Really cool javascript or CSS feature in website - javascript

Does anybody know how the eyeball in this website is designed? Is this javascript (jQuery perhaps), or simply HTML5 and CSS? I just don't really understand how you get a little image in that shape, get it's onhover method, set a new picture, and then make it clickable. Is this a button?

They use one image as the background (found here:
They are only using CSS, they have a hover state on the class that sets the background position to a negative offset.
Basically the styles are:
.slide-holder .opener {
width: 30px;
height: 38px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
bottom: -38px;
background: url(../images/bg-open-close.png) no-repeat;
.opener:hover {
background-position: 0 -76px;
Effectively you are only seeing one part of the background image at a time. Because the image states are similar, it appears to be looking up.
The click event of the eye is using jQuery slidedown
If you want to find out how things work yourself, you can use the developer console in most popular web browsers. Then use the HTML inspector tool to inspect the element you are interested in.
Developers consoles are usually activated by pressing F12. This works in any decent modern web browser (and Firefox with Firebug)

It is a sprite - - on hover the background image is shifted from the centered eyeball to the offset one.
.opener:hover {
background-position: 0 -76px;

I believe he compressed his javascript so its not legible to the human eye but I believe he uses a combination of jquery/javascript, and css3. The hover where the eye changes its appearance I believe is just some simple javascript to change the image when hovered over. I know for sure a toggle class is being used when you click the eye because you can see the class change on the list in the HTML source (it originally is set to display: none). This definitely seems like the work of slideDown from jQuery. Hope this helps :]


jQuery Change Background image gradually by scrolling

I'm not pretty good in java. Still I guess that question is not too easy for pros as well.
As the header says I'm trying to find a solution how to change a background image gradually by scroll with jQuery.
The background should be responsive.
I found a website having a similar thing
Since I'm no pro with java and jquery a jsfiddle example would be nice!
Thanks in advance
I think this is a perfect tutorial for your needs.
This is the result of the tutorial:
The background image dont change, just is Fixed.
div.background {
background-attachment: fixed;
And every "new" image is a container div who scroll like another.
Something like this must work.
I believe this effect is typically called "Parallax". You might find some of the following examples helpful:
You can also search google for the word "Parallax" and find some simple scripts that don't require an external library if that is a requirement. I did find this JSFiddle which might be helpful as well. I believe it uses the following to setup the backgrounds:
background: url( 50% 0 no-repeat fixed;

How can I stretch background on the whole window?

I'm trying to stretch the background to fill the whole window with HTML/CSS.
I've seen a few solutions for this but they don't work.
Every solution i encounter won't work on all the browsers, either Chrome won't stretch it, or IE won't stretch it, and if they both do, firefox will be the problematic one.
Does anyone have a working solution, that will work on all browsers ? (don't mind some javascript)
I believe there is no way to do this without creating an img element, and setting its z-order to the bottom and then customizing the width of that. This page has details.
Edit: In the link it says to use position: fixed;. This will in only work in older versions of IE if you specify a doctype. Using absolute is a simple workaround as long as the element is a direct child of the body.
I had this problem a little while ago and I found that this website had a very nicely written tutorial which explains it well, plus it worked for what I was looking for.
write a css for that in which the background image will be in
body {
background-image: url("/images/bg.jpg");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position:center top ;
This will keep the total image in the body.Try this hope it will work.

2 part CSS "wallpaper" that resizes to browser

My designer believes this cannot be done, however it seems possible to me. (Although I have limited CSS experience). However, he also said the background couldn't be fixed, and stackoverflow has proved his wrong in the past; so I question his knowledge.
JQuery can be used if this cannot be done in pure CSS.
The top half will be a gradient that has full flexible to skew left, right, up, down without much distortion. The bottom half is an image that is ideally made for the 1280 x 1024 resolution (as this is the most popular browser display resolution). Then depending on the requirements needed it will sketch and skew to whatever size it needs. Still allowing all of the image to be seen.
The ration between the top half and bottom half is always 50% 50% independent of browser resolution.
I would also like if both the top and bottom parts are fixed.
In a perfect world (one without IE), id like to do this with css3 gradients and multiple backgrounds in 1 DIV. However, because IE9 isnt out yet, I think the best way to approach it would be 2 divs in a DIV container and using a PNG repeating background for the top div.
It should be noted I am going to use to allow some CSS3 for IE6-8 (but I dont want to rely on it, unless 100% proven)
Is this possible with just CSS? How would you do it?
If not possible with just CSS, is there a way I can get JavaScript/JQuery to aid?
I am thinking a base of 1280 x 1024 isn't the best idea because it seems to have an odd radio.
Edit 1
Oh yeah, I have a WIP too:
It looks good in 1280 x its just getting the whole resizing of the top DIV to be 50% so the image is 50%.
I'd still like ALL of the water to be seen, because I like the look of the rocks at the bottom. However, I am open to alternative ideas that don't accomplish what I want 100%, but come close.
Edit 2
How about using the top gradient as the true CSS2 background and then just putting a <img> at the bottom of it to resize? Perhaps that will allow for CSS2 ability. I am reference some work-around techniques here: A list apart
Edit 3
I am still looking for results that work on IE6 and also don't cause Internet explorer to lag. I am setting a bounty of 50 to help attract more attention.
I have successfully came up with 2 ways to do this:
Method 1
Click here to view demo
Using CSS3 background-size I was able to set 2 div elements to on top of each other with min-height: 50% and then using background-size: 100% 50% they successfully accomplish what I am looking for.
This method was just a proof of concept, as IE6-8 does not support background-size, I didn't pursue tweaking this method perfectly. As it stands, it currently messes up when you scroll despite have background-attachment: fixed;. I ditched this CSS3 method in order to look for better methods using CSS tricks...
Method 2
Click here to view demo
Following the examples I found from A List Apart (Article | Example1 | Example2). I used Technique #2 from Example 1, and I was able to emulate what I wanted to do using just CSS2. (I am not 100% sure how or why this works, but it does)
Because I am also going to use CSS3PIE to give IE6-8 CSS3 the ability to do linear gradients, border-radius, and box-shadow; I opted to use a linear gradient instead of an image for the top background.
CSS2 Method from Technique #2, Example 1 does not work with IE6 Correctly
Creates excessive lag in all current Internet Explorers
It can be done with CSS only. No PIEs necessary. Just an IE6 bug and some filter magic.
Do this using raphaeljs. Create a background DIV that becomes a canvas, draw a rect to 50% of the page height (if using jquery then use $(window).resize() to monitor for a window resize and $(window).height() to get the 50% into pixels).
You can fill in the raphealjs rect with specifing it's fill value to something like fill: "90-#000000-#ffffff"
As for the image:
Place the image using raphealjs' image OR just embed it using HTML and update it's height-scale using jquery as mentioned above.
I've done something like this just recently using about 10 lines of code.
Also: Change your water.png, it's about 275kb, where as the next largest file on your page (the css) is like 1.5kb.
If you want to keep the horizon of the water at 50% on your screen, I would suggest a simpler method;
Create an image (probably about 1280 wide) in Photoshop of water on bottom and gradient on top. Fade the top gradient into a solid light blue(#68b for example). Fade the left, right and bottom of the image into the same solid color(#68b).
Set the background of your page as follows;
html {
background: #68b url(waterimage.png) center center no-repeat;
In your case, you'll probably want to apply the background to #wdth-100 instead of html, but it all depends on which element you want to put your background on.
All done. Let me know if that works for you.
I don't have a link to your top image, so i used the same image for top and bottom.
You should probably use a CSS solution for normal browsers and the JS for IE.
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {
if(wh%2) {
} else {
img1=$("<IMG/>",{'src':'','id':'img1'} )
img2=$("<IMG/>",{'src':'','id':'img2'} )
$(window).resize(function() {
if(wh%2) {
} else {
The pragmatic answer would seem to be to do it using multiple divs with their own background, all of which would be positioned absolutely and behind everything else using z-index.
I know that's not the clean markup solution with a single div with some magic CSS, but this is a tricky problem in pure CSS in any browser, and almost certainly impossible if you need to support IE6.
An even more pragmatic answer would be to say "I'll support IE6 as far as I can, but if it can't support my lovely background effect then that's just tough luck for anyone still using it".

Weird image injection when using YUI grid

I was trying to use YUI grid and i noticed something weird coming up on my webpage:
<img id="fvdkoff-target-image" style="border: medium none ; margin: 0px; position: relative; visibility: visible; color: transparent; z-index: 2147483647; left: 424px; top: 274px;" src=""/>
I was wondering if anyone faced this issue?
the above weird image injection kindda breaks my website's design.
Can anyone help?
Take a look at here:
by the way, the weird code injected doesnt show up in the source code. however, if you try to debug the page using FireBug and click on the white space below the footer, it will clearly show the injected code.
When I inspect the page with Firebug I don't get the image. I do see the white space. Its there because reset-fonts-grid.css is setting the background of the html element to white.
If you select the html element in Firebug and toggle off the background rule in the style inspector your background behaves as expected.
As for the image, I don't know what it is, why you see it and I don't, or where it came from, but google searches on "fvdkf image" show it popping up all over the place.
As a sidenote, this post has been live for 40 minutes and its already the #4 google result.
I guess it could be some sort of script injection, but the 'src' attribute is an encoded string that renders as a .png file - like a little word bubble icon. try copying the value and pasting it into the address bar of your browser to take a look. Does that help?

Paint all pixels (excluding transparant) in PNG with Javascript/CSS?

I need to create a silhouette of a PNG with Javascript/CSS. Is this possible?
I tried the following:
Stack the PNG with lowered opacity multiple times with absolute positioning and z-index.
This does not work.
Unfortunately I can't use PHP or something else then Javascript and CSS.
I got some ideas with overlays and such but I can't figure out how to do it. Any tips?
update: This only needs to work in webkit browsers, so you can bring your webkit trickbox! :)
It's not possible in plain HTML/CSS.
It would be possible in embedded SVG using a filter such as feColorMatrix to set all channels to one colour except the opacity.
It would be possible in a <canvas> using a composite operation, such as first drawing the image, then drawing a single colour over the top with source-out mode.
It might be possible in IE using a MaskFilter, using the MaskFilter to generate a masking colour (eg. white) laid over a fixed colour (eg. black). However I think you'll lose any variable-opacity smooth edges.
It's going to be a lot of browser-sniffing and annoyance. I'd try to avoid it.
Considering you've tagged this with webkit, you should have a look at the Surfin' Safari blog post about CSS masks.
E.g. Is this what you want?
<!doctype html>
div {
width: 215px;
height: 174px;
background: black;
-webkit-mask-image: url("");

