Loop through js array continually with pauses - javascript

I want to loop over an array continuously on click. Extra props if you can work in a delay between class switches :-)
I got this far:
// Define word
var text = "textthing";
// Define canvas
var canvas = 'section';
// Split word into parts
// Loop over text
$(canvas).click(function() {
$.each(text, function(key, val) {
Which is not too far at all :-)
Any tips?

The following will wait until you click the selected element(s) in the var el. In this example var el = $('section') will select all <section>...</section> elements in your document.
Then it will start cycling through the values in cssClassNames, using each, in turn as the css class name on the selected element(s). A delay of delayInMillis will be used between each class change.
var cssClassNames = ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'];
var el = $('section');
var delayInMillis = 1000;
// Loop over text
el.click(function() {
var i = 0;
function f() {
if( i >= cssClassNames.length ) {
i = 0;
var currentClass = cssClassNames[i];
i += 1;
setTimeout(f, delayInMillis);

I believe you want a delay of X milliseconds between removing a class and adding a class. I'm not sure that you have to have the lines marked // ? or even that they do the job, but what you do have to have is a way to get the value's into the function. Also, the setTimeout anon function might not actually need the parameters, but it should give you an idea.
$(canvas).click(function() {
$.each(text, function(key, val) {
var $canvas = $(canvas) //?
var class_val = val //?
setTimeout(function ($canvas, class_val) {
}, 2000);
Edit: I'd do this instead
function modify_element($element, class_name){
setTimeout(function ($element) {
}, 1000);
//adds the class 1 second after removing it
$(canvas).click(function() {
$.each(text, function(key, val) {
setTimeout(modify_element($(canvas), val),2000);
//this will loop over the elements with 2 seconds between elements

"loop over an array continuously" this sounds like a infinite loop, I don't think you want that. About pausing the loop, this is possible, you can use this


Creating a closure for .setTimeout() inside a for loop

I am trying to write a javascript program which stores the value from an input element in an array when a button is clicked. The array is the split and each individual letter added to a span element and then appended to the document. The idea is to create a typing effect using setTimeout.
I am running into an issue creating a closure within the loop, so currently the setTimeout function always returns the final value of the iteration.
The function in question is at the bottom of the code block and called addTextToBoard();
var noteButton = document.querySelector('[data-js="button"]');
noteButton.addEventListener("click",function() {
var messageIn = document.querySelector('[data-js="input"]');
var message = messageIn.value;
function postToBoard(val) {
var noteBoard = document.querySelector('[data-js="noteboard"]');
var newElement = document.createElement('div');
}, 200);
addTextToBoard(newElement, val);
function addTextToBoard(el, val) {
var wordArray = val.split('');
for(i = 0; i < wordArray.length; i++) {
var letter = document.createElement('span');
letter.innerHTML = wordArray[i];
return function() {}
I believe I am close, I'm just not fully understanding the syntax for creating the closure. If someone could give poke in the right direction, without necessarily giving the full solution that would be great.
I essentially tried to paste in the following code snippet from here but I've missed something somehwere along the way!
setTimeout(function(x) { return function() { console.log(x); }; }(i), 1000*i);
You are close.
Since the "letter" variable changes, you'll add only the last letter over and over again. You need to "save" the current letter on the setTimeout() callback function, One way to go is like this:
function appendMyLetter(letter) {
return(function() {
function addTextToBoard(el, val) {
var wordArray = val.split('');
for(i = 0; i < wordArray.length; i++) {
var letter = document.createElement('span');
letter.innerHTML = wordArray[i];
setTimeout(appendMyLetter(letter), 1000);
This way, the appendMyLetter() function gets called with a different parameter (one for each letter) and returns a function with the correct "stored" value to be called by setTimeout().
Looking at your setTimeout() code closely
return function() {}
It would work fine, if you used the proper parameters and used the appendChild() inside the returned function, like so:
return(function() {
You can create an immediately-invoked function expression IIFE to create a closure
function addTextToBoard(el, val) {
var wordArray = val.split('');
for(i = 0; i < wordArray.length; i++) {
(function(index) {
var letter = document.createElement('span');
letter.innerHTML = wordArray[i];
I dont know if this will work but here you go a slight change in operator:
letter.innerHTML += wordArray[i];
if you dont get the effect you imagined you will get you better try to increment the timer by i like this

Link setIntervals with .each() element

This question is related to this one Clear all setIntervals
I'm using setIntervals within each function like so,
var allIntervals = [];
$(".elements").each(function() {
var myInterval = setInterval(function() {
// code that changes $(this)
I then clear all the intervals like this
jQuery.each(allIntervals, function(index) {
I now realized that I want to instead clear intervals of elements that are no longer in the DOM.
So how do I link the setIntervals to each() element, then check if the element is still in the DOM, and if not, clear the Interval associated with that element?
You can store the element with the ID from the timeout in an object, but you have to check again to see if it's in the DOM as the stored element doesn't magically dissapear from the variable, it's just no longer in the DOM.
var allIntervals = [];
$(".elements").each(function(i, el) {
var myInterval = setInterval(function() {
// stuff
}, 1000);
allIntervals.push({id : myInterval, elem : this});
$.each(allIntervals, function(index, item) {
if ( $(document).find(item.elem).length === 0 ) window.clearInterval(item.id);
Use an object to store the information (with the element and the intervalid as properties), loop through the object and clear the interval if the DOM element if not available.
$(function() {
var intervals = [];
$(".elements").each(function() {
var myInterval = setInterval(function() {
// code that changes $(this)
var obj = new Object();
obj.element = $(this);
obj.intervalId = myInterval;
$.each(intervals, function(index, val) {
if (val.element.length > 0) {

jQuery each function parseInt loop

My code is supposed to make a set of divs with classes that start with status- fade out then change the classes from ie status-1 to status-11 by adding 10 the number. Everything is working except that the parseint is looping and the classes are becoming status-179831, status-179832...
$(function disappear(){
num = $(this).attr('class').split('status-')[1];
num = parseInt(num, 10) + 10;
$(this).attr("class", "status-"+num+"");
To get your operations to work in sequential order, you need to use the completion function of your animations like this:
$(function (){
function runOne(item) {
item.delay(5000).fadeOut(400, function() {
var num = item.attr('class').split('status-')[1];
num = parseInt(num, 10) + 10;
item.attr("class", "status-"+num+"")
.delay(1000).fadeIn(400, function() {runOne(item)});
// start all the animations
$('[class^="status-"]').each(function() {
Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/k7aS7/
As your code was written, the two animations are asynchronous and your .each() loop or the next call to disappear() do not wait for the animations to finish. Using the completion functions like this triggers the next part of your sequence when the animation is done. You also want to always make sure you're using var in front of local variables to avoid accidentally making them global variables.
You can also synchronize a promise object which will guarantee that all the animations always start at the same time on each iteration:
$(function disappear() {
var all = $('[class^="status-"]');
all.delay(5000).fadeOut(400, function() {
var item = $(this);
var num = item.attr('class').split('status-')[1];
num = parseInt(num, 10) + 10;
item.attr("class", "status-"+num+"")
// when all animations are done, start the whole process over again
Working demo of this option: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/SY5wr/
To restore the class names to the original class name after each iteration, you could do this:
$(function () {
// save original class names
var all = $('[class^="status-"]').each(function() {
$(this).data("origClassName", this.className);
function disappear() {
all.delay(5000).fadeOut(400, function() {
var item = $(this);
var num = item.attr('class').split('status-')[1];
num = parseInt(num, 10) + 10;
item.attr("class", "status-"+num+"")
// when all animations are done, start the whole process over again
all.promise().done(function() {
// restore class names
all.each(function() {
this.className = $(this).data("origClassName");
// run it all again
// start it
Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/hTmHL/

How to slow down a loop with setTimeout or setInterval

I have an array called RotatorNames. It contains random things but let's just say that it contains ["rotatorA","rotatorB","rotatorC"].
I want to loop through the array, and for each item i want to trigger a click event. I have got some of this working, except that the everything get's triggered instantly. How can i force the loop to wait a few seconds before it continues looping.
Here's what i have.
function Rotator() {
var RotatorNames = ["rotatorA","rotatorB","rotatorC"];
window.setTimeout(function() {
//Trigger that elements button.
var elemntBtn = $('#btn_' + entry);
}, 5000);
You can run this to see what my issue is. http://jsfiddle.net/BxDtp/
Also, sometimes the alerts do A,C,B instead of A,B,C.
While I'm sure the other answers work, I would prefer using this setup:
function rotator(arr) {
var iterator = function (index) {
if (index >= arr.length) {
index = 0;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1500);
rotator(["rotatorA", "rotatorB", "rotatorC"]);
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/BxDtp/4/
It just seems more logical to me than trying to get the iterations to line up correctly by passing the "correct" value to setTimeout.
This allows for the array to be continually iterated over, in order. If you want it to stop after going through it once, change index = 0; to return;.
You can increase the timeout based on the current index:
RotatorNames.forEach(function(entry, i) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
//Trigger that elements button.
var elemntBtn = $('#btn_' + entry);
}, 5000 + (i * 1000)); // wait for 5 seconds + 1 more per element
var idx = 0;
function Rotator() {
var RotatorNames = ["rotatorA", "rotatorB", "rotatorC"];
setTimeout(function () {
idx = (idx<RotatorNames.length-1) ? idx+1:idx=0;
}, 5000);
jsFiddle example
(note that I used console.log instead of alert)
Something like this should do what you're after:
function Rotator(index){
var RotatorNames = ["rotatorA","rotatorB","rotatorC"];
index = (index === undefined ? 0 : index);
var $btn = $("#btn_"+RotatorNames[index]);
}, 500);

how to count total number of divs inside another div using javascript

How to count the total number of div elements that are contained in another div using javascript?
The getElementsByTagName() is not only a document method, but one that can run on any DOM element.
element.getElementsByTagName is
similar to
document.getElementsByTagName, except
that its search is restricted to those
elements which are descendants of the
specified element
see more at https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/element.getElementsByTagName
So the actual code that does what you ask is
var container_div = document.getElementById('id_of_container_div');
var count = container_div.getElementsByTagName('div').length;
You can use #davidcmoulton's handy Gist:
I find it quite useful that it doesn't only count DIVs but also lists the count of all element types of your page.
Here is a copy of the Gist for further reference:
(function (window, undefined) {
// Counts all DOM elements by name & logs resulting object to console.
var forEach = Array.prototype.forEach,
counter = {},
incrementElementCount = function (elementName) {
if (counter.hasOwnProperty(elementName)) {
counter[elementName] += 1;
} else {
counter[elementName] = 1;
processNode = function (node) {
var currentNode = node;
if (currentNode.nodeType === currentNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (currentNode.hasChildNodes) {
forEach.call(currentNode.childNodes, function (childNode) {
if (childNode.nodeType === currentNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
There are many way to count divs element using jquery.
But most popular and simple way are:
var divCount = $("div").size();
var divCount = $("div").length;
Its helpful for you

