Get center coordinates of map - javascript

I am using VEMap API. I have the latitude and longitude of the top left point and the bottom right point (bounding box) of a map. I want to get the center point. What is an easy way to do that? I couldn't find a solution by searching on Google.
What I was thinking is that if I can define the map using the two points mentioned above, then I can get the center very easily:
// JavaScript code snippet
var center = map.GetCenter();
var lat = center.Latitude;
var lng = center.Longitude;
Is there a way to call the constructor of map object and pass the two coordinates I have?

The simple answer would be add the latitudes and divide by two, and do the same for longitudes. They are straight lines.

Is there any reason you can't use the VEMap.GetCenter method after the map has been constructed? This way regardless of the viewpoint it will be correct. If you're using the default constructor you can pass in your bounding box, and then call getmap after the object is instantiated.


Ng2-map/Ng2-ui - Angular2 difference in plotting geo codes

Here I have plotted a circle with
center="59.82352331557955,-43.59219821635634" & radius ="567.6796059859073"
I am giving two links , one is plotted using ngui-map and second one is the the marker point set as the same circles center in google map.
Link1: Plunker
Link2: Google map
There is a huge difference between them. Can anyone help? Is this my mistake or bug in the module?
AFAIK(I have been using ng2-ui/map for some while), the marker's position accept array which contains lat, lng, and circle's center accept object which contains properties of lat/lng, ng2-ui/map will call geocode to search for result if they are binded with string(your current plunker).
refer code, and fixed plunker.

Finding center and zoom level in leaflet, given a list of lat-long pairs

I have a list of lat long pairs. (Or I could create GeoJSON). I want to map them all on leaflet map.
How do I find what should I set as the center and as the zoom level so that all the points show up.
All the leaflet examples seem to use a fixed center and zoom, but I am accepting user input so I need to calculate them.
The easiest way is with a LatLngBounds object. You can then have the map fitBounds. Or get its center manually if you prefer.
var myPoints = [[1,1],[2,2] /*, ...*/ ];
var myBounds = new L.LatLngBounds(myPoints);
myMap.fitBounds(myBounds); //Centers and zooms the map around the bounds
You can even forgo instantiating the bounds object if you would like:
myMap.fitBounds([[1,1],[2,2] /*, ...*/ ]);
I'd recommend to use GeoJSON and create your leaflet map as described in the tutorial. Than you can simply use geojsonLayer.getBounds() together with map.setBounds() to zoom to your data.

how to get longitude & latitude of line in openlayers

I am getting line latitude & longitude as
LINESTRING(1491215.4689647 6893983.2031826,1494163.0718675 6894785.7919795)
after seeing this solution.
how to get points return from OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature
Now what I want to do is that I want to display start point & end point on my web page.
So how can I extract latitude & longitude from here so that I can show it in my page.
If your linestring is already in OpenLayers, there is no reason to convert it to WKT. Linestring geometry contains array of Points. You can access components of geometry in several ways, for example:
drawControls[key].events.register('featureadded', drawControls[key], function(f) {
// First point
var firstPointGeom = f.feature.geometry.components[0].clone();
// Last point
var secondPointGeom = f.feature.geometry.components[f.feature.geometry.components.length - 1].clone();
// Now you got geometries, let's create features from them...
var firstPointFeat = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(firstPointGeom);
var secondPointGeom = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(secondPointGeom);
yourVectorLayer.addFeatures([firstPointFeat, secondPointGeom]);
Pay attention - this works with LineStrings. Probably it's not necessary to go into detail about clone(), it's up to particular use case, whether you need it, or you can use just var firstPointGeom = f.feature.geometry.components[0];
Thats WKT format, you're looking at. You'll potentially need to reproject those coordinates to the target projection if they are not in the same projection. After than, you should be able ot ask openlayers for the points of any given geometry using the base geometry functionaily. Get the point array from the linestring instance and iterate over it. Make sure you know the right coordinate order for your projection / data model.
Hope that helps!

Openlayer Projection

I want to zoom to a particular house in the google mapS, but when I provide its bounds and lattitude and longitude, it does not show images as well as the particular house. Can anyone provide the solution for this?
Solution would be probably to transporm coordinates first. Unfortunately when You pass coordinates to OpanLayers.LonLat(lon,lat) it is supposed to be WGS:84, while OpenLayer.Bounds() needs coordinates given in EPSG:900913.
You should then use Proj4js.transform and pass transformed coordintes in EPSG:900913
You can transform it like this one:
var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
var location.transform(map.getProjectionObject(), new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"));

plotting google map markers using an array

i need some help with google map api v3 markers.
I got an array which contains coordinates i retrieve from a file. I am trying to traverse the array, and plot them using the markers.
Traversing the array to retrieve the coordinates is not a problem, however, when i start using the coordinates to plot on google map. i realise that i am getting (NaN, NaN) as the coordinates.. Because of this, i am not able to do the plotting.. any idea why isit? Thanksss
my codes so far:
var temp = new google.maps.LatLng(myObject[o]);
The constructor for LatLng takes two arguments (the latitude and longitude of the point), so this line is clearly wrong:
var temp = new google.maps.LatLng(myObject[o]);
Of course, since we have to idea what myObject is, or what the function retrieverouteMarker does, there isn't much more we can do to help.

