JavaScript DataStructures - javascript

Is there any good learning book on JavaScript Data Structures, something like this.
I am unable to find anyting on internet.

You didn't mention your level of JavaScript knowledge, so I assume you're fresh. ) In that case I suggest reading Eloquent JavaScript online book; this chapter in particular will answer your question, but I suppose reading the whole book would be a great experience as well.
But not reading only: in fact, I regard this book highly because it provides tremendous environment for experiments with code given. And practice, in my opinion, is the only real key to understanding anything related to CS. )

Here are some links
And one answer here on SO explaining about data structures in js


When I moved from study of JavaScript to study jquery

Which is better, learn the basics of JavaScript, and then jQuery
Or master JavaScript and then learn jQuery
Now I know the basics well But I did not write many exercises of javascript
sorry about My bad English
It depends on what you want to do with javascript.
If you want to go deeper into the javascript, want to experiment with it, then become a master in javascript. In that case I will suggest you to read this excellent book by Douglas Crockford. Becoming a master of something never hurts. But if you want to become a developer and want to only build websites with javascript, then learn the core basics and move on to learning jquery.
Again, whatever you do, you should have a clear understanding about the basics of javascript. You should, at least, read this excellent article and understand how objects in javascripts work, what are prototypes, what datatypes are there. There are also many other resources on javascript on MDN and Opera Developers Network. Google also has some excellent resources on javascript.
Always better to learn the language before learning a framework, as JQuery isn't the only JS framework.
If you know the language, you'll be able to understand whatever framework you want to use.
The references I have used in the past, ending up with the good understanding of them both are as follows:
JQuery: by Rebecca Murphey.
Hope these help you too.
I would strongly recommend you start with reading this book on Javascript > Javascript: The Good Parts
It's the best book out there to understand the fundamentals of Javascript and how it actually differs from the rest of the language. What are the good parts and what are the bad parts.
Once you are done with that, then you'll be better off learning jQuery and start doing examples.

What JavaScript topics can't those new to the language be without?

I recently got involved with the jQuery Project and the PromoteJS movement has inspired me to spend some time writing a free, comprehensive book on JavaScript fundamentals for beginners (I feel you need to understand what JS is about to make the most of libraries).
What I would like to target are topics that both total beginners and those that know jQuery, but not the underlying JavaScript would find both educational and useful to know.
What topics would you suggest this cover?.
Off the top of my head, Variables, Expressions, Statements, Functions, Objects, Closures, Scope wouldn't be bad additions, but I'm wondering if going beyond this to cover inheritance, development patterns/anti-patterns etc would be overkill.
Again, your thoughts and comments on this would really assist in these early planning phases. Thanks!
There's already a great, free Javascript book actually..
EDIT: There's also already a free great jQuery fundamentals book:

Advanced JavaScript/JQuery Design Patterns

What are the best resources on Design Patterns catering specifically to web development with JavaScript and JQuery?
I'm particularly interested in information on programming my own libraries, reusable components, widgets, etc. and the merits of various techniques (for instance in the case of components/widgets comparing those employed in jQuery UI vs. rolling your own).
I'm also curious about the intricacies of JavaScript as a programming language, and the finer points of object-based programming with JavaScript.
Big fan of Douglas Crockford and the Yahoo video series. Looking for additional examples.
One very instructional thing you might do is read over the jQuery source code. It's a treasure-trove of interesting and efficient coding techniques. You might then broaden your horizons by reading over the source for Prototype or some other library.
The nice thing about reading good code and trying to understand it is that it's really real; it is the good code, so you bypass a layer of rhetoric.
Similar to Pointy's answer, you should take a look at these two videos, which help you understand the source code of JQuery (it might be difficult for some to dive into the code from start to finish):
10 things I learned from the jquery source
11 more things I learned from the jquery source
Paul Irish, a member of the JQuery team, goes through some very interesting design patterns in the JQuery source in a humorous way. I think he picks some really interesting spots, which really gives you a lot of usable knowledge you can use elsewhere.
It's probably the resource that has given me the most knowledge about a particular field in the shortest time. It's just really valuable.
This guy has some really good stuff as far as the "intricacies of JavaScript as a programming language" part of your question is concerned:
The comp.lang.javascript group on Usenet is an excellent resource: pretty much everything related to browser scripting has been discussed there and is available in the archive, and some of the regulars, while not always the most polite, are incredibly knowledgeable.

Advanced javascript guidance

I'm looking to improve the standard of my javascript as I'm moving beyond simple AJAX forms towards much richer interactions and it's quickly getting out of hand.
There's lots of resources about how to write proper javascript, many of the best are from Douglas Crockford, but very little about relevant design patterns and how to implement them.
Do you know of any resource, books or blogs, on how to produce and manage non-trivial javascript applications?
I plan to read Pro JavaScript Techniques by John Resig as well as his upcoming Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja.
Also, in my mind, "advanced" and "JavaScript" are often associated with Dean Edwards.
EDIT: it's not strictly devoted to JavaScript, though I'm also learning a lot from
EDIT2: from time to time, gems also pop up from Simon Willison's feed: today Dean's getElementsByTagName() implementation and John's jQuery.require().
As mentioned :
Pro JavaScript Techniques by John Resig is an excellent book.
If you're intention is to use Javascript for more than just everyday form validation etc then I personally think understanding OO principles is important.
With Javascript being such a flexible language I would reccommend reading up on discipline and approaches to coding Javascript, not just the syntaxy stuff.
This book Pro Javascript design patterns should help there.
You're halfway there already with Douglas Crockford, but there are plenty of others writing great articles on the web.
I'm finding that over and above most languanges and tech there is a real buzz about Javascript right now and it's difficult to keep up with new stuff so I tend to check out relevant news sites like Ajaxian for posts with content linking to good authors for up to to date advances with libraries, frameworks and the like.
I recently visited the fullfrontal09 Javascript conference, all the speakers there gave excellent talks on Javascript so read anything they have written!
Read up on Closures and Scope, sugaring and currying! Robert Nyman's slides from FullFontal09 should get you started
If you can stomach the tone of some of the regulars, the comp.lang.javascript newsgroup is an excellent resource. I have learned a great deal there.
Regarding design patterns, there is a book called "Pro JavaScript Design Patterns" by Ross Harmes and Dustin Diaz, although having read it I wouldn't recommend several of the practices it suggests.
Make sure to also have a look at free web toolkits that are available, such as: Google Web Toolkit and Dojo or Jquery. These will help your application development efforts go much faster.
Also check out the Javascript tutorials at:
Hope that helps. :)
Apart from books, i would say start hacking the existing JS libraries (like amazing JQuery). Its a better way to look around the power of javascript.. has an introduction to jQuery (and other Javascript classes). It provides a decent introduction as you go deeper and read the excellent books already recommended.
Here's the link:
This was only published recently (8th Dec.) but I've already found it extremely useful as a refresher of common JS practices.

jQuery framework internals

I am trying to understand the internals of how jquery framework is written and finding it hard to understand the code.
Does anyone have any suggestions regarding a good way to get started.
Thanks for all the useful input. Editing the topic since I had limited space for adding individual comments.
I have written a lot of basic javascript code.
I know basic DOM, have used event handlers, know CSS basics. I have read about many of the topics you have mentioned and I am familiar with it although not an expert and have not coded some of the advanced topics like closures. Here are the books I have used so far Head first javascript - good in the beginning as a starter.
Books my friends have recommended and I use regularly are Javascript - The Definitive Guide, Javascript - The good parts (I read this a while ago and it was hard for me at the time).
My friend just recommended Secrets of Javascript Ninja - John Resig. Seems like a good one.
I ordered the Javascript Design patterns book you recommend last week
I have read the you pointed me to. I will checkout some of the other resources you pointed me to.
Let me think a little more regarding if I want to do a little more reading before I post specific questions I have on jquery.
To comprehend the actual source would require some degree of Javascript knowledge - If you don't already know what's going on then you basically need to learn more Javascript.
Key things to learn:
Prototypal inheritance ( the
inheritance used in ECMAScript, the
core language on which Javascript is
based upon )
Lambdas ( inline functions )
Closures ( outer variables from outer scope accessible from inner functions )
Regular expressions ( used for matching the selector strings fed to jQuery )
DOM ( The DOM API which is used to interact with markup languages )
When learning, use Firebug so you can evaluate your expressions interactively and immediately see what's going on
An excellent free resource for learning that I would recommend:
If you're a beginner to DOM Scripting/Javascript:
If you're intermediate level:
If you're past intermediate level and want to be an expert:
Other technical references:
If you have specific questions about a certain code snippet just ask here. Another resource that I can recommend for more advanced questions would be the jQuery mailing list or irc:// where jresig hangs out himself and comes by and answers questions. There are other guru ops who reside there like ajpiano/paulirish/nlogax.
If you're looking for insight about how jQuery is written, the uncompressed source code is pretty readable. There are a few books mentioned in SO74884 that are worth a read. Resig's book doesn't really cover jQuery at all, but is good about teaching object oriented javascript.
If you are having a problem understanding something in jQuery's code (why it was done/how it works), you should post a question with some code bits to Stack Overflow, asking for some help understanding it.
Why not learn from the man himself, John Resig, here :
Based on that, I'd definitely get the book your friend suggested.
You can also find some more nice resources on his website, courtesy of googling
I was also like you interested in how jQuery works internally, I've spent some time learning from jQuery code source and trying to understand the core architecture, then I've created a github repo how-jQuery-works to share my knowledge that I've acquired with other developers, hope you learn something from this repository.

