Href: Target ID in Current DIV - javascript

I have a list of <li> items being generated from a CMS/DB. Each <li> has a <div> in it which contains a link to a lightbox (a hidden <div>). The link targets the id of the hidden <div> (#inline-content-print) so the javascript plugin triggers and pulls up the lightbox.
The problem I'm running into is that all of the <li>s on the page generate with the same hidden div id (I can change this to classes). So no matter which <li> href is clicked, it always pulls up the lightbox for the first <li> on the page (the first instance of the id). I need a way for the href to say "open #inline-content-print" from THIS div (the one the link being clicked lives in)".
<div class="store-buttons-bg hide-print-buttons-{tag_Hide-Print-Buttons}">
<div style="display: none;" id="inline-content-print">
<!-- end inline-content-print -->
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

What server side language are you using? Is it producing these list items in a loop? Is there an index on that loop? If so, this would work for you.
[Server language version of a for loop with an index variable named "i"]
<div class="store-buttons-bg hide-print-buttons-{tag_Hide-Print-Buttons}">
<div style="display: none;" id="inline-content-print_[server language output of "i"]">
<!-- end inline-content-print -->
[server language version of an end to the for loop]

Assuming you want to do this with jQuery/Javascript, you could use something like this:
var lightboxElement = $(e.currentTarget).find('div');; // or whatever function you need to display
return false;
Which is a little script that:
Waits for the page to load.
Finds your list elements (by li object type and the class on the links)
Intercepts click events.
Finds the div element nested in the link that was clicked.
Displays (or runs another function) on the target lightbox element.


Pure JavaScript to Capture Link Click Data

I need help creating a pure JavaScript event listener that captures all clicks on a page, gets the link text/URL, find the logical parent DIV of that link and concatenate the values together. Take this example code:
<div class="heading grid-12">
<!-- Header and navigation links -->
Summer Promotion
<div class="responsiveGrid">
<!-- page body -->
<img alt="Navy Sweater" src="nsweater.jpg"/>
<div class="footer grid-12">
<!-- Footer and bottom nav links -->
About Us
In the above example, I want to capture where the link logically sits on the page, either header|body|footer based on whether the link is a child of these three top level DIVs. Next, I want to capture the link text from anchor/JavaScript links or the Alt Text from image links. Finally I want to get the path of the link – excluding the protocol, domain and query strings if an anchor link or converted to a static string “Overlay” if the href is ‘# ‘or ‘javascript:void(0);’. Using the code above, I’d want the final concatenated string sent to console.log when any link is clicked:
'header|Summer Promotion|index.html'
'body|Navy Sweater|/cart/sweaters/navy.html'
'footer|About Us|Overlay'
Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Traverse down to the next element down not immediate and of different type

So in an html structure like this:
<a class="member-main">
<!-- other divs and html elements -->
<div class="hidden-group-item">
<!-- other divs and html elements -->
I want to bind a click event to an html element with class .member-main so to show a hidden element .hidden-group-item.
There are plenty of those elements repeated in the page in pairs so I'd also like to show only that .hidden-group-item immediately below its respective .member-main
I'm aiming to do so with a function like below, helped by this previous question:
$('body').on('click', '.member-main', function() {
I can get the element associated on click through this keyword (if I console log it), but I can't seem to grab that node that'd let me traverse down to the hidden-group-item.
How does this work in this case and what would be the most efficient way to achieve this?
...[0] returns a nodeElement not a jQuery object that has the function toggleClass. Try this:
$('body').on('click', '.member-main', function() {
$(this).next('.hidden-group-item') // next is already returning one item so no need to try to access the first
This works as expected
The docs about the .next() method says the following:
Get the immediately following sibling of each element in the set of
matched elements. If a selector is provided, it retrieves the next
sibling only if it matches that selector.
Because you have the onClick handler and you're selecting the currently clicked element as $(this) then the matched set of elements is only the one you clicked, thus the next() call gets the .hidden-group-item just beneath it.
$('body').on('click', '.member-main', function() {
.hide {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<a class="member-main">
<!-- other divs and html elements -->
<div class="hidden-group-item hide">
<!-- other divs and html elements -->
<a class="member-main">
<!-- other divs and html elements -->
<div class="hidden-group-item hide">
<!-- other divs and html elements -->
<a class="member-main">
<!-- other divs and html elements -->
<div class="hidden-group-item hide">
<!-- other divs and html elements -->

.load() in jQuery and odd behaviour

I'm implementing a simple jQuery script on a website that loads content from one section of a webpage into the 'display container' on the same webpage.
The content i'm loading is multiple div's which are all wrapped in an outer <div> which has been hidden from view.
I have the display container div and several links the use can click on. Each time they click a link, the appropriate matched content is loaded in to the display container.
My jQuery.
$("#ITARGET").prepend('<img id="theImg" src="" />');
<div class="MPD">
<div class="Option">
<a class="Prod-Link-2" id ="DEF" href ="/electricalelectronic-products/alf150 #specTable" ><p>SPECIFICATIONS</p></a>
<div class="Option">
<a class="Prod-Link-2" href ="/electricalelectronic-products/alf150 #COMPARE" ><p>ALF150 v ALF150+</p></a>
<div class="Option">
<a class="Prod-Link-2" href ="/electricalelectronic-products/alf150 #FEAT" ><p>APPLICATIONS</p></a>
<div class="Option">
<a class="Prod-Link-2" href ="/electricalelectronic-products/alf150 #ACCESSORY" ><p>ACCESSORIES</p></a>
The Target div
<div class="Info-Target" id="ITARGET">
So my problem is this all works except one of the links.
My hidden div has 4 content divs and 2 tables inside which all have their own IDs. SPECIFICATIONS grabs the #specTable, APPLICATIONS grabs the #FEAT div etc etc.. ACCESSORIES will not load the #ACCESSORY div at all and I don't know why. The script initializes and the page loader gif is displayed, but then instead of displaying the content I'm trying to load.. it displays nothing.
The hidden area format
<div style="display: none;">
<div id ="COMPARE"> some content </div>
<table id="specTable"> some content </div>
<div id ="ACCESSORY"> some content </div>
etc ....
For test purposes
<div id="ACCESSORY">
<p> This is the accessory div </p>
No matter what I change the name to in the ID tag and the links href attr, it will not load (I even tried making a new div with a different name and moving the div up to top of the hidden content area thinking it was maybe a loading issue), but if I change the links href attr to one of the tables or a different div such as #FEAT or #specTable.. it loads that fine.
My gut feeling is that there is some qwirk with jQuery and .load() that i'm unaware of.
This problem may be CSS related. I've just taken a look at a couple of products, and wherever the content includes lists, the display appears blank because of extremely excessive white-space.
This CSS rule seems to be the culprit:
.Features li:before { content: url(#)!important; }

jQuery Masonry remove function example

I have implemented jQuery masonry to our site and it works great. Our site is dynamic and users must be able to add/remove masonry box's. The site has an add example but no remove example. Our db is queried returning x number of items. Looping through they are loaded and displayed. Here's a code sample: (we are use F3 framework and the F3:repeat is it's looping mechanism.).
<div id="container" class="transitions-enabled clearfix" style="clear:both;">
<F3:repeat group="{{#productItems}}" value="{{#item}}">
<div id="{{#item.itemId}}">
<div class="box">
<div class="view"> <!-- for css -->
<a onclick='quickRemove("{{#item.itemId}}")>
<img src="{{#item.pic}}" />
In the javascript code the item id number is unique and is passed into the function. It's also the div id# to distinguish each box. I've tried various combinations and methods but can't seem to get this to work.
function quickRemove(item){
var obj = $('#'+item+'').html(); // item is the product id# but also the div id#
Has anyone out there successfully removed an item and how did you do it?
Currently you appear to be passing a string full of html to the masonry remove method. Pass it the actual jQuery wrapped element by not including .html()
function quickRemove(item){
var obj = $('#'+item+''); // item is the product id# but also the div id#

When click on title, make information appear on another div for the information?

I'm looking for a jQuery solution for this. When I click, let's say on a artist name. Theirs another div beside that has the information showing up. (possibly in a animation/fading way)
Can anyone help?
Link and Info Within Physical Proximity
Use this method if your artist link and artist info is within physical proximity (i.e., sibling in the DOM). Let's say you have:
<a ... class="artistInfo">Artist name</a>
<div class="artistInfo"> .... shown on link click </div>
... repeat
Then use:
$('div.artistInfo').hide(); // Initially hide info
$('a.artistLink').click(function() { // Show on click
next() is used to avoid wrapping each link-info set in "per-artist" container. Thus, you should be able to have multiple "sets" of link-plus-info in the same page.
Link and Info in Different Places
When there is no physical proximity between the link and tha info, you will need some sort of identifiers from the link to the info*. E.g.,
<a ... class="artistLink" id="artistLink-1">Artist name</a>
<div class="artistInfo" id="artistInfo-1"> .... shown on link click </div>
You can now:
$('div.artistInfo').hide(); // Initially hide all infos
$('a.artistLink').click(function() { // Show on click (by reference)
var n = $(this).attr('id').substring(11); // Remove "artistLink-"
$('#artistInfo' + n).fadeIn();
*) Note: You could use the DOM index if links and infos are ordered similarly. I.e., the nth <a> element corresponds to the n info element.
Use the .html method of jquery
If by 'beside' you mean it is the very next sibling, you can use next:
$(".artist").click(function() {
<span class="artist">Foo and the Jackals</span>
<div>some content</div>
<span class="artist">Jeff and the misshapen lunatics</span>
<div>some content</div>
slideToggle will "Display or hide the matched elements with a sliding motion.".
There can be a number of ways to do this. But then it actually depends on how exactly you want it. one possible way can be use of fadeIn method on a hidden DIV.
<div class='box' style="display:none;">
<p> Artist Description </p>
<p id='abcd'>Artist Name</p>
for example on this code use this jquery

