Scrolling layout - like facebook or google plus right sidebar - javascript

Any idea how make a layout like google plus or facebook. You can see at google plus home as example,
at the beginning, if you scroll the page in the main content, they will scroll together (friend post and sidebar), but when you scroll until the bottom of sidebar (in the right of friend post), that sidebar will stop scrolling , but the another content (friend post) will still scrolling. can explain to me how to make layout like that? sample code or demo will be very help.

Fixed positioning with CSS is a very limited approach. There are a number of ways to do this style of "fixed" areas, many of which have already been given in answers to similar questions on here (try the search above?).
One technique (which many are based on) is like so (in brief)..
Capture the browser's scrolling
Get the position from top of chosen element (x)
Check if the scrolling > x, if so apply a class to the element to fix it to a certain position.
The same will work in reverse, for example:
var target = $('#div-to-stick');
var div_position = target.offset().top;
$(window).scroll(function() {
var y_position = $(window).scrollTop();
if(y_position > div_position) {
else {
Note: Depending on how you chose to complete the code above, the page will often "jump" as the div's position is modified. This is not always a (noticeable) problem, but you can consider getting around this by using .before with target.height() and appending a "fake" replacement div with the same height.
Hope this helps.

The new approach with css3 is reduce your effort. use single property to get it.
here is a article explained it and demo.

You are looking for CSS position:fixed (for the scroll-along sidebar), you can set the location with left:[length], right:[length], top:[length], bottom:[length] and the normal width and height combos
You will need to augment it with a window resize and scroll listener that applies the position:fixed property after the window has scrolled past the top of the sidebar.

Use css property (position:fixed). This will keep the position of the div fixed even if you scroll down or scroll up.


Navigation bar doesn't work with Intersection Observer API

I have a problem when I use the Intersection Observer API. I am trying to use it for, once the nav-bar is not visible anymore when you scroll, make this latter appears with a white background and fixed to the viewport.
I first of all tried to console.log('visible') and console.log('visible') when the nav-bar is visible or not and I succeed ! But when I wanted to apply the new class when the navbar wasn't visible anymore, my page starting to get mad : the class was applied and removed, and the console was only displaying "visible", "not visible" all the time very frequently.
I think it is because when I apply the class, it moves the rootMargin (of the options object) but I don't know how to fix it.
My entire website (my code is in app.js) :
PS : I only have build app.js, HTML and CSS are codes made by FreeCodeCamp.
PS : Sorry for the link, but I can't share this code here because my code uses backtick and it doesn't seems to work ^^ Also, try to open the website with a big width because it's responsive and you can see more precisely the problem when it's on a computer's screen width.
Thank you in advance for your answers guys :)
Intersection observer is not needed for your case.
You just need to apply class to your header, when window is scrolled beyond certain height.
In your case, it would be equal to the height of the header.
So, when the window scroll height > height of the header, then apply class
and in the else, remove the class.
Call the same function on document.ready as well (To check the window scroll position on the page load, if the window is already scrolled).
Here is the little script for your help:
$(window).scroll(function() {
var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
// assume 100px is the height of the header
if (scroll >= 100) {
} else {
function addScrolledClassToHeader() {
function removeScrolledClassToHeader() {

Javascript Div Scroll - Some Issues

I copied this from another post, not blindly, I can see what it does but I can't think of a way to fix the problem. I am not really proficient in JavaScript but I can read this snippet.
// The function actually applying the offset
function offsetAnchor() {
if (location.hash.length !== 0) {
window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY - 100);
// This will capture hash changes while on the page
$(window).on("hashchange", function() {
// This is here so that when you enter the page with a hash,
// it can provide the offset in that case too. Having a timeout
// seems necessary to allow the browser to jump to the anchor first.
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 3);
;(function($) {
The issue was, that when I was scrolling to DIVs with ID's used for anchor points, I was scrolling slightly too far down as I have a sticky header. I tried using this so when changing DIV it would account for the sticky header, it doesn't exactly work perfectly but the main issue I am having, is that I will have over 12 navigation DIV ids, and every time anyone of them is clicked it no longer goes to the DIV, but instead just scrolls up -100 pixels.
I essentially need a solution that will scroll to just above where I need it without affecting the rest of my menu functionality, it doesn't have to be achieved by JS but that's the only feasible way I can see a solution (I've tried thinking of a CSS only one but margin/padding won't help in this situation of scrolling)
To give one last detail, when clicking on a navigation div it will scroll to that div, and the menu (sticky header) will cover some of the image and the of the item scrolled too. Major problem :)
I can leave a link if you'd like a better description and I am learning JS at the moment, but as this is for a client I'd love to be able to fix it within a timely manner and would greatly appreciate any and all help anyone can offer.
Thank you.
In this question there's an answer for jumping to certain element.
If you want a smooth scroll: look here.

How to scroll to the bottom of a Polymer 1.0 paper-drawer-panel

I am using pure Polymer/Javascript and need to scroll to the bottom of my main panel. Since it is a scrollable element within a fixed-size container the typical JS answer
Does not work.
Couldn't find a direct solution so posting an the answer myself. Hope this helps someone :)
(Based on what I found here)
//Get the main paper-drawer-panel element
a = document.querySelector("paper-drawer-panel [main]")
//use the undocumented scroller property and set it to the scroller's height
a.scroller.scrollTop = a.scroller.scrollHeight
I also discovered that if you select any element or container within the panel there should be scrolling methods attached to them allowing you to to scroll to the top or bottom of the panel based on the selected element.
//Get the main paper-drawer-panel element
a = document.querySelector("some-element-container-in-paper-panel");
// Passing in false scrolls to the bottom of the container, no param to the top.
I may not comment (I need 50 points of something) but scrollIntoView() is experimental technology. Not supported by Chrome.

Inability to scroll after turning div from absolute to fixed positioning using jquery

I have a div that gets a 'fixed' class added to it once the user scrolls past a certain point in the parent div. The fixed class simply changes the child div from absolute positioning to fixed positioning.
However, a problem occurs when the user scrolls to a certain point when the 'fixed' class is added (as specified by the 'begin variable' in the js). The user loses the ability to scroll up or down for a number of seconds. And to make matters more complicated, this problem only occurs on the first of six parent divs that uses this code.
Here's the jquery code that adds the 'fixed' class:
var begin = 164;
$("#portfolio_window").scroll(function () {
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
if (y >= begin) {
} else {
If I change the 'begin' variable to something like 600, the user loses the ability to scroll around 600px from the top of the div.
You can try to reproduce the problem at
Here's the easiest way that I've been able to reproduce the problem:
Use Safari
Clicking 'Various Logos' in the 'Work' section
Scrolling down quickly once the 'Various Logos' section appears
It may take several attempts to actually have the problem occur
I can explain your problem:
The problem is that on the "page" you mention being broken has you scrolling in div#portfolio_window. The position:fixed element you mentioned is positioned relative to the window. When you scroll on that element, it's trying to scroll the window (not the parent div).
The solution is a bit more involved. I'll hop back on later with a solution.

Prepend a div without shifting the contents down? Using iScroll

I've got a container div with a bunch of scrollable content (for the record I'm using iScroll - if that changes the solution). When I scroll to the top I want to load content above the current scroll position. If I simply prepend the div using jQuery "prepend();" the contents in my scrollable area shift down. Ideally we'd want to keep the current content in the frame and have the scrollable area grow upwards above the content.
Any thoughts?
According to the iScroll website, it has a method called scrollToElement:
scrollToElement(el, runtime): scrolls to any element inside the scrolling area. el must be a CSS3 selector. Eg: scrollToElement("#elementID", '400ms')
If you always prepend a fixed amount of divs (e.g. always a single div), I imagine you could use it to scroll to (e.g.) the second element right after you've prepended the new content:
// ... (prepend new content)
myScroll.scrollToElement('#scroller :nth-child(2)', '0ms');
I haven't tried this, so please let us know if this works for you.
After a quick look through iScroll's source, here's what I've found:
The current x and y are always available through myScroll.x and myScroll.y.
iScroll has an internal function _offset(el), which returns the left and top offset of any given element.
This basically opens up two solutions:
Use _offset(el). While possible, this is inadvisable. The underscore is a convention for marking a function "private", meaning, amongst other things, that it's not part of the official API.
Use the newly added element's height:
var x = myScroll.x;
var y = myScroll.y;
// ... (prepend new content)
y += $('#scroller :first-child').outerHeight();
myScroll.scrollTo(x, y, '0ms');
You may need to pass true to .outerHeight(), which makes it include margins.
Once again, I haven't tested this, so please let us know if it works.

