Javascript Cookies, set after site close or - javascript

Ok, this might sound strange but i need to somehow set cookies on site close, or maybe if somoeone knows different logic i could use to solve my problem:
I am using open source solution to track clicks on my site - .Ive change this script to add few more filters for every click such as what OS is user using, referrers, and is user new or returning for which I am using cookies - using mostly this script for cookies .
Now the problem i have is this. First time you come to site and click, you will be marked as new user, but just with next click u are marked as returning user. Because cookie was set at start and with each click, through GET i am sending these parameters , one of them is testing if cookie exists on site, if it does it sends that you are returning visitor. You can see at this debug link - , at the bottom it asks "New = yes/no".
So I need solution that will mark user as new with whole first visit, not just with first click, so once he leaves site and comes back, this time his clicks will be marked as clicks from returning visitor.
Here is the link to full script -
line 167 is cookie function and line 239 is testing if visitor is new or not.
I hope that i explained well. I am playing with this heatmap script, managed to change and add alot of nice features but I stuck with cookies :)

well the best solution for me here is the following
have a database record of the new visitor, from its ip address and all the details you can gather on its browser he or she is using
then set a duration where in the new visitors's record is considered as a returning visitor
if the user returned with the same ip address and details check if the user already came back is already out of the set duration so it means the user is already a returning user, else he is a new user.


Collecting a response without requiring log in - one time URL? Issues with false positives

Background and Problem
I have a system that has core users augmented by some minor contributors who only need to be able to provide approvals for certain things. To support this, the system reacts to database changes and emails those approvers with a single button in the body of the email. This button is just a link to a unique url - something like https://myapp/response/12345-abcdefg-6789.
That "response" page is listed in the web config as not requiring a log in. Thus, the approver should only have to click on the link in the email, and the system should detect that and mark their response.
In all of our testing, this works great. All we're doing is marking the response via the page's code behind, and then displaying a message on the page that the response was received. On the surface, this seems like about as easy of a task as you can dream up.
However, we're getting false positives in production. The approvers are telling us that things are being marked as approved when they never clicked the link. I assume this has something to do with their browsers checking the links for safety or something - and by performing that safety check, it's triggering the system to record the response. Unfortunately, i haven't been able to reproduce this - even when we have some of the approvers on the phone while we try it.
The question is - what is the best strategy to avoid a false positive with buttons in an email?
Lots of companies do this kind of thing - i'm looking right now at an invitation from a friend via evite. It has Yes, Maybe, and No which appear to have the same kind of setup i described above.
Is there something i should be doing with redirects after x seconds? Is there some other javascript i should be deploying on the page? Is there some other potential cause for this? The IIS logs seem to indicate that the "fake clicks" are coming from the target users computers. Which is a bit of a relief, since it's hard to imagine how some other external machine could end up at a GUID based url that is not represented by a physical file that could be crawled over in some way.
I would like to avoid having another button for the user to click, where they would click "Approve" in the email, and then when they get to the page they have click the same thing again.
From my understanding there are two ways to go about it. But both methods assume the current "response" page is just an intermediary.
Add another button on the page (#
https://myapp/response/12345-abcdefg-6789 for instance) that actually
submits the response (or redirects to the actual response page). It would add an extra step for your approvers but
it should work. (You can even add a captcha there if paranoid)
Once the page is loaded, redirect to the actual response page via
javascript. The idea being if the link is automatically opened by
some kind of bot it's unlikely it runs the script.

how to pop up a Notice Span when user just log in (but not just refresh to the home page)?

I do not know how to detect it is the first time that user login the web.
I thought i should write a pop-up span on the jsp that user firstly saw when he login.but the issue is then he refresh the page,the notic will show again,that is ridiculous.
I need detect if it is first login means to detect if the user JUST LOGIN or NOT REFRESH the page
how and where shall I detect if it is the first time user login ? and then i can make mind if the notice span pop up.
and I think it should use cookies or session,but which one should i use?
Maintain a field in database table that check if it is first login than show a popup and after that change the value of that field so that Popup do not appear next time.
if($data['first_login'] == 1)
// show popup
If you want to show it only to the new user (the time user registers) you can use a table column in database where you can use it to check if the user if logging in for the first time (e.g firtsLogin the column name = 1 ). If he is logging in for the first time you show the pop-up and change the value of the field to 0.
Otherwise if you want to show to users that are logged in to a specific device for the first time you should use cookies.
I suppose that you want to detect the user logging in to your web-site the first time. There are multiple ways that you can do it depending on your desire to spend additional time writing the code, the location of your logging-in logic (client or server side), security that you want to have while proving your users with login functionality. In all cases - you would have to store the data whether the user has logged in for the first time. I think you are seeking a fast solution that will work without a big care for privacy or security as working with client-side cookies isn't the safest way to store data. The alternatives to cookies are web tokens, url query string, server-side sessions and data-base (RDBMS) storage.
Storing and retrieving the data on the client-side using COOKIES. They are the pieces stored in the user's web browser. Cookies were created to help servers remember the data about the user next time he enters the web-site. The most common usages are: to store location (if accepted by user), web-site locale (language in which the user was browsing the site), products added to cart, etc. Following that approach you can create cookie after the user has logged in to your web-site as follows:
This should be run by your JavaScript.
document.cookie = "firstLogin=true";
After having done that, you would have to add JavaScript logic that will hook-up to user's/client's COOKIE data and read up whether he has logged in the first time before.
This would probably look like a simple JavaScript cookie look-up.
var cookieData = document.cookie;
This will return all of your user's cookies that has been previously stored when he visited your web-site. It will return it as a string concatenated with "; ". If we had previously stored only one cookie, we would get firstLogin=true;
In case if you have multiple cookies set before, you would have to parse the cookie string and extract the data either imperatively by plain procedural JavaScript code or by writing the function which will be able to do that repeatedly. Detailed examples of writing such functions could be found here.

reliable way to find site refereer

I am currently working on a task where for example an user visits satisfying a particular condition I am supposed to make some visual transformations in the page. But this should only happen for the first time the user is shown the page. Subsequently if the user ignores the call to action and browses the site everything is normal.
To make sure that for a given session this transformation only happens once I am using document.referrer to check if it is
1. an "" string which means user might have entered the address directly
!document.referrer.match(/; - to make sure that the user is not referred from the internal pages back again to the home page.
This works in most cases except when user gets into the check funnel the url changes to a secure one https:// and when he is referred back to home page the document.referrer returns an empty string which confuses my logic a the user is entering the address in the URL
Is there any other reliable way to solve this problem. Any help is much appreciated and thank you for taking time to read my problem
function transformation(){
// transformation code
if(document.cookie.match(/someCookieName/) && document.location.href.match(/transformationPageURL/)){
// call the transformation
// set session cookie
// not the url to perform transformation or the cookie is already set which means its the same session.
// but still if the user again enters the same home page url the transformation //would not appear due to the cookie being set. But the changes of normal user //visiting the website and again entering the url of home page might be less

Disallow login to website in multiple browsers/tabs at the same time

I have an ajax heavy website that breaks (or shows incorrect data) when users have it open in multiple browser windows at the same time. So I would like to enforce only allowing the user to be logged in to the website in one tab at a time, whether it is on the same computer or even multiple computers.
I am looking for ideas on how to do this.
Is there any JavaScript method to tell if a certain page is already open in another tab?
Perhaps there is another solution that could involve the server side..
For instance, the client could message the server every say, 1 minute. If the server gets messages from a certain users at a frequency higher than one message per minute, it knows that it is open in more than one window or tab. It can then let one of the clients know that it needs to shout an error to the user.
The idea of messaging the server every one minute does not sit that well with me though.
Any other ideas out there?
EDIT: some people are wondering why I have this problem in the first place. Here it goes:
This is a time tracking application that is fully ajax. You can browse/create/delete/modify timers, projects and clients with ajax, without ever leaving the page. If the website is open in multiple tabs, things will get inconsistent very quickly. Errors usually even occur. For instance, user creates a project and then starts a timer in tab1, tab2 will not show these changes. And since it is all ajax, it will not simply sync when the user clicks some button in the second tab.
Having read the update in your question, what I would really suggest is using WebSocket where available, falling back to Flash socket, long polling and forever iframe for older browsers (actually I'd use Socket.IO to make it all easy - you can use a similar abstraction for whatever environment you are using). That way you can make all of your windows and tabs consistent in real time - problem solved.
That having been said if you don't want to do it for some reason (though what you are trying to do would be a perfect application for WebSockets so think about it) you might use sessionStorage and localStorage to distinguish sessions between tabs or windows for the same logged in user, but it is not widely available yet - see the compatibility table so it would be probably easier to go real-time with a solution where there are a lot of fallbacks available than to restrict visitors to one tab - not to mention the user experience.
There's no way to get information about other tabs/windows in javascript (and for good reason).
The best way I can think to do it would be to print a unique identifier (a timestamp should work reasonably well) in the javascript code for each page, and then it periodically ping the server with that unique ID, and associate it on the server with the user. This way if you have more than one ID belonging to a single user being pinged within a given interval, you can send back a response to the page to warn the user that having multiple tabs open will result in unexpected behavior.
(Like Caspar said above though, you should really figure out why the unexpected behavior is happening and fix that rather than force the user to act a certain way)
This is pretty lo-fi, but I think the simplicity may make it work: you could try having the login open the session in a named window (or change the name of the current window). Then, on load inside the application, check to see if the browser window name is the one you've allowed them to use; if not, pop up an alert, close the window, focus on the named window, if still there. (If not there--i.e., they've already closed the other window--you could let this one stay open, and change the name to the correct name.)
So you're essentially using and window.opener. Rough idea, but an idea.
I have a similar situation and the solution I use is:
on server: at every login you create an unique ID, save it (ex. database) and return it to client.
on client: on every transaction you send this ID to server as a parameter.
on server: if saved and received ID match then allow the request to execute if not refuse it with an error code.
on client: if transaction failed with specific code then you know that "ID" verification failed and you logout user.
So in this way if the same credentials will be used again in any other tab, browser, PC, country,... the old tab will logout user on next transaction request. Or in other words limiting only one opened page per user on the whole world.
As I have stopped using html requests for any data communication and use websockets, I register user on server and if same user wants to login from some other location I close the previously used socket (the page automatically logs out).
In this way I also have a way to trigger full page reloads from server in case admin does something that influences users.
Simply use cookies.
$(window).on('beforeunload onbeforeunload', function(){
document.cookie = 'ic_window_id=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;';
function validateCallCenterTab() {
var win_id_cookie_duration = 10; // in seconds
if (! { = Math.random().toString();
if (!getCookie('ic_window_id') || === getCookie('ic_window_id')) {
// This means they are using just one tab. Set/clobber the cookie to prolong the tab's validity.
setCookie('ic_window_id',, win_id_cookie_duration);
} else if (getCookie('ic_window_id') !== {
// this means another browser tab is open, alert them to close the tabs until there is only one remaining
var message = 'You cannot have this website open in multiple tabs. ' +
'Please close them until there is only one remaining. Thanks!';
throw 'Multiple call center tabs error. Program terminating.';
callCenterInterval = setInterval(validateCallCenterTab, 3000);

How to check user entrance and exit URL

I've looked at a couple different analytics programs (like Google Analytics) that will tell me what URL my users have entered my site from, and which URL they are going to when they exit.
It certainly must be possible to gather this data somehow, I just can't find any code examples of how to do it. I would imagine that it involves the javascript function onBeforeLoad, I just don't know how to get the URL from that point on. This is a pretty important feature, as it will help me to tailer my website more towards my users specific needs.
I appreciate the help,
Sorry, I think I was unclear originally.
One of my other sites uses a service called StatCounter, and they have a section called "Came From". This shows where users were at directly before they visited your page. So, for instance, if someone google'd "Inside Out Ministry", and found the link to my site, my stats page would show that the user Came From .
What would be the code to do this?
A simple approach would be to have a db with ip, time, lasturl and firsturl fields. Every time someone calls a page, it get's checked if his IP is already in the db. if not, a new entry gets written with firsturl as the actual url and i with his ip. Every time now he loads a new page on your site, the lastpage field gets updated. I don't know how exactly to determine that he's left the page, e.G. if he hasn't accessed any page on your sithe within 10min.
To track the first/last page your users visit, you just track all pages the user visits, and the one with the earliest timestamp is the first, and the one with the latest timestamp is the last.

