Bootstrap Timepicker - javascript

I am trying to find a time picker widget, compatible with bootstrap styling. I really like the style of the jdewit widget, but it has a tremendous number of bugs. I am trying to finish this project quickly, so I don't want to get bogged down in fixing library bugs.
Can anyone else recommend a slick timepicker that is production ready?

I'm the author of the jdewit/timepicker.
I finally took some time to get through all the reported issues. Hope it meets your needs.

You could try our one
We are now using this one as it is being actively developed

I tried to use, it didn't find it very helpful as it needed to have the time format as HH:MM, whereas mine were being supplied as HH:MM:SS. Also the styling is not the best.
This is also a problem for me, I have tried 4 timepickers and all of them have some kind of issue under bootstrap, I would like to see an answer to this as well

You could try this:
I'm the author of this thing.
You'd use with something like this:
var timepicker = new TimePicker(['field1', 'field2'], {
theme: 'dark', // or 'blue-grey'
lang: 'pt' // 'en', 'pt' for now
timepicker.on('change', function(evt){;
var value = (evt.hour || '00') + ':' + (evt.minute || '00');
evt.element.value = value;


date and time picker with validation [duplicate]

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I've been looking around for a decent jQuery plugin that can handle both dates and times. The core UI DatePicker is great, but unfortunately I need to be able to take time in as well.
I've found a few hacks for the DatePicker to work with times, but they all seem pretty inelegant and Google isn't turning up anything nice.
Is there a good jQuery plugin for selecting dates and times in a single UI control with a usable interface?
By far the nicest and simplest DateTime picker option is
It is an extension of the jQuery UI Datepicker so it will support the same themes as well it works very much the same way, similar syntax, etc. This should be packaged with the jQuery UI imo.
#David, thanks for the recommendation! #fluid_chelsea, I've just released Any+Time(TM) version 3.x which uses jQuery instead of Prototype and has a much-improved interface, so I hope it now meets your needs:
Any problems, please let me know via the comment link on my website!
In my view, dates and times should be handled as two separate input boxes for it to be most usable and efficient for the user to input. Let the user input one thing at a time is a good principle, imho.
I use the core UI DatePicker, and the following time picker.
This one is inspired by the one Google Calendar uses:
jQuery timePicker:
project on github:
I found it to be the best among all of the alternatives. User can input fast, it looks clean, is simple, and allows user to input specific times down to the minute.
In my view: sliders (used by some alternative time pickers) take too many clicks and require mouse precision from the user (which makes input slower).
My best experience with a datepicker is with the prototype-based AnyTime. I know that's not jQuery, but it may still be worth the compromise for you. I know absolutely no prototype, and it's still easy enough to work with.
One caveat I've found: it is not forward compatible on some browsers. That is, it did not work with a newer version of prototype on Chrome.
Just to add to the info here, The Fluid Project has a nice wiki write-up overviewing a large number of date and/or time pickers here.
I researched this just recently and have yet to find a decent date picker that also includes a decent time picker. What I ended up using was eyecon's awesome DatePicker, with two simple dropdowns for time. I was tempted to use Timepickr.js though, looks like a really nice approach.
I have ran into that same problem. I actually developed my using server side programming, but I did a quick search to try and help you out and found this.
Seems alright, didn't look at the source too much, but seems to be purely JavaScript.
Take look:
Here is the demo page link:
good luck
This is some code I use to have a user select one
datetimepicker, set the datetime, and have the
other datetimepicker add One Minute to that time.
I needed this for a custom medication control....
Anyway, thought it might help someone else since I could
not find the answer any where online...
(at least not a complete answer)
Keep in mind that the 60000 added, adds one minute.
(60 * 1000 milliseconds)
onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
var endDateTextBox = $('.todtPicker');
if (endDateTextBox.val() != '') {
var testStartDate = new Date(dateText);
var testEndDate = new Date(endDateTextBox.val());
if (testStartDate > testEndDate) {
var testStartDate = new Date(dateText).getTime() + 60000;
var testStartDate2 = new Date(testStartDate);
endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('setDate', (new Date(testStartDate2)));
else {
var testStartDate = new Date(dateText).getTime() + 60000;
var testStartDate2 = new Date(testStartDate);
endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('setDate', (new Date(testStartDate2)));
$('.frdtPicker').val(dateText); //endDateTextBox.val());
onSelect: function(selectedDateTime) {
var start = $(this).datetimepicker('getDate');
$('.todtPicker').datetimepicker('option', 'minDate', new Date(start.getTime()));
Take a look at the following JavaScript plugin.
Javascript Calendar with date and time
I've made it to be simple as possible. but it still in its early days.
Let me know the feedback so I could improve it.
Not jQuery, but it works well for a calendar with time: JavaScript Date Time Picker.
I just bound the click event to pop it up:
$(".arrival-date").click(function() {
NewCssCal($(this).attr('id'), 'mmddyyyy', 'dropdown', true, 12);
I make one function like this:
function getTime()
var date_obj = new Date();
var date_obj_hours = date_obj.getHours();
var date_obj_mins = date_obj.getMinutes();
var date_obj_second = date_obj.getSeconds();
var date_obj_time = "'"+date_obj_hours+":"+date_obj_mins+":"+date_obj_second+"'";
return date_obj_time;
Then I use the jQuery UI datepicker like this:
$("#selector").datepicker( "option", "dateFormat", "yy-mm-dd "+getTime()+"" );
So, I get the value like this: 2010-10-31 12:41:57
We had trouble finding one that worked the way we wanted it to so I wrote one. I maintain the source and fix bugs as they arise plus provide free support.

Breezejs Double trouble in angularjs

I am trying to change a value in a angular view from a integer to a float/double value that is bind to ngmodel. The input don’t except anything other than a integer.
My guess is that breeze does something in the background to validate the value or something on the "defined properties". But my knowledge of JavaScript prototyping is very limiting aka I need to learn it..
This is really hard to explain so I created a plunk that can hopefully help:
In the plunk I also added a normal object to test the same values and it is working as expected when changing the numbers to floats/doubles.
So the question is why won’t the value changed when binding to a float/double value from breeze?
I've checked a preliminary fix into GitHub for this. Please check it out and let me know if it works ( or not). We are still testing it.
This issue is caused by Angular's (new) behavior where if the angular digest cycle does not see a change to a model property then it seems to reset the UI to what it was on the previous digest cycle. So.. the idea behind this fix is to convince angular that the model value has changed even when it hasn’t.
and.. nice catch ( this was not obvious and your plunkr helped) :)
Ward adds: You must love the breeze team responsiveness :-) Jay jumped right on this and came up with an interesting solution. But please note the word "preliminary" in Jay's answer. We are discussing this "fix" internally and it may be withdrawn. Consider the zEquivalent directive in this new plunker or just wait until the dust settles.
Update 12 March
I found what I believe is a better solution for your use case because it does not involve "debouncing" nor any change to Breeze. See the zEquivalent directive in this new plunker
Reminder: the "best" resolution of the problem you discovered is still up in the air within the Breeze core team. You should not lock into a particular outcome until we can make a more definitive recommendation.
p.s.: I should have mentioned that Jay and I are on the Breeze core team. We are doing our best to get you out of a jam but sometimes we move a wee too quickly. Bear with us please.
This answer deprecated as of 12 March
Leaving it here for "historical" purposes.
I think you should try the zEquivalent directive first.
It is important to know that the Angular team is working on a robust extension to data binding that includes "debounce" which is still a good idea for many scenarios. See this (long) pull request thread on the Angular GitHub site.
Original Answer
Consider the zDebounce directive currently located in this plunker which is based on #qorsmond's second attempt.
I'd like to know your thoughts. I'm inclined to call this "the solution" and to add it to Breeze Labs. I'll update this answer when/if I do add it to the labs.
you can use input type="number" step="any" and hide the arrows using css
I tracked down the behaviour in the breeze code, when the value change it is intercepted and parsed:
var coerceToFloat = function (source, sourceTypeName) {
if (sourceTypeName === "string") {
var src = source.trim();
if (src === "") return null;
var val = parseFloat(src);
return isNaN(val) ? source : val;
return source;
So when the value change this function is called that parse the string to a float, the problem is as soon as the value entered is some number and a point like 5. it parse it to the number 5 witch is obviously correct. So you will never be able to get past the point.
When changing the input to a number type it works because its sourceTypeName is not a string.
I ended up changing the breeze code to enable the decimal to be entered, I’m still not sure if I missed something but this works for me.
var coerceToFloat = function (source, sourceTypeName) {
if (sourceTypeName === "string") {
var src = source.trim();
if (src === "") return null;
var val;
if (src.indexOf('.', src.length - 1) !== -1) {
val = src;
else {
val = parseFloat(src);
return isNaN(val) ? source : val;
return source;
This doesn't work for large or small numbers that might be entered using an exponent form. If I want to enter 2.55e35 (a large salary ;)) the current implementation stops at the 'e'. Is there an easy way to fix this?

Object has no method 'charAt' in jQuery plugin

I am attempting to use the autoNumeric jQuery plug-in which helps with the conversion of various currencies in jQuery.
The plug-in itself works when I use it in a jsFiddle example.
$(function () {
$('.money').autoNumeric('init', {
aSign: '$',
vMin: '-999999999.99',
nBracket: '(,)'
However, as soon as I integrate it into a big, legacy project, I start receiving the above error on line 194. I know why I'm getting the error - a string is not being passed into the negativeBracket function (negativeBracket(s, nBracket, oEvent) is the signature). Instead, it seems to be a jQuery object - e.fn.init1. I'm confused on how this might be happening. I realize the community may not be able to give a direct answer, but I would love (and will accept as an answer) being pointed in the right direction as nothing has jumped out at me so far.
So, have some additional info that may be of help. It still has me stumped how it's happening (unfortunately, the answers below didn't help to provide any additional insight). When I link in autoNumeric, I key it off of any text field with the class money. It does work as I am typing in the box. I can see see formatting. However, when I tab into a new box, the box I just finished typing in clears itself completely after hitting line 152 in autoNumeric with the same exact error.
#Carlos487 was correct in his answer when he said I have an object that is not a string. I instead have an object that, I believe, is a function. Here's what I'm seeing in Chrome debugger tools:
> 0: required
> context: required
length: 1
selector: ""
> __proto__: Object[0]
The "arrowed" items can be further expanded out. I don't know if this provides any more clues, but it's at least something a bit different.
The errors like
no method XXXXX in Object
are produced because you are trying to call obj.XXXX() and obj is not of the desired type, in your particular case a string.
Have you tried in another browser because older or IE can be a little troublesome. I would recomend using chrome developer tools with your legacy app to see if anything else is conflicting or producing the error
I will bet money that you are using a second library which is interfering with jQuery. It has probably overridden $ with its own function.
Try using jQuery instead of $:
jQuery(function () {
jQuery('.money').autoNumeric('init', {
aSign: '$',
vMin: '-999999999.99',
nBracket: '(,)'
It turns out that the issue was a myriad of issue compounding into the error I saw. A couple things that was happening:
The validator plug-in was wrapping the jQuery object in its own structure (hence the charAt issue).
Once I fixed that, I also learned that some homegrown code was also wiping and rewriting data into the field to provide formatting (which is what autoNumeric is also doing), so autoNumeric would bomb out because it would get a null value and attempt to format it.
There was some other random craziness that also needed cleaned up. So...issue resolved! Still more to work on, but at least this hurdle is past. Thanks all for your help.

How to set the date of bootstrap-datepicker?

I've set up this JSFiddle showing my problem.
var date = new Date('2009-05-05');
$('#dp3').datepicker('setDate', date);
It seems like a rather simple thing to do, and I feel I may be overlooking something, but this should work, shouldn't it? I'm simply trying to set the date of the calendar to a specific day.
I know there are methods to use to set the start date in the HTML mark-up, but this is not what I need to do. This needs to be done in JavaScript.
There's documentation here that I looked over, but the "setDate" option doesn't seem to do as it says it does.
Try $('#dp3').datepicker('setValue', date); or $('#dp3').datepicker('update', date);
Try this...
var date = new Date('2009-05-05');
$('#dp3').datepicker('setDate', date);
See you DEMO

Javascript declaration issue

It turned out that the JQuery Ajax call couldn't reach the URL in certain browsers.
Thanks anyway guys, for your quick responses, definitly helped to work it out.
Sorry for the non-specific title, I don't even think what should be the problem.
There is a JQuery plugin ( which counts down from a specific date or time.
The end time from which the counter should start can be defined in 2 ways: either setting a date either setting the number of seconds left.
My project needs the second one and based on the documentation this option has to be declared like:
$('#digital_hour').countdown({until: +300});
Notice the "+" sign before the number.
It works nice on any OS and device, UNTIL I replace the number 300 with a variable that stores the seconds left until the end of the day on the server. So this version:
$('#digital_hour').countdown({until: +seconds_left_on_server});
works on specific browsers, but on others don't. Strangly enought it works under my Vista/Mozilla20.0 combo, but it doesn't on my Vista/IE6, nor on my friends Ubuntu/Mozilla combo.
I'm not a huge javascript admirer, nor an expert on the subject, but I feel that there is something around the "+" sign.
Can anyone help?
You can try with
$('#digital_hour').countdown({until: new Date(+(new Date()) + 1000 * seconds_left_on_server)});
Have you tried something simple like var seconds_left = 300 and then $('#digital_hour').countdown({until: +seconds_left}); and see what happens?
It sounds like your variable is not storing what it should. The "+" shouldn't be a problem.

