changing js array on a html

I want to manipulate an js array after a click but its not triggering.
example is here
what did i do is: (i need to re set dataset which is loaded into table previously please take a look at above example)
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".retrievemenu").click(function() {
//alert( this.id );
var restid = this.id;
data = [
["sasa", "a", "a"]
$.post("server.php", {
retrievemenu: 1,
restid: restid
}, function(data) {
data: data,
columns: [{
title: "Restaurant Name"
}, {
title: "Menu Name"
}, {
title: "Actions"

Get cascading data from form into JSON object

I am trying to build a 'form builder' where you can add sub-fields to fields, and sub-fields to those sub-fields, etc. I have that part working and the output html I have pasted here on pastebin
Which looks like:
I need to get the data into this format:
var form_structure = {
iGA2cXN3XXdmr1F: {
title: "Field 1",
help: "",
placeholder: "",
type: "multi-select",
options: {"123QWE": "Opt 1", "ASDZXC": "Opt 2", "ASDQWE": "Opt 3"},
subfields: {
m8r32skADKsQwNt: {
title: "Field 1.1",
help: "",
placeholder: "",
type: "text",
options: []
m8r32skADKsQwNt: {
title: "Field 1.2",
help: "",
placeholder: "",
type: "text",
options: []
m8r32skADKsQwNt: {
title: "Field 1.3",
help: "",
placeholder: "",
type: "text",
options: [],
subfields: {
m8r32skADKsQwNt: {
title: "Field 1.3.1",
help: "",
placeholder: "",
type: "text",
options: []
aBvXXN3XXdmr1F: {
title: "Field 2",
help: "",
placeholder: "",
type: "multi-select",
options: {"123QWE": "Opt 1", "ASDZXC": "Opt 2", "ASDQWE": "Opt 3"},
subfields: {
m8r32skADKsQwNt: {
title: "Field 2.1",
help: "",
placeholder: "",
type: "text",
options: []
I have tried (sorry for the bad formatting):
function buildRequestStringData(form) {
var select = form.find('select'),
input = form.find('input'),
options_arr = [],
obj = {},
requestString = '{';
for (var i = 0; i < select.length; i++) {
if(typeof $(select[i]).data('parentid') != 'undefined') {
// has parent
if($(select[i]).data('parentid') != $(select[i]).data('mainid')) {
requestString += '"' + $(input[i]).data('mainid') + '":"' + JSON.stringify(buildRequestStringData()) + '",';
} else {
// does not have parent
requestString += '"' + $(select[i]).attr('name') + '": "' +$(select[i]).val() + '",';
// if (select.length > 0) {
// requestString = requestString.substring(0, requestString.length - 1);
// }
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
// if ($(input[i]).attr('type') !== 'checkbox') {
requestString += '"' + $(input[i]).attr('name') + '":"' + $(input[i]).val() + '",';
// } else {
// if ($(input[i]).attr('checked')) {
// requestString += '"' + $(input[i]).attr('name') +'":"' + $(input[i]).val() +'",';
// }
// }
if (input.length > 0) {
requestString = requestString.substring(0, requestString.length - 1);
requestString += '}]';
return requestString;
The best way I have been able to be close to this is on this fiddle - but that only allows me to put the id down, and does not format it into the format I need.
What is the best way to do this?
I think you're on the right track. See if you can nest your HTML in the same structure you want for your JSON, then when harvesting the details for each item, walk up the DOM tree grabbing each parent's id until you get to the form, and then create / append to the nested JSON object the data you find. If this isn't descriptive enough, I'll mod the answer to include html and js examples.

Starting at a specific index in each function

Please take a look at this fiddle
How can I use slice in the loop to make it return results starting from a specific index?
The JSON file:
"title": "A",
"link": "google.com",
"image": "image.com",
"price": "$1295.00",
"brand": "ABC",
"color": "Black",
"material": "Rubber"
I want it to return results starting from brand:
brand - ABC
color - Black
material - Rubber
I don't know where to put .slice(4) in the loop. I got undefined error using
$.each(value.slice(4),function(key, value)
Here's the code:
url: "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20json%20where%20url%20%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FaZgYDB%22&format=json&diagnostics=true&callback=",
success: function (data) {
var item_html="";
$(data.query.results.json).each(function(key, value) {
$.each(value,function(key, value){
item_html += '<h3>'+key+' - '+value+'</h3>';
Use a separate array of property names, so you can slice it and get the names in a guaranteed order.
var props = [
url: "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20json%20where%20url%20%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FaZgYDB%22&format=json&diagnostics=true&callback=",
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
var item_html="";
var propslice = props.slice(4);
$.each(data.query.results.json, function(i, obj) {
$.each(propslice, function(i, key) {
value = obj[key];
item_html += '<h3>'+key+' - '+value+'</h3>';
If there are a small number of properties you want to skip, you can make a list of them in an object, and test against that list:
var excluded_props = {
title: true,
link: true,
image: true,
price: true
url: "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20json%20where%20url%20%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FaZgYDB%22&format=json&diagnostics=true&callback=",
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
var item_html="";
$.each(data.query.results.json, function(i, obj) {
$.each(obj, function(key, value) {
if (!excluded_props[key]) {
value = obj[key];
item_html += '<h3>'+key+' - '+value+'</h3>';
What you're asking for isn't possible with an object. Objects in Javascript are not ordered, only arrays. You have a few options:
Refactor your object to be an array
Refactor your object so that each key has a new key for order*
loop through each property of the object, placing it into an array (no guaranteed order!) and then looping through the array.
"title": {
"value" : "A",
"order" : 4
"link": {
"value" : "google.com",
"order" : 5

count json lines dynamically

I asked this question earlier this morning
"here is my JSON file :
"Week": "1145",
"Sev_Logged": "3_major",
"From": "IN1"
"Week": "1145",
"Sev_Logged": "4_minor",
"From": "IN1"
"Week": "1145",
"Sev_Logged": "4_minor",
"From": "IN1"
"Week": "1145",
"Sev_Logged": "4_minor",
"From": "IN1"
"Week": "1145",
"Sev_Logged": "4_minor",
"From": "IN1"
"Week": "1145",
"Sev_Logged": "4_minor",
"From": "IN2"
"Week": "1145",
"Sev_Logged": "3_major",
"From": "IN2"
I want to count the "from : IN1" field for each "week", per example for week : 1145 i'd get : 3, and for "From : IN2" i'd get 2
Thank you VDP for your answer, so I did this :
My store is now like :
Ext.define('Metrics.store.GraphData', {
extend : 'Ext.data.Store',
model : 'Metrics.model.GraphData',
autoload : true,
proxy : {
type : 'ajax',
url : 'data/metrics_data.json',
reader : {
type : 'json',
root : 'data',
successProperty : 'success'
//data : GraphData, //povide inline data or load using proxy
countBy: function(param){
var count = {};
var type = item.get(param);
if (Ext.isDefined(count[type])){
} else {
count[type] = 1;
return count;
And my model :
Ext.define('Metrics.model.GraphData', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
//fields: ['week', 'sev']
fields : [
{name: 'Week', type: 'int'},
{name: 'Sev_Logged', type: 'string'},
{name: 'From', type: 'string'}
Since i'm using extjs 4 with MVC model, I have made a controller wich controls the event of a button, right now it looks like this :
launchGraph : function(button){
console.log('clicked the apply button');
var chartStore = this.getGraphDataStore();
callback: this.onGraphDataLoad,
scope: this,
But when I click the apply button I get this error in my controller :
"Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token . "
And it points to the line :
It seems like i have an error in the referencing to my store. Any ideas?
If var jsonData is the array resulting from parsing the json shown above, this will give you an object with the counts of each depending on the parameter you use..
function CountBy(parameter) {
var count = {};
for (var i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++) {
var type = jsonData[i][parameter];
if (count[type] === undefined) {
count[type] = 1;
} else {
return count;
CountBy("From") => {"IN1" : 5, "IN2" : 2}
CountBy("Week") => {"1145" : 7}
CountBy("Sev_Logged") => {"3_major": 2, "4_minor": 5}
If you are using the array you provide you can just use the mimikomi's answer or a similar ExtJS version of it:
here is a fiddle
function countBy(data, param) {
var count = {};
Ext.each(data, function(item){
var type = item[param];
if (Ext.isDefined(count[type])) {
} else {
count[type] = 1;
return count;
If you load that json from an external location it's best practice to load it in a store. You define a model, a store and add 'special' functions to your store for example.
Ext.define('Week', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [
{name: 'Week', type: 'int'},
{name: 'Sev_Logged', type: 'string'},
{name: 'From', type: 'string'}
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model: 'Week',
data : data, //povide inline data or load using proxy
countBy: function(param){
var count = {};
var type = item.get(param);
if (Ext.isDefined(count[type])){
} else {
count[type] = 1;
return count;
var countObject = store.countBy("From");
//chrome developper tools, safari, opera can show us the contents of objects in a log too. IE, FF however only tell us it is an object. (pretty useless)
//you can chose you're favorite notation to retreve the value (but I hope you knew this, it's pretty basic javascript)
Here is a fiddle.
More info on loading json dynamically into a store via ajax (using a proxy)

