jquery html() and append() not working - javascript

for some reason both methods results are TextNode. It means that browser doesnot parse content of appended string.
for example
var code = "<div><p>Some</p> words are <span>here</span></div>"
on the page I do have content
"<div><p>Some</p> news are <span>here</span></div>"
shows that string with html source is attached(for some reason unknown to me) as single textnode
but if will type in firebug
var text = $('#news_detaisl').text()
and after that, it is parsed and shows in a right way.

user the html()
var code = "<div><p>Some</p> words are <span>here</span></div>"

Since you haven't asked a question directly I can only assume what you want. Try this and tell me if it helps and if it was what you wanted:
var code = "<div><p>Some</p> words are <span>here</span></div>"
Oh and $().append and $().html do NOT behave in the same way. $().append adds the input as a new child while $().html either returns the innerHTML of an element or sets it. Depending on whether you set a parameter.

only this code works fine, but such a weird behavior
var content = news.newsDetails(here async ajax request which load html snippet with content); //content is a string with html snippet from server
var value = $(".news_title").text();
and html snippet
<div class="news_details">
<img class="pointer" src="/static/img/close6.png" alt="close" width='16' height='16'>
<div class="news_head gradient">
<span>{{ item.pub_date|date:"d M Y" }}</span>{{ item.title }}
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="news_title">{{ item.full_text }}</div>


Appending text to div without overwriting existing childs in dojo

I have the following HTML template:
<div class="thisDiv" data-dojo-attach-point="thisDivAttachPoint">
<img src="images/someImage.png" class="someImage"
Now, in my accompanying js, I am evaluating some text which I want to place in this div before the image.
var stringToPlace = "This is the text for thisDiv";
this.thisDivAttachPoint.innerHTML = stringToPlace;
However, doing this results in:
<div class="thisDiv" data-dojo-attach-point="thisDivAttachPoint">
This is the text for thisDiv
That is, the image is getting lost.
What do I do so that the result is such that the text is "prepended" before the image. That is:
<div class="thisDiv" data-dojo-attach-point="thisDivAttachPoint">
This is the text for thisDiv
<img src="images/someImage.png" class="someImage"
I also tried:
domConstruct.place(stringToPlace, this.thisDivAttachPoint, "first");
But this gives error as:
parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'
I also tried:
this.thisDivAttachPoint.innerHTML = stringToPlace + this.thisDivAttachPoint.innerHTML;
After doing this, visually it is as expected i.e. text and then the image. However, the onClick:_doSomething on the image is not getting invoked. What am I missing? Inspecting the element shows that onClick:_doSomething is there. But click doesn't do anything. No errors.
This worked.
domConstruct.place(domConstruct.toDom(stringToPlace), this.thisDivAttachPoint, "first");
This results exactly in what I want. Issue was, we need to convert the String to node before using in place.
Dom-Construct Documentation

json & JavaScript replacing html h1 heading?

When I reload my browser to show some json data the JavaScript code keeps replacing my HTML code? How can I correct the problem?
JavaScript code:
$.getJSON('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1', function, data) {
HTML Code:
<div class="container">
<div id="json_example">
<h1>json Example</h1>
Don't use document.write() as it replaces fully built HTML documents with the new content. document.write() should only ever be used to construct dynamic pages while the page is being built.
Instead, just populate some pre-existing element with data.title,
As in:
$.getJSON('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1', function, data) {
<div class="container">
<div id="json_example">
<h1>json Example</h1>
<span id="output"></span>
You are using document.write() which takes your document, and replaces it's content with the content you supply to the function. If you want to replace just the content of the <div id="json_example"></div> element, then you can use the following snippet in place of the document.write():
For non jQuery-version:
document.querySelector("#json_example").innerText = data.title;
If you want to replace the content of the <h1> the correct selector would be #json_example h1 instead.
In all the snippets what you do is find the element you want to change the content of using a CSS-selector. Both jQuery and pure Javascript supports this since IE8.
After finding the correct element, you set the elements content text to the content you want.
NOTE! Do NOT use innerHtml or .html() to set the content, as that opens you to script injections. Only use those methods when you generate the HTML yourself on the fly, in the browser. Even your database needs to be considered dirty.
try this
$.getJSON('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1', function, data) {
document.getElementById("json_example").textContent = data.title;
Since you're already using jQuery here's a possible solution which uses it.
$.getJSON('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1', function, data) {
$("#json_example").html("<h1>" + data.title + "</h1>");
This replaces your div html with your content.

updating div with jQuery and Knockout.js with .html() not working

This should be a simple matter of updating some simple modal controls with .html() but for some reason, I'm having issues. This is the modal code...
<div id="answerTaskQuestionModal" class=" modal-dialog" data-bind="with: currentQuestion">
<div id="answerTaskQuestionValidation" class="validation"></div>
<span data-bind="text: html"></span>
<div id="taskQuestionAnswer"></div>
And here is the JavaScript inside my working view model...
self.answerTaskQuestion = function (question) {
var $taskQuestionAnswer = $('#taskQuestionAnswer');
$taskQuestionAnswer.html(' \* {my html with bindings} *\ ');
Basically, I'm trying to dynamically change the ways one can answer a question as a proof of concept. If I just paste the html inside the target div, they work. However, when I check the value of .html(), this is what happens...
first run: $taskQuestionAnswer.html() returns undefined
second run: $taskQuestionAnswer.html() returns the proper HTML but the div won't update.
Replacing the bindings with just simple HTML doesn't help either. What am I missing here?
I think after $taskQuestionAnswer.html(' \* {my html with bindings} *\ ');
you should call ko.applyBindings(myViewModel) again to apply view model to new html.

How to store a HTML snippet and insert it later in the document?

Is there a way to store a HTML snippet in a variable using Javascript or jQuery like this? (obviously it's a non-working an example)
var mysnippet = << EOF
<div class="myclass">
<div class="anotherclass">
Some dummy text
And then insert it in the document using jQuery:
Please, read this before answering of commenting: What I have is a raw HTML snippet inside my JS file, and I need to store it in a Javascript variable using something like that EOF construction. I need to avoid putting it between quotation marks.
If it's not possible using Javascript and/or jQuery, then the question has no solution.
Just get the HTML code of the div you want by var content = $('#somediv').html(); and then append it to some div later on ! $('#otherdiv').append(content);
$().html(); delivers the HTML Content of that div. documentation: http://api.jquery.com/html/
$().append(<content>); appends the Content to a special div. documentatoin: http://api.jquery.com/append/
You could use javascript templates like ejs and haml-coffee.
You could write:
var mysnippet = "<div class='myclass'>"+
"<div class='anotherclass'>"+
"Some dummy text"+
and then insert is using the append function (which takes the snippet as argument).
Yes. Fiddle example
var html = '<b>Bold</b>'
<div class="myclass">
<div class="anotherclass">
Some dummy text
Unfortunately nothing like << EOF is available. Here's one solution:
$el = $('<div />')
$('<div />')
.text('Foo Bar')
Thinking on the same issue I have found this discussion. What I have in mind is to put a hidden textarea, containing the html, and then retrieving the html from there.
Thus there will be no conflicts with doubled DOM ids, since textarea content isn't rendered as html.
For those who come across this as I have...
You may wish to use the new
tag in HTML5.
It still doesn't store the HTML in the JavaScript unfortunately :(

jquery obj.find problem in javascript

I have this snippet of code, which fails at var link:
var obj = $(this[0]);
var html = obj.html();
var link = html.find('a[href*=/comment/reply]');
This is an ajax response from a submitted form. The output of what I get back from the var html is as follows:
===><div class="comment-new-success"><a id="new"></a>
<a id="comment-482"></a>
<div class="comment">
<div class="submitted">Submitted by NAME on Sun, 07/10/2011 - 12:48.<span class="new"> *new</span></div>
<div class="content clearfix"><p>123123123123122</p>
<div class="links_box"><ul class="links"><li class="comment_delete first">delete</li>
<li class="comment_edit">edit</li>
<li class="comment_reply last">reply</li>
How do I properly get the "/comment/reply/6/482" variable as the var link in the above example. The code (I thought) should work fine, but doesn't
See my jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/hCbt3/ I grabbed the text from the link just to demonstrate it's correctly selecting the anchor.
Or grab the more specific one if you have more than one comment/reply:
Try this :
Per JQuery docs, the Starts With Selector has the syntax: [name^="value"] and will select elements that have the specified attribute with a value beginning exactly with a given string.
The answer was this:
var link = $(this[0]).find('.comment_reply a').attr('href');

