Single quote, double quote, plus sign in Javascript - javascript

I'm not good in JS. I tried to modify a jQuery plugin from these codes:
aTag += " style='"+innerStyle+"'";
aTag += arrow + '<span>text here</span>';
to these codes:
//aTag += " style='"+innerStyle+"'";
aTag += arrow + '<span style="'+innerStyle+'">text here</span>';
Basically I want to move the content of innerStyle from anchor tag to span tag. However, in Firebug I saw this mess after the move:
<span blue;"="" solid="" 1px="" border:="" 25px;="" text-indent:="" transparent;="" -80px="" 5px="" scroll="" no-repeat="" image.png")="" images="" web="""" http:="" style="background: url(">text</span>
Why it works in anchor tag but not in span tag? What's the use of plus (+) signs?

+ does just what it looks like it does in this case (concatenate text). The issue here is that the HTML that is being generated in the first instance looks like this:
style='some contents with a " symbol'
while in the second case what is being generated is this:
style="some contents with a " symbol"
... which, as you can see, is broken - change your code to:
aTag += arrow + "<span style='" + innerStyle + "'>text here</span>";
and it will work.


Concatenate javascript string and variable in an echo statement

I want to limit the size of a paragraph of text. The wrapper div has a dynamically created ID and the paragraph text is also dynamically inserted. The HTML and JavaScript are in the same file.
<div id ='subTextWrapper$sub_id' >
The JavaScript:
var submissionId = $sub_id;
//Limit size of a submission if too long and show a link to read more
var submissionString = $('#subTextWrapper' + submissionId).html();
if (submissionString.split(' ').length > 50) {
$('#subTextWrapper' + submissionId).html(submissionString.split(' ').slice(0, 50).join(' ')
+ ' ... '
+ `<a class='read-more' + submissionId>Read more</a>`);
$('' + submissionId).click(function () {
$('#subTextWrapper' + submissionId).html(submissionString);
In the if statement above I want to concatenate the class name read-more with ``` the variable submissionId:
`<a class='read-more' + submissionId>Read more</a>`
This doesn't seem to work. I am not an expert in JS, so any help would be appreciated. Just a note, when I remove the variable submissionId then it works, but obviously it expands all my dynamically created submissions.
You concatenation seems wrong.
What you are currently inserting is exactly what you see as string:
<a class='read-more' + submissionId>Read more</a>
and not the value of submissionId. Since you are not handling the two different delimiters correctly. You have ` enclosing the whole a element and ' enclosing the class. You are closing the class before adding the submissionId and not closing the main literal to acutally include the value of submissionId
You can fix it like (if submissionId is a string):
`<a class='read-more` + submissionId.trim() + `'>Read more</a>`
`<a class='read-more#Sub.'>Read more</a>`.replace('#Sub.', submissionId.trim())
You could also use an array to build your string to avoid the different delimiters:
//var submissionId = 1234;
var tString = [];
tString.push("<a class='read-more"); //REM: Open the class attribute and not closing it since submissionId is part of the class
tString.push(submissionId); //REM: Adding the value of submissionId
tString.push("'>Read more</a>"); //REM: Closing the class attribute
console.log(tString.join('')); //-> <a class='read-more1234'>Read more</a>
Since submissionId looks like an id/number to me, please be aware that classnames shall not start with digits.
Furthermore if you want to limit the characters of a string you could use String.prototype.substring() instead:
submissionString.substring(0, 50);
would it not work like so.
//Limit size of a submission if too long and show a link to read more
var submissionString = $('#subTextWrapper' + submissionId).html();
if (submissionString.split(' ').length > 50) {
$('#subTextWrapper' + submissionId).html(submissionString.split(' ').slice(0,
50).join(' ')
+ ' ... '
+ `<a class='read-more' + submissionId>Read more</a>`);
$(''$sub_id).click(function () {
or you could also concatenate like so

JavaScript appendChild text node doesn't break line

a JavaScript n00b here...
I'm generating some html code in javascript, that is going to be displayed as code via the prism HTML markup plugin. The code is dynamically added to a <pre> tag on a button click.
My javascript code is as below. It is the text in line 2, where I need a line break. I have tried /n but that doesn't work it just makes a space.
var startLabelTag = document.createTextNode("text goes here");
startLabelTag.nodeValue = "<label><strong>" + elementNameFinal + "</strong></label>LINEBREAK HERE<select id='dropdownmenu' class='Custom_" + fieldNameFinal + "' onchange='selectChanged('#field[" + fieldNameFinal + "]',this.value);'>";
Below is the text string I'm trying to create, where a line break is made where the text LINEBREAK HERE is.
<label><strong>" + elementNameFinal + "</strong></label>LINEBREAK HERE<select id='dropdownmenu' class='Custom_" + fieldNameFinal + "' onchange='selectChanged('#field[" + fieldNameFinal + "]',this.value);'>
Is it something like this you are looking for?
By using String.fromCharCode(10) you can insert a line break and with the pre tag (or div having white-space: pre-wrap) the line break will be visible/shown.
var elementNameFinal = "elementname", fieldNameFinal = "fieldname";
var startLabelTag = document.createTextNode("text goes here");
startLabelTag.nodeValue = "<label><strong>" + elementNameFinal + "</strong></label>" + String.fromCharCode(10) + "<select id='dropdownmenu' class='Custom_" + fieldNameFinal + "' onchange='selectChanged('#field[" + fieldNameFinal + "]',this.value);'>";
<pre id="dropdown-code"></pre>
Side note
You can of course use a div as well, having the CSS rule Niet the Dark Absol suggested.
<div id="dropdown-code"></div>
#dropdown-code {
white-space: pre-wrap;
Add white-space: pre-wrap to the container's CSS.
After all, if you type a newline in your HTML source, do you get a blank line in the result? Nope. Not without making whitespace significant through CSS.

how to concatenate string in javascript

I need to convert a mailto element to have subject and body element in a javascript.
var matterDetail = "?Subject=Potential New Matter";
try{strContact = strContact + "<TD>" + EMailNode.item(0).firstChild.nodeValue + "</TD>";}
This outputs the html to <a href="" ?Subject="Potential" Matter="" New="">
Any ideas what is wrong with string concatenation?
Classic asp is not written in c#, so i dont know what you are using, but as it seems you are using c#, i would use string.format:
strContact += string.Format(
EDIT ok, i mistook js for c#!
Your problem is missing quotes in the html attributes, try this:
strContact += "<td>" + EMailNode.item(0).firstChild.nodeValue + "</td>";
Note the extra (escaped) quotes around the href attribute
For concatination & is used in classic asp:
var a = "ehsan " & "sajjad";

Add a "new line" in innerHTML

I am trying to create a table with images in first cell and information about the pic in second cell.
I need to add different information in one cell, like that:
cellTwo.innerHTML = arr_title[element] + arr_tags[element];
Is it possible to add a "new line" there?
I mean like that:
cellTwo.innerHTML = arr_title[element] + "/n" + arr_tags[element];
The simplest way is by adding a line break as html
cellTwo.innerHTML = arr_title[element] + "<br />" + arr_tags[element];
If you want your newlines to be treated literally, you could use the <pre> tag
cellTwo.innerHTML =
"<pre>" + arr_title[element] + "\n" + arr_tags[element] + "</pre>";
To round out your understanding:
Since it is html (innerHTML) it renders html and you can use any html you wish, so in this case simply add an good old fashioned <br>:
var test = document.getElementById('someElementId');
test.innerHTML = "The answer <br>to life, the universe, and everything...<br> is 42.";
If it were a string, such as in an alert box or text box etc. then /n would be correct:
alert('Never /n Forget your towel.');
Happy Coding!
- $cr1ptN!nj#
No, <br /> does not work in asp .net but you can instead write it like so
cellTwo.innerHTML = arr_title[element] + arr_tags[element]; arr_title[element] + "/n" + arr_tags[element];
Edit - alternative wrapped in code tags
cellTwo.innerHTML = arr_title[element] + arr_tags[element];
cellTwo.innerHTML += arr_title[element] + "/n" + arr_tags[element];
Semicolon ";" seems to act as line breaks
Remember the "+=" to assign multiple values to the string

javascript load image to div onclick

I want to display image user click from image link in a for loop to a div.
my for loop is as follows.
<a href='' name=my_image[i]
onclick='disp_image('link_image_url')'id=my_image[i] class='popup-open'><img src=my_image[i] width='80' height='65'></a>;
and my javascript function
<script language=\"javascript\">
function disp_image(url){
document.getElementById('image').innerHTML ="<img src=url width='100' height='105'>";
However it is not being load in my div content
<div id="image"></div>
can someone has an idea how can i display selected image in a div content dynamically
Use this:
var _leng = my_image.length
, td = "<td><a href='#url#' onclick='displaying(/image#url#)' id='/image#url#'><img src='#url#' width='80' height='65' /></a></td></tr><tr>"
, i;
for (i=0; i < _leng; i++) {
str += td.replace(/#url#/g, my_image[i])
Check this example:
You have mismatched quotes so the string isn't being generated properly, or at all... you probably have errors in the console.
str += "<td><a href='" + my_image[i] + " onclick='displaying()' id='/image" + my_image[i] + "'><img src='" + my_image[i] + "' width='80' height='65' /></a></td></tr><tr>";
You can't use these special quotes ‘’ or ”, only use these single or double quotes ' or ".
You have displaying() in the loop but below, its called displayImage(). Also, the function expects an argument which you're not supplying in the call.
Look at the syntax highlighting of your post. You can clearly see that your quotes are all over the place. For instance, you have src='"+url+'", which is wrong. You also have "smart quotes" in places. Fix the quotes and it should stop throwing syntax errors.
But most importantly, your onclick function calls displaying(), whereas the function is called displayImage and takes an argument.
I've done it this way:
<div id="result" style="width:450px;height:296px;">
<img name="main" src="/images/image.jpg" alt="">
function change_pic(img_name,img_src)

