responsive top-bar navigation with mootools - javascript

i am working with mootools , and with foundation as my css "framework".
i am using the navigation top-bar from foundation and its great. yet the responsive design was ruined.
since i am not working with jquery .... <-- this is the foundation code. <- navigation documentation
i cant understand the jquery script they did to convert it.
anyone know of a mootools responsive navigation bar ?

Made it myself , thought i would share if someone will ever need it .
original file is : ""
new file is : ""
just add foundation.css
mootools-core-1.4.5 , mootools-more- ( i have both cause its a huge project , but i guess u can only use the core ... )
and ofcourse run the following command :
<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
"" :
* taken from foundation.topbar.js
* Written by Idan Hen :
;(function ($, window, undefined) {
'use strict';
/* just create settings object */
var settings = {
index : 0,
breakPoint : 940, // Set to to 9999 to force it into responsive always
initialized : false
var methods = {
init : function (options) {
return function () {
settings = Object.merge(settings, options); //settings = $.extend(settings, options);
settings.window = window;
settings.topbar = $$('');
settings.titlebar = settings.topbar.getChildren('ul')[0]; // getElement() just return #
if (!settings.initialized) {
settings.initialized = true;
if (!settings.height) {
$$('.top-bar .toggle-topbar').getParent().addEvent('click.fndtn:relay(.top-bar .toggle-topbar)', function (e) { //live switched to addEvent
if (methods.breakpoint()) {
settings.topbar.setStyle('min-height', ''); //css
// Show the Dropdown Levels on Click
$$('.top-bar .has-dropdown>a').getParent().addEvent('click.fndtn:relay(.top-bar .has-dropdown>a)', function (e) {
if (methods.breakpoint()) {
var anchor = $(this),
selectedLi = anchor.getParent('li'), // closest -> getParent
section = anchor.getParents('section')[0],// closest -> getParents
settings.index += 1;
section.setStyle('left', -(100 * settings.index) + '%');
section.getElements('>.name').setStyle('left', 100 * settings.index + '%');
anchor.getSiblings('ul').setStyle('height', (settings.height + settings.titlebar.getSize().y));
settings.topbar.setStyle('min-height', settings.height + settings.titlebar.getSize().y * 2) //outerHeight
// Go up a level on Click
$$('.top-bar .has-dropdown .back').getParent().addEvent('click.fndtn:relay(.top-bar .has-dropdown .back)', function (e) {
var anchor = $(this),
movedLi = anchor.getParent('li.moved'),
section = anchor.getParents('section')[0],
previousLevelUl = movedLi.getParent();
settings.index -= 1;
section.setStyle('left', -(100 * settings.index) + '%'); //css
section.getElements('>.name').setStyle('left', 100 * settings.index + '%'); // find
if (settings.index === 0) {
settings.topbar.setStyle('min-height', 0); // changed topbar from $topbar
setTimeout(function () {
}, 300);
breakpoint : function () {
return settings.window.getSize().x < settings.breakPoint; //width()
assemble : function assemble() {
var section = settings.topbar.getElements('section')[0];
// Pull element out of the DOM for manipulation
section = section.dispose(); //detach
//console.log('section.getElements.n>a : ', section.getElements('.has-dropdown>a'));
e.each(function (e) {
//console.log('section' , section);
var link = $(e),
dropdown = link.getSiblings('.dropdown'), //siblings
//<li class="title back js-generated"><h5></h5></li>
a = new Element('a', {
href: '#'
h5 = new Element('h5', {}),
titleLi = new Element('li', {
'class': 'title back js-generated'
});//section.getChildren('ul li');// back js-generated');
// console.log('dropdown: ', dropdown);
// Copy link to subnav
titleLi.getElements('h5>a').set('html', (link.get('html') ) ); // find -> getElements
dropdown.grab(titleLi, 'top');
// Put element back in the DOM
settings.topbar[0].grab(section[0]); // section.appendTo(settings.topbar);
largestUL : function () {
var uls = settings.topbar[0].getElements('section ul ul'), // find -> getElements
largest = uls.getFirst(),
total = 0;
if (ul.getChildren('li').length > largest.getChildren('li').length) { //length -> getSize().x
largest = ul;
largest.getChildren('li').each(function (li) { total += li.getComputedSize().height; }); //outerHeight(true); -> getSize().y
settings.height = total;
* this function is added to the window -> need to add it myself
* apply is call ...
window.foundationTopBar = function (method)
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.foundationTopBar');
}($, this));


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'documentElement' of null at Iframe.initializeIframe [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 1 year ago.
Improve this question
after upgrade Chrome browser to v. 91.0.4472.106, console show this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'documentElement' of null
at Iframe.initializeIframe (Iframe.js?bust=f74493421b3bb4c9f2ea18198ca25746b5ef8a20:202)
this is content of Iframe.js:
* This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
* It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
* of the License, or any later version.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the
* LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
* The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
* Module: TYPO3/CMS/Rtehtmlarea/HTMLArea/Editor/Iframe
* The editor iframe
function (UserAgent, Walker, Typo3, Util, Dom, Event, KeyMap) {
* Editor iframe constructor
* #param {Object} config
* #constructor
* #exports TYPO3/CMS/Rtehtmlarea/HTMLArea/Editor/Iframe
var Iframe = function (config) {
Util.apply(this, config);
Iframe.prototype = {
* Render the iframe (called by framework rendering)
* #param object container: the container into which to insert the iframe (that is the framework)
* #return void
render: function (container) {
this.config = this.getEditor().config;
if (!this.config.showStatusBar) {
Dom.addClass(this.getEl(), 'noStatusBar');
if (UserAgent.isOpera) {
var self = this;, 'load', function (event) { self.initializeIframe(); return true; })
} else {
* Get the element to which the iframe is rendered
getEl: function () {
return this.el;
* The editor iframe may become hidden with style.display = "none" on some parent div
* This breaks the editor in Firefox: the designMode attribute needs to be reset after the style.display of the container div is reset to "block"
* In all browsers, it breaks the evaluation of the framework dimensions
initStyleChangeEventListener: function () {
if (this.isNested) {
if (typeof MutationObserver === 'function') {
var self = this;
this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver( function (mutations) { self.onNestedShowMutation(mutations); });
var options = {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['class', 'style']
for (var i = this.nestedParentElements.sorted.length; --i >= 0;) {
var nestedElement = document.getElementById(this.nestedParentElements.sorted[i]);
this.mutationObserver.observe(nestedElement, options);
this.mutationObserver.observe(nestedElement.parentNode, options);
} else {
* When Mutation Observer is not available, listen to DOMAttrModified events
initMutationEventsListeners: function () {
var self = this;
var options = {
delay: 50
for (var i = this.nestedParentElements.sorted.length; --i >= 0;) {
var nestedElement = document.getElementById(this.nestedParentElements.sorted[i]);
function (event) { return self.onNestedShow(event); },
function (event) { return self.onNestedShow(event); },
* editorId should be set in config
editorId: null,
* Get a reference to the editor
getEditor: function () {
return RTEarea[this.editorId].editor;
* Get a reference to the toolbar
getToolbar: function () {
return this.framework.toolbar;
* Get a reference to the statusBar
getStatusBar: function () {
return this.framework.statusBar;
* Get a reference to a button
getButton: function (buttonId) {
return this.getToolbar().getButton(buttonId);
* Flag set to true when the iframe becomes usable for editing
ready: false,
* Create the iframe element at rendering time
* #param object container: the container into which to insert the iframe (that is the framework)
* #return void
createIframe: function (container) {
if (this.autoEl && this.autoEl.tag) {
this.el = document.createElement(this.autoEl.tag);
if ( {
if (this.autoEl.cls) {
this.el.setAttribute('class', this.autoEl.cls);
if (this.autoEl.src) {
this.el.setAttribute('src', this.autoEl.src);
this.el = container.appendChild(this.el);
* Get the content window of the iframe
getIframeWindow: function () {
return this.el.contentWindow ? this.el.contentWindow : this.el.contentDocument;
* Proceed to build the iframe document head and ensure style sheets are available after the iframe document becomes available
initializeIframe: function () {
var self = this;
var iframe = this.getEl();
// All browsers
if (!iframe || (!iframe.contentWindow && !iframe.contentDocument)) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
// All except WebKit
} else if (iframe.contentWindow && !UserAgent.isWebKit && (!iframe.contentWindow.document || !iframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement)) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
// WebKit
} else if (UserAgent.isWebKit && (!iframe.contentDocument.documentElement || !iframe.contentDocument.body)) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
} else {
this.document = iframe.contentWindow ? iframe.contentWindow.document : iframe.contentDocument;
this.getEditor().document = this.document;
// Style the document body
Dom.addClass(this.document.body, 'htmlarea-content-body');
// Start listening to things happening in the iframe
// For some unknown reason, this is too early for Opera
if (!UserAgent.isOpera) {
// Hide the iframe
// Set iframe ready
this.ready = true;
* #event HTMLAreaEventIframeReady
* Fires when the iframe style sheets become accessible
Event.trigger(this, 'HTMLAreaEventIframeReady');
* Show the iframe
show: function () {
this.getEl().style.display = '';
Event.trigger(this, 'HTMLAreaEventIframeShow');
* Hide the iframe
hide: function () {
this.getEl().style.display = 'none';
* Build the iframe document head
createHead: function () {
var head = this.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!head) {
head = this.document.createElement('head');
if (this.config.baseURL) {
var base = this.document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0];
if (!base) {
base = this.document.createElement('base');
base.href = this.config.baseURL;
this.getEditor().appendToLog('HTMLArea.Iframe', 'createHead', 'Iframe baseURL set to: ' + base.href, 'info');
var link0 = this.document.getElementsByTagName('link')[0];
if (!link0) {
link0 = this.document.createElement('link');
link0.rel = 'stylesheet';
link0.type = 'text/css';
link0.href = this.config.editedContentStyle;
this.getEditor().appendToLog('HTMLArea.Iframe', 'createHead', 'Skin CSS set to: ' + link0.href, 'info');
var pageStyle;
for (var i = 0, n = this.config.pageStyle.length; i < n; i++) {
pageStyle = this.config.pageStyle[i];
var link = this.document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.href = pageStyle;
this.getEditor().appendToLog('HTMLArea.Iframe', 'createHead', 'Content CSS set to: ' + link.href, 'info');
* Focus on the iframe
focus: function () {
try {
if (UserAgent.isWebKit) {
} catch(e) { }
* Flag indicating whether the framework is inside a tab or inline element that may be hidden
* Should be set in config
isNested: false,
* All nested tabs and inline levels in the sorting order they were applied
* Should be set in config
nestedParentElements: {},
* Set designMode
* #param boolean on: if true set designMode to on, otherwise set to off
* #rturn void
setDesignMode: function (on) {
if (on) {
if (!UserAgent.isIE) {
if (UserAgent.isGecko) {
// In Firefox, we can't set designMode when we are in a hidden TYPO3 tab or inline element
if (!this.isNested || Typo3.allElementsAreDisplayed(this.nestedParentElements.sorted)) {
this.document.designMode = 'on';
} else {
this.document.designMode = 'on';
if (UserAgent.isIE || UserAgent.isWebKit) {
this.document.body.contentEditable = true;
} else {
if (!UserAgent.isIE) {
this.document.designMode = 'off';
if (UserAgent.isIE || UserAgent.isWebKit) {
this.document.body.contentEditable = false;
* Set editing mode options (if we can... raises exception in Firefox 3)
* #return void
setOptions: function () {
if (!UserAgent.isIE) {
try {
if (this.document.queryCommandEnabled('insertBrOnReturn')) {
this.document.execCommand('insertBrOnReturn', false, this.config.disableEnterParagraphs);
if (this.document.queryCommandEnabled('styleWithCSS')) {
this.document.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, this.config.useCSS);
} else if (UserAgent.isGecko && this.document.queryCommandEnabled('useCSS')) {
this.document.execCommand('useCSS', false, !this.config.useCSS);
if (UserAgent.isGecko) {
if (this.document.queryCommandEnabled('enableObjectResizing')) {
this.document.execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, !this.config.disableObjectResizing);
if (this.document.queryCommandEnabled('enableInlineTableEditing')) {
this.document.execCommand('enableInlineTableEditing', false, (this.config.buttons.table && this.config.buttons.table.enableHandles) ? true : false);
} catch(e) {}
* Mutations handler invoked when an hidden TYPO3 hidden nested tab or inline element is shown
onNestedShowMutation: function (mutations) {
for (var i = mutations.length; --i >= 0;) {
var targetId = mutations[i];
if (this.nestedParentElements.sorted.indexOf(targetId) !== -1 || this.nestedParentElements.sorted.indexOf(targetId.replace('_div', '_fields')) !== -1) {
* Handler invoked when an hidden TYPO3 hidden nested tab or inline element is shown
onNestedShow: function (event) {
var target =;
var delay =;
var self = this;
window.setTimeout(function () {
var styleEvent = true;
// In older versions of Gecko attrName is not set and referring to it causes a non-catchable crash
if ((UserAgent.isGecko && navigator.productSub > 2007112700) || UserAgent.isOpera || UserAgent.isIE) {
styleEvent = (event.originalEvent.attrName === 'style') || (event.originalEvent.attrName === 'className') || (event.originalEvent.attrName === 'class');
if (styleEvent && (self.nestedParentElements.sorted.indexOf( != -1 || self.nestedParentElements.sorted.indexOf('_div', '_fields')) != -1)) {
}, delay);
return false;
* Take action when nested tab or inline element is shown
onNestedShowAction: function () {
// Check if all container nested elements are displayed
if (Typo3.allElementsAreDisplayed(this.nestedParentElements.sorted)) {
if (this.getEditor().getMode() === 'wysiwyg') {
if (UserAgent.isGecko) {
Event.trigger(this, 'HTMLAreaEventIframeShow');
} else {
Event.trigger(this.framework.getTextAreaContainer(), 'HTMLAreaEventTextAreaContainerShow');
* Instance of DOM walker
htmlRenderer: null,
* Getter for the instance of DOM walker
getHtmlRenderer: function () {
if (!this.htmlRenderer) {
this.htmlRenderer = new Walker({
keepComments: !this.config.htmlRemoveComments,
removeTags: this.config.htmlRemoveTags,
removeTagsAndContents: this.config.htmlRemoveTagsAndContents,
baseUrl: this.config.baseURL
return this.htmlRenderer;
* Get the HTML content of the iframe
getHTML: function () {
return this.getHtmlRenderer().render(this.document.body, false);
* Start listening to things happening in the iframe
startListening: function () {
var self = this;
// Create keyMap so that plugins may bind key handlers
this.keyMap = new KeyMap(this.document.documentElement, (UserAgent.isIE || UserAgent.isWebKit) ? 'keydown' : 'keypress');
// Special keys map
key: [Event.DOWN, Event.UP, Event.LEFT, Event.RIGHT],
alt: false,
handler: function (event) { return self.onArrow(event); }
key: Event.TAB,
ctrl: false,
alt: false,
handler: function (event) { return self.onTab(event); }
key: Event.SPACE,
ctrl: true,
shift: false,
alt: false,
handler: function (event) { return self.onCtrlSpace(event); }
if (UserAgent.isGecko || UserAgent.isIE || UserAgent.isWebKit) {
key: [Event.BACKSPACE, Event.DELETE],
alt: false,
handler: function (event) { return self.onBackSpace(event); }
if (!UserAgent.isIE && !this.config.disableEnterParagraphs) {
key: Event.ENTER,
shift: false,
handler: function (event) { return self.onEnter(event); }
if (UserAgent.isWebKit) {
key: Event.ENTER,
alt: false,
handler: function (event) { return self.onWebKitEnter(event); }
// Hot key map (on keydown for all browsers)
var hotKeys = [];
for (var key in this.config.hotKeyList) {
if (key.length === 1) {
// Make hot key map available, even if empty, so that plugins may add bindings
this.hotKeyMap = new KeyMap(this.document.documentElement, 'keydown');
if (hotKeys.length > 0) {
key: hotKeys,
ctrl: true,
shift: false,
alt: false,
handler: function (event) { return self.onHotKey(event); }
(UserAgent.isIE || UserAgent.isWebKit) ? 'keydown' : 'keypress',
function (event) { return self.onAnyKey(event); }
function (event) { return self.onMouse(event); }
function (event) { return self.onMouse(event); }
if (UserAgent.isGecko) {
function (event) { return self.onPaste(event); }
function (event) { return self.onDrop(event); }
if (UserAgent.isWebKit) {
function (event) { return self.onDrop(event); }
* Handler for other key events
onAnyKey: function (event) {
if (this.inhibitKeyboardInput(event)) {
return false;
* #event HTMLAreaEventWordCountChange
* Fires when the word count may have changed
Event.trigger(this, 'HTMLAreaEventWordCountChange', [100]);
if (!event.altKey && !(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) {
var key = Event.getKey(event);
// Detect URL in non-IE browsers
if (!UserAgent.isIE && (key !== Event.ENTER || (event.shiftKey && !UserAgent.isWebKit))) {
// Handle option+SPACE for Mac users
if (UserAgent.isMac && key === Event.NON_BREAKING_SPACE) {
return this.onOptionSpace(key, event);
return true;
* On any key input event, check if input is currently inhibited
inhibitKeyboardInput: function (event) {
// Inhibit key events while server-based cleaning is being processed
if (this.getEditor().inhibitKeyboardInput) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Handler for mouse events
onMouse: function (event) {
// In WebKit, select the image when it is clicked
if (UserAgent.isWebKit && /^(img)$/i.test( && event.type === 'click') {
return true;
* Handler for paste operations in Gecko
onPaste: function (event) {
// Make src and href urls absolute
if (UserAgent.isGecko) {
var self = this;
window.setTimeout(function () {
Dom.makeUrlsAbsolute(self.getEditor().document.body, self.config.baseURL, self.getHtmlRenderer());
}, 50);
return true;
* Handler for drag and drop operations
onDrop: function (event) {
var self = this;
// Clean up span elements added by WebKit
if (UserAgent.isWebKit) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
// Make src url absolute in Firefox
if (UserAgent.isGecko) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
Dom.makeUrlsAbsolute(, self.config.baseURL, self.getHtmlRenderer());
}, 50);
return true;
* Handler for UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys
onArrow: function (event) {
return true;
* Handler for TAB and SHIFT-TAB keys
* If available, BlockElements plugin will handle the TAB key
onTab: function (event) {
if (this.inhibitKeyboardInput(event)) {
return false;
var keyName = (event.shiftKey ? 'SHIFT-' : '') + 'TAB';
if (this.config.hotKeyList[keyName] && this.config.hotKeyList[keyName].cmd) {
var button = this.getButton(this.config.hotKeyList[keyName].cmd);
if (button) {
* #event HTMLAreaEventHotkey
* Fires when the button hotkey is pressed
Event.trigger(button, 'HTMLAreaEventHotkey', [keyName, event]);
return false;
return true;
* Handler for BACKSPACE and DELETE keys
onBackSpace: function (event) {
if (this.inhibitKeyboardInput(event)) {
return false;
if ((!UserAgent.isIE && !event.shiftKey) || UserAgent.isIE) {
if (this.getEditor().getSelection().handleBackSpace()) {
return false;
// Update the toolbar state after some time
return true;
* Handler for ENTER key in non-IE browsers
onEnter: function (event) {
if (this.inhibitKeyboardInput(event)) {
return false;
if (this.getEditor().getSelection().checkInsertParagraph()) {
// Update the toolbar state after some time
return false;
// Update the toolbar state after some time
return true;
* Handler for ENTER key in WebKit browsers
onWebKitEnter: function (event) {
if (this.inhibitKeyboardInput(event)) {
return false;
if (event.shiftKey || this.config.disableEnterParagraphs) {
var editor = this.getEditor();
if (UserAgent.isSafari) {
var brNode = editor.document.createElement('br');
// Selection issue when an URL was detected
if (editor._unlinkOnUndo) {
brNode = brNode.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(brNode, brNode.parentNode.nextSibling);
if (!brNode.nextSibling || !/\S+/i.test(brNode.nextSibling.textContent)) {
var secondBrNode = editor.document.createElement('br');
secondBrNode = brNode.parentNode.appendChild(secondBrNode);
editor.getSelection().selectNode(brNode, false);
// Update the toolbar state after some time
return false;
// Update the toolbar state after some time
return true;
* Handler for CTRL-SPACE keys
onCtrlSpace: function (event) {
if (this.inhibitKeyboardInput(event)) {
return false;
this.getEditor().getSelection().insertHtml(' ');
return false;
* Handler for OPTION-SPACE keys on Mac
onOptionSpace: function (key, event) {
if (this.inhibitKeyboardInput(event)) {
return false;
this.getEditor().getSelection().insertHtml(' ');
return false;
* Handler for configured hotkeys
onHotKey: function (event) {
var key = Event.getKey(event);
if (this.inhibitKeyboardInput(event)) {
return false;
var hotKey = String.fromCharCode(key).toLowerCase();
* #event HTMLAreaEventHotkey
* Fires when the button hotkey is pressed
Event.trigger(this.getButton(this.config.hotKeyList[hotKey].cmd), 'HTMLAreaEventHotkey', [hotKey, event]);
return false;
* Cleanup (called by framework)
onBeforeDestroy: function () {
// Remove listeners on nested elements
if (this.isNested) {
if (this.mutationObserver) {
} else {
for (var i = this.nestedParentElements.sorted.length; --i >= 0;) {
var nestedElement = document.getElementById(this.nestedParentElements.sorted[i]);;;
// Cleaning references to DOM in order to avoid IE memory leaks
this.document = null;
this.el = null;
return Iframe;
error on line 202 by documentElement || !iframe.contentDocument.body)) {:
} else if (UserAgent.isWebKit && (!iframe.contentDocument.documentElement || !iframe.contentDocument.body)) {
How i can fix it ?
I had the same problem and found the bugfix. In old versions, the iframe source was initialized with about:blank in the rtehtmlarea extension, this is the root cause for the problem you are facing. There was an official bugfix 2 years ago - link to Github:
You can backport the fix or update the extension, then it is working as expected in the new Chrome version.
Apparently you're using a TYPO3 version prior to v8.7 with rtehtmlarea which is outdated and unsupported since quite a while. With TYPO3 v8.7 ckeditor was introduced.
Maybe this StackOverflow answer helps you a little bit. Otherwise just use Firefox.
But you're strongly advised to upgrade your TYPO3 installation to the latest version v10.4.

Appending DOM Loses Menu Drop Down Functionality

I am appending dynamic DOM elements (after Ajax calls to gather the data) as seen below. I have narrowed the code down to what I believe is most important:
<!-- SideMenu HTML -->
<div id="sidebar-menu">
<ul id="folders">
<!-- HTML File calling JS function -->
$(document).ready(function() {
// JS File function...
var parentFolders; // Values retrieved from AJAX calls
function buildFolderMenu(index) {
var markup = '<li class="has_sub">' +
'<a ... > parentFolders[index].Name + '</a>' +
'<ul ...>' +
'<li> SUB FOLDER TEST <li>' +
'</ul>' +
EDIT: My code is interacting with a 3rd party template, after reading the replies, I was able to track down the file which handles the 'click events'. However, based on my own code shown above, I am not sure how to adjust the template code to work with my dynamically appended DOM.
Here is the template code handling the click: (I can see the 'menuItemClick' function is where this is likely handled, but how do I apply the '.on('', function())' adjustments here, based on how this file is written?)
* Theme: Adminto Admin Template
* Author: Coderthemes
* Module/App: Main Js
!function($) {
"use strict";
var Sidemenu = function() {
this.$body = $("body"),
this.$openLeftBtn = $(".open-left"),
this.$menuItem = $("#sidebar-menu a")
Sidemenu.prototype.openLeftBar = function() {
if($("#wrapper").hasClass("enlarged") && $("body").hasClass("fixed-left")) {
} else if(!$("#wrapper").hasClass("enlarged") && $("body").hasClass("fixed-left-void")) {
if($("#wrapper").hasClass("enlarged")) {
$(".left ul").removeAttr("style");
} else {
//menu item click
Sidemenu.prototype.menuItemClick = function(e) {
if($(this).parent().hasClass("has_sub")) {
if(!$(this).hasClass("subdrop")) {
// hide any open menus and remove all other classes
$("#sidebar-menu .pull-right i").removeClass("md-remove").addClass("md-add");
// open our new menu and add the open class
$(".pull-right i",$(this).parents(".has_sub:last")).removeClass("md-add").addClass("md-remove");
$(".pull-right i",$(this).siblings("ul")).removeClass("md-remove").addClass("md-add");
}else if($(this).hasClass("subdrop")) {
$(".pull-right i",$(this).parent()).removeClass("md-remove").addClass("md-add");
//init sidemenu
Sidemenu.prototype.init = function() {
var $this = this;
var ua = navigator.userAgent,
event = (ua.match(/iP/i)) ? "touchstart" : "click";
//bind on click
this.$openLeftBtn.on(event, function(e) {
$this.$menuItem.on(event, $this.menuItemClick);
$("#sidebar-menu ul li.has_sub").parents("li:last").children("a:first").addClass("active").trigger("click");
//init Sidemenu
$.Sidemenu = new Sidemenu, $.Sidemenu.Constructor = Sidemenu
function($) {
"use strict";
var FullScreen = function() {
this.$body = $("body"),
this.$fullscreenBtn = $("#btn-fullscreen")
//turn on full screen
// Thanks to
FullScreen.prototype.launchFullscreen = function(element) {
if(element.requestFullscreen) {
} else if(element.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else if(element.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
} else if(element.msRequestFullscreen) {
FullScreen.prototype.exitFullscreen = function() {
if(document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if(document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if(document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
//toggle screen
FullScreen.prototype.toggle_fullscreen = function() {
var $this = this;
var fullscreenEnabled = document.fullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled;
if(fullscreenEnabled) {
if(!document.fullscreenElement && !document.mozFullScreenElement && !document.webkitFullscreenElement && !document.msFullscreenElement) {
} else{
//init sidemenu
FullScreen.prototype.init = function() {
var $this = this;
$this.$fullscreenBtn.on('click', function() {
//init FullScreen
$.FullScreen = new FullScreen, $.FullScreen.Constructor = FullScreen
//main app module
function($) {
"use strict";
var App = function() {
this.VERSION = "1.5.0",
this.AUTHOR = "Coderthemes",
this.SUPPORT = "",
this.pageScrollElement = "html, body",
this.$body = $("body")
//on doc load
App.prototype.onDocReady = function(e) {
$(this).animateNumbers($(this).attr("data-value"), true, parseInt($(this).attr("data-duration")));
// right side-bar toggle
$('.right-bar-toggle').on('click', function(e){
App.prototype.init = function() {
var $this = this;
//document load initialization
//init side bar - left
//init fullscreen
$.App = new App, $.App.Constructor = App
//initializing main application module
function($) {
"use strict";
/* ------------ some utility functions ----------------------- */
//this full screen
var toggle_fullscreen = function () {
function executeFunctionByName(functionName, context /*, args */) {
var args = [];
var namespaces = functionName.split(".");
var func = namespaces.pop();
for(var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {
context = context[namespaces[i]];
return context[func].apply(this, args);
var w,h,dw,dh;
var changeptype = function(){
w = $(window).width();
h = $(window).height();
dw = $(document).width();
dh = $(document).height();
if( === true){
if(w > 990){
$(".left ul").removeAttr("style");
if($("#wrapper").hasClass("enlarged") && $("body").hasClass("fixed-left")){
}else if(!$("#wrapper").hasClass("enlarged") && $("body").hasClass("fixed-left-void")){
var debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout, result;
return function() {
var context = this, args = arguments;
var later = function() {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) result = func.apply(context, args);
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) result = func.apply(context, args);
return result;
function resizeitems(){
for (i = 0; i < resizefunc.length; i++) {
function initscrolls(){
if( !== true){
height: 'auto',
size: "7px"
height: 'auto',
position: 'right',
size: "7px",
color: '#828e94',
wheelStep: 5
function toggle_slimscroll(item){
$(item). siblings(".slimScrollBar").css("visibility","hidden");
$(item). siblings(".slimScrollBar").css("visibility","visible");
// === following js will activate the menu in left side bar based on url ====
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#sidebar-menu a").each(function() {
var pageUrl = window.location.href.split(/[?#]/)[0];
if (this.href == pageUrl) {
$(this).parent().addClass("active"); // add active to li of the current link
$(this).parent().parent().prev().addClass("active"); // add active class to an anchor
$(this).parent().parent().prev().click(); // click the item to make it drop
var resizefunc = [];
This could because of the redraw event not firing on the browser implicitly after your DOM manipulation. Refer this post on how to redraw so your generated DOM is refreshed on the UI
Force DOM redraw/refresh on Chrome/Mac
If this doesn't work please share your CSS and the before DOM and after DOM generation screenshot

Joomla Hot Themes Carousel Blank Space

I have installed the HotThemes Carousel module in joomla and this is working fine so far. (unfortunately on localhost so can't share link)
The problem I am trying to fix is that for some reason when I click the next button it brings the next 4 images (like its set to move by 4 images or something) and as I only have 6 images in total, it shows up with blank spaces after the last 2 images.
What I would like is if the next button is pressed then this should bring the next image (so 1 at a time) and then just stop on the last image and then the prev button could be used to go the other way.
How can I do this?
/* jQuery Carousel 0.9.1
Copyright 2008-2009 Thomas Lanciaux and Pierre Bertet.
This software is licensed under the CC-GNU LGPL
jQuery.fn.carousel = function(params){
var params = jQuery.extend({
direction: "horizontal",
loop: false,
dispItems: 5,
pagination: false,
paginationPosition: "inside",
nextBtn: '<span>Next</span>',
prevBtn: '<span>Previous</span>',
btnsPosition: "inside",
nextBtnInsert: "appendTo",
prevBtnInsert: "prependTo",
nextBtnInsertFn: false,
prevBtnInsertFn: false,
autoSlide: false,
autoSlideInterval: 3000,
delayAutoSlide: false,
combinedClasses: false,
effect: "slide",
slideEasing: "swing",
animSpeed: "normal",
equalWidths: "true",
callback: function(){},
useAddress: false,
adressIdentifier: "carousel"
}, params);
// Buttons position
if (params.btnsPosition == "inside"){
params.prevBtnInsert = "insertBefore";
params.nextBtnInsert = "insertAfter";
// Slide delay
params.delayAutoSlide = params.delayAutoSlide || params.autoSlideInterval;
return this.each(function(){
// Env object
var env = {
$elts: {},
params: params,
launchOnLoad: []
// Carousel main container
env.$elts.carousel = jQuery(this).addClass("js");
// Carousel content
env.$elts.content = jQuery(this).children().css({position: "absolute", "top": 0});
// Content wrapper
env.$elts.wrap = env.$elts.content.wrap('<div class="carousel-wrap"></div>').parent().css({overflow: "hidden", position: "relative"});
// env.steps object
env.steps = {
first: 0, // First step
count: env.$elts.content.children().length // Items count
// Last visible step
env.steps.last = env.steps.count - 1;
// Prev Button
if (jQuery.isFunction(env.params.prevBtnInsertFn)) {
env.$elts.prevBtn = env.params.prevBtnInsertFn(env.$elts);
} else {
env.$elts.prevBtn = jQuery(params.prevBtn)[params.prevBtnInsert](env.$elts.carousel);
// Next Button
if (jQuery.isFunction(env.params.nextBtnInsertFn)) {
env.$elts.nextBtn = env.params.nextBtnInsertFn(env.$elts);
} else {
env.$elts.nextBtn = jQuery(params.nextBtn)[params.nextBtnInsert](env.$elts.carousel);
// Add buttons classes / data
env.$elts.nextBtn.addClass("carousel-control next carousel-next");
env.$elts.prevBtn.addClass("carousel-control previous carousel-previous");
// Bind events on next / prev buttons
// Pagination
if (env.params.pagination) {
// Address plugin
// On document load...
// First item
var $firstItem = env.$elts.content.children(":first");
// Width 1/3 : Get default item width
env.itemWidth = $firstItem.outerWidth();
// Width 2/3 : Define content width
if (params.direction == "vertical"){
env.contentWidth = env.itemWidth;
} else {
if (params.equalWidths) {
env.contentWidth = env.itemWidth * env.steps.count;
} else {
env.contentWidth = (function(){
var totalWidth = 0;
totalWidth += jQuery(this).outerWidth();
return totalWidth;
// Width 3/3 : Set content width to container
env.$elts.content.width( env.contentWidth );
// Height 1/2 : Get default item height
env.itemHeight = $firstItem.outerHeight();
// Height 2/2 : Set content height to container
if (params.direction == "vertical"){
env.$elts.content.css({height:env.itemHeight * env.steps.count + "px"});
env.$elts.content.parent().css({height:env.itemHeight * env.params.dispItems + "px"});
} else {
env.$elts.content.parent().css({height:env.itemHeight + "px"});
// Update Next / Prev buttons state
// Launch function added to "document ready" event
jQuery.each(env.launchOnLoad, function(i,fn){
// Launch autoslide
if (env.params.autoSlide){
env.autoSlideInterval = window.setInterval(function(){
goToStep( env, getRelativeStep(env, "next") );
}, env.params.autoSlideInterval);
}, env.params.delayAutoSlide);
// Next / Prev buttons events only
function initButtonsEvents(env){
.bind("enable", function(){
var $this = jQuery(this)
.bind("click", function(){
goToStep( env, getRelativeStep(env, ($".next")? "next" : "prev" )) );
// Combined classes (IE6 compatibility)
if (env.params.combinedClasses) {
$this.removeClass("next-disabled previous-disabled");
.bind("disable", function(){
var $this = jQuery(this).unbind("click").addClass("disabled");
// Combined classes (IE6 compatibility)
if (env.params.combinedClasses) {
if ($".next")) {
} else if ($".previous")) {
// Pagination
function initPagination(env){
env.$elts.pagination = jQuery('<div class="center-wrap"><div class="carousel-pagination"><p></p></div></div>')[((env.params.paginationPosition == "outside")? "insertAfter" : "appendTo")](env.$elts.carousel).find("p");
env.$elts.paginationBtns = jQuery([]);
if (i % env.params.dispItems == 0) {
env.$elts.paginationBtns = env.$elts.paginationBtns.add( jQuery('<a role="button"><span>'+( env.$elts.paginationBtns.length + 1 )+'</span></a>').data("firstStep", i) );
// Events
goToStep( env, jQuery(this).data("firstStep") );
// Address plugin
function initAddress(env) {
if (env.params.useAddress && jQuery.isFunction(jQuery.fn.address)) {
.init(function(e) {
var pathNames = jQuery.address.pathNames();
if (pathNames[0] === env.params.adressIdentifier && !!pathNames[1]) {
goToStep(env, pathNames[1]-1);
} else {
jQuery.address.value('/'+ env.params.adressIdentifier +'/1');
.change(function(e) {
var pathNames = jQuery.address.pathNames();
if (pathNames[0] === env.params.adressIdentifier && !!pathNames[1]) {
goToStep(env, pathNames[1]-1);
} else {
env.params.useAddress = false;
function goToStep(env, step) {
// Callback
// Launch animation
transition(env, step);
// Update first step
env.steps.first = step;
// Update buttons status
// Update address (jQuery Address plugin)
if ( env.params.useAddress ) {
jQuery.address.value('/'+ env.params.adressIdentifier +'/' + (step + 1));
// Get next/prev step, useful for autoSlide
function getRelativeStep(env, position) {
if (position == "prev") {
if ( (env.steps.first - env.params.dispItems) >= 0 ) {
return env.steps.first - env.params.dispItems;
} else {
return ( (env.params.loop)? (env.steps.count - env.params.dispItems) : false );
} else if (position == "next") {
if ( (env.steps.first + env.params.dispItems) < env.steps.count ) {
return env.steps.first + env.params.dispItems;
} else {
return ( (env.params.loop)? 0 : false );
// Animation
function transition(env, step) {
// Effect
switch (env.params.effect){
// No effect
case "no":
if (env.params.direction == "vertical"){
env.$elts.content.css("top", -(env.itemHeight * step) + "px");
} else {
env.$elts.content.css("left", -(env.itemWidth * step) + "px");
// Fade effect
case "fade":
if (env.params.direction == "vertical"){
env.$elts.content.hide().css("top", -(env.itemHeight * step) + "px").fadeIn(env.params.animSpeed);
} else {
env.$elts.content.hide().css("left", -(env.itemWidth * step) + "px").fadeIn(1000);
// Slide effect
if (env.params.direction == "vertical"){
top : -(env.itemHeight * step) + "px"
}, env.params.animSpeed, env.params.slideEasing);
} else {
left : -(env.itemWidth * step) + "px"
}, env.params.animSpeed, env.params.slideEasing);
// Update all buttons state : disabled or not
function updateButtonsState(env){
if (getRelativeStep(env, "prev") !== false) {
} else {
if (getRelativeStep(env, "next") !== false) {
} else {
if (env.params.pagination){
.filter(function(){ return (jQuery(this).data("firstStep") == env.steps.first) }).addClass("active");
// Stop autoslide
function stopAutoSlide(env) {
if (!!env.autoSlideInterval){

"$.______ is not a function" error. What is wrong?

I'm trying to add an image rotator to my site but for some reason firebug tells me the function I need to call to start the rotator isn't defined. My jQuery file is loading just fine and the image rotator script is loading so I'm not sure what is wrong. The site is but I'll go ahead and post the script:
;(function($) {
$.fn.featureList = function(options) {
var tabs = $(this);
var output = $(options.output);
new jQuery.featureList(tabs, output, options);
return this;
$.featureList = function(tabs, output, options) {
function slide(nr) {
if (typeof nr == "undefined") {
nr = visible_item + 1;
nr = nr >= total_items ? 0 : nr;
tabs.removeClass('current').filter(":eq(" + nr + ")").addClass('current');
output.stop(true, true).filter(":visible").fadeOut();
output.filter(":eq(" + nr + ")").fadeIn(function() {
visible_item = nr;
var options = options || {};
var total_items = tabs.length;
var visible_item = options.start_item || 0;
options.pause_on_hover = options.pause_on_hover || true;
options.transition_interval = options.transition_interval || 5000;
output.hide().eq( visible_item ).show();
tabs.eq( visible_item ).addClass('current'); {
if ($(this).hasClass('current')) {
return false;
slide( tabs.index( this) );
if (options.transition_interval > 0) {
var timer = setInterval(function () {
}, options.transition_interval);
if (options.pause_on_hover) {
tabs.mouseenter(function() {
clearInterval( timer );
}).mouseleave(function() {
clearInterval( timer );
timer = setInterval(function () {
}, options.transition_interval);
And here is the script to start the image rotator:
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#tabs li a"),
$("#output li"), {
start_item : 1
Your code creates an anonymous function, but doesn't call it.
You need to call the function by adding (jQuery) at the end.
You cannot do $.featureList(
See Chrome error:
The plugin needs to applied to an object
You've just slightly missed out on the right syntax for creating a plugin. What you really want is:
(function($) {
$.fn.featureList = function() { // etc; }
$.featureList = function() { // yet more etc; }

Conflict between two Javascripts (MailChimp validation etc. scripts & jQuery hSlides.js)

I have two scripts running on the same page, one is the jQuery.hSlides.js script and the other is a custom script that is used for MailChimp list signup integration. The hSlides panel can be seen in effect here: I've turned off the MailChimp script because it was conflicting with the hSlides script, causing it not to to fail completely (as seen here Can someone tell me what could be done to the hSlides script to stop the conflict with the MailChimp script?
The MailChimp Script
var fnames = new Array();
var ftypes = new Array();
fnames[0] = 'EMAIL';
ftypes[0] = 'email';
fnames[3] = 'MMERGE3';
ftypes[3] = 'text';
fnames[1] = 'FNAME';
ftypes[1] = 'text';
fnames[2] = 'LNAME';
ftypes[2] = 'text';
fnames[4] = 'MMERGE4';
ftypes[4] = 'address';
fnames[6] = 'MMERGE6';
ftypes[6] = 'number';
fnames[9] = 'MMERGE9';
ftypes[9] = 'text';
fnames[5] = 'MMERGE5';
ftypes[5] = 'text';
fnames[7] = 'MMERGE7';
ftypes[7] = 'text';
fnames[8] = 'MMERGE8';
ftypes[8] = 'text';
fnames[10] = 'MMERGE10';
ftypes[10] = 'text';
fnames[11] = 'MMERGE11';
ftypes[11] = 'text';
fnames[12] = 'MMERGE12';
ftypes[12] = 'text';
var err_style = '';
try {
err_style = mc_custom_error_style;
} catch (e) {
err_style = 'margin: 1em 0 0 0; padding: 1em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em; background: rgb(255, 238, 238) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; font-weight: bold; float: left; z-index: 1; width: 80%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);';
var mce_jQuery = jQuery.noConflict();
mce_jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
var options = {
errorClass: 'mce_inline_error',
errorElement: 'div',
errorStyle: err_style,
onkeyup: function () {},
onfocusout: function () {},
onblur: function () {}
var mce_validator = mce_jQuery("#mc-embedded-subscribe-form").validate(options);
options = {
url: '',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
beforeSubmit: function () {
mce_jQuery('.datefield', '#mc_embed_signup').each(function () {
var txt = 'filled';
var fields = new Array();
var i = 0;
mce_jQuery(':text', this).each(function () {
fields[i] = this;
mce_jQuery(':hidden', this).each(function () {
if (fields[0].value == 'MM' && fields[1].value == 'DD' && fields[2].value == 'YYYY') {
this.value = '';
} else if (fields[0].value == '' && fields[1].value == '' && fields[2].value == '') {
this.value = '';
} else {
this.value = fields[0].value + '/' + fields[1].value + '/' + fields[2].value;
return mce_validator.form();
success: mce_success_cb
function mce_success_cb(resp) {
if (resp.result == "success") {
mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').show();
mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').html(resp.msg);
mce_jQuery('#mc-embedded-subscribe-form').each(function () {
} else {
var index = -1;
var msg;
try {
var parts = resp.msg.split(' - ', 2);
if (parts[1] == undefined) {
msg = resp.msg;
} else {
i = parseInt(parts[0]);
if (i.toString() == parts[0]) {
index = parts[0];
msg = parts[1];
} else {
index = -1;
msg = resp.msg;
} catch (e) {
index = -1;
msg = resp.msg;
try {
if (index == -1) {
mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').show();
mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').html(msg);
} else {
err_id = 'mce_tmp_error_msg';
html = '<div id="' + err_id + '" style="' + err_style + '"> ' + msg + '</div>';
var input_id = '#mc_embed_signup';
var f = mce_jQuery(input_id);
if (ftypes[index] == 'address') {
input_id = '#mce-' + fnames[index] + '-addr1';
f = mce_jQuery(input_id).parent().parent().get(0);
} else if (ftypes[index] == 'date') {
input_id = '#mce-' + fnames[index] + '-month';
f = mce_jQuery(input_id).parent().parent().get(0);
} else {
input_id = '#mce-' + fnames[index];
f = mce_jQuery().parent(input_id).get(0);
if (f) {
} else {
mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').show();
mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').html(msg);
} catch (e) {
mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').show();
mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').html(msg);
The hslides script:
* hSlides (1.0) // 2008.02.25 // <>
* REQUIRES jQuery 1.2.3+ <>
* Copyright (c) 2008 TrafficBroker <>
* Licensed under GPL and MIT licenses
* hSlides is an horizontal accordion navigation, sliding the panels around to reveal one of interest.
* Sample Configuration:
* // this is the minimum configuration needed
* $('#accordion').hSlides({
* totalWidth: 730,
* totalHeight: 140,
* minPanelWidth: 87,
* maxPanelWidth: 425
* });
* Config Options:
* // Required configuration
* totalWidth: Total width of the accordion // default: 0
* totalHeight: Total height of the accordion // default: 0
* minPanelWidth: Minimum width of the panel (closed) // default: 0
* maxPanelWidth: Maximum width of the panel (opened) // default: 0
* // Optional configuration
* midPanelWidth: Middle width of the panel (centered) // default: 0
* speed: Speed for the animation // default: 500
* easing: Easing effect for the animation. Other than 'swing' or 'linear' must be provided by plugin // default: 'swing'
* sensitivity: Sensitivity threshold (must be 1 or higher) // default: 3
* interval: Milliseconds for onMouseOver polling interval // default: 100
* timeout: Milliseconds delay before onMouseOut // default: 300
* eventHandler: Event to open panels: click or hover. For the hover option requires hoverIntent plugin <> // default: 'click'
* panelSelector: HTML element storing the panels // default: 'li'
* activeClass: CSS class for the active panel // default: none
* panelPositioning: Accordion panelPositioning: top -> first panel on the bottom and next on the top, other value -> first panel on the top and next to the bottom // default: 'top'
* // Callback functions. Inside them, we can refer the panel with $(this).
* onEnter: Function raised when the panel is activated. // default: none
* onLeave: Function raised when the panel is deactivated. // default: none
* We can override the defaults with:
* $.fn.hSlides.defaults.easing = 'easeOutCubic';
* #param settings An object with configuration options
* #author Jesus Carrera <>
(function($) {
$.fn.hSlides = function(settings) {
// override default configuration
settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.hSlides.defaults, settings);
// for each accordion
return this.each(function(){
var wrapper = this;
var panelLeft = 0;
var panels = $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper);
var panelPositioning = 1;
if (settings.panelPositioning != 'top'){
panelLeft = ($(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).length - 1) * settings.minPanelWidth;
panels = $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).reverse();
panelPositioning = -1;
// necessary styles for the wrapper
$(this).css('position', 'relative').css('overflow', 'hidden').css('width', settings.totalWidth).css('height', settings.totalHeight);
// set the initial position of the panels
var zIndex = 0;
// necessary styles for the panels
$(this).css('position', 'absolute').css('left', panelLeft).css('zIndex', zIndex).css('height', settings.totalHeight).css('width', settings.maxPanelWidth);
zIndex ++;
// if this panel is the activated by default, set it as active and move the next (to show this one)
if ($(this).hasClass(settings.activeClass)){
$.data($(this)[0], 'active', true);
if (settings.panelPositioning != 'top'){
panelLeft = ($(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).index(this) + 1) * settings.minPanelWidth - settings.maxPanelWidth;
panelLeft = panelLeft + settings.maxPanelWidth;
// check if we are centering and some panel is active
// this is why we can't add/remove the active class in the callbacks: positioning the panels if we have one active
if (settings.midPanelWidth && $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).hasClass(settings.activeClass) == false){
panelLeft = panelLeft + settings.midPanelWidth * panelPositioning;
panelLeft = panelLeft + settings.minPanelWidth * panelPositioning;
// iterates through the panels setting the active and changing the position
var movePanels = function(){
// index of the new active panel
var activeIndex = $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).index(this);
// iterate all panels
// deactivate if is the active
if ( $.data($(this)[0], 'active') == true ){
$.data($(this)[0], 'active', false);
// set position of current panel
var currentIndex = $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).index(this);
panelLeft = settings.minPanelWidth * currentIndex;
// if the panel is next to the active, we need to add the opened width
if ( (currentIndex * panelPositioning) > (activeIndex * panelPositioning)){
panelLeft = panelLeft + (settings.maxPanelWidth - settings.minPanelWidth) * panelPositioning;
// animate
$(this).animate({left: panelLeft}, settings.speed, settings.easing);
// activate the new active panel
$.data($(this)[0], 'active', true);
// center the panels if configured
var centerPanels = function(){
var panelLeft = 0;
if (settings.panelPositioning != 'top'){
panelLeft = ($(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).length - 1) * settings.minPanelWidth;
$(this).removeClass(settings.activeClass).animate({left: panelLeft}, settings.speed, settings.easing);
if ($.data($(this)[0], 'active') == true){
$.data($(this)[0], 'active', false);
panelLeft = panelLeft + settings.midPanelWidth * panelPositioning ;
// event handling
if(settings.eventHandler == 'click'){
$(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).click(movePanels);
var configHoverPanel = {
sensitivity: settings.sensitivity,
interval: settings.interval,
over: movePanels,
timeout: settings.timeout,
out: function() {}
var configHoverWrapper = {
sensitivity: settings.sensitivity,
interval: settings.interval,
over: function() {},
timeout: settings.timeout,
out: centerPanels
$(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).hoverIntent(configHoverPanel);
if (settings.midPanelWidth != 0){
// invert the order of the jQuery elements
$.fn.reverse = function(){
return this.pushStack(this.get().reverse(), arguments);
// default settings
$.fn.hSlides.defaults = {
totalWidth: 0,
totalHeight: 0,
minPanelWidth: 0,
maxPanelWidth: 0,
midPanelWidth: 0,
speed: 500,
easing: 'swing',
sensitivity: 3,
interval: 100,
timeout: 300,
eventHandler: 'click',
panelSelector: 'li',
activeClass: false,
panelPositioning: 'top',
onEnter: function() {},
onLeave: function() {}
The $ is no longer assigned to jQuery. I don't see what other library is using the $ however? What happens when you change
var mce_jQuery = jQuery.noConflict();
var mce_jQuery = jQuery;
Maybe it is just that I am not finding the library that is using the $ that required the call to noConflict.
**Edit:**Try reassigning the $ back to jQuery before your script runs.
I had a very similar problem with the custom MailChimp code. It turns out that another plugin was taking over jQuery and the $ symbol was not working. Michael's suggestion worked for me. What I did was just use the jQuery keyword on the $(document) line at the top of the MC code.
I also copied the MC js script off of the MailChimp server, and I am hosting it myself.

