javascript combining public and private window.onload - javascript

i am currently learning about javascript namespaces as i build a website and i have the following requirements: i want to make all of my code private so that other public scripts on the page (possibly adverts, i'm not too sure at this stage) cannot override or alter my javascript. the problem i am foreseeing is that the public scripts may use window.onload and i do not want them to override my private version of window.onload. i do still want to let them run window.onload though.
so far i have the following layout:
//public code not written by me - i'm thinking this will be executed first
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('pub').onclick = function() {
alert('ran a public event');
//private code written by me
(function() {
var public_onload = window.onload; //save the public for later use
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('priv').onclick = function() {
a = a + 1
alert('ran a private event. a is ' + a);
if(public_onload) public_onload();
var a = 1;
i have quite a few questions about this...
firstly, is this a good structure for writing my javascript code, or is there a better one? (i'm planning on putting all of my code within the anonymous function). is my private code really private, or is there a way that the public javascript can access it? i'm guessing the answer to this is "yes - using tricky eval techniques. do not embed code you do not trust", but i'd like to know how this would be done if so.
secondly, when i click on the public link, the event is not fired. why is this?
finally, if i comment out the if(public_onload) public_onload(); line then a is returned correctly when i click the private button. but if i leave this line in then a's value is nan. why is this?

You can attach event listeners to avoid their overriding in some way like this:
<ol id="res"></ol>
<script type="text/javascript">
var res = document.getElementById('res');
function log(line) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerHTML = line;
// global code:
window.onload = function() {
log('inside the global window.onload handler');
// private code:
(function(window) {
function addEvent(el, ev, fn) {
if (el.addEventListener) {
el.addEventListener(ev, fn, false);
} else if (el.attachEvent) {
el.attachEvent('on' + ev, fn);
} else {
el['on' + ev] = fn;
addEvent(window, 'load', function() {
log('inside the second window.onload handler in "private section"');
The example of code organization you asked about:
<ol id="res"></ol>​
/* app.js */
// in global scope:
var MyApp = (function(app) {
var res = document.getElementById('res');
app.log = function(line) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerHTML = line;
app.doWork = function() {
app.log('doing a work');
return app;
})(MyApp || {});
/* my-app-module.js */
// again in global scope:
var MyApp = (function(app) {
app.myModule = app.myModule || {};
app.myModule.doWork = function () {
app.log('my module is doing a work');
return app;
})(MyApp || {});
/* somewhere after previous definitions: */
(function() {
MyApp is accessible from outside
Nothing is accessible from outside


Test Case to call function on Document.ready

My JS code is mentioned below:
if (typeof IPL === "undefined") {
IPL = {};
/// <summary>Declare Namespace IPL.Register</summary>
if (typeof IPL.Register === "undefined") {
IPL.Register = {};
$(document).ready(function () {
/// <summary>Declare Namespace IPL.Register.Print</summary>
IPL.Register.Print =
/// <summary>Function to call on initialize page.</summary>
initialize: function () {
window.onload = function () {
When I run Test case (Qunit.js and blanket.js) as mentioned below then Document.ready function is not getting called and Code coverage not cover that line.
Below test case works fine but it only include last lines of code and initialize function on window load.
test("initialize test", 1, function () {
var result = IPL.Register.Print.initialize();
equal(undefined, result, "passed");
Someone please assist how to write Test case to execute function on document load?
The best way to do this is by not testing the load event at all. Just put the event handler into a named function and then test the behaviour of that function.
/// <summary>Declare Namespace IPL.Register.Print</summary>
IPL.Register.Print = {
/// <summary>Function to call on initialize page.</summary>
initialize: function() {
window.onload = function() {
print: function() {
test("initialize test", 1, function() {
var result = IPL.Register.Print.print();
equal(undefined, result, "passed");
The load event just runs your function, what do you want specifically achieve by testing the load event ?

jQuery plugin instances variable with event handlers

I am writing my first jQuery plugin which is a tree browser. It shall first show the top level elements and on click go deeper and show (depending on level) the children in a different way.
I got this up and running already. But now I want to implement a "back" functionality and for this I need to store an array of clicked elements for each instance of the tree browser (if multiple are on the page).
I know that I can put instance private variables with "this." in the plugin.
But if I assign an event handler of the onClick on a topic, how do I get this instance private variable? $(this) is referencing the clicked element at this moment.
Could please anyone give me an advise or a link to a tutorial how to get this done?
I only found tutorial for instance specific variables without event handlers involved.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: I cleaned out the huge code generation and kept the logical structure. This is my code:
(function ($) {
$.fn.myTreeBrowser = function (options) {
clickedElements = [];
var defaults = {
textColor: "#000",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
fontSize: "1em",
titleAttribute: "Title",
idAttribute: "Id",
parentIdAttribute: "ParentId",
levelAttribute: "Level",
treeData: {}
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.myTreeBrowser.defaults, options);
function getTreeData(id) {
if ( {
$.ajax(, { async: false, data: { Id: id } }).success(function (resultdata) {
opts.treeData = resultdata;
function onClick() {
var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
var parentContainer = getParentContainer($(this));
handleOnClick(parentContainer, id);
function handleOnClick(parentContainer, id) {
if (opts.onTopicClicked) {
if (id) {
var clickedElement = $.grep(opts.treeData, function (n, i) { return n[opts.idAttribute] === id })[0];
switch (clickedElement[opts.levelAttribute]) {
case 1:
renderLevel2(parentContainer, clickedElement);
case 3:
renderLevel3(parentContainer, clickedElement);
debug('invalid level element clicked');
} else {
function getParentContainer(elem) {
return $(elem).parents('div.myBrowserContainer').parents()[0];
function onBackButtonClick() {
clickedElements.pop(); // remove actual element to get the one before
var lastClickedId = clickedElements.pop();
var parentContainer = getParentContainer($(this));
handleOnClick(parentContainer, lastClickedId);
function renderLevel2(parentContainer, selectedElement) {
var browsercontainer = $('<div>').addClass('myBrowserContainer').appendTo(parentContainer);
//... rendering the div ...
// for example like this with a onClick handler
var div = $('<div>').attr('data-id', element[opts.idAttribute]).addClass('fct-bs-col-md-4 pexSubtopic').on('click', onClick).appendTo(subtopicList);
// ... rendering the tree
var backButton = $('<button>').addClass('btn btn-default').text('Back').appendTo(browsercontainer);
backButton.on('click', onBackButtonClick);
function renderLevel3(parentContainer, selectedElement) {
var browsercontainer = $('<div>').addClass('myBrowserContainer').appendTo(parentContainer);
//... rendering the div ...
// for example like this with a onClick handler
var div = $('<div>').attr('data-id', element[opts.idAttribute]).addClass('fct-bs-col-md-4 pexSubtopic').on('click', onClick).appendTo(subtopicList);
// ... rendering the tree
var backButton = $('<button>').addClass('btn btn-default').text('Back').appendTo(browsercontainer);
backButton.on('click', onBackButtonClick);
function renderTopLevel(parentContainer) {
var browsercontainer = $('<div>').addClass('fct-page-pa fct-bs-container-fluid pexPAs myBrowserContainer').appendTo(parentContainer);
// rendering the top level display
//top level rendering! Lower levels are rendered in event handlers.
$(this).each(function () {
return this;
// Private function for debugging.
function debug(debugText) {
if (window.console && window.console.log) {
Just use one more class variable and pass this to it. Usually I call it self. So var self = this; in constructor of your plugin Class and you are good to go.
Object oriented way:
function YourPlugin(){
var self = this;
YourPlugin.prototype = {
constructor: YourPlugin,
clickHandler: function(){
// here the self works
Check this Fiddle
Or simple way of passing data to eventHandler:
$( "#foo" ).bind( "click", {
self: this
}, function( event ) {
You could use the jQuery proxy function:
$(yourElement).bind("click", $.proxy(this.yourFunction, this));
You can then use this in yourFunction as the this in your plugin.

Understanding module design patterns in javascript

I am trying to understand module patterns in Javascript so that i can separate my code into different modules and use them where required.
var messageHandler = (function(){
var el;
var display = function(a){
el = $('.error');
else if (a==='success'){
el = $('.success');
else if (a=='warning'){
el = $('.warning');
else if (a=='danger'){
el = $('.danger');
return this;
function registerClick(p_el){
var hide = function(){
return {
display: display,
hide: hide
window.messageHandler = messageHandler;
So, I have four different classes in css for different types of messages.The close class is for a small cross button on the top right to close the message.
This works fine till i call the function only once.When i do this
Now both the messages close button have been bind to the success close button because el gets overwritten.
How to achieve it keeping the code reusable and concise.
The problem here is that you have a closure variable el that you are overwriting every time display() is called. The hide() function uses whatever is the current value of el at the time it is called, so overwriting el is a problem.
If you want to have "static" functionality like this display() method, you need to avoid shared state.
As #Bergi points out in the comments, you can eliminate the shared el and modify hide() to take an element as input:
var messageHandler = (function(){
var el; // delete this
var display = function(a){
var el; // add this
function registerClick(el){
el.bind('click', function(){
function hide(el){
You could also modify hide to make use of the current event properties, and then just have:
function registerClick(el){
el.bind('click', hide);
function hide(event){
Cleaned up version including the auto-hide discussed in the comments:
var messageHandler = (function(){
var display = function(a){
var el = $('.' + a);
el.css('display', 'block');
var hideAction = function () { el.css('display', 'block'); };
var token = setTimeout(hideAction, 5000);
el.find('.close').bind('click', function () {
return this;
return {
display: display

How to add values on Javascript?

I'm a very beginner on this and wondering is there anyway that I can add these two values
maxScreenWidth: 480,
menuTitle: 'Menu:'
into this script.
function DropDown(el) {
this.mainNav = el;
DropDown.prototype = {
initEvents: function () {
var obj = this;
obj.mainNav.on('click', function (event) {
$(function () {
var mainNav = new DropDown($('#mainNav'));
$(document).click(function () {
// all dropdowns
thanks in advance.
In addition, this is the dropdown menu that I'm applying to my website.
I'm trying to apply this menu only for phone layout but it maintains its form no matter what screen size is. It is supposed be disappeared when it's more 480px but it isn't.
Thank you so much for your help.
If you want to add those properties, just add them like below:
function DropDown(el, width, title) {
this.mainNav = el;
this.maxScreenWidth = width; //added
this.menuTitle = title; //added
Now they are part of your constructor as passable arguments
Then when you call you constructor, just pass what those values should be
$(function () {
var mainNav = new DropDown($('#mainNav'), 480, 'Menu'); //See, pass them here.
$(document).click(function () {
// all dropdowns
You can add this values as DropDown parameters as Christoper wrote, also you can create global variables:
var maxScreenWidth = 480;
var menuTitle = 'Menu:';
function DropDown(el) {
this.mainNav = el;
But then, if you write it in your js file, other code could access and change your global variables (they are global after all :) ), so this technique exists:
(function ($) {
var maxScreenWidth = 480;
var menuTitle = 'Menu:';
function DropDown(el) {
this.mainNav = el;
In the last example you'r creating function with 'private scope', so your 'private' variables ain't accessible from other js code. Also you should note that you couldn't access DropDown from other code in you application, only within this function.

Class methods as event handlers in JavaScript?

Is there a best-practice or common way in JavaScript to have class members as event handlers?
Consider the following simple example:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
ClickCounter = function(buttonId) {
this._clickCount = 0;
document.getElementById(buttonId).onclick = this.buttonClicked;
ClickCounter.prototype = {
buttonClicked: function() {
alert('the button was clicked ' + this._clickCount + ' times');
<input type="button" id="btn1" value="Click me" />
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var btn1counter = new ClickCounter('btn1');
The event handler buttonClicked gets called, but the _clickCount member is inaccessible, or this points to some other object.
Any good tips/articles/resources about this kind of problems?
ClickCounter = function(buttonId) {
this._clickCount = 0;
var that = this;
document.getElementById(buttonId).onclick = function(){ that.buttonClicked() };
ClickCounter.prototype = {
buttonClicked: function() {
alert('the button was clicked ' + this._clickCount + ' times');
EDIT almost 10 years later, with ES6, arrow functions and class properties
class ClickCounter {
count = 0;
constructor( buttonId ){
.addEventListener( "click", this.buttonClicked );
buttonClicked = e => {
this.count += 1;
console.log(`clicked ${this.count} times`);
I don't know why Function.prototype.bind wasn't mentioned here yet. So I'll just leave this here ;)
ClickCounter = function(buttonId) {
this._clickCount = 0;
document.getElementById(buttonId).onclick = this.buttonClicked.bind(this);
ClickCounter.prototype = {
buttonClicked: function() {
alert('the button was clicked ' + this._clickCount + ' times');
A function attached directly to the onclick property will have the execution context's this property pointing at the element.
When you need to an element event to run against a specific instance of an object (a la a delegate in .NET) then you'll need a closure:-
function MyClass() {this.count = 0;}
MyClass.prototype.onclickHandler = function(target)
// use target when you need values from the object that had the handler attached
MyClass.prototype.attachOnclick = function(elem)
var self = this;
elem.onclick = function() {self.onclickHandler(this); }
elem = null; //prevents memleak
var o = new MyClass();
You can use fat-arrow syntax, which binds to the lexical scope of the function
function doIt() {
this.f = () => {
console.log("f called ok");
this.g = () => {
console.log("g called ok");
After that you can try
var n = new doIt();
You can try it on babel or if your browser supports ES6 on jsFiddle.
Unfortunately the ES6 Class -syntax does not seem to allow creating function lexically binded to this. I personally think it might as well do that. EDIT: There seems to be experimental ES7 feature to allow it.
I like to use unnamed functions, just implemented a navigation Class which handles this correctly:
this.navToggle.addEventListener('click', () => this.toggleNav() );
then this.toggleNav() can be just a function in the Class.
I know I used to call a named function but it can be any code you put in between like this :
this.navToggle.addEventListener('click', () => { [any code] } );
Because of the arrow you pass the this instance and can use it there.
Pawel had a little different convention but I think its better to use functions because the naming conventions for Classes and Methods in it is the way to go :-)

