Regular Expression with optional elements in input string in javascript - javascript

Can anyone give me the regular expression for currency which have the following formats :
1000 - valid
1,000 - valid
1,000.00 or 1000.00 - valid.
This means, the number May or May Not contain a comma(,) separator every 3 digits.
The number May Or May Not contain a dot (.), and if it carries a dot(.) it should show atleast 1 number after the decimal place.
And lastly it should be numerical characters only. If I need to make my question clear kindly suggest.

"Between one and three digits, then any number of groups of three digits prefixed by a comma or any number of groups of three digits not prefixed by said comma (disallowing a mix of the two kinds of groups), then an optional group of one or two digits prefixed by a dot."
Note: This regex assumes that you want to validate an entire string against the criteria outlined in your question. If you want to use it to find such numbers in a longer string, you will need to remove the ^ and $ from the beginning and end of the expression.

Something like so should work: (,?\d{3})+(\.\d{2})?. The regex will attempt to match a sequence of 3 digits precedeed by an optional comma, which is then, finally followed by an optional decimal point and 2 digits.
Please refer to this tutorial for more information.
EDIT: As per the comment below, the above regex can fail. I would recommend first using this regular expression: ^[\d][\d.,]+$ to make sure that you only have digits, thousand and decimal seperators. This regular expression will also make sure that the number starts with a digit, not with anything else. You could most likely have one regular expression which does everything, but it will most likely be quite complex.


Javascript regex to make sure that string matches format x:y

I am trying to parse a string which has two numbers, both can be between 1 and 3 digits, and will have a colon in between. Here are some examples:
Also, the given string may also be invalid, and I need to detect if it is. My attempts so far to make sure the string is valid have looked like this: .match(/[1-9]\:[1-9]/);. But then I noticed that this wont work if a string such as this is inputted: "characters12:4characters". How would I go about validating the string to make sure it is in the format x:y?
Any help would be deeply appreciated.
Edit: numbers which contain 0 at the beginning is valid, but may not be given.
You may use
See the regex demo
^ - start of a string
\d{1,3} - one, two or three digits (\d is a shorthand character class that matches any digit (it can also be written as a [0-9] character class) and {1,3} is a limited quantifier that matches1 to 3 consecutive occurrences of the quantified subpattern)
: - a colon
\d{1,3} - one, two or three digits
$ - end of the string.

Regular expression to include numeric only or character only or ignore first two conditions if alpha numeric

I wrote Regular expression for the below cases :
only numbers(length:4)
only alphabets(should contain vowel)
eg: 9987, tyde
How to add the below condition?
Ignore the first two cases if the string contains alphanumeric
eg: 9ty87
If I decypher well your question, I think your are looking for that:
a string with only digits and between one and four characters
a string with only letters with at least a vowel
a string with only letters and digits with at least one letter and one digit.
or more factorized
It is a simple alternation (I don't think you need something more complicated). So only one of the branches will succeed.
Note that anchors ^ and $ are essential for this kind of task to ensure that whole string is taken in account.

RegEx a name with special characters in javascript

I'm relative new to RegEx and I've encountered a problem. I want to regex a name. I want it to be max 100 characters, contain at least 2 alphabetic characters and it will allow the character '-'.
I have no problem to only check for alphabetic characters or both alphabetic characters and hyphen but I dont't want a name that potantially can be '---------'.
My code without check for hyphens is
var nameRegExp = /^([a-z]){2,100}$/;
An explanation for the code is appreciated as well.
I guess
the lookahead part (^(?=.*[a-z].*[a-z])) checks if there are at least two letters. This pattern ("start of string, followed by...") is a common way to express additional conditions in regexes.
You can limit the number of - by adding a negative assertion, as #Mike pointed out:
/^(?=.*[a-z].*[a-z])(?!(?:.*-){11,})[a-z-]{1,100}$/ // max 10 dashes
however it might be easier to write an expression that would match "good" strings instead of trying to forbid "bad" ones. For example, this
looks like a good approximation for a "name". It allows foo and foo-bar-baz, but not the stuff like ---- or foo----bar----.
To limit the number of - you could add a negative look-ahead, where the number 3 is one more than the maximum number you want to allow

Regex to validate brazilian money using Javascript

I need to validate some form fileds that contain brazilian money (its name is "Real") using Javascript. It has the following format:
My regex knowledge is weak, can somebody help me please?
Does this do what you want?
That says "1 to 3 digits, optionally followed by any number of groups of three digits preceded by a period, followed by a comma and two more digits." If you want to allow the leading whitespace present in your example, add \s* to the front:
EDIT: As #ElRonnoco pointed out, the above regular expression accepts leading zeroes (e.g. 010.100,00). To disallow those, you may use this longer version:
EDIT 2 The above regular expressions all match a string containing a single monetary amount and nothing else. It's not clear from the question if that's the intent.
EDIT 3 To allow numbers that have no decimal part, or only one decimal digit, change it like this:
I would give this regex a try:
What it says is:
- match digits until
a. a dot followed by 3 digits is found (and this step can be repeated several times)
b. or a comma followed by 2 digits is found
- thanks for the comments, I forgot about the constraint for the first value
updated regex
Complementing Mark's reply:
Who needs "." in the string and not "," to count cents. And need find the values in middle a text :

Regular expression to match numbers, finite ranges, and infinite ranges (such as >=9)

What can be a regular expression for following type of string
E.g. 1, 2-3, 4..5, <6, <=7, >8, >=9
Here I am using equals, range (-), sequence (..) & greater than/equal to operators for numbers less than 100. These numbers are separated by a comma.
Pls help me in writing a regular expression for this. Thanks in advance.
How about something like this:
Example using Python:
>>> import re
>>> pattern = '^(\d+(-|\.\.)|[<>]=?)?\d+$'
>>> for s in '1, 2-3, 4..5, <6, <=7, >8, >=9'.split(','):
... print(re.match(pattern, s.strip()).group(0))
To be clear, this regex matches only one element in the list. I highly recommend that you preprocess your input by splitting it on commas and trimming the individual elements, like I did in the example above. Even though that's not strictly necessary (you can add this logic to the regex I gave here), it will but quite a bit more efficient and readable.
How the regex works:
Observe that every valid string ends with one or more digits, thus \d+$.
There may or may not be something before that, thus, ^(...)?\d+$.
Those prefixes are either the start of a range, or a comparison:
\d+(-|\.\.) matches a number followed by a dash or two periods.
<=? matches "<" as well as "<=". Likewise for >=?. We can abbreviate this to [<>]=?.
Combining these two options using a pipe (|), which signifies choice, we get
Try this expression:
It consists of the alternation of
\d+(?:(?:\.\.|-)\d+)? for a number followed by an optional expression for a range or sequence, and
[<>]=?\d+ for the inequalities.
That’s repeated in the second parts with a comma and optional whitespace for the list.
And for the condition of only allowing numbers less than 100, you can replace \d+ with [1-9]\d for 1..99 or (?:0|[1-9]\d) for 0..99.
You should totally use a regular expression tool like regex buddy.
You're trying to verify that your string generally looks like the sample?
1, 2-3, 4..5, <6, <=7, >8, >=9
It's easier to split on , and then match each part with
That reads:
white space trimmed, match digits or digits dash digits, or digits dot dot digits, or one of less-than or greater-than with optional equal to digits.
You can compress that down to the harder to read:
If you want all your digits to be 1-2 digits only, then change all the \d+ to \d{1,2} or \d\d?

