Animating opacity of 1400 Raphael.js objects hurts animating performance - javascript

First off, thank you for any help. :)
JSFiddle code.
JSFiddle full screen
As you can see by the fiddle link above I am animating 1400 objects trying to create a 'twinkling effect'. As the user moves the mouse faster more hexagon shapes pop into full opacity and have varying fade out rates. The version in the fiddle fills the space with enough color but feels jerky and clumpy. If I lessen the fade_time variable amounts it is smoother but does not have enough hexagons with full opacity. The end goal is to spell words with the hexagons.
The performance in Chrome is best, less so in FireFox and IE. I tested (using Raphael's element.touchmove) in mobile safari on an iPad and it was even worse.
I'm looking for any advice on what pieces of the code could be done differently for performance gains.
I saw this answer somebody else gave that was supposed to help with performance, but I'm trying to base the amount of animating hexagons on cursor movement and I'm not sure I could do that with a timer.
This answer mentioned using canvas:
A good alternative would be using Canvas to draw the elements. From my experiments it will be faster than SVG at drawing this many although if you are using some animations, they will be harder to implement than with the RaphaelJS library.
Does that seem like a better route to people, even with the animations the code is using?
This is my first use of Raphael.js. I'm not very experienced in JS in general, so any help is wunderbar!
Edit: Edit: Also, seeing this answer about .resize being called more times than the questioner might have thought got me wondering if the .mousemove function may be called more times (more than I would need) than I would expect.

I think it chokes on "overlapped" animations, i.e. for example:
hexagon number #6 starts its fade
at a half of its fade, another fade is started
I added a stop() instruction to avoid unexpected results.
Besides, the for() cycle doesn't check if another animation is in progress, nor if some hex has been randomly selected twice or more inside the cycle.
As a workaround for this, I added a vector to cache the indexes of the hexagons being animated, although it does not seem to be of great help.
To see how many (useless) animations it saved, uncomment the last console.log().
Besides, your getRandomInt() function generated some undefined index errors (since your array indexes go from 0 to 1399 and it returned integers between 0 and 1400... I changed it.
See my add-ons here:


asynchronous / variable framerate in javascript game

This may be a stupid/previously answered question, but it is something that has been stumping me and my friends for a little while, and I have been unable to find a good answer.
Right now, i make all my JS Canvas games run in ticks. For example:
function tick(){
//calculate character position
//clear canvas
//draw sprites to canvas
if(gameOn == true)
t = setTimeout(tick(), timeout)
This works fine for CPU-cheep games on high-end systems, but when i try to draw a little more every tick, it starts to run in slow motion. So my question is, how can i keep the x,y position and hit-detection calculations going at full speed while allowing a variable framerate?
Side Note: I have tried to use the requestAnimationFrame API, but to be honest it was a little confusing (not all that many good tutorials on it) and, while it might speed up your processing, it doesn't entirely fix the problem.
Thanks guys -- any help is appreciated.
RequestAnimationFrame makes a big difference. It's probably the solution to your problem. There are two more things you could do: set up a second tick system which handles the model side of it, e.g. hit detection. A good example of this is how PhysiJS does it. It goes one step further, and uses a feature of some new browsers called a web worker. It allows you to utilise a second CPU core. John Resig has a good tutorial. But be warned, it's complicated, is not very well supported (and hence buggy, it tends to crash a lot).
Really, request animation frame is very simple, it's just a couple of lines which once you've set up you can forget about it. It shouldn't change any of your existing code. It is a bit of a challenge to understand what the code does but you can pretty much cut-and-replace your setTimeout code for the examples out there. If you ask me, setTimeout is just as complicated! They do virtually the same thing, except setTimeout has a delay time, whereas requestAnimationFrame doesn't - it just calls your function when it's ready, rather than after a set period of time.
You're not actually using the ticks. What's hapenning is that you are repeatedly calling tick() over and over and over again. You need to remove the () and just leave setTimeout(tick,timeout); Personally I like to use arguments.callee to explicitly state that a function calls itself (and thereby removing the dependency of knowing the function name).
With that being said, what I like to do when implementing a variable frame rate is to simplify the underlying engine as much as possible. For instance, to make a ball bounce against a wall, I check if the line from the ball's previous position to the next one hits the wall and, if so, when.
That being said you need to be careful because some browsers halt all JavaScript execution when a contaxt menu (or any other menu) is opened, so you could end up with a gap of several seconds or even minutes between two "frames". Personally I think frame-based timing is the way to go in most cases.
As Kolink mentioned. The setTimeout looks like a bug. Assuming it's only a typo and not actually a bug I'd say that it is unlikely that it's the animation itself (that is to say, DOM updates) that's really slowing down your code.
How much is a little more? I've animated hundreds of elements on screen at once with good results on IE7 in VMWare on a 1.2GHz Atom netbook (slowest browser I have on the slowest machine I have, the VMWare is because I use Linux).
In my experience, hit detection if not done properly causes the most slowdown when the number of elements you're animating increases. That's because a naive implementation is essentially exponential (it will try to do n^n compares). The way around this is to filter out the comparisons to avoid unnecessary comparisons.
One of the most common ways of doing this in game engines (regardless of language) is to segment your world map into a larger set of grids. Then you only do hit detection of items in the same grid (and adjacent grids if you want to be more accurate). This greatly reduces the number of comparisons you need to make especially if you have lots of characters.

Structuring an HTML5 Canvas/JS Game

I'm new to HTML5/Canvas/Game programming, but have been tinkering around with it after reading a couple of books. I THINK I have a fairly good idea of how things work out. This question asks several smaller questions, but in general is basically a "structural approach" question. I'm not expecting verbose responses, but hopefully small pointers here and there :) Here is a link to a non-scrolling, and currently rather boring Super Mario World.
Super Mario World Test
NOTE: Controls are Left/Right and Spacebar to jump. This is only setup for Firefox right now as I'm just learning.
Did I Do Something Wrong at This Point?
Currently I've just focused on how Mario runs and jumps, and think that I've gotten it down fairly okay. The coin box doesn't do anything and the background is just an image loaded in for looks. Here's my approach, please let me know if there is anything entirely wrong with this:
Allows Mario to jump by enacting on 2 Y velocities (Gravity and Jump variables)
Allows Mario to run by enacting on 1 velocity (Left or Right "Friction" + Acceleration)
Sprites are used and positioned according to keypress/keydown
I'm not sure if this is right, but I'm using a constructor function to build an object, then inside the main animation loop I'm calling the prototype.draw function for that object to update all variables and redraw the object.
I'm clearing the entire canvas each Frame
Should I be splitting this into more than just a draw function, like Mario.move()?
I've setup a GroundLevel and a JumpLevel variable to create 2 planes of gameplay. The JumpLevel is setup to allow for controlling how high Mario can jump on the fly. The 2 places would allow for the ground to rise like a hill - keeping the point at which Gravity overrules Mario's jumping force at the same distance from the ground.
For clarity sake, everything is separated into different JS files, but would obviously consolidate.
Moving Forward:
Now that I've finished setting up how Mario moves around (I think there are a couple other minor things I might do like mushroom up/down and shooting fireballs). I think I can figure that out, but I'm really lost when it comes to visualizing the following and how HTML5/Canvas can handle this easily:
Scrolling background (I've tried setting up Ground Tiles and using Screen Wrapping, but that seems to cause a lot of uneven issues since I was moving the tiles in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, since I'm trying to account for acceleration, this threw off the count and was causing gaps in the ground. I ditched this idea. Would a DIV beneath the canvas with a large background image be the best solution?
Enemies: Would I create enemies the same way and run a loop for collision detection on every enemy during each frame?
Background Boxes: I'm trying to allow Mario to stand on the boxes in the background, but am unsure how to approach this. I currently have boundaries setup for Mario to stay on the canvas, do I continue to expand these conditions to setup different boundaries based on the boxes? I can see that having several boxes on the screen and doing it this way would get kind of crazy, especially if I would be doing the same hit testing for enemies? I know I'm missing something here....
Level Movement: This is somewhat related. When the Right key is pressed, basically everything in the level needs to move to the left. Would I need to track out all positions of everything that could touch Mario (boxes for him to stand on and enemies for him to collide with) during every animation frame? This seems like it would get kind of inefficient?
Thanks to all! I'll keep this updated with results/solutions :)
Wow, okay. I really like your question because you've obviously done a lot of thinking on this, but partially because of that it's incredibly broad and conversational. You'd do better to find a forum to ask this question.
...That being said, I'm gonna answer the handful of points I'm qualified to, in no particular order. :)
Level Movement: That's a weird (read: inefficient) way to do it. I wouldn't do any calculations based on onscreen positions: track a canonical, camera-agnostic set of coordinates for everything in your level and update the visuals to match. This will stop you from running into weird niggling problems where framerate impacts what you can and can't walk through, or causing slower computers to let Mario run through enemies without being damaged sometimes. Tracking positions this way will incidentally fix a lot of your other problems.
You should absolutely be splitting this into multiple functions. Having movement code and rendering code in the same place is going to screw you, particularly by interacting malignantly with your update/refresh rate. It's going to essentially mean that every time the player does a tricky jump the game does more updates than usual which will make animation/hit detection/etc much less likely to be even.
Enemies: I'd suggest rolling this in with everything else. Do one hit-detection pass against everything, and if you hit something check to see what it was. You could try to optimize this by only checking any given entity against objects within 100 pixels of itself, but if you do it this way you'll need to run separate collision detection events for every enemy. Letting the enemies clip through each other would be computationally cheaper.
Edit: I'd like to clarify about my first point on 'level movement.' Essentially, what you don't want to do is move every entity onscreen every time the camera does, or to store all entity locations as offsets from the camera location (in which case you're still effectively having to move everything, every time the camera moves.)
Your ideal approach is to store your enemy, block, terrain locations with X/Y coordinates that are offset from the absolute top-left of the level (at the very beginning.) In order to render a frame, you'd do essentially this: (pseudocode because we're talking about a hypothetical level format!)
function GetVisible(x,width,level_entities_array) {
for (i = 0; i < count(level_array); i++){
if (level_entities_array[i][x] > x && level_entities_array[i][x] < x+width) {
visible_elements[] = level_entities_array[i][x];
return visible_elements;
Boom, you've got everything that should be inside the window. Now you subtract the camera's x offset from the entity's x location and ZAP, you've got its position on the canvas. Pose as a team, 'cause things just got real.
You'll note that I'm not bothering to cull on the Y axis. This can be rectified by extrapolation, which I'm guessing you can handle because you've made it this far. This will be necessary if you want to do any Mario-style vertical exploration.
Yes, I know my pseudocode looks like C# and JavaScript's unholy lovechild. I'm sorry, that's just how I roll at 11:30 at night. ;)

Optimising a graphic and animation intese layout

I'm working on a website that uses a lot of large images and a lot of javascript.
Check it out here –
I've been trying to improve the performance and have had little success. I would just like to keep the frame rate smooth because sometimes it gets bogged down.
I thought it might have been code that was bogging it down but after discovering profiling in chrome it seems to the "paint" process that is slowing things down.
I'm just wondering what I could do to improve things. I'm open for any suggestions but I guess I was thinking along the lines of these things types of things:
• Will compressing the image files help?
• Would a 300px square repeating pattern image be faster to paint in a 900px square div than a 900px square image..
It's a large and complex site so I would rather not spend ages modifying things if it's not going to help.
Any expert raster image people out there?
For anything moving around you should use transitions and transforms rather than jquery animate and background-position as it will then be hardware accelerated in some browsers. It also avoids repainting so regularly. is an example comparing the two techniques in an admittedly extreme case.
If you can't do that, ensure your animation uses requestAnimationFrame rather than a setTimeout loop.
That should help a lot.

Most efficient way to draw particles in HTML5 on iPad 2

I'm trying to create moving lights with trails for an HTML5 website/app targeted at iPad 2.
I wonder what the best way to do this is and whether using HTML5 is viable at all. I chose HTML5 because it's easier and cheaper to develop and deploy than native iOS apps with Objective C. Of course if it turns out that HTML5 simply doesn't offer enough performance I might have to swallow the bitter pill.
Anyway to give you an impression what I'm talking about, this is what I got so far:
Or you can see it in action here (only works in webkit based browsers).
At first I tried using HTML5 canvas and drawing radial gradients as particles in similar manner you see above. It worked but the framerate was horrible even on my desktop computer!
So after a bit of reading I found out that CSS3 transforms may be hardware accelerated, so I build the version you see above. Every "particle" is a 64x64 png image. For each light there is the "head" light (one img) followed by a trail consisting of 115 img elements. Each img element is transformed using "translate3d" (as well as scale and rotation). Also the opacity of each element is adjusted dynamically.
Doing it this way provided much better framerates on my computer, but I doubt the iPad 2 will handle it.
I'd be grateful if anyone could give me some hints on how to improve the performance of this in general and considering the target platform.
Thanks for any help in advance!
If you accept small changes to the effect, some other procedure may work fast:
Instead of drawing the light's trails by the means of many particles, just draw the lights in their current positions in a Canvas element.
You can then darken the whole image at the beginning of a frame by filling a black rectangle with a very low opacity on top. This way the trails fade into dark, but would not alter their color like they do now.
The amount of drawing operations however will reduce vastly. The most costly operation would be filling the fading rectangle for every frame.
This should be built in the canvas. Check out EaselJS and this demo.
You could optimize performances a LOT by using WebGL(, which is supported on the iPad2.)... which is not supported for basic html pages on ios safari as stated Nison Maël...
For the time being you only have canvas as a solution. Which will still give you better performances...
(You can check this blog for more info:
With a little faith and time you'll be amazed!)

html canvas font scaling problem , text is flickering without reason

I readed many forums, but never found some analogue case.
Javascript canvas font displays in a flickering fashion. The conditions appears to be:
scale of the canvas is not an integer (for example setScale(0.1,0.3))
setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); and setScale are used widely to restore setting at every draw of new objects.
Windows. In linux this effect is barely visible (only in some single chars of the text !?).
If the scale is too little (0.5 or less) the effect cannot be seen.
Using save() and restore() seems to have different effect other than setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); ans setScale(sx,sy); so i never use them.
I solved the question opting for using only saves and restores : no more flickering. This seems to avoid direct using of setTransoform, and for some reason there should no difference in it.
Sorry for the lack of code, it's a very complicated set of instructions to extract from my coded game.
I hope this is the definitive solution to flickering. Thanks.

