Custom progress bar for <audio> and <progress> HTML5 elements - javascript

I am mind boggled at working out how to create a custom seekbar for an audio player using the tag and simple Javascript.
Current Code:
function play() {
function pause() {
<audio src="sample.mp3" id="player"></audio>
<button onClick="javascript:play()" >Play</button>
<button onClick="javascript:pause()" >Pause</button>
<progress id="seekbar"></progress>
Would it be possible to link the progress bar so that when i play a song the progress is shown?

Yes, it is possible using the timeupdate event of the audio tag. You receive this event every time the position of the playback is updated. Then, you can update your progress bar using the currentTime and duration properties of the audio element.
You can see a working example in this fiddle

If you want smooth progress bar,try somethink like that
<div class="hp_slide">
<div class="hp_range"></div>
var player = document.getElementById('player');
player.addEventListener("timeupdate", function() {
var currentTime = player.currentTime;
var duration = player.duration;
$('.hp_range').stop(true,true).animate({'width':(currentTime +.25)/duration*100+'%'},250,'linear');
Pretty rough,but works

Here's a simple vanilla example:
const url = "";
const audio = new Audio(url);
const playBtn = document.querySelector("button");
const progressEl = document.querySelector('input[type="range"]');
let mouseDownOnSlider = false;
audio.addEventListener("loadeddata", () => {
progressEl.value = 0;
audio.addEventListener("timeupdate", () => {
if (!mouseDownOnSlider) {
progressEl.value = audio.currentTime / audio.duration * 100;
audio.addEventListener("ended", () => {
playBtn.textContent = "▶️";
playBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
audio.paused ? : audio.pause();
playBtn.textContent = audio.paused ? "▶️" : "⏸️";
progressEl.addEventListener("change", () => {
const pct = progressEl.value / 100;
audio.currentTime = (audio.duration || 0) * pct;
progressEl.addEventListener("mousedown", () => {
mouseDownOnSlider = true;
progressEl.addEventListener("mouseup", () => {
mouseDownOnSlider = false;
button {
font-size: 1.5em;
<input type="range" value="0" min="0" max="100" step="1">
The approach is to use an input[type="range"] slider to reflect the progress and allow the user to seek through the track. When the range changes, set the audio.currentTime attribute, using the slider as a percent (you could also adjust the max attribute of the slider to match the audio.duration).
In the other direction, I update the slider's progress on timeupdate event firing.
One corner case is that if the user scrolls around with their mouse down on the slider, the timeupdate event will keep firing, causing the progress to hop around between wherever the user's cursor is hovering and the current audio progress. I use a boolean and the mousedown/mouseup events on the slider to prevent this from happening.
See also JavaScript - HTML5 Audio / custom player's seekbar and current time for an extension of this code that displays the time.

First of all, don't use the progress element, it's a shitty element (for now) and styling it is a huge pain in... well it's boring (look at a little project I made, look at it (and it's juste webkit/moz)).
Anyway, you should read the doc on MDN, it's very easy and with a lot of examples. What you are looking for is the currentTime attribute, here a little snippet :
var audio = document.querySelector('#player')
audio.currentTime = 60 // will go to the 60th second
So what you need is to use the cross-multiplication (div is the element you use as a progress bar) :
Where I clicked on div | THE TIME I WANT TO KNOW
Total length of div | The total time of my video/audio (audio.seekable.end())


Any way to get a currentTime value prior to the seek on HTMLMediaElement?

Let's say our app is using the default video player on Safari.
When a user is playing a video and then attempts to move to a different position of the video using the seek bar, it seems like pause event is fired first, and then we'll get seeking and seeked events fired.
I am wondering if we can get the currentTime value prior to the seek. For instance, assuming that a user jumps from t = 7 to t = 42 using the seek bar, I want to get 7 as the currentTime value somehow.
I expected that we could get this value by accessing currentTime property inside the pause event handler that is invoked right after the seek like the following:
const video = document.querySelector('#myvideo');
video.addEventListener('pause', () => {
// I expected that the `video.currentTime` here has the "previous" position,
// but it already points to the new position
but unfortunately the currentValue was already updated to the new value at that point.
Is there any good way to achieve it?
Caching currentTime manually doesn't help, because apparently a timeupdate event fires before a pause event. More specifically, taking the following code as an example, when a user attempts to jump to another position, cache and currentTime printed within the pause handler seem always identical.
<!DOCTYPE html>
const video = document.querySelector("#myvideo");
let cache = 0;
video.addEventListener("timeupdate", () => {
cache = video.currentTime;
video.addEventListener("pause", () => {
console.log({ cache, currentTime: video.currentTime });
I think #Kaiido means this when saying "Cache two values".
Code is untested (but looks better than being kept in comments section)
const video = document.querySelector("#myvideo");
let cache = 0;
let cache_prev = 0;
video.addEventListener("timeupdate", () => {
cache_prev = cache; //# save last known value
cache = video.currentTime; //# before updating to new currentTime
video.addEventListener("pause", () => {
console.log("cache_prev : " + cache_prev );
console.log("cache : " + cache );
console.log("currentTime : " + video.currentTime );

How to show the correct frame based of the changed current time of video

I'm using an HTML video tag. I'm changing the video's current time based on hovering on the customized seek bar, the current time is changing but the frames are not changing smoothly. I found that seeking that changed time is taking time, is there a way we can fast seek?
This is the code I'm using to change the seek time
const videoSeek = (e) => {
const ratio = e.offsetX / videoContainer.offsetWidth;
const seekto = video.duration * ratio;
video.currentTime = seekto;
You can use slider for seek bar i.e. input tag with type="range"
<input type="range" id="seekSlider" min="0" max="100">
and listen for 'change' and 'movemove' event on the seekSlider eg.
$('#seekSlider').on("change mousemove", function() {
const sliderVal = $('#seekSlider').val()
video.currentTime = totalDuration*(sliderVal/100);

Spine multiple animations

So I have 2, or more skeletons for an animation (so, 2 or more json files). I want them to play at the same time and 10 seconds after, to play another animation.
Problem is that there is only one animation playing, and the second isn't displayed.
The way I'm doing it is the following:
<canvas id="animationCanvas" width="240" height="240"></canvas>
var first = true,
rendererFirst = new spine.SkeletonRenderer(''),
spineAFirst = /* My JSON Code */,
parsedFirst = JSON.parse(spineAFirst);
rendererFirst.scale = 0.2;
rendererFirst.load(spineAFirst); = 1.0;
for (var i in parsedFirst.animations) {
if (first) {
first = false;
rendererFirst.state.setAnimationByName(0, i, true);
} else {
rendererFirst.state.addAnimationByName(0, i, true, 10);
rendererFirst.skeleton.x = 120;
rendererFirst.skeleton.y = 120;
And, of course, I'm doing it twice (or more). I tried as well with a single SkeletonRenderer, just loading (and setting or adding) animations as many times as I need, and it didn't worked.
It seems that the renderer is cleaning the canvas each time it is called, the better way to achieve this seems to create a canvas for each animation, and bind a renderer to each one.

Play HTML5 Canvas animation onClick or onTouchEnd on iPhone

I have a test site that uses HTML5 Canvas to load an array of stills from a video, then draws them to the Canvas at 24 frames per second. It works great and is currently set up to autoplay once the array has been pre-loaded.The reason for this was to autoplay on iOS.
What I'm trying to do now is instead of autoplaying the image sequence, I want to trigger the animate() function by use of document.getElementById('anim').onclick=animate; The element ID is a CSS3 ID that has two background elements: the background image (which is the first frame of the image sequence, and a play button). This is shown to the user until all the images have preloaded.
I want the user to simply press the Anim element (anywhere, but there is a play button for the user) and then play the image sequence. After the sequence, hide the canvas element so the background image and play button shows again that way it can be triggered again.
This needs to work on iPhone.
You can view the full source here to see it in action.
#anim {
background-position: center, left top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
function draw() {
var ctx = document.getElementById('anim').getContext("2d");
var start = 1, stop = 121,cur=start,imgArr=[];
var loadLoop = function() {
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.onload = function() {
if(cur > stop) {
// all images preloaded
// This is where the animate function is called for auto-play
else {
img.src = "jpg_80/t5_"+(cur)+".jpg";
function animate() {
var timer = setInterval(function() {
ctx.drawImage(imgArr.shift(), 0, 0 );
if(imgArr.length == 0) {
// no more frames
<!-- HTML5 Canvas Animation-->
<canvas id="anim" width="660" height="500"></canvas>
//call after page loaded
window.onload = function() {
// This is where I want the animate function called for manual play
Animate is limited to within the scope of the draw function. You can only call the animate function within draw function the way it's currently defined. You probably want Option 2.
Option 1)
If you do the following you'll be able to get the animation to fire on the click.
document.getElementById('anim').onclick = draw;
Option 2)
If you want to call just the animate function you'll need to declare the animate variable outside of the draw function.
var animate;
function draw(){
//...other draw stuff here
animate = function(){
//animate stuff here
You'll then have access to the animate function on global scope.

Play an audio with corresponding sequence of images being animated w/ play & pause

I'm trying to create an animation of series of images with background audio using HTML5 and javascript maybe ajax or jquery. I'm basically trying to make an animation of a simple conversation between several people (portrayed by images) and speech through (audio).
I have an audio file (mp3/ogg) and a series of images. When I play the audio, the sequence of images will be displayed accordingly.
Here's the catch, If I pause or replay the audio, sequence of image must also stop or replay from the start.
So the sequence of images must be in sync with the audio playing.
Any ideas or concepts? Right now I have a working jPlayer with play/pause. Also can it be done with jPlayer?
Just make your decisions based on the currentTime of your audio. Example
var audio = document.querySelector('audio'),
img = document.querySelector('img'),
imgs = ['', '', ''],
duration, interval, currentImg;
(function callee(ready) {
if (ready !== false) ready = true;
if (!ready) {
return audio.addEventListener('canplaythrough', callee);
if (!audio.playing);
if (!duration) {
duration = audio.duration;
interval = duration / imgs.length;
if (isNaN(duration)) return setTimeout(callee, 1000);
var currentTime = audio.currentTime;
if (!currentImg) {
img.src = currentImg = imgs[0];
var currentTimeImage = imgs[Math.floor(currentTime / interval)];
if (currentTimeImage != currentImg) {
img.src = currentImg = currentTimeImage;
setTimeout(callee, 1000);

