create links using the text from a form on another page - javascript

My situation is this: I was able to write text from a form in a different html page. But what I wanted to do is create a link using only the text in that form.
Originally I used javascript, especially widget.preferences (a sort of method to save the changes made in the form) and the "var" tag:
// get the var elements with an id and set their textContent to the corresponding widget.preferences
var vars = document.querySelectorAll( 'var[id]' );
for( var i=0,element=null; element=vars[i++]; )
element.textContent = widget.preferences[ ];
<h1>Popup window</h1>
<p>Here is a list of preferences and their associated value:</p>
<li><var id="foo"></var>
<li><var id="bar"></var>
<li><var id="baz"></var>
<li><var id="check"></var>
<li><var id="group1"></var>
<li><var id="myMultipleSelect"></var>
But, as I said at the beginning, my goal is to make links using the text from the form on the other page. The form is as follows:
<input id="text1" name="foo" type="text"></input>
<label for="text1">foo</label>
<input id="text2" name="bar" type="text"></input>
<label for="text2">bar</label>
<input id="text3" name="baz" type="text"></input>
<label for="text3">baz</label>

I was not sure exactly what your question is, but for retrieving info from other pages with javascript, the answer is ajax.
There is an important caveat to this answer: To do this, your page and the page of the form you are trying to get data from need to be on the same domain. Modern browsers have security measures in place against XSS (cross site scripting), so you will not be able to get that information otherwise.
To get the contents of the form, make an ajax request for the page with that form on it, and then parse it's html content as XML. You can then navigate through its DOM or use a framework like jQuery to extract the info you need for your links.
If you are new to ajax, try the w3c schools tutorial at
If the webpage you are trying to access is on another domain, you may be out of luck. There are several proposed solutions for making friendly cross-site requests, such as microsofts XDR object, but there is no standard, so it will be quite a bit of work (if it is possible at all) to get that to work across the board.
Additionally, the restrictions against XSS are made in the browser where the js is currently running, so if you have access to a server-side language you can "shuttle" requests from a handler of some kind into your page.


How can I get a data from one html form and display it on another?

I'm using only JS and I want to get a username from one html and display it on the another html page. I'm a beginner on the programming and I have two questions:
Can I use only one JS file to do this? If yes, how?
Why it isn't working?
First page
<form action="">
<input type="text" name="login" id="login" class="login" placeholder="Login">
<a href="password.html" id='logar'>LOGAR!</a>
<span id='spanlogin'></span>
<script src="main.js"></script>
var login = document.getElementById('login').value;
localStorage.setItem("thelogin", login);
Second Page
<span id='showlogin'></span>
<div class="senha">
<script src="second.js"></script>
var ologin = localStorage.getItem('thelogin');
function showthelogin(){
document.getElementById('showlogin').innerHTML = ologin
window.onload = showthelogin()
Thanks for the help!
For what it's worth, the login button is just a link, it's not running the js on the first page. The js executes immediately on page load when the form is still empty. If you wrap it in a function and call the function on click, it will do what you want.
What you want, might not be what you need, but getting things to do what we want them to do can help us better understand what we need.
function savePassword(){
var login = document.getElementById('login').value;
localStorage.setItem("thelogin", login);
first page:
In answer to your first question, you can do it with just one page. For example, read about Single-page applications.
Note that the way you're doing it is not the same thing as 'submitting' the form.
"For documents loaded from file: URLs (that is, files opened in the browser directly from the user’s local filesystem, rather than being served from a web server) the requirements for localStorage behavior are undefined and may vary among different browsers.
In all current browsers, localStorage seems to return a different object for each file: URL. In other words, each file: URL seems to have its own unique local-storage area. But there are no guarantees about that behavior, so you shouldn’t rely on it because, as mentioned above, the requirements for file: URLs remains undefined."
Its from

Updating DOM elements using jQuery

I'm looking for a way to update the webpage I'm working on to act as a report for several different people to pass back and forth. I'm using forms to take in several pieces of data and am wondering how I can make it so that it just immediately adds the content to the divs under the right heading. I'm currently using jquery and append and it looks like it adds the desired input and then immediately removes it. I tried using .live as well and it did not show up at all. Is there a way to make form inputs post to the page without submitting to another page?
Here is my code so far, testing just the element that will be the heading for the issue:
<div class="IssueDiv">
<form id="newIssue">
<legend>Add a new important issue:</legend>
<input type="text" id="issue" placeholder="Issue Summary...">
<input type="text" id="issue-client" placeholder="Client...">
<input class="ticket" type="text" id="issueParent" placeholder="Parent ticket..."><br>
<textarea placeholder="Issue details..."></textarea><br>
<button id="addIssue">Add Issue</button>
And the jquery:
$("#addIssue").click(function() {
var $issue = $("#issue").val();
var $issueSum = $("<h3></h3>").text($issue);
edit: I'm looking into using AJAX but I'm not sure how to make it so that all of the input data will persist. I am basically looking to make a webpage-style-report that will allow myself and my team to update the entries on the report and they will stay on the report until we are able to take them off by removing a div that encapsulates the individual issue.
I would also like to be able to format the individual pieces here separately, so, for instance, I could add a check-box that says the issue is urgent and format the heading of those to be red. What is the easiest way to have data that persists, can be added into new (div/h/p) elements, and is shown on the main webpage, while also allowing me to update formatting?
Your code appears to add the text and then immediately remove it because your form gets posted and the page reloads, effectively resetting the page to its initial state.
If you just want to add the text to the page without posting the form or executing any server-side processing, you can prevent the form from posting using jQuery's preventDefault(). Note that I have created a submit listener on the form itself, rather than a click listener on the submit button.
$("#newIssue").on('submit', function(e) {
$(function () {
$("#newIssue").on('submit',function (e) {
var $issue = $("#issue").val();
var $issueSum = $("<h3></h3>").text($issue);
<script src=""></script>
<div class="IssueDiv"></div>
<form id="newIssue">
<legend>Add a new important issue:</legend>
<input type="text" id="issue" placeholder="Issue Summary...">
<input type="text" id="issue-client" placeholder="Client...">
<input class="ticket" type="text" id="issueParent" placeholder="Parent ticket...">
<textarea placeholder="Issue details..."></textarea>
<button id="addIssue">Add Issue</button>
However, keep in mind that if you're using this to share reports between computers, this will not work. This is only updating the DOM in the current browser and is not doing any data storage or retrieval. If you need the reports to update online, consider using AJAX to post your data to a server-side script without refreshing the page. Then include some sort of timer that refreshes the content (also using AJAX) on a schedule (e.g. every 10 seconds).

Dynamically and Permanently Adding an Element to Your Page - Javascript/jQuery

I'm working on a website project from scratch. The content section of the main page has a form and a div of class "blog". When the user is logged in on the admin account, the form shows up. This allows you to pick a title and content to post in the blog. The current code works well, except for the fact that the posts are removed when the page is refreshed. How I can permanently add this to the page?
Here's my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function addtext() {
var title = document.blogform.title.value;
var content = document.blogform.content.value;
var $blogTitle = $('<div class="blogtitle">' + title + '</div>');
var $blogContent = $('<div class="blogbody">' + content + '</div>');
<h2>Submit New Blog Post</h2>
<div class="blogtitle">Submit a new blog post:</div>
<div class="blogbody">
<form name="blogform">
<fieldset class="fieldsetoffset"><legend>Post</legend>
<div>Title of Post:</div>
<input type="text" name="title">
<div>Content of Post:</div>
<textarea name="content" class="comment" rows="6" cols="88"></textarea>
<input type="button" value="Add New Text" onClick="addtext();">
<div id="blog"></div>
You should use a database (or flat-files, but not recommended..) to store those extra parts. On your page, create a database connection (, fetch any existing records from the database and when the admin stores it you should insert it into your database.
HTML is flat, you can add and delete elements dynamically by altering the DOM but that's only on your screen and nobody elses :)
I assume that this is a static HTML page. Otherwise you would be refreshing from a server-based data source. If you are going to be doing this, then the only other way would be to store the data as client-side cookies.
You can't do this by Javascript or jQuery because they are client side languages.
for this which you want to achieve you have to use a Server Side Language and database
Javascript is client side, meaning when you add content to the page with jQuery it's local to your browser only, not on the server-side (it's not actually changing the website, it's just changing what your browser is rendering).
You will need to either use cookies (there is a great jQuery cookies plugin that's incredibly simple to use) or, preferably, have some kind of server-side script store it in the database and retrieve the values later, i.e. with PHP/mySQL, since cookies are still going to be specific to you rather than anyone who might visit the website. If nothing else you could use PHP to write it to a text/html file on the server that is then displayed later but that's a really ugly solution and a database is really where you should be going here.
I would probably use jQuery's AJAX functions to call a PHP function when addtext() is triggered that passes it the content and title values to write to the database. Then add a bit of php code on the page to check the database for existing posts and display them.

Submit HTML form to display entered info in new page

I have a HTML form (called form.html)and a JavaScript function such that when form is submitted, information in that form will be displayed.
Now I want all those info will be shown in new HTML page (called confirm.html), where should I go from?
NOTE: No php or sever-side or anything that really seriously related, it's just simple OFFLINE HTML-form problem, I just have 2 html place in same folder, I will test it on my browser, that's it. Only thing that I worry is how to use information from form.html file in confirm.html file since they are obviously separated.
Thank you very much, here is my form.html ( I dont have confirm.html yet)
<script type="text/javascript">
function addtext()
var fname = document.myform.first_name.value;
var lname = document.myform.last_name.value;
var email =;
document.writeln("Thank you! You have just entered the following:");
document.writeln("First Name : " + fname);
document.writeln("Last Name : " + lname);
document.writeln("Email Address : " + email);
<b>CONTACT US</b> <br></br>
<form name="myform">
<label for="first_name">First Name </label>
<input type="text" name="first_name" maxlength="50" size="30">
<label for="last_name">Last Name </label>
<input type="text" name="last_name" maxlength="50" size="30">
<label for="email">Email Address</label>
<input type="text" name="email" maxlength="80" size="30">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" onClick="addtext()">
Check out the window object of JavaScript:
It has a property location, if you write into it, your browser will redirect:
window.location = "";
Note though, that this will not post your data to confirm.html. what you are trying to do without server-side scripting is not very useful. An HTML form will use CGI (common gateway interface) to send data to a server, that can then process the information. If you use the file:// protocol (as you seem to be doing; all local, static files), there is no server-side to process the data, only JavaScript.
If using the GET method of sending the data through CGI, you could extract the data from the URL using javaScript (as mentioned in another question). To do this, just update your form like this:
<form action="confirm.html" method="get">
And do not put a onClick handler on the submit button, just let it submit.
Many other tools exist though that way more are suitable for the job: server-side scripting languages, examples include PHP, ASP, JSP. For local setups, your best best is using XAMPP.
If you don't want to rely on server-side technology, this becomes more complicated (and hacky, I might add). Probably the easiest would be to generate a url like this on submit -
then add some code to confirm.html to unpack this. Here's a related question you may find helpful.
If you'd allow me a moment of editorializing, what exactly are you trying to do? If this is just a personal project to see how html works, then I'd strongly recommend starting to learn about server-side technology - once you start wanting to handle user data and persist state, you're pretty much forced to use the server. The web is by design pretty stateless; you can't pass variable in-between pages without either using the server, or through some very complicated AJAX & DOM updating techniques which tend to rely on specialized server files anyway. You can run a PHP & MySQL server locally using existing technology, and if you're interested in expanding your knowledge of web technology this is an inevitable step.

Can i use JS to replace a GET-parameter with a Post in a link?

I'm working with an old ASP WebForms page in which there is a link which opens in a new windo using javascript. This link includes a GET-parameter, like this:
Search for object
What I would like to do is replace this GET-parameter with a Post-variable in order to avoid the value of MyId being stored in the browser-history. Possibly something like:
<input type="hidden" id="MyId" name="MyId" value="123">
<a href="submitSearchCriteria()">
Search for object
Note: Since this is a webforms page, the whole contents of the page is within a pair of <form>...</form> tags which post back to the page itself, and I don`t want to mess with these. The page I would like to link to is another page.
My question: Is there some fairly simple, clean and safe way to pass along a Post-variable from within a link like this? I would prefer to do this without including any third-party java script libraries if possible (I want to minimize the necessary changes to an aging system).
Any ideas?
Add your MyId in your form:
<input type="hidden" id="MyId" name="MyId" value="123">
Then your hyperlink:
Search for object
Then use javascript to change your form action:
function submit(){
[Your Form].action = "[Your Action]";
[Your Form].submit();
The form submits but as the page refreshes, the form action goes back to what it was before. But this could depend to where you point back your new action. You could add something to handle the response. This is the easiest solution if you ask me. But for the cleanest, you should try reading about AJAX.

