Chrome Extension doesn't considers optionvalue until reloaded - javascript

I'm working on my first Chrome Extension. After learning some interesting notions about jquery i've moved to raw javascript code thanks to "Rob W".
Actually the extension do an XMLHttpRequest to a remote page with some parameters and, after manipulating the result, render an html list into the popup window.
Now everything is up and running so i'm moving to add some option.
The first one was "how many elements you want to load" to set a limit to the element of the list.
I'm using fancy-setting to manage my options and here's the problem.
The extension act like there's a "cache" about the local storage settings.
If i do not set anything and perform a clean installation of the extension, the default number of element is loaded correctly.
If i change the value. I need to reload the extension to see the change.
Only if a remove the setting i see the extension work as intended immediately.
Now, i'm going a little more into specific information.
This is the popup.js script:
chrome.extension.sendRequest({action: 'gpmeGetOptions'}, function(theOptions) {
//Load the limit for topic shown
console.log('NGI-LH -> Received NGI "max_topic_shown" setting ('+theOptions.max_topic_shown+')');
//Initializing the async connection
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', ''+theOptions.max_topic_shown+'&folderid=all&sort=lastpost&order=desc');
xhr.onload = function() {
var html = "<ul>";
var doc = xhr.response;
var TDs = doc.querySelectorAll('td[id*="td_threadtitle_"]');
[], function(td) {
//Removes useless elements from the source
var tag = td.querySelector('img[src="images/misc/tag.png"]'); (tag != null) ? tag.parentNode.removeChild(tag) : false;
var div_small_font = td.querySelector('div[class="smallfont"]'); (small_font != null ) ? small_font.parentNode.removeChild(small_font) : false;
var span_small_font = td.querySelector('span[class="smallfont"]'); (small_font != null ) ? small_font.parentNode.removeChild(small_font) : false;
var span = td.querySelector('span'); (span != null ) ? span.parentNode.removeChild(span) : false;
//Change the look of some elements
var firstnew = td.querySelector('img[src="images/buttons/firstnew.gif"]'); (firstnew != null ) ? firstnew.src = "/img/icons/comment.gif" : false;
var boldtext = td.querySelector('a[style="font-weight:bold"]'); (boldtext != null ) ? = "normal" : false;
//Modify the lenght of the strings
var lenght_str = td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_title_"]');
if (lenght_str.textContent.length > 40) {
lenght_str.textContent = lenght_str.textContent.substring(0, 40);
lenght_str.innerHTML += "<span style='font-size: 6pt'> [...]</span>";
//Removes "Poll:" and Tabulation from the strings
td.querySelector('div').innerHTML = td.querySelector('div').innerHTML.replace(/(Poll)+(:)/g, '');
//Modify the URL from relative to absolute and add the target="_newtab" for the ICON
(td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_title"]') != null) ? td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_title"]').href += "&goto=newpost" : false;
(td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_goto"]') != null) ? td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_goto"]').href += "&goto=newpost": false;
(td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_title"]') != null) ? td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_title"]').target = "_newtab": false;
(td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_goto"]') != null) ? td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_goto"]').target = "_newtab": false;
//Store the td into the main 'html' variable
html += "<li>"+td.innerHTML+"</li>";
// console.log(td);
html += "</ul>";
//Send the html variable to the popup window
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = html.toString();
xhr.responseType = 'document'; // Chrome 18+
Following the background.js (the html just load /fancy-settings/source/lib/store.js and this script as Fancy-Setting How-To explains)
//Initialization fancy-settings
var settings = new Store("settings", {
"old_logo": false,
"max_topic_shown": "10"
//Load settings
var settings = settings.toObject();
//Listener who send back the settings
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.action == 'gpmeGetOptions') {
The console.log show the value as it has been cached, as i said.
If i set the value to "20", It remain default until i reload the extension.
If i change it to 30, it remain at 20 until i reload the extension.
If something more is needed, just ask. I'll edit the question.

The problem appears to be a conceptual misunderstanding. The background.js script in a Chrome Extension is loaded once and continues to run until either the extension or the Chrome Browser is restarted.
This means in your current code the settings variable value is loaded only when the extension first starts. In order to access values that have been updated since the extension is loaded the settings variable value in background.js must be reloaded.
There are a number of ways to accomplish this. The simplest is to move the settings related code into the chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener callback function in background.js. This is also the most inefficient solution, as settings are reloaded every request whether they have actually been updated or not.
A better solution would be to reload the settings value in background.js only when the values are updated in the options page. This uses the persistence, or caching, of the settings variable to your advantage. You'll have to check the documentation for implementation details, but the idea would be to send a message from the options page to the background.js page, telling it to update settings after the new settings have been stored.
As an unrelated aside, the var keyword in the line var settings = settings.toObject(); is not needed. There is no need to redeclare the variable, it is already declared above.


HTML IFrame not allowed to download file

im trying to download a file that constructs itself based on the value it recives. This is my code
var myList=[];
window.onmessage = function(event){
if ( {
myList =;
if (myList.length>0) {
else {
myList = [];
function buildHtmlTable() {
var columns = addAllColumnHeaders(myList);
for (var i = 0 ; i < myList.length ; i++) {
var row$ = $('<tr/>');
for (var colIndex = 0 ; colIndex < columns.length ; colIndex++) {
var cellValue = myList[i][columns[colIndex]];
if (cellValue == null) { cellValue = ""; }
return exportF(); // Make Excel file download now
function addAllColumnHeaders(myList)
var columnSet = [];
var headerTr$ = $('<tr/>');
for (var i = 0 ; i < myList.length ; i++) {
var rowHash =`enter code here` myList[i];
for (var key in rowHash) {
if ($.inArray(key, columnSet) == -1){
return columnSet;
function exportF() {
var table = document.getElementById("excelDataTable");
var html = table.outerHTML;
var url = 'data:application/,' + escape(html);
var link = document.getElementById("downloadLink");
link.setAttribute("href", url);
link.setAttribute("download", "export.xls"); // Choose the file name here; // Download your excel file
return false;
<script src=""></script>
<body onLoad="">
<table id="excelDataTable" border="1">
<a style="display: none" id="downloadLink"></a>
The code itself works, but the error i get is "Download is disallowed. The frame initiating or instantiating the download is sandboxed, but the flag ‘allow-downloads’ is not set. See for more details."
What can i do to work around this? It feels like ive tried everything i can get my hands on but nothing seems to work for it to download
As the warning message says, you can't initialize downloads from a sandboxed iframe if it doesn't have the allow-downloads permission.
All solutions will imply having access to the page where the iframe is displayed (hereafter "the embedder").
The easiest and recommended way,
is to ask the embedder to add this permission when they define their iframe:
<iframe src="yourpage.html" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-downloads"></iframe>
An other way would be to ask them to not sandbox that iframe at all,
<iframe src="yourpage.html"></iframe>
but I guess that if they did, it's because they don't trust your page enough.
Finally a more complex way would be to pass the generated file back to the parent window.
For this you'd need to define a new API with your clients.
You could obviously just emit a global message event back to them, but I guess the cleanest is to make them pass a MessageChannel's MessagePort along with the myList data, so they can wait for the response there easily and be sure they'll only catch the response and no other unrelated message.
So in the embedder page they'd do
frame.onload = (evt) => {
const channel = new MessageChannel();
// handle the response from the iframe
channel.port2.onmessage = (evt) => {
const file =;
saveAs( file, "file.html" ); // the embedder is reponsible to initialize the download
frame.contentWindow.postMessage( embedders_data, [ channel.port1 ] );
And in your page you'd do
window.onmessage = (evt) => {
const myList =;
// get the MessageChannel's port out of the transfer-list
const port = evt.ports[ 0 ];
// buildHtmlTable has to return the final file, not to make it download
const file = buildHtmlTable( myList );
if( port ) {
port.postMessage( file ); // send back to embedder
See it as a live plnkr.
Ps: note that your files are not xlsx files but HTML markup.
The correct answer
Under normal circumstances Kaiido's answer is indeed the correct solution to your problem. They will NOT work in your case though.
The answer that will work on WixSince you are using Wix there is no way for you to directly edit the Sandbox attribute of the iframe element. This is just how Wix does things. You can, however, use custom code (only applies to premium websites) to get the class name of the iframe and programatically use javascript to set the new attribute to the existing iframe.
You must use the web inspector to find out the class name (iframes in Wix do not have ids) then add "allow-downloads" to the sandbox attribute. You might then need to reload the iframe using js as well. Go to your website's settings -> Custom Code -> Create custom code at the end of the body tag
If you do not have a premium website then you unfortunately cannot do this. This is due to Wix's own limitations as a platform. If this is an absolute "must" for you project, I recommend you to not use Wix since they limit your freedom as a developer when it comes to working with
technologies that were not made by them. Not to mention that they lock features such as custom elements behind a pay wall. So we can't even test our ideas before committing to a hosting plan. For anyone reading this in the future, take this into consideration and look into other platforms.
Thanks for answers, i didnt find a sollution with the recomended answers. What i did is that i made a completely new page, instead of initializing a html iframe i redirected the current window to the new page i created. The new page took a variable from "{value} and downloaded what i needed from there instead. Its messy but it works so if anyone else has this problem i recomend this if you are using wix.

Disappearing Menu Commands After User Input in Tampermonkey

Tampermonkey is an extension for Google Chrome that attempts to emulate the functionality of Greasemonkey. To be clear, I got my script to work in Chrome and the default JavaScript changes to show up. I wanted to test the menu commands, however, and entered a 6-digit hex color code after clicking on the command in the Tampermonkey menu. I reloaded the page, and the commands disappeared from the menu! My script was still there (and the checkbox was ticked).
No matter what I did or what code I changed, I could never emulate this initial functionality after that user-defined input was set. This leads me to believe that there's some persistent data that I can't delete that's causing my script to fail prematurely. NOTE: This exact script works perfectly and without errors in Firefox.
This is obviously not a Tampermonkey forum, but people here seem very knowledgeable about cross-platform compatility. I didn't hear a single peep from the Chrome console after all of the changes below, and I'm really just out of ideas at this point. Here are some things I've tried (with no success). Any console errors are listed:
Changing jQuery version from 1.5.1 to 1.3.2
Calling localStorage.getItem('prevoColor') from console after page load (both values null)
Changing client-side storage from localStorage to get/setValue
Calling GM_getValue from the console = ReferenceError: GM_getValue is not defined
Deleting localStorage entries for in Chrome options
Refreshing, Re-installing the script, and restarting the browser more times than I can count
Repeating all of the above commands using Firebug Lite (bookmarklet)
Here's the code I was using:
// ==UserScript==
// #name Veekun Comparison Highlighter
// #namespace tag://veekun
// #description Highlights moves exclusive to pre-evolutions on's family comparison pages (user-defined colors available)
// #include*
// #author Matthew Ammann
// #version 1.0.3
// #date 3/11/11
// #require
// #require
// ==/UserScript==
Goal: Change checkmark color & move name to user-specified color on family comparison pages if
[DONE] Baby poke has a LEVEL-UP move unlearned by any evolutions
[DONE] a) Make sure move is not a TM or tutor move
[DONE] Any other mid-evolution has a move unlearnable by a final evo (Caterpie, Weedle families)
[DONE] a) Make sure move is not a TM or tutor move
[DONE] Any pre-evo has a TUTOR move unlearned by any evo (Murkrow in HG/SS)
[] Implement auto-update after uploading to
Credits: Brock Adams, for helping with Chrome compatibility
Metalkid, for the jQuery consult
var isLevelupMove = false;
var isTutorMove = false;
var isTM = false;
var TMhead = $('#moves\\:machine');
var hasSecondEvo = false;
var hasFinalEvo1 = false;
var hasFinalEvo2 = false;
var header = $('.header-row').eq(1);
var TMmoves = new Array();
//This section deals with the user-defined colors
GM_registerMenuCommand("Color for pre-evolutionary-only moves", prevoColorPrompt)
GM_registerMenuCommand("Color for first evolution-only moves", evoColorPrompt)
var prevoColor = GM_getValue('prevoColor', '#FF0000');
var evoColor = GM_getValue('evoColor', '#339900');
function prevoColorPrompt()
var input = prompt("Please enter a desired 6-digit hex color-code for pre-evolutionary pokemon:")
GM_setValue('prevoColor', '#'+input);
function evoColorPrompt()
var input = prompt("Please enter the desired 6-digit hex color-code for first-evolution pokemon:")
GM_setValue('evoColor', '#'+input);
//This loop tests each 'th' element in a sample header row, determining how many Evos are currently present in the chart.
if($(this).find('a').length != 0)
case 2:
hasSecondEvo = true;
case 3:
hasFinalEvo1 = true;
case 4:
hasFinalEvo2 = true;
//All 'tr' siblings are TM moves, since it's the last section on the page
//This array puts only the names of the available TMs into the TMmoves array
var moveName = $(this).children(":first").find('a').eq(0).html();
moveName = $.trim(moveName);
case 'moves:level-up':
isLevelupMove = true;
case 'moves:egg':
isLevelupMove = false;
case 'moves:tutor':
isTutorMove = true;
case 'moves:machine':
isTM = true;
if(isLevelupMove || isTutorMove)
var babyMoveCell = $(this).find('td').eq(0);
babyMoveText = $.trim(babyMoveCell.html());
secondEvoCell =;
secondEvoText = $.trim(secondEvoCell.html());
finalEvo1Cell =;
finalEvo1Text = $.trim(finalEvo1Cell.html());
finalEvo2Cell =;
finalEvo2Text = $.trim(finalEvo2Cell.html());
//This checks if evolutions have checkmarks
if(babyMoveText.length > 0)
if(hasSecondEvo && secondEvoText.length == 0 || hasFinalEvo1 && finalEvo1Text.length == 0 ||
hasFinalEvo2 && finalEvo2Text.length == 0)
//See if the move is a TM before proceeding
var tm = tmCheck(moveName);
if(secondEvoText.length > 0)
babyMoveCell.css("color", evoColor);
secondEvoCell.css("color", evoColor);
babyMoveCell.prev().find('a').eq(0).css("color", evoColor); //highlights move name
babyMoveCell.css("color", prevoColor);
babyMoveCell.prev().find('a').eq(0).css("color", prevoColor);
else if(secondEvoText.length > 0)
if(hasFinalEvo1 && finalEvo1Text.length == 0 || hasFinalEvo2 && finalEvo2Text.length == 0)
var tm = tmCheck(moveName);
secondEvoCell.css("color", evoColor);
babyMoveCell.prev().find('a').eq(0).css("color", evoColor);
function tmCheck(input)
var isTM = false;
//Iterate through TMmoves array to see if the input matches any entries
for(var i = 0; i < TMmoves.length; i++)
if(input == TMmoves[i])
isTM = true;
if(isTM == true)
return true;
return false;
//alert("evoColor: " + localStorage.getItem('evoColor') + ". prevoColor: " + localStorage.getItem('prevoColor'));
Any ideas as to why this is happening?
EDIT: I messaged sizzlemctwizzle about this problem, and this was his reply: "Tampermonkey’s #require implementation is incorrect. It downloads my updater far too often so I have banned it from using my updater via browser sniffing. My server just can’t handle the traffic it brings. The script it is downloading from my server shouldn’t have any actual code in it. Since it is causing errors with in your script I would guess Tampermonkey isn’t passing the User Agent header when it does these requests. I’m never tested my updater in Chrome so I have no idea why it breaks. Perhaps you could try and install NinjaKit instead."
What URL are you testing this on? I tested on
Anyway, the script behavior, vis à vis the menu commands did seem erratic with Tampermonkey. I couldn't really tell / didn't really check if the rest of the script was working as it should.
The culprit seems to be the update check. Removing its // #require made the menu stable. Putting that directive back, broke the script again.
I've never been a fan of that update checker, so I'm not going to dive into why it appears to be breaking the Tampermonkey instance of this script. (That would be another question -- and one probably best directed at the 2 responsible developers.)
For now, suggest you just delete it. Your users will check for updates as needed :) .

Using a bookmarklet to track a package

I'm trying to write a bookmarklet that tracks a package in the mail. First it checks to see if the tracking page is open, if not it opens it in a new tab, and then sets the value of the form to the tracking number. Finally, it submits the form. What I'm so far unable to do is set the value of the form in the case where the bookmarklet opens up a new tab.
Here's what I have:
javascript: (function(){
var trackingNumber = "/*tracking number*/";
var a = document.forms.trackingForm;
if ('' == document.location) {
trackingForm.trackNbrs.value = trackingNumber;
else {'');
this.window.onload = function(){ //This seems to be the problem
trackingForm.trackNbrs.value = trackingNumber;
Any ideas? opens a new window, so if this is going to work at all (I have little experience with bookmarklets), you would have to address the new window directly. Something like this:
else {
new_window ='');
new_window.onload = function(){
new_window.document.trackingForm.trackNbrs.value = trackingNumber;
// I didn't get at all what the onload() was for, re-add if necessary

How to prevent iframe load event?

I have an iframe and couple of tables on my aspx page. Now when the page loads these tables are hidden. The iframe is used to upload file to database. Depending on the result of the event I have to show a particular table on my main page (these tables basically have "Retry","next" buttons...depending on whether or not the file is uploaded I have to show respective button).
Now I have a JavaScript on the "onload" event of the iframe where I am hiding these tables to start with. When the control comes back after the event I show a particular table. But then the iframe loads again and the tables are hidden. Can any one help me with this problem. I don't want the iframe to load the second time.
mmm you said you're on aspx page,
I suppose that the iframe do a postback, so for this it reload the page.
If you can't avoid the postback, you've to set a flag on the main page just before posting back, and check against that while you're loading...
...something like:
mainpage.waitTillPostBack = true
mainpage.waitTillPostBack = false;
I am not sure what your problem is, but perhaps your approach should be a little different. Try putting code into the iframe what would call functions of the parent. These functions would display the proper table:
<!-- in the main page --->
function showTable1() {}
<!-- in the iframe -->
window.onload = function () {
This would put a lot of control into your iframe, away from the main page.
I don't have enough specifics from your question to determine if the iframe second load can be prevented. But I would suggest using a javascript variable to check if the iframe is being loaded a second time and in that case skip the logic for hiding the tables,
This is my code
function initUpload()
//alert("IFrame loads");
_divFrame = document.getElementById('divFrame');
_divUploadMessage = document.getElementById('divUploadMessage');
_divUploadProgress = document.getElementById('divUploadProgress');
_ifrFile = document.getElementById('ifrFile');
_tbRetry = document.getElementById('tbRetry');
var btnUpload = _ifrFile.contentWindow.document.getElementById('btnUpload');
btnUpload.onclick = function(event)
var myFile = _ifrFile.contentWindow.document.getElementById('myFile');
//Baisic validation = 'none';
if (myFile.value.length == 0)
_divUploadMessage.innerHTML = '<span style=\"color:#ff0000\">Please select a file.</span>'; = '';
var regExp = /^(([a-zA-Z]:)|(\\{2}\w+)\$?)(\\(\w[\w].*))(.doc|.txt|.xls|.docx |.xlsx)$/;
if (!regExp.test(myFile.value)) //Somehow the expression does not work in Opera
_divUploadMessage.innerHTML = '<span style=\"color:#ff0000\">Invalid file type. Only supports doc, txt, xls.</span>'; = '';
_ifrFile.contentWindow.document.getElementById('Upload').submit(); = 'none';
function UploadComplete(message, isError)
if (_UploadProgressTimer)
} = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none';'';
if (message.length)
var color = (isError) ? '#008000' : '#ff0000';
_divUploadMessage.innerHTML = '<span style=\"color:' + color + '\;font-weight:bold">' + message + '</span>'; = '';'';'none';
tblRetry and tblNext are the tables that I want to display depending on the result of the event.

How do you make a post request into a new browser tab using JavaScript / XUL?

I'm trying to open a new browser tab with the results of a POST request. I'm trying to do so using a function containing the following code:
var windowManager = Components.classes[";1"]
var browserWindow = windowManager.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
var browser = browserWindow.getBrowser();
if(browser.mCurrentBrowser.currentURI.spec == "about:blank")
browserWindow.loadURI(url, null, postData, false);
browser.loadOneTab(url, null, null, postData, false, false);
I'm using a string as url, and JSON data as postData. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
What happens, is a new tab is created, the location shows the URL I want to post to, but the document is blank. The Back, Forward, and Reload buttons are all grayed out on the browser. It seems like it did everything except executed the POST. If I leave the postData parameter off, then it properly runs a GET.
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070206 Firefox/3.0.1
Something which is less Mozilla specific and should work reasonably well with most of the browsers:
Create a hidden form with the fields set up the way you need them
Make sure that the "target" attribute of the form is set to "_BLANK"
Submit the form programatically
The answer to this was found by shog9. The postData parameter needs to be a nsIMIMEInputStream object as detailed in here.
try with addTab instead of loadOneTab, and remove the last parameter.
Check out this page over at the Mozilla Development Center for information on how to open tabs.
You could use this function, for example:
function openAndReuseOneTabPerURL(url) {
var wm = Components.classes[";1"]
var browserEnumerator = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
// Check each browser instance for our URL
var found = false;
while (!found && browserEnumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
var browserInstance = browserEnumerator.getNext().getBrowser();
// Check each tab of this browser instance
var numTabs = browserInstance.tabContainer.childNodes.length;
for(var index=0; index<numTabs; index++) {
var currentBrowser = browserInstance.getBrowserAtIndex(index);
if ("about:blank" == currentBrowser.currentURI.spec) {
// The URL is already opened. Select this tab.
browserInstance.selectedTab = browserInstance.tabContainer.childNodes[index];
// Focus *this* browser
found = true;
// Our URL isn't open. Open it now.
if (!found) {
var recentWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
if (recentWindow) {
// Use an existing browser window
recentWindow.delayedOpenTab(url, null, null, null, null);
else {
// No browser windows are open, so open a new one.;

