How can I set .innerHTML equal to two variables - javascript

For simplicity, I'm not going to show too much code, but the variables are set, and the following code is within a conditional. I'm just trying to show the var _offsetX and var _offsetY at the same time.
window.document.getElementById('cssposition').innerHTML = _offsetX _offsetY;

window.document.getElementById('cssposition').innerHTML = _offsetX +" " + _offsetY;

Just use the + operator:
window.document.getElementById('cssposition').innerHTML = "X=" + _offsetX + " Y=" + _offsetY;

concat these two variables? ...innerHTML = "" + _offsetX + _offsetY;

Concatenate two variables and then try out, but make a note this a redundant way,
Note: This ignores the space


pass toString(number) in innerHTML

This is my first post, I am "new" to javascript but experienced in actionscript. I'm having an issue that should not be one, can't get my head around it.
In the code below all I want to do is pass a integer variable (stackID) as an img id attribute inside innerHTML. It must be some detail I just don't know but I have searched for hours on google to no avail. Help would be greatly aprreciated. Whatever I do, it seems I can only pass <img id="string">, which of course is not what I want. Can't pass <img id=numVariable>, or <img id=String(numVariable)>, there must surely be a way to do this ?
Thanks folks !
Here is the line of code :
div.innerHTML='<img src="img/xbut.png" id=String(stackID) onclick="close(">';
You're trying to pass it in the string.
What you want to do is:
div.innerHTML='<img src="img/xbut.png" id="' + String(stackID) + '" onclick="close(' + + ')">';
Oh and since you're already making a string, you don't need the String() convert, you can just id="' + stackID + '"
Javascript is loosely typed and will automatically convert (to the best of its abilities) anything you want to interpolate in a string:
var num = 1;
"sup" + num; // => "sup1"
It's cool, but be careful though, it can lead to some weird surprises:
var obj = {};
"sup" + obj.missingKey; // => "supundefined"
In that case, obj.missingKey === undefined, and String(undefined) === "undefined", so "sup" + obj.missingKey becomes in fact "sup" + "undefined"
javascript has not string interpolation. Concatenate stackId like:
div.innerHTML='<img src="img/xbut.png" id="' + stackID + '" onclick="close(">';
Use '+' to join chunks like this:
div.innerHTML='<img src="img/xbut.png" id="' + String(stackID) + '" onclick="close(' + + ')">';
Try this, you make the variable is dynamic:
var x = 0;
x = x +1;
div.innerHTML='<img src="img/xbut.png" id="name_' + x + '" onclick="close(">';

JS var inside query does not work when stringed together

I have the following code which is really bloated
$(".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item:contains('Submitted'), .field-name-field-parts-status .field-item:contains('Saved'), .field-name-field-parts-status .field-item:contains('HMNZ Approved')").addClass('btn-primary');
I tried to neaten it up by adding a var
var fieldItemStatus = $(".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item");
So it looked like this
$(fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Submitted'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Saved'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('HMNZ Approved')").addClass('btn-primary');
But it stopped working, can anyone tell me what I did wrong? Thanks
Because you are trying to add a jQuery object and a string together. It does not work like that.
var fieldItemStatus = $(".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item");
should be a string
var fieldItemStatus = ".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item";
other option is to use filter.
You need to use .filter()
fieldItemStatus.filter(":contains('Submitted'), :contains('Saved'), :contains('HMNZ Approved')").addClass('btn-primary');
fieldItemStatus is an object so
fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Submitted'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Saved'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('HMNZ Approved') will create a string like [Object object]:contains('Submitted'), [Object object]:contains('Saved'), [Object object]:contains('HMNZ Approved')
remove $ in front for fieldItemStatus
var fieldItemStatus = ".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item";
Because you want to use a jQuery Object to concat string. The right way to do this is using string all the time.
var fieldItemStatus = ".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item";
$(fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Submitted'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Saved'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('HMNZ Approved')").addClass('btn-primary');
You could use the filter method:
fieldItemStatus.filter(":contains('Submitted'), :contains('Saved'), :contains('HMNZ Approved')").addClass('btn-primary');
Another option is using the filter callback function:
var items = ['Submitted', 'Saved', 'HMNZ Approved'];
fieldItemStatus.filter(function(_, el) {
return items.some(function(item) {
return el.textContent.indexOf(item) > -1;
A more procedural approach. This way if you want to easily change the selectors, just change the contains array. You could turn this into a function to easily retrieve your selector on demand elsewhere in the script.
var contains = ['Submitted','Saved','HMNZ Approved'];
var selector = '';
for(var i = 0; i < contains.length; i++) {
selector += '.field-name-field-parts-status .field-item:contains("' + contains[i] + ')';
if(i < contains.length - 1) selector += ', ';

Getting NaN Error and undefined Error

I have a Problem with my push function in JavaScript.
<script type="text/javascript">
var myArr = []
var len = myArr.length
$.getJSON('daten.json', function(data) {
$.each(data,function(key,value) {
for(var i = 0; i <= len; i++){
myArr.push("<p>" + value.Name+i ," ", value.Nachname+i + "</p>")
I need to convert value.Name+i like this = value.Name0, value.Name1 and so on. I got a JSON File and the Keys are Dynamic, so the first entry got Name0 the second Name1 and so on. Now I must print the JSON file on my html page, but how I can write this line:
myArr.push("<p>" + value.Name+i ," ", value.Nachname+i + "</p>")
with my var i which increment in the loop, to call the Keys in my JSON file?
Like value.Name0. Doing value.Name+i and value.Name.i does not work.
It seems to me what you're looking for is something like this:
myArr.push("<p>" + value['Name'+i] ," ", value['Nachname'+i] + "</p>")
This portion of javascript is covered pretty nicely here:
Take the object property in a variable, use condition to check if it has value or not then concat it
var nameval =;
then use in your javascript variable
You need to convert your i (integer value) to string prior to adding it.
value.Name + i.toString()
here's the jfiddle link:

Help on eval() function

I need help on this eval() problem:
var ScoreFuncName = 'scoreCondition_' + criteriaName;
var allCheckBox = $('div#'+SubListId).find("input:image[name^='" + ChkBoxPrefix + "'][value='1']");
eval(ScoreFuncName + '(' + allCheckBox.length + ')');
The eval() function is evaluating which checkbox is ticked and will do other things accordingly, it worked great in Firefox but not in google Chrome and IE.
Scratching my head for 3 days on how to fix this. Thank you.
You should not be using eval for that.
If the function is in global scope. All you need to do is
It would be better to name space it instead of using a global with window
Eval is not needed to do this. Also take notice that I am calling size on the jQuery object rather than length.
var scoreFunc = this['scoreCondition_' + criteriaName];
var allCheckBox =
$('div#'+SubListId).find("input:image[name^='" + ChkBoxPrefix + "'][value='1']");
Hm... don't.
There realistically is not a need to use eval in this condition (and I would say that there is no need for a string look-up of the function). Since it looks clear that you have a finite and knowable number of conditions and a finite and knowable number of functions, then you can simply use a switch to actually select a function dynamically:
var toRun; // variable to store the function.
case "criteria1":
// keep the actual function in the variable, not some string.
toRun = function(e){console.log("I is so special! " + e)}
case "criteria2":
toRun = function(e){console.log( e + " is not a squid!" )}
var allCheckBox = $('div#'+SubListId).find("input:image[name^='" +
ChkBoxPrefix + "'][value='1']");
// then just call it!

Making a value plural (Greater than, Less than) in Javascript

I have the following code:
var total_click = 0;
$("#mapKey a.showKey").click(function(){
total_click = total_click + 1;
$("#counter").text("I cheated " + total_click + " whole" + (total_click = 1 ? + ' time' + ((total_click > 1) ? 's ' : ' ') : ''));
return false;
I'm trying to have it output as such:
Clicked once: "I cheated 1 whole time."
Clicked more than once: "I cheated X whole times."
-- With an 's' at the end of "times".
The counter is working fine, it's just the last part making the "time" or "times" show up appropriately that I am having difficulty with.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Here is your problem: total_click = 1. Try changing it to total_click == 1. I don't see why you have that conditional in there however, as it won't work as you expect anyway. Try $("#counter").text("I cheated " + total_click + " whole time" + ((total_click == 1) ? ' ' : 's '));
You are not using the ternary operator correctly, and also assigning total_click to 1 instead of checking its value. I would suggest moving this to a function to simplify things.
function pluralize(singular, times) {
if (times == 1) return singular;
else return singular + 's';
Then change the string to
var text = "I cheated " + clicks + " whole " + pluralize("time", clicks);
Here's an example.
var total_click = 0;
$("#mapKey a.showKey").click(function(){
total_click = total_click + 1;
$("#counter").text("I cheated " + total_click + " whole " + (total_click == 1 ? "time" : "times");
return false;
It's okay to use suggested implementations for a trivial cases, however it will not scale for a bigger set of problems and will not work for multiple languages (or it will get ugly very fast).
With this in mind, I’ve created a very simple JavaScript library that can be used to pluralize words in almost any language. It transparently uses CLDR database for multiple locales. It’s API is very minimalistic and integration is extremely simple. It’s called Numerous.
I’ve also written a small introduction article to it: «How to pluralize any word in different languages using JavaScript?».
Feel free to use it in your project. I will also be glad for your feedback on it!

