I work on an enterprise web application that runs in IE8. It appears blur() is being called on the body causing the IE window to be sent to the background. Unfortunately this code is in a portion of the application that is controlled by the vendor.
Is there any possible way to prevent blur() from being called on the body without modifying the code that is actually calling body.blur()?
Since this is an enterprise application, solutions outside of changes in the application itself are acceptable; Such as changes to IE8 settings, registry, etc.
You should be able to hard code blur to a dummy method. If you can get in before it is called, just call body.blur = function() {}; (assuming body is pointing to your DOM body element).
Using jQuery you could simply block the event :
$('body').blur(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); });
If using Firefox is an option, i have two answers where i propose replacing the function using Greasemonkey.
Using javascript to create a keylistener hotkey for facebook page "like"
Greasemonkey script to replace jQuery plugin function?
If you have to use IE, you might need to change the page itself.
(I know there is Trixie and IE7pro for IE, but never used).
I had an issue when using javaScript editor:CLEditor, if I use jQuery blur() method on it, the IE window goes to the background. CLEditor has it's iframe which has its own body. When you extract that body and use body.blur(), IE browser will go to the background.
Other browsers are not showing that behavior, so it is better to use FF, or Chrome if you are experiencing this.
If you remove body.blur(), probably you would have less problems with IE than you have now, but still you could experience some minor bugs (something is not loosing focus at certain point), but I suppose you could live with it. However if blur() event is enriched with some logic, it could be problem - then find its definition and move logic to some other event that is started with the browser (onload, or ready).
I have the following code, it fades elements in and out in a repeating cycle. When the tab is inactive the text within the divs piles up on top of each other for a split second before being cleared when the tab is activated again. Is there a way to stop this animation when the window blurs and start it again on focus?
(cycle = function () {
setTimeout(function(){$('right').fadeIn(1000)}, 11000);
I gave a suggestion in a comment, but then remembered that that solution is not necessarily cross-browser compatible, as I had come across it before, thus the creation of my plugin.
Suffice it to say, $(window).blur() and focus do not always work as expected on all browsers. I don't remember the exact list of problems I ran into, but I know some were things like; clicking on another tab (in FF, i think) did not trigger the blur, clicking on another program would trigger the blur despite the fact my main browser window was still open and that tab had focus, it ddnt have Windows Focus, etc...
The following plugin I created might be helpful in that I've filed it down to work in "most" browsers and versions (not tested on all versions) and it functions exactly as we expect where I work. It only goes blur if the exact browser window's tab loses focus to another tab of the same browser. And of course vice versa with focus.
See jsFiddle Example usage and unminified code
Minified Plugin:
Simply Add to a js file to be called after jquery or place at top of your code
(function(jQuery){jQuery.winFocus||(jQuery.extend({winFocus:function(b){function c(a){a=a||window.event;a.hidden=a.type in{focus:"visible",focusin:"visible",pageshow:"visible",blur:"hidden",focusout:"hidden",pagehide:"hidden"}?"focusout"===a.type:this[d];jQuery(window).data("visible",!a.hidden);jQuery.winFocus.methods.exeCB(a)}var d="hidden";d in document?document.addEventListener("visibilitychange",c):(d="mozHidden")in document?document.addEventListener("mozvisibilitychange",c):(d="webkitHidden")in document?
document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange",c):(d="msHidden")in document?document.addEventListener("msvisibilitychange",c):"onfocusin"in document?document.onfocusin=document.onfocusout=c:window.onpageshow=window.onpagehide=window.onfocus=window.onblur=c;for(x in arguments)"object"==typeof arguments[x]?(arguments[x].blur&&(jQuery.winFocus.methods.blur=arguments[x].blur),arguments[x].focus&&(jQuery.winFocus.methods.focus=arguments[x].focus),arguments[x].blurFocus&&(jQuery.winFocus.methods.blurFocus=
arguments[x].focus)):"function"==typeof arguments[x]&&(void 0===jQuery.winFocus.methods.blurFocus?jQuery.winFocus.methods.blurFocus=arguments[x]:(jQuery.winFocus.methods.blur=jQuery.winFocus.methods.blurFocus,jQuery.winFocus.methods.blurFocus=void 0,jQuery.winFocus.methods.focus=arguments[x]))}}),jQuery.winFocus.methods={blurFocus:void 0,blur:void 0,focus:void 0,exeCB:function(b){jQuery.winFocus.methods.blurFocus?jQuery.winFocus.methods.blurFocus(b,!b.hidden):b.hidden?jQuery.winFocus.methods.blur&&
Also: #line-o 's referenced SO Question is where I was first inspired to write this plugin and I also have this plugin answer posted there. lol
Take a look at the Visibility API for current browser. You'll still need a fallback for older ones (namely IEs).
Or you might find a solution here:
Is there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active?
So we have an internal web app that was written back in the IE6 days that we are trying to get to a state where it will work cross-browser, including mobile devices. We are using ASP.NET and the codebehind is written in VB.NET.
Unfortunately the app uses the showModalDialog function that only really works in Internet Explorer (and sort of in Firefox) all over the place. It also makes use of the window.returnValue from these popups, so what it expects is that when PopUpWindow() is called, the javascript would block on that statement and stop execution. Most calls are of the form "var a = PopUpWindow(..)". Then when the popup is closed, it would resume and set a to the returnValue and then make use of it.
It looks like these days javascript doesn't really do blocking function calls, which is making the process of finding an easy cross-browser replacement frustrating. We have a javascript file that is included on every page that contains the function that opens the popup windows. We would ideally like to replace this function in this file and have it work across the application without having to make changes on every single page where there is a popup.
Is there anything that would help with this or is there a standard way of replacing these kinds of dialog popups? We are looking at replacing them with jQuery dialogs but since we would need to use a callback function to get the returnValue it wouldn't work as a drop-in replacement. I'm getting the feeling that there is no easy way to do this (since our code relies on blocking javascript) and we will have to bite the bullet and make the changes to each page with a popup.
You can use my showModalDialog polyfill using a modal <dialog> element, which works in the latest Google Chrome. For other browsers, a <dialog> polyfill is available.
In our product, we're using the most recent development version of jQuery Mobile in our ASP.NET website. Each and every time we do an ASP.NET postback, the browser window goes to the back of the screen.
Maximize any window. Example: Visual
Studio, Word, Windows Explorer.
Maximize IE9 over it. IE9 is the only
thing you see on the screen.
Click on a button in our solution that does
a postback.
IE9 is no longer visible.
Whatever was behind it now has focus
(and fills the screen, as it is
Only workarounds I know:
Don't include the jQuery mobile scripts.
Ensure IE9 is the only maximized window in Windows.
I don't know what jQuery Mobile is doing in the background and am assuming this is a bug in IE9 that will eventually be fixed. However, if you had any tips on how to prevent it from happening in the meantime, that would be great.
Edit: Seems it isn't on every postback. It is on every postback that performs a Response.Redirect. I should add that all my postback are actually utilizing ASP.NET AJAX, not full postbacks.
I know this is an old post, but for people coming here from Google:
I ran into this same issue today. It seems this lose focus behavior is what IE does when you trigger the blur event on the window object. This was the code that caused this issue for me:
activeElement will default to the body element when there are no other elements in focus, and the blur event then bubbles up to the window. To fix this I simply did a check like:
if (document.activeElement != $('body')[0]) {
I had similar problem with IE10 and jQuery 1.7.2.
I found these lines in my code:
So, adding simple .not('body') resolves the problem:
This same issue seems to occur with jQuery Mobile 1.4.2.
When using IE 10, with a single tab open and another window on the same monitor, if you open a popup it will send the browser to the background.
To fix this you have to edit the _handleDocumentFocusIn function. You need to change the line(10391) that reads:
if (targetElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "body")
I made a pull request so hopefully this will be included in the next version.
Just posting this link to anybody who is experiencing more of this continued mess. I am seeing the problem on IE 9 and IE 10 on a window.location = 'BLAH', from within the Angular location resource.
This doesn't seem to solve the problem for me, but it may help others:
I am trying to write a JavaScript script that is "overlayed" on top of a Facebook page. It uses DOMContentLoaded to detect when content is loaded, then adds some extra stuff in. However, because Facebook doesn't actually "reload" the page when going to a new page (it just uses AJAX), the DOMContentLoaded handler doesn't run again, even though there is new stuff to look through.
Anyway, to detect the change, I thought about using onhashchange since Facebook used to change the page's hash, but in Firefox 4 (I need to support Firefox 3 and later with this, but no other browsers), Facebook doesn't change the hash anymore and in pre-Firefox 3.6 there is no onhashchange.
I thought about using DOMNodeInserted, but would that really slow down the page? (I really can't have any slowdowns in this script.)
you might want to monitor the windows.history object, see the following answer, on how facebook uses it to update pages:
"Redirect" page without refresh (Facebook photos style)
For lightweight pages it generally doesn't have noticable effect. However, on bulky pages (I tried this on gmail) it makes that really really slow that I cannot even compose a message smoothly. And that event was added to a very simple span element which just had a single link in that. The events like DOMNodeInserted and DOMSubTreeModified are real show stoppers.
UPDATE: For all those trying to find an answer to this, note that these methods DOMNodeInserted (or DOMSubtreeModified) really had performance problems, so according to new ECMA specs it is a much faster listener : MutationObserver for doing the same thing (and more).
For example there is a button. It is wrapped by <div>.
When pressing to this button, there is Javascript function call happen, then another function, then calling by ajax to the server and if it's OK, Javascript redirecting this page to another page.
It's hard to debug.
Is it possible to "catch" this event? I.e. to know, what function is called after the click on the button? Button doesn't have attribute onclick i.e. event listener is connected in Javascript.
And if it's not possible then is it possible to make trace? That is to look at all functions calls, which is called after which?
It would be better in visual way, though in textual is also good:)
Yeah - this sort of thing is not as simple as you would like.
Google Chrome, Edge and Opera have an Event Listeners panel. Right-click your button, then select Inspect Element. Make sure the correct element is selected, then check the Event Listeners panel on the right.
In Firefox this feature is implemented differently:
The inspector shows the word “event” next to elements in the HTML
Pane, that have event listeners bound to them. Click the icon, then
you’ll see a popup listing all the event listeners bound to this
You can also use the debugger keyword to set a breakpoint in the call stack somewhere. Then use your favorite javascript debugger (built-in dev tools in Safari, Google Chrome & IE8, firebug for Firefox). In each of these, there's a call stack that'll allow you to navigate through the current call stack.
You can use firebug to trace the javascript code. Its plugin of Firefox to trace the styles (css), js and also allows to edit.
Opera provides dragonfly which is similar to firebug
Besides the accepted answer (upvoted) which mentions the event listeners available on the developer tools, I want to emphasize a simple, yet potentially useful point. If the expected event does not appear on the list, as expected, an alternative to a debugger is good plain old console.log() to find out what's going on.
As a practical example, it helped me to literally see the cause of the issue, when I logged the relevant element.innerHTML at the right place. Particularly helpful after changes to the DOM.
Check out the debugging features in Firebug, it'll let you add JavaScript breakpoints and step through your code.