Understanding Javascript scope with "var that = this" [duplicate] - javascript

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In Javascript, why is the "this" operator inconsistent?
(8 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Say I have the following property method in an object:
onReady: function FlashUpload_onReady()
url: Alfresco.constants.PROXY_URI + "org/app/classification",
successCallback: {
fn: function (o) {
var classButtonMenu = [],
menuLabel, that = this;
var selectButtonClick = function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {
var sText = p_oItem.cfg.getProperty("text");
that.classificationSelectButton.set("label", sText);
for (var i in o.json.items) {
text: o.json.items[i].classification,
value: o.json.items[i].filename,
onClick: {fn: selectButtonClick}
this.classificationSelectButton = new YAHOO.widget.Button({
id: this.id + "-appClassification",
type: "menu",
label: classButtonMenu[0].text,
name: "appClassification",
menu: classButtonMenu,
container: this.id + "-appClassificationSection-div"
scope: this
failureMessage: "Failed to retrieve classifications!"
It took me some guess work to figure out that in the selectButtonClick function that I needed to reference that instead of this in order to gain access to this.classificationSelectButton (otherwise it comes up undefined), but I'm uncertain as to why I can't use this. My best guess is that any properties in the overall object that gets referenced within new YAHOO.widget.Button somehow looses scope once the constructor function is called.
Could someone please explain why it is that I have to reference classificationSelectButton with var that = this instead of just calling `this.classificationSelectButton'?

The most important thing to understand is that a function object does not have a fixed this value -- the value of this changes depending on how the function is called. We say that a function is invoked with some a particular this value -- the this value is determined at invocation time, not definition time.
If the function is called as a "raw" function (e.g., just do someFunc()), this will be the global object (window in a browser) (or undefined if the function runs in strict mode).
If it is called as a method on an object, this will be the calling object.
If you call a function with call or apply, this is specified as the first argument to call or apply.
If it is called as an event listener (as it is here), this will be the element that is the target of the event.
If it is called as a constructor with new, this will be a newly-created object whose prototype is set to the prototype property of the constructor function.
If the function is the result of a bind operation, the function will always and forever have this set to the first argument of the bind call that produced it. (This is the single exception to the "functions don't have a fixed this" rule -- functions produced by bind actually do have an immutable this.)
Using var that = this; is a way to store the this value at function definition time (rather than function execution time, when this could be anything, depending on how the function was invoked). The solution here is to store the outer value of this in a variable (traditionally called that or self) which is included in the scope of the newly-defined function, because newly-defined functions have access to variables defined in their outer scope.

Because this changes its value based on the context it's run in.
Inside your selectButtonClick function the this will refer to that function's context, not the outer context. So you need to give this a different name in the outer context which it can be referred to by inside the selectButtonClick function.

There's lexical scope: variables declared in functions and arguments passed to functions are visible only inside the function (as well as in its inner functions).
var x = 1; // `1` is now known as `x`
var that = this; // the current meaning of `this` is captured in `that`
The rules of lexical scope are quite intuitive. You assign variables explicitly.
Then there's dynamic scope: this. It's a magical thing that changes it's meaning depending on how you call a function. It's also called context. There are several ways to assign a meaning to it.
Consider a function:
function print() { console.log(this); }
Firstly, the default context is undefined in strict mode and the global object in normal mode:
print(); // Window
Secondly, you can make it a method and call it with a reference to an object followed by a dot followed by a reference to the function:
var obj = {};
obj.printMethod = print;
obj.printMethod(); // Object
Note, that if you call the method without the dot, the context will fall back to the default one:
var printMethod = obj.printMethod;
printMethod(); // Window
Lastly, there is a way to assign a context is by using either call/apply or bind:
print.call(obj, 1, 2); // Object
print.apply(obj, [ 1, 2 ]); // Object
var boundPrint = print.bind(obj);
boundPrint(); // Object
To better understand context, you might want to experiment with such simple examples. John Resig has very nice interactive slides on context in JavaScript, where you can learn and test yourself.

Storing it in a variable lets you access it in other scopes where this may refer to something else.
See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this, http://www.quirksmode.org/js/this.html and What is the scope of variables in JavaScript? for more information about the this keyword.

The this reference doesn't work when a method of a class is called from a DOM event. When a method of an object is used as an event handler for onclick, for example, the this pointer points to the DOM node where the event happened. So you have to create a private backup of this in the object.

this is a keyword in javascript, not a default variable defined within every function, hence, as Gareth said, this will refer to the context in which the function is invoked, or the global object if there's no context.


Classes and methods javascript [duplicate]

Below I am creating an object in JavaScript. Within the constructor I am setting up an event listener. The problem is that when the event gets fired, this.prop cannot be found, and undefined prints out. How do I solve this?
var someObj = function someObj(){
this.prop = 33;
this.mouseMoving = function() { console.log(this.prop);}
document.getElementById("someDiv").addEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseMoving, true);
When the event handler gets called, "this" no longer references the "someObj" object. You need to capture "this" into a local variable that the mouseMoving function will capture.
var someObj = function someObj(){
this.prop = 33;
var self = this;
this.mouseMoving = function() { console.log(self.prop);}
document.getElementById("someDiv").addEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseMoving, true);
I'm assuming "someObj is a constructor, i.e. intended to be called with as new someObj(), otherwise "this" will be the global scope.
The "this" keyword can be confusing in JavaScript, because it doesn't work the same way as in other languages. The key thing to remember is that it is bound to the calling object when the function is called, not when the function is created.
The javascript built-in Function.prototype.bind() is intended for this purpose.
For example:
var someObj = function someObj(){
this.prop = 33;
this.mouseMoving = function() { console.log(this.prop);}
document.getElementById("someDiv").addEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseMoving.bind(this),true);
More on the bind method here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/bind
Other wise you have to pass a reference of the object someObj to the element and use that reference in the line:
console.log(this.referenceToObject.prop); //this references the DOM element in an event.
From Section 4.3 of JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford:
Invoking a function suspends the
execution of the current function,
passing control and parameters to the
new function. In addition to the
declared parameters, every function
receives two additional parameters:
this and arguments. The this parameter
is very important in object oriented
programming, and its value is
determined by the invocation pattern.
There are four patterns of invocation
in JavaScript: the method invocation
pattern, the function invocation
pattern, the constructor invocation
pattern, and the apply invocation
pattern. The patterns differ in how
the bonus parameter this is
Crockford continues to explains the binding of 'this' in each of these patterns, as follows:
The Method Invocation Pattern:
When a function is stored as a property of an object, we call it a method. When a method is invoked, this is bound to that object.
The Function Invocation Pattern:
When a function is invoked with this pattern, this is bound to the global object. This was a mistake in the design of the language.
The Constructor Invocation Pattern:
If a function is invoked with the new prefix, then a new object will be created with a hidden link to the value of the function's prototype member, and this will be bound to that new object.
The Apply Invocation Pattern:
The apply method lets us construct an array of arguments to use to invoke a function. It also lets us choose the value of this. The apply method takes two parameters. The first is the value that should be bound to this. The second is an array of parameters.
You could use a variable named 'me', to avoid conflict with the global JavaScript variable 'self':
function someObj() {
var me = this;
this.prop = 33;
this.mouseMoving = function() {
document.getElementById("someDiv").addEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseMoving, true);
First, you need to understand how 'this' works in JavaScript. 'this' keyword doesn't behave how it behaves in other languages like C# or Java. Read following post to understand more,
What is the rationale for the behavior of the 'this' keyword in JavaScript?
Once you understand that, as Matthew outlined in his code, you can save reference to 'this' and use that reference inside the mouseMoving function.
Though overall, I will advise that you use a JavaScript framework (e.g. jQuery, YUI, MooTools) which will take care of these issues for you. E.g. In Internet Explorer, you use addEvent to attach event and not addEventListenr.
You have some typos on your function declaration.
Your prop variable is also defined as a "public" or "visible" member (by using this.prop), doing so forces you to store the reference of this from the outer function (that is actually a reference to the object instance), as a "private" member of the function (using var) to get access the instance of the created object and read the "public" prop member.
You have some alternatives to rewrite this code:
function someObj (){
var self = this;
this.prop = 33;
this.mouseMoving = function() { alert(self.prop);} // You access the current
// instance, stored in *self*
// since *this*, inside the
// function, is in another
// context.
var mySomeObj = new someObj(); // Object instantiation
Or you could:
function someObj (){
var prop = 33;
this.mouseMoving = function() { alert(prop);}
var mySomeObj = new someObj(); // Object instantiation
The variables declared with var, are accesible to the functions declared inside of the major constructor function, this feature is known as Closures.

Javascript hide the context

What's the best way for a method to call another method and pass the arguments in not-by-reference fashion?
function main() {
let context = {};
// Pass context to someOtherFunction
// Such that console.log(context) in this function does not show `{whatever: true}`
function someOtherFunc(context) {
context.whatever = true;
I realize I can clone the context and pass that. But I was wondering if there was another way to do this, maybe using anonymous function wrap?
Okay, let's break this down a bit
const context = {x: true};
Above, you create an object (named context) in the global scope.
function(x) {
"use strict";
x.y = true;
You create an anonymous function that takes a reference to an object, and adds a new property y to that object
You wrapped the above function into an IIFE so it immediately executes. For the parameter, you supplied a reference to the global context object, which is referenced by x inside the IIFE.
Objects are passed around by reference. Passing context in to the function doesn't create a new object x that is a copy of the context, it creates a new reference x that references the same object that context references.
If you need to actually copy the provided object into a new object, you need to do that yourself. As mentioned above, one mechanism is to stringify the object into JSON and then parse the JSON back to a new object. There are others depending on what you need to accomplish.
This isn't even a scope or context question at all - it's passing a reference to an object in to a function. Even if your IIFE had no way whatsoever of directly accessing the context variable, once you pass a reference to that object as an input to the function, the function has the reference and can do what it likes to it.
You also seem to misunderstand about how IIFEs hide data. You hide things inside the IIFE from things outside, not vice versa. Even then, it won't prevent you from passing a reference outside of the IIFE. Here's an example:
function changeName(animal) {
"use strict"
//myDog.name = "Rex"; // Error - myDog isn't a valid reference in this scope
//myCat.name = "Rex"; // Error - myCat isn't a valid reference in this scope either
animal.name = "Rex"; // Perfectly legal
(function () {
var myDog = {name: "Rover"};
var myCat = {name: "Kitty"};
changeName(myDog); // Even though changeName couldn't directly access myDog, if we give it a reference, it can do what it likes with it.
In this case, changeName has no access to myDog or myCat which are purely contained within the closure formed by the IIFE. However, the code that exists within that IIFE is able to pass a reference to myDog to changeName and allow it to change the name of the dog, even though changeName still couldn't access the object using the myDog variable.
This is because you are not technically redefining x, but adding properties to it.
I didn't really understood where your doubts came from so this is (to the best of my knowledge) an explanation of what your code is doing.
I'll try to translate the code to human-english.
Define the variable context in the "global scope". (It can be read from anywhere)
It cannot be redefined because its a constant.
Afterwards, define an anonymous self-invoking function (which "starts" a new "local scope" above the global scope so it has access to everything the global scope had access to)
This self invoking function grabs parameter x and adds the property y with a value of true to x and calls itself with the variable context
Read the value of context.
Please read:
JavaScript Scope
JavaScript Function Definitions (Self-Invoking Functions)

Javascript lost context when assigned to other variable

Why in javascript if you reference objects method to some variable it loses that objects context. Can't find any link with explanation what happens under the hood. Except this one which states:
‘this’ refers to the object which ‘owns’ the method which doesn't seam to be true.
var Class = function() {
this.property = 1
Class.prototype.method = function() {
return this.property;
var obj = new Class();
console.log(obj.method() === 1);
var refToMethod = obj.method; // why refToMethod 'this' is window
console.log(refToMethod() !== 1) // why this is true?
var property = 1;
console.log(refToMethod() === 1)
It depends on how a function is called. If a function is not referenced through being an attribute of an object (e.g. refToMethod) then it will be assigned the "Global context" which is window. However, when a function is an attribute of object (e.g. obj.method), we refer to it as a method, and it is implicitly assigned the context of it's parent object.
JavaScript's context is unlike many languages in that you can override it easily using either .call() or .apply(). Furthermore, ECMAScript 5 introduced a new .bind() method to allow you to create copies of methods which are always bound to the same context. See MDN for more.
var obj = new Class();
obj.method(); // 1;
var unbound = obj.method;
unbound(); // undefined;
// Call and Apply setting the context to obj.
unbound.apply(obj); // 1
unbound.call(obj); // 1;
// ECMAScript 5's bind
var bound = unbound.bind(obj);
bound(); // 1;
From Douglas Crockford's book JavaScript: The Good Parts
The this parameter is very important in object oriented programming,
and its value is determined by the invocation pattern. There are four
patterns of invocation in JavaScript: the method invocation pattern,
the function invocation pattern, the constructor invocation pattern,
and the apply invocation pattern. The patterns differ in how the bonus
parameter this is initialized
The Method Invocation Pattern
When a function is stored as a property of an object, we call it a
method. When a method is invoked, this is bound to that object. If an
invocation expression contains a refinement (that is, a . dot
expression or[subscript] expression), it is invoked as a method
In your example method invocation pattern is
console.log(obj.method() === 1);
and this in this case is bound to the object "Class" and it works as you expected.
The Function Invocation Pattern
When a function is not the property of an object, then it is invoked
as a function:
var sum = add(3, 4); // sum is 7
When a function is invoked with this pattern, this is bound to the
global object. This was a mistake in the design of the language. Had
the language been designed correctly, when the inner function is
invoked, this would still be bound to the this variable of the outer
function. A consequence of this error is that a method cannot employ
an inner function to help it do its work because the inner function
does not share the method’s access to the object as its this is bound
to the wrong value
In your case
var refToMethod = obj.method; // why refToMethod 'this' is window
console.log(refToMethod() !== 1) // why this is true?
refToMethod is bound to the global object "window" in this case
You can find more information about this at JavaScript “this” keyword
Because you only assigned the function method to the refToMethod. When it runs the context is window.
It becomes clear when you print the object and the reference to the function:
console.log(obj); // Prints -> Class {property: 1, method: function}
// Prints
// function () {
// return this.property;
// }
In the context of the obj, what is this? It is the Class object, that has an attribute called property.
And what is this in the context of the refToMethod? It is the window object. Thats why your assert failed the first time and it is true the second time. When you declare:
var property = 1;
You are actually declaring an attribute to the window object.

Why does this refer to window or object based on where parenthesis are placed? And return undefined

I am working on flexible javascript widget. In the course of some testing, I noticed that the context of this changes based on whether the parenthesis used to call a function are placed inside an object or in the global context of its call. Why do the parenthesis matter? And why would parenthesis inside the object refer to window and when placed in global context refer to the object. It seems like it would be the other way around.
Also undefined is returned in both instances. Is there a way to execute the function without returning anything?
I feel like I'm missing something important about this and don't want to miss out.
//this refers to window
var dataSource = {
read: read()
function read(){
//this refers to dataSource object
var dataSource = {
read: read
function read(){
Your code is doing two different things.
The first example is executing read() as the object definition is executed (read() is available because it's a function declaration and is hoisted, though this isn't related to the problem you're experiencing). It is called without any context so its this is window (as per the specification, where window is the browser's global object).
The second example has a reference to read(), which is then executed at the end of the block. Because it's executed as a property of dataSource, its this will become that. However, if you first assigned that reference to somewhere else and then invoked it via that reference, you'd again lose that this context.
For fine-grained control of this, take a look at bind(), call() and apply().
Also undefined is returned in both instances. Is there a way to execute the function without returning anything?
A function always has a return value (undefined if not explicitly set), but you're free to ignore it.
The scoping of this can be a tricky topic in javascript. That said, I can expand my answer on the general rules regarding the scope of this if need be.
But to answer your specific question, whenever you reference this inside an object literal, it by default, refers to the object literal itself.
Edit: as long as the function was invoked as a property of the object literal.
Where as, almost in any other situation I can call to mind, this will refer to the window object unless specified when invoking said function using apply() or call().
When this is used outside of objects it refers to the global object which in browser environment is window. Otherwise it refers to the last bareword before the last dot in the invocation.
For example:
function foo () {return this};
var bin = {bar:{foo:foo},foo:foo};
foo(); // returns window
bin.foo(); // returns bin
bin.bar.foo(); // returns bar
// ^
// |
// '------ last bareword before the last dot in the invocation
Now, as to why the location of the parenthesis matter. I think you should be able to guess by now:
When we add a parenthesis to a word (variable/name/reference) what we're doing is make a function call:
foo(); // call foo
If we don't add the parenthesis, what we're doing is refer to the object:
foo; // this contains the function foo
Note that not adding the parens is not calling the function. Therefore it should be obvious that when you do:
var bar = { foofoo : foo() }
What you're doing is passing the result of the function foo to bar.foofoo. The function is invoked without any "dots" in its invocation path. Therefore it doesn't belong to any object and therefore the rule of this == window applies.
On the other hand if you do:
var bar = { foo : foo }
What you're doing is assign the function foo to bar.foo. When you later call it as:
the invocation contains a "dot" therefore the rule about the last object before the last dot applies.
See my previous answer to a related question for a detailed explanation on how this works in javascript: How does the "this" keyword in Javascript act within an object literal?

why is this private method in a constructor?

I'm a bit puzzled by this coding pattern I've run into even though I've been studying up on 'this.' The following (simplified) code shows the pattern:
var MyConstructor = function MyConstructor() {
this._handlers = {
action: this.handleAction.bind(this)
MyConstructor.prototype.start = function(someObj) {
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this._handlers.action); //<--here
MyConstructor.prototype.handleAction = function() {
//do stuff
module.exports = MyConstructor;
My question is, why is the private method in the constructor required? Is this pattern avoid some common problem? Could the line commented //<--here simply be:
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this.handleAction);
No, they are different. The difference is in context, which means the value of this within the function.
this.handleAction passes the function to on without any context. There is no value of this specified. The value will be determined when the function is executed. It is very likely that the value will not be the a MyConstructor object, so this.start, for instance, will not refer to the right object, or indeed perhaps any object at all.
The solution is to bind context. This sets the context forever, so this will always refer to the right value. You see this line of code:
action: this.handleAction.bind(this)
This means that, when the code later refers to this._handlers.action, it will be sending the function to on with the appropriate context, so this will always point to the correct value.
The difference between the following lines
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this.handleAction.bind(this));
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this.handleAction);
... is that the first handleAction will run with this being the instance of MyConstructor, while the second will run in whatever context the event handling mechanism decides. If it is something like this, it will run with this being the global object:
function on (a, callback) {
callback(); // callback is run with this as the global object
// UNLESS it was bound to something else
The 'private' _handlers property is just an object that holds references to callbacks bound to the instance. If you were to call bind twice, two functions would be created. The _handlers property makes it so that a single bound function is created which can be used as a handler for any number of events.

