IE not converting string to HTML using jquery - javascript

I am passing a string to a table where some of the classes contains html markup in a string (img). After a conversion post appending this table using innerHTML works great in chrome and FF but not IE.
Here is the code that looks something like this:
var dfd = $.Deferred();
var requestParams = {};
templatingIsDone = jsonRequest(ResolveUrl("~/Results/ResultsService.asmx/GetMostRecentUploadsService"), requestParams).success(function (data) {
if (data.Success == true) {
var jheaderResults = $("#jobheaderResults tbody"); //HTML Markup
try {
var results = data.Results;
$.tmpl("jobHeaderTemplate", data.Results).appendTo(jheaderResults);
var allCaterLinks = $(".CaterRequestLinking");
$.each(allCaterLinks, function (index, value) {
if ($.browser.msie) {
value.innerHTML = value.innerText;
} else {
value.innerHTML = value.textContent;
$("#jobheaderResults tbody").trigger("update");
The result shows its image in Firefox and Chrome in the table "jobheaderResults". However IE does not render the image and instead shows the html markup instead. How do I convert this to HTML?
I have also tried the following code but to no avail:
//value.innerHTML = value.empty().html(value.innerHTML);
//value.innerHTML = value.textContent;
//value.innerHTML = value.innerHTML.html();
//value.innerHTML = value.outerText;
None of the above worked, they all failed to render the image onto IE.
For extra information, the actual markup that I am trying to convert is:
"<img src=\"/HWVDB/images/Cater-Icon.jpg\" alt=\"CaterReqAlternate\"/>"

Try this
$.each(allCaterLinks, function () {
This should work in all browsers. From "This (.html()) method uses the browser's innerHTML property. Some browsers may not return HTML that exactly replicates the HTML source in an original document. For example, Internet Explorer sometimes leaves off the quotes around attribute values if they contain only alphanumeric characters."


AJAX based search returning page information

I found the source of the error but do not know how to fix it. I'm using codeigniter and I'm trying to make a textbox with search results showing under it to help the user find what they are looking for. Think similar to google's search. When I make the AJAX call, it's returning everything on the webpage as well as the search results.
Example of issue:
That textbox within the div should not be there as well as the white space. Using inspect element I realized the white spaces are my links to my CSS and JS pages. Then there's the textbox which is from my view.
I believe the issue lies within my JS.
//Gets the browser specific XmlHttpRequest Object
function getXmlHttpRequestObject() {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
return new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} else {
alert("Your Browser Sucks!\nIt's about time to upgrade don't you think?");
//Our XmlHttpRequest object to get the auto suggest
var searchReq = getXmlHttpRequestObject();
//Called from keyup on the search textbox.
//Starts the AJAX request.
function searchSuggest() {
if (searchReq.readyState == 4 || searchReq.readyState == 0) {
var str = encodeURI(document.getElementById('txtSearch').value);"GET", '?search=' + str, true);
searchReq.onreadystatechange = handleSearchSuggest;
//Mouse over function
function suggestOver(div_value) {
div_value.className = 'suggest_link_over';
//Mouse out function
function suggestOut(div_value) {
div_value.className = 'suggest_link';
//Click function
function setSearch(value) {
document.getElementById('txtSearch').value = value;
document.getElementById('search_suggest').innerHTML = '';
//Called when the AJAX response is returned.
function handleSearchSuggest() {
if (searchReq.readyState == 4) {
var ss = document.getElementById('search_suggest');
ss.innerHTML = '';
var str = searchReq.responseText.split("\n");
for (i = 0; i < str.length - 1; i++) {
var suggest = '<div onmouseover="javascript:suggestOver(this);" ';
suggest += 'onmouseout="javascript:suggestOut(this);" ';
suggest += 'onclick="javascript:setSearch(this.innerHTML);" ';
suggest += 'class="suggest_link">' + str[i] + '</div>';
ss.innerHTML += suggest;
More specifically the getXmlHttpRequestObject function. it is returning the entire page including my header and footer. I don't believe any more info is needed but if anyone feels that way, I'll supply the view and controller.
This image shows the console and how the response and response text are the entire page instead of just the results.
Your call to the view method is loading the header view, the suggest view and the footer view while your suggest model is echoing the data that you're after.
You could just remove the line $this->view("suggest"); and your suggestions will be echoed.
This isn't great though. I would pass the titles back to the controller from the model then create a new controller method that outputs the data in a structured way (probably JSON).

Strip all images with data.replace?

I'm using a script to retrieve content from an external website, and the date is returned with certain elements stripped out so that they don't interfere with the page I'm pulling the data to. However, when I view my page with the error console open, I am receiving 404s on all images. Is there anyway I can strip out all the images from the script so that I'm just getting the text (which is still in its formatted tags)?
$(document).ready(function () {
var container = $('#target');
function doAjax(url) {
if (url.match('^http')) {
+ "q=select%20*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D%22"
+ encodeURIComponent(url)
+ "%22&format=xml'&callback=?",
function (data) {
if (data.results[0]) {
var fullResponse = $(filterData(data.results[0])),
justTable = fullResponse.find("table");
} else {
var errormsg = '<p>Error: could not load the page.</p>';
} else {
function filterData(data) {
data = data.replace(/<?\/body[^>]*>/g, '');
data = data.replace(/[\r|\n]+/g, '');
data = data.replace(/<--[\S\s]*?-->/g, '');
data = data.replace(/<noscript[^>]*>[\S\s]*?<\/noscript>/g, '');
data = data.replace(/<script[^>]*>[\S\s]*?<\/script>/g, '');
data = data.replace(/<script.*\/>/, '');
return data;
Option 1:
You can strip the images by adding this line to filterData() function:
data = data.replace(/<img[^>]*>/g, '');
This will replace all strings starting with <img and then containing zero or more characters other than > with an empty string.
Option 2:
You can use jQuery to remove the elements. Insert this before container.append():
This will find all img elements inside the table and remove them.
Some images are not available because their URL is relative. If you have <img src="logo.png"> on then browser is loading the image from If you include the same <img> tag to your page then browser will try to load
You can fix this issue by changing the src attribute of the images to include the domain you retrieved the page from.
Example (not fully tested, may need modifications):
// copy everything for url except the string after last "/" character
// so if url == then path ==
var path = url.match("(.+/)[^/]+$")[1];
// modify all local images (value of src attribute not starting with "http://")
justTable.find('img').not('[src^="http://"]').attr('src', function() {
return path + $(this).attr('src');

Jquery attr('src') undefined in IE 8 (works in FF)

This has gotten so far,that I will sum up what we found out:
Inside the event handler the attribute src cannot be read in IE8 (FF works fine), neither with jQuery nor with usual javascript
The only way to get the data was to get it outside the handler, write it to an array and read it afterwards from the inside of the handler
But there was still no possibility to write to src (neither jQuery nor javascript worked - only for IE 8)
I've got it working by writing the img elemts themselves to the document, but the reason behind this problem is no solved
The snippet we have is used twice.
The old code
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
//view entry
// Get contents
blogtext = jQuery(this).children('.blogtext').html();
blogauthor = jQuery(this).children('.onlyblogauthor').html();
blogtitle = jQuery(this).children('.blogtitle').html();
profileimage = jQuery(this).children('.profileimage').html();
imgleft = jQuery(this).children('.Image_left').attr('src');
imgcenter = jQuery(this).children('.Image_center').attr('src');
imgright = jQuery(this).children('.Image_right').attr('src');
// Write contents
jQuery('#bild_left').attr('src', imgleft);
jQuery('#bild_center').attr('src', imgcenter);
jQuery('#bild_right').attr('src', imgright);
jQuery('.person').attr('src', profileimage);
// Change entry
entryindex = jQuery(this).attr('rel');
if (entry == entryindex)
// The following works fine (so 'children' works fine):
blogtext = jQuery(this).children('.blogtext').html();
blogauthor = jQuery(this).children('.onlyblogauthor').html();
blogtitle = jQuery(this).children('.blogtitle').html();
profileimage = jQuery(this).children('.profileimage').html();
// This does not work - only in IE 8, works in Firefox
imgleft = jQuery(this).children('.Image_left').attr('src');
imgcenter = jQuery(this).children('.Image_center').attr('src');
imgright = jQuery(this).children('.Image_right').attr('src');
//alert: 'undefined'
The new code
Please see my own posted answer for the new code.
This does not work if called inside of the click event!!!
relcounter = 1;
imgleft_array = new Array();
imgleft_array[relcounter] = jQuery(this).attr('src');
relcounter = 1;
imgcenter_array = new Array();
imgcenter_array[relcounter] = jQuery(this).attr('src');
relcounter = 1;
imgright_array = new Array();
imgright_array[relcounter] = jQuery(this).attr('src');
//... inside the eventhandler (entryindex = 'rel' of blogentry):
imgleft = imgleft_array[entryindex];
imgcenter = imgcenter_array[entryindex];
imgright = imgright_array[entryindex];
This works because it is not called inside the event handler and the sources are saved beforehand
BUT! I still cannot write the data, which is my aim:
jQuery('#bild_left').attr('src', imgleft);
jQuery('#bild_center').attr('src', imgcenter);
jQuery('#bild_right').attr('src', imgright);
This is just crazy, I tried to write the data via usual javascript. This also works in FF, but no in IE8. Here really is some serious problem witt the attribute src:
document.getElementById('bild_left').src = imgleft;
document.getElementById('bild_center').src = imgcenter;
document.getElementById('bild_right').src = imgright;
This works in FF, but not in IE8, the attribute src remains undefined after writing! This seems to be not a jQuery problem at all!
children looks for immediate child elements only where as find looks for all the elements within it until its last child element down the dom tree. If you are saying find is working that means the element you are looking is not its immediate children.
Try to alert this jQuery(this).children('#Image_center').length see what you get.
FYI. Even when any element is not found jQuery will return an emtpy object it will never be null. So alert an emtpy object will always give you [object Object]. You should alwasy check for the length property of the jQuery object.
Try this
alert(jQuery(this).find('#Image_center').length);//To check whether element is found or not.
Bing Bang Boom,
imgright = jQuery(".Image_right",this).attr('src');
And why don't you easily use one working?
change children to find
It is probably the easiest solution, and when it work, why wouldn't you use it?
the problem is not in the attr('src') but in something else. The following snippet works in IE8:
<img id="xxx" src="yrdd">
<script type="text/javascript">
But if you for example change the the text/javascript to application/javascript - this code will work in FF but will not work in IE8
This has gotten so far,that I will sum up what we found out:
Inside the event handler the attribute src cannot be read in IE8 (FF works fine), neither with jQuery nor with usual javascript
The only way to get the data was to get it outside the handler, write it to an array and read it afterwards from the inside of the handler
But there was still no possibility to write to src (neither jQuery nor javascript worked - only for IE 8)
I've got it working by writing the img elemts themselves to the document, but the reason behind this problem is no solved
The new code
relcounter = 1;
imgleft_array = new Array();
imgleft_array[relcounter] = jQuery(this).attr('src');
relcounter = 1;
imgcenter_array = new Array();
imgcenter_array[relcounter] = jQuery(this).attr('src');
relcounter = 1;
imgright_array = new Array();
imgright_array[relcounter] = jQuery(this).attr('src');
//view entry
// Get contents
entryindex = jQuery(this).attr('rel');
blogtext = jQuery(this).children('.blogtext').html();
blogauthor = jQuery(this).children('.onlyblogauthor').html();
blogtitle = jQuery(this).children('.blogtitle').html();
profileimage = jQuery(this).children('.profileimage').html();
imgleft = imgleft_array[entryindex];
imgcenter = imgcenter_array[entryindex];
imgright = imgright_array[entryindex];
// Write contents
jQuery('#entryimages').html('<img class="rotate" width="132" height="138" id="bild_left" src="'+imgleft+'" /><img class="rotateright" width="154" height="162" id="bild_center" src="'+imgcenter+'" /><img class="rotate" width="132" height="138" id="bild_right" src="'+imgright+'" />');
jQuery('.person').attr('src', profileimage);
So I am just not using .attr('src') in the event handler....
Try to make a delay:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
setTimeout(function () {
// your code...
}, 100); // if doesn't work, try to set a higher value
Hope, this code will work.
$('.blogentry img').each(function(){
alert( $(this).attr('src') );
I'm not sure, but maybe IE can't read classes with uppercase first letter...
Try to change ".Image_center" to ".image_center"
Check your code again. You definitely have some error. Try this jsfiddle in IE8, attr('src') is showed correctly.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#imgReload").click(function () {
$('#<%=imgCaptcha.ClientID %>').removeAttr("src");
$('#<%=imgCaptcha.ClientID %>').attr("src", "Captcha.ashx");

meta property is undefined

i have some code which takes in a html using ajax and after which it's meta tags are retrieved.
if (request.readyState == 4) {
var html_text = request.responseText;
var parent = document.createElement('div');
parent.innerHTML = html_text;
var metas = parent.getElementsByTagName('meta');
var meta;
for(var i=0; i < metas.length; i++) {
meta = metas[i];
alert(meta.content); }
the html_text does contains meta property and content and the content does show. but why is the meta property showing as undefined? can anyone help me with this?
Either you have to look for or you could use meta.getAttribute("property").
btw: You are innerHTML'ing the variable html_code but you stored the HTML content in html_text.
You could try using getAttribute to get the property attribute:
I'm not sure why it wouldn't work your way though.
What you try here is a kind of creation of a new document, it will not work at least in IE this way.
Put this line
right after:
parent.innerHTML = html_text;
...and you will see, that you only get the contents of the body, everything else has been omitted.
If the response is valid xml, request.responseXML should be available, you can inspect it directly(it's already a document).

Code isn't compatible with IE?

$(document).ready(function() {
var url = document.location.toString();
$('.tab').click(function() {
if($(this).is(".active")) {
var classy = $(this).attr("class").split(" ").splice(-1);
var innerhtml = $('.content.'+classy).text();
var url = document.location.toString();
if(url.match(/#([a-z])/)) {
//There is a hash, followed by letters in it, therefore the user is targetting a page.
var split = url.split("#").splice(-1);
else {
Hey, I was just informed by one of my commenters that this code doesn't work in IE. I can't for the life of me figure out why. Whenever you switch tabs, the content of the tab doesn't change. Meanwhile the content of the #holder div is all the tabs combined.
Any ideas?
Not the answer you're after, but I'd seriously recommend looking into the jQueryui tabs widget if you can. It's made my life a lot easier dealing with this stuff at least.
Hard to tell without an IE version and a page to look at what exactly is happening- but here are some best guesses:
if($(this).is(".active")) {
if($(this).hasClass("active")) {
var innerhtml = $('.content.'+classy).text();
var innerhtml = $('.content .'+classy).text(); // note the space
var url = document.location.toString();
var url = document.location.hash;
I did all changes which Ryan suggested except adding the space between '.content' and the period as it is needed. He could not have known without the source code.
I changed your .splice(-1) to [1] so that I'm choosing the second item in the array, which is the class name. It looks like .splice(-1) is behaving differently in IE and other browsers.
I have tested the code with IE 7-8 and it works.
Source code as it is now:
$(document).ready(function() {
var url = document.location.hash;
$('.tab').click(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass("active")) {
var classy = $(this).attr("class").split(" ")[1];
var innerhtml = $('.content.' + classy).text();
if (url.match(/#([a-z])/)) {
//There is a hash, followed by letters in it, therefore the user is targetting a page.
var split = url.split("#")[1];
$('.tab.' + split).click();
else {

