Html table from json data without javascript - javascript

I want to create an html table with json data, without using the js scripts I have seen in other questions here on stackoverflow.
I have this structure:
function visualize(json_response) {
var err = json_response['error'];
if (err) {
$("#chart_div").html("<div class='alert'>" + err + "</div>");
var data = json_response['data'];
if (data.length == 0) {
{% elif net.ntype == "ztc" and sens.type == 2 %}
$("#chart_div").html("<div class='info'>No data received from this contact sensor!</div>");
$("#chart_div").html('<img src="{{ static_url('img/loading.gif') }}">');
{% if net.ntype == "ztc" and sens.type == 2 %}
{% for d in data %}
$("#chart_div").append("<td>{% d %}<td>");
This is my js section. The html section, instead, is a simple div block:
<div id="chart_div" style="width: 100%; height: 400px"></div>
I want, in other words, put my data into a table. But this solution I've wrote is not working. I don't know I can do... any ideas?
Thank you very much!

{% %} is for template directives, which must be one of the directives given in the Tornado template syntax reference. {{ }} is for escaped output.
In the line:
$("#chart_div").append("<td>{% d %}<td>");
{% d %} should be either {{ d }} (escaped) or {% raw d %} (unescaped). You also need to end the for loop.
Edit: I just looked at this again and it looks like you're trying to access a JavaScript variable in your Tornado template code (as Chris Francis pointed out). Template code (in the curly braces) is executed server-side; it has no access to or knowledge of JavaScript.
In this case, you can just use JQuery to iterate over the response:
jQuery.each(data, function(index, value) {
$("#chart_div").append("<td>" + value + "<td>");


How do i create and use variables in django

New to Django and its templates.
I'm trying to set a variable given a specific situation, and that part I think ill be able to do, the code below isn't the exact conditions its just there as a demo. The part im stuck on is how do i create a variable name, and then use that name variable elsewhere. Such as within a div or within a method or anywhere else within the html file, and withing different <Script> tags to run methods and for really any purpose.
demo scenario :
{% for row in table.rows %}
{% if row == 2 %}
{% var name = %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if name %}
{% endif %}
my actual code Im trying to implement:
<script type="text/javascript">
function map_init_basic(map, options) {
var markerClusters = L.markerClusterGroup({ chunkedLoading: true });
{% for row in table.rows %}
var x = "{{ row.cells.x }}"
var y = {{ row.cells.y }}
var m = L.marker([y, x])
m.bindPopup("{{row.cells.first_name}} {{row.cells.last_name}} <br>{{row.cells.chgd_add}}");
m.on("click" , ()=>{
//console.log(`${first_name} ${last_name}`)
{% var first_name = {{row.cells.first_name}} %}
//changed row.cells.chgd_add to row.cells.Chgd_add to make sure its matching the table
{% endfor %}
{% if first_name %}
{% endif %}
Django templates are intended to render html but you are trying to render javascript. It can work but the way you are trying to do it is not a good practice; very soon you won't be able to maintain your code.
If you want to pass data directly from python/django to javascript, an accceptable way to do so is to put the data in a dictionary, translate it to a json string and have it set to a var in your javascript.
in a view:
data = dumps(some_dictionary)
return render(request, 'main/template.html', {'data': data})
in the template:
var data = JSON.parse("{{data|escapejs}}");
Alternative: You can use django to generate a widget with data attributes and have a javascript operating on this widget and do whaterever needs to be done.

Using django-select2 for a dropdown list with pictures

I'm trying to take another approach for the problem I desribed below making use of django-select2 module.
Django choicefield using pictures instead of text not displaying
I have a django model which looks like:
My model looks like:
class MyPicture(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=60,
logo = models.ImageField(upload_to='logos')
def __str__(self):
I would like to create a drop down looking like
where essentially I have a big picture on the left (corresponding to what I called logo) and some text on the right (corresponding to name).
My form looks like:
from django_select2.forms import Select2MultipleWidget
class MyPictureForm(forms.Form):
pictures = forms.ModelChoiceField(widget=Select2MultipleWidget, queryset=MyPicture.objects.all())
My view looks like:
def mypicture(request):
form = MyPictureForm(request.POST or None)
if form.is_valid():
return render(request, 'myproj/picture.html', {'form': form})
and finally, my hmtl (where something is wrong):
{% load staticfiles %}
{{ }}
<title>In construction</title>
<form action="{% url 'mypicture' %}" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<select id="#e4" name="picture">
{% for x in %}
<option value="{{ }}"><img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ x.logo.url }}" height=150px/></option>
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="Valider" class="btn btn-primary"/>
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function format(x) {
if (! return; // optgroup
return "<img src=" + x.logo.url + "/>" +;
$(document).ready(function () {
formatResult: format,
formatSelection: format,
dropdownCssClass: "bigdrop", // apply css that makes the dropdown taller
escapeMarkup: function (m) { return m; } // we do not want to escape markup since we are displaying html in results
{{ }}
Unfortunately I'm not good enough to tell whether my error is in the javascript or in the loop. When I right click to get the source code, the options are properly set. So I must not be to far from the answer.
It might be trivial for those of you with more javascript experience than me.
Thanks for your help!!
I think (most) browsers don't allow anything inside an <option>-tag besides plain text.
This is what Mozilla says about the allowed content of <option>-tags:
Permitted content: Text, possibly with escaped characters (like
Not sure if you can set something as a background though.

Django : combine variable and HTML id in template

I'm looking for a way to "concatene" a django object list (get via the get_queryset in the with a Javascript variable. then concatene them to a field of a model object.
My model is a blog post, and contains the post_title field (a charfield).
In my index.html, I have a pager button with id="1" or id="2" corresponding to the index of the page and a onClick="displayPostContentOnPageButtonCliked(" attribute.
My index.html retrieve all post objects in a context_object_name called all_post_by_date.
In my index.html, I want to display on alert dialog the post title corresponding to the button clicked, something like:
function displayPostContentOnPageButtonCliked(page_button_clicked_id){
var all_posts_by_date = "{{all_posts_by_date.page_button_clicked_id.post_title}}";
But this doesn't work. I tried to add filter or create my own filter (called get_index, but only manage to get like: all_posts_by_date|get_index:page_button_clicked_id and not be able to combine the .post_title part.
My question is: how to get {{all_posts_by_date.page_button_clicked_id.post_title}} to work, and alert "Title of post 3" when the button 3 is clicked ?
Thank u !
Two solutions for you: (1) send in the data you want to your JS function in the call to the JS function.
function showPostTitle(post_title){
. . .
{% for x in all_posts_by_date %}
<div id='blog-post-{{ }}' on-click="showPostTitle('{{ x.post_title }}')">
. . .
{% endfor %}
Or you can just serialize the data yourself for later use:
var titles = [];
{% for x in all_posts_by_date %}
titles.push('{{ x.post_title }}');
{% endfor %}
function displayPostContentOnPageButtonCliked(nId) {
var title = titles[nId - 1];

Django: Referencing Views List in Java Script?

So I'm working with Django on a website that I am playing around with, and have been trying to research how I could get the following list in my and be able to reference it in my javascript? I'm working on creating an ajax call and the tutorials I am coming accross are a bit confusing.
#lines 6 - 8 of my code.
def catalog_home(request):
item_list = item.objects.order_by('name') #item is the model name
note: the item model containts a name, description, overview and icon column.
Is it possible for me to use the list above (item_list) and be able to write a javascript function that does something similar to this? :
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#showmorebutton").click(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var itemdescription = item.description;
var itemName =;
var icon = item.icon;
$("table tr:last").append(generateCard(itemName,
function generateCard(itemNameC, itemdescriptionC, iconC) {
var card = "<td class='tablecells'><a class='tabletext' href='#'><span class='fa "
+ iconC
+ " concepticons'></span><h2 class='header'>"
+ itemNameC
+ "</h2><p>"
+ itemdescripionC
+ "<span class='fa fa-chevron-circle-right'></span></p></a></td>";
return card;
I don't mean to crowd source the answer to this, I just would appreciate any feedback/advice for me to handle this task, as I am fairly new to coding.
You should absolutely be able to do this. The trick is to understand Django templates. You showed part of the view but you will need to render to a template. Inside the template, you can just do something like
HTML code for page goes here (if you're mixing js and html)
var items = [{% for d in data %}
{% if forloop.last %}
{{ d }}
{% else %}
{{ d }},
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}];
// code that uses items
Note there's a little bit of work required to make sure you have the right # of commas [taken from this SO answer and your code should handle the case where the array is empty.
Alternatively, you could do an ajax call from static javascript to your django server using something like django rest framework to get the list of items as a json object.

New forms - embedding a collection of forms - Symfony2

I'm doing the same as explained here:
But in my case I want to add new "tags" not manually with clicking on a link, but automatically. I give to my template an array with items and for each of this items I want to add a new form - the number of items should be equal to the number of forms.
If it's possible, I'd prefer a solution like this:
{% for i in items %}
{{ }} {{ form_widget(form.tags[loop.index0].name) }}
{% endfor %}
But how to automatically create objects in the controller, too? It tells me that there is no obeject with index=1, and yes - there isn't, but isn't there a way to create them automatically and not need to create for example 10 empty objects of the same kind in my controller? :(
Another thing I was thinking was something like this:
{% for i in items %}
<ul class="orders" data-prototype="{{ form_widget(form.orders.vars.prototype)|e }}">
{{ }} and here should be a field from the form, for example
{% endfor %}
I suggest that the js given in the cookbook should be changed to do this, but I'm not good in js and my tries didn't do the job.
I tried putting this in the loop:
and this in a .js file:
var collectionHolder = $('ul.orders');
jQuery(document).ready(function() {'index', collectionHolder.find(':input').length);
function addTagForm(collectionHolder) {
var prototype ='prototype');
var index ='index');
var newForm = prototype.replace(/__name__/g, index);'index', index + 1);
var $newFormLi = $('<li></li>').append(newForm);
Assuming that your main class has addTag($tag) method, you can add different 'new' tags to it.
In class Task
public function addTag($tag){
return $this;
In your Controller (assuming 10 tags here)
$task=new Task();
$task->addTag(new Tag());
In your view
{% for tag in form.tags %}
<ul class="orders">
<li>{{ form_widget( }}</li>
{% endfor %}
If you don't need the manually click, you can remove the JavaScript part.

