right way to make class function in javascript - javascript

I have the below code:
function Class () {
this.method = function () {
new Class().method();
And it works fine, but as I understand, for each new object will be created the function. Is there right way to do this?

Place initialization of instance varibales into the Class function, and shared methods and variables in prototype property:
function Class (var1, var2) {
this.var1 = var1;
this.var2 = var2;
Class.prototype.method = function () {
alert(this.var1 + ' ' + this.var2);
new Class('var1', 'var2').method();

My approach is almost identical to Speransky's, but I re-declare the prototype object instead of adding methods directly to it.
// Declare the Constructor function.
function MyClass (name, age) {
// Assign any member properties here.
this._name = name;
this.age = age;
// Redefine the prototype object to add methods.
MyClass.prototype = {
// Re-point the Constructor function as it will be overwritten.
constructor: MyClass,
// Custom method which all instances of `MyClass` will inherit.
sayHello: function () {
return "My name is " + this._name + ", how do you do?";
var foo = new MyClass("Dave", 22);
foo.sayHello(); // "My name is Dave, how do you do?"
foo.age; // 22
If you wanted to point the MyClass prototype at another object (to setup a simple inheritance model) then you could make use of a mixin, similar to Underscore's extend method:
function BaseClass(name) {
this._name = name;
BaseClass.prototype = {
constructor: BaseClass,
sayHello: function () {
return "My name is " + this._name + ", how do you do?";
class MyClass (name, age) {
// Call the BaseClass constructor function in the context of `this`
BaseClass.call(this, name);
this.age = age;
// Mixin the BaseClass's protptype into the MyClass prototype and delcare
// the new methods.
_.extend(MyClass.Prototype, BaseClass.prototype, {
constructor: MyClass,
getAge: function () {
return this.age;


How to use constructors as a prototype chain?

Suppose that I have a javascript constructor:
function Person(name) {
this.name = name;
this.hello = function () { return "It's a-me, " + name + "!"; };
the Person "type" has a convenient method, hello that I would like to re-use on another type Student. I would like for a Student to have the following structure:
function Student(name) {
this.name = name;
this.hello = function () { return "It's a-me, " + name + "!"; };
this.books = [];
One option is to use the code for Student as-is above. This is sub-optimal for the usual reasons, such as that if I want it to mirror the Person type, then I have to manually keep their code in sync. Anyway, this is not good.
A second option (from this answer) is to do something like:
function Student(name) {
Person.call(this, name);
this.books = [];
When I mario = new Student("mario") I get the following:
Object { name: "mario", hello: hello(), books: [] }
I've successfully achieved the inheritance that I wanted, but this has the unfortunate property of placing all of the desired properties into my object. Notably, for example, there is a "hello" property on mario. It would be nice if that "hello" property could be looked up in the prototype chain.
How can I neatly create a prototype chain given the relevant object constructors?
When you create an object with new, the this value of your constructor function is set to the object, and that object's prototype is set to the prototype of the constructor Function being called.
That's why your properties are currently being added to the created object.
function Student {
this.name = name
const student = new Student('John')
// is (almost) equivalent to the following
const student = {}
student.name = 'John'
But if you want to add properties to the prototype instead, so that you can use inheritance, then in ES5 Javascript you can do so by assigning properties directly to the prototype of your constructor function.
function Person(name) {
this.name = name;
// Person is a function
// Its prototype is an instance of Object, and it has no properties
// i.e. something like Person.prototype = new Object()
Person.prototype.hello = function() {
return 'It is I, ' + this.name
// Now Person.prototype has one property, "hello", which is a function.
function Student(name) {
Person.call(this, name)
this.books = [];
// Student is a function
// Its prototype is also an instance of Object with no properties
// the following is the magic line
Student.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype)
// We replace the prototype of the Student function with a new object, but
// Object.create() allows us to set the prototype to an existing object, in this case Person.prototype,
// Person.prototype is itself an instance of Object, and we previously
// added the "hello" function to it as a property.
const student = new Student('John')
// So what happens here?
// First a new object is created, and its prototype is set to Student.prototype
// Then we call Person.call(this)
// Which executes the body of the Person function
// So you get the properties on the object itself through the body of the Person and Student functions
// And you get the shared functionality through the prototype chain of instance -> Student.prototype -> Person.prototype -> Object.prototype
Hope that helps!
You can use prototyping method or class sugar method as you want.
Here is a simple example :
function Student(name) {
this.name = name;
this.books = [];
Student.prototype.hello = function(){
return "It's a-me, " + this.name + "!";
Student.prototype.addBook = function(book){
Student.prototype.getBooks = function(){
return this.books;
let mario = new Student("Mario");
class Person {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
this.books = [];
return "It's a-me, " + this.name + "!";
return this.books;
let luigi = new Person("Luigi");
For longer chains use Object.assign, here is an example of making a GradStudent that is both a Student and a Person and has the personality of a Comedian and also has the properties and methods of a 4th class GameCharacter:
(function() {
function Person(name) {
this.name = name;
this.helloString = "Hello my name is "
Person.prototype.name = "Bob";
Person.prototype.hello = function() {
return this.helloString + this.name;
function Student(name, books) {
Person.call(this, name);
this.books = books;
Student.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);
Student.prototype.constructor = Student;
Student.prototype.books = ["math","reading"];
function Comedian(name) {
Comedian.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);
Comedian.prototype.constructor = Comedian;
Comedian.prototype.hello = function() {
return "I don't know what my parents where thinking when they name me Squat, just kidding, my name is " + this.name;
function GameCharacter(power) {
this.power = power;
GameCharacter.prototype = new Object();
GameCharacter.prototype.constructor = GameCharacter;
GameCharacter.prototype.gainPower = function(power) {
this.power += ", "+power;
GameCharacter.prototype.statePower = function() {
return this.power;
function GradStudent(name, books, degree) {
Comedian.call(this, name);
GameCharacter.call(this, "jumping");
this.degree = degree;
GradStudent.prototype = Object.create(Student.prototype);
Object.assign(GradStudent.prototype, Comedian.prototype, GameCharacter.prototype);
GradStudent.prototype.constructor = GradStudent;
var gradStudent = new GradStudent("Bill",["C", "C++", "JavaScript"], "B.S.");
console.log(gradStudent.hello() + " I have a " + gradStudent.degree +" I am studying " + gradStudent.books.toString() + ". \n In a game I play my power's are "+ gradStudent.statePower() + ". \n Is gradStudent also a Student? " + (gradStudent instanceof Student) + "" );
var otherStudent = new Student("Jennifer" ,["english", "science"]);
console.log(gradStudent.books.toString() + " " + otherStudent.books.toString());
GradStudent is an instance of Student, it's a type of Student, and can also do all the things Comedian and GameCharacter does. The value of Object.assign is that kind of multiple inheritance.
I can accomplish such a thing with the following:
function Student(name) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, new Person(name));
this.books = [];
However, I'm not familiar enough with javascript to know what possible problems might arise with this solution. Coming from other OO style languages, it feels weird for the prototype of mario to be an actual instance of a Person, but I suppose everything in js is an instance, in some sense, so this might just be bias on my part.

Javascript prototype methods vs object methods [duplicate]

When using a constructor function in JavaScript to create a class, is it possible to redefine the class's method later?
function Person(name)
this.name = name;
this.sayHello = function() {
alert('Hello, ' + this.name);
var p = new Person("Bob");
p.sayHello(); // Hello, Bob
Now I'd like to redefine sayHello like this:
// This doesn't work (creates a static method)
Person.sayHello() = function() {
alert('Hola, ' + this.name);
so when I create another Person, the new sayHello method will be called:
var p2 = new Person("Sue");
p2.sayHello(); // Hola, Sue
p.sayHello(); // Hello, Bob
I realize I could send in an argument like "Hello" or "Hola" to sayHello to accomplish the different output. I also realize I could simply assign a new function to p2 like this:
p2.sayHello = function() { alert('Hola, ' + this.name); };
I'm just wondering if I can redefine the class's method so new instances of Person will use the new sayHello method.
is it possible to redefine the class's method later?
Yes. However, you must not assign the new function to a property of the Person constructor, but to the instance itself:
var p2 = new Person("Sue");
p2.sayHello(); // Hello, Sue
p2.sayHello = function() {
alert('Hola, ' + this.name);
p2.sayHello(); // Hola, Sue
If you want to do this for all new instances automatically (and have not used the prototype for the method, which you easily could exchange as in #dystroy's answer), you will need to decorate the constructor:
Person = (function (original) {
function Person() {
original.apply(this, arguments); // apply constructor
this.sayHello = function() { // overwrite method
alert('Hola, ' + this.name);
Person.prototype = original.prototype; // reset prototype
Person.prototype.constructor = Person; // fix constructor property
return Person;
To have a different function for p2, you can just set the sayHello property of p2 :
p2.sayHello = function(){
alert('another one');
If you use prototype, then you can also change it for all instances of Person (and still you can overwrite it for a specific person) :
function Person(name)
this.name = name;
Person.prototype.sayHello = function() {
alert('Hello, ' + this.name);
var p = new Person("Bob");
// let's set a specific one for p2
p2.sayHello = function(){
alert('another one');
// now let's redefine for all persons (apart p2 which will keep his specific one)
Person.prototype.sayHello = function(){
p.sayHello(); // different!
p2.sayHello(); // another one
To solve your issue You can use Reflect object
class Person {
public name: string;
constructor(name: string) {
this.name = name;
public sayHello(): void {
console.log(`Hello, ${this.name}`)
const p = new Person("Bob");
p.sayHello(); // Hello, Bob
Reflect.defineProperty(Person.prototype, 'sayHello', { value: function() {
console.log(`Goodbye, ${this.name}`)
p.sayHello(); // Goodbye, Bob

JS inheritance - MDN article

given MDN JS Inheritance article, we have these lines
My question is, why use Object.create and not just Person.prototype?
I understand the need to link prototypes.
But here is console example rendering the call to Object.create in fact not connecting the inherited methods:
Why is that? is it mistake in the article?
Teacher.prototype = Person.prototype
That sets the prototye of the teachers to the same object as the persons prototype. So if you change that:
Teacher.prototype.hi = () => alert("hi");
Then that exists both on teachers and persons:
new Person().hi();
Thats not what you want when creating a subclass. If you do
Teacher.prototype = Object.create( Person.prototype );
You create a new object that inherits the persons prototype. Now the properties do not exist on the object itself, but they are inherited. That getOwnPropertyNames returns nothing does not mean that the properties are not inherited but the opposite: They just don't exist on the object itself, but on its parent.
new Teacher().greeting(); // works :)
The problem with Teacher.prototype = Person.prototype is that then, there is no actual inheritence going on - both prototypes will reference the same object. If you proceed to add a function to Teacher's prototype, for example getClassTaught(), that will mutate Person.prototype, which should not have that method.
function Person(name) {
this.name = name;
Person.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name; };
function Teacher(name, className) {
this.name = name;
this.className = className;
Teacher.prototype = Person.prototype;
Teacher.prototype.getClassTaught = function() { return this.className; };
const person = new Person();
console.log('getClassTaught' in person);
You also wouldn't be able to shadow Person functions without replacing them entirely. For example, if there's a greeting() function on Person.prototype, and you assign another greeting() function to Teacher.prototype, you'll be overwriting the function on Person.prototype - other persons calling greeting() may not work anymore, because the function is now Teacher-specific, rather than Person-generic.
function Person(name) {
this.name = name;
Person.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name; };
Person.prototype.greeting = function() { return 'Hi, I am ' + this.name; };
function Teacher(name, className) {
this.name = name;
this.className = className;
Teacher.prototype = Person.prototype;
Person.prototype.greeting = function() { return 'Hi, I am Teacher ' + this.name; };
const person = new Person('Bob');
getOwnPropertyNames only shows you the property names directly on the object itself - it does not show inherited property names. When you use Object.create(Person.prototype), greeting is inherited from the Person prototype; it's not directly on Teacher.prototype, so it doesn't show up in getOwnPropertyNames.

call parent ctor from ctor of inheriting class

Is it valid to instead of doing this
function Animal(name, numLegs) {
this.name = name;
this.numLegs = numLegs;
Animal.prototype.sayName = function() {
console.log("Hi my name is " + this.name);
function Penguin(name) {
this.name = name;
this.numLegs = 2;
Penguin.prototype = new Animal();
var penguin = new Penguin("Tux");
do that?
function Animal(name, numLegs) {
this.name = name;
this.numLegs = numLegs;
Animal.prototype.sayName = function() {
console.log("Hi my name is " + this.name);
function Penguin(name) {
return new Animal(name, 2);
Penguin.prototype = new Animal();
var penguin = new Penguin("Tux");
I find the second version more elegant and hoped both version were equivalent in their results, but for the second one codeacademy tells me
Oops, try again. Make sure to create a new Penguin instance called penguin!
while the first one is accepted.
This is not the correct way to call the parent constructor:
function Penguin(name) {
return new Animal(name, 2);
The correct way is as follows:
function Penguin(name) {
Animal.call(this, name, 2);
The reason is because of the way new works:
Let's say you have a function called ABC.
When you execute new ABC JavaScript creates an instance of ABC.prototype and binds it to this inside of the function ABC which is why you can add properties to this inside ABC.
The constructor function returns this by default unless you return another object explicitly.
The reason Codecademy complains about your code is because you're returning a new Animal(name, 2) which is not an instanceof Penguin.
As I said before the correct way to call the parent constructor is to use ParentConstructor.call(this, arg1, arg2, ...). In this case we are setting the this inside the parent constructor to the same value as this inside the current constructor (which is the instance created by new).
If you want to write elegant code then try this on for size:
function defclass(prototype) {
var constructor = prototype.constructor;
var instance = prototype.instance = function () {};
constructor.prototype = instance.prototype = prototype;
return constructor;
function extend(parent, keys) {
var supertype = keys.super = parent.prototype;
var prototype = new supertype.instance;
for (var key in keys) prototype[key] = keys[key];
return defclass(prototype);
Using defclass and extend you could rewrite your code as follows:
var Animal = defclass({
constructor: function (name, numLegs) {
this.name = name;
this.numLegs = numLegs;
sayName: function () {
console.log("Hi my name is " + this.name);
var Penguin = extend(Animal, {
constructor: function (name) {
this.super.constructor.call(this, name, 2);
var penguin = new Penguin("Tux");
How cool is that?
I think the difference is that constructor functions don't return a value. So if you call
new Penguin('bla')
it is not the function Penguin that returns the new Object, it is the new that returns the new Object. So if you let Penguin() return a new Object this will conflict with the new-keyword.
If you want to call the parent-constructor, you can do that as follows:
function Penguin(name) {
Animal.call(this, name, 2);
Just additionally: When you assign the prototype of Animal to its sub-prototype Penguin, you call the Function in your example without its paramers. There is a cleaner way to do that:
Penguin.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);
After that you have lost the constructor function of Penguin so you need to reassign it like this:
Penguin.prototype.constructor = Animal;
This is explained in detail here:
In the second example you are NOT returning an instance of Penguin but an instance of Animal. if you want to add more functionality to penguin you need to decorate the Animal class with extra functionality.
function Penguin(name) {
var self = new Animal(name, 2);
self.penguinFunction = function (){
//do something here
return self;

In JavaScript, how do I inherit from a parent class in child class using a single ".prototype" block?

For Example:
function Person() {
//person properties
this.name = "my name";
Person.prototype = {
//person methods
sayHello: function() {
console.log("Hello, I am a person.");
sayGoodbye: function() {
function Student() {
//student specific properties
this.studentId = 0;
Student.prototype = {
//I need Student to inherit from Person
//i.e. the equivalent of
//Student.prototype = new Person();
//Student.prototype.constructor = Person;
//student specific methods
//override sayHello
sayHello: function() {
console.log("Hello, I am a student.");
I know I can achieve this using:
function Student() {
this.studentId = 0;
Student.prototype = new Person();
Student.prototype.constructor = Person;
Student.prototype.sayHello = function () {
console.log("Hello, I am a student.");
But I'd like to continue to use style from the first example and have all my class methods defined in a single ".prototype" block if possible.
Take a look at the following answer on StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17893663/783743
This answer introduces the concept of prototype-class isomorphism. To put it simply a prototype object can be used to model a class. The following code is taken from the above answer:
function CLASS(prototype) {
var constructor = prototype.constructor;
constructor.prototype = prototype;
return constructor;
Using the above method we can implement Person as follows:
var Person = CLASS({
constructor: function () {
this.name = "my name";
sayHello: function () {
console.log("Hello, I am a person.");
sayGoodbye: function () {
Inheritance however requires some additional work. So let's modify the CLASS function a little:
function CLASS(prototype, base) {
switch (typeof base) {
case "function": base = base.prototype;
case "object": prototype = Object.create(base, descriptorOf(prototype));
var constructor = prototype.constructor;
constructor.prototype = prototype;
return constructor;
We also need to define the descriptorOf function for CLASS to work:
function descriptorOf(object) {
return Object.keys(object).reduce(function (descriptor, key) {
descriptor[key] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, key);
return descriptor;
}, {});
Now we can create Student as follows:
var Student = CLASS({
constructor: function () {
this.studentId = 0;
sayHello: function () {
console.log("Hello, I am a student.");
}, Person);
See the demo for yourself: http://jsfiddle.net/CaDu2/
If you need any help understanding the code then feel free to contact me.

