Get iPhone location data into a Google Maps - javascript

I am looking to develop a feature for a browser app I am developing. I was hoping to get any advice on this topic:
A user walks around with their iphone.
During this time location data is recorded of their walk
This data can then be exported to Google Maps and I can see the route overlaid on a Google Map in my browser.
Is this possible? Where would I start and how would the data be recorded?

Yes, this is possible (assuming you want to use Javascript as it is tagged to your question).
Getting the location data on an iPhone is possible, see this question. You can use the Google Maps API to display a map and draw the recorded path on it. I would rather display the walked route direct in your app rather than exporting/importing coordinates of the recorded route.
Before implementing the App, I would take a look on both Google Maps API and OpenStreemMap API to find out which you like more and fits your needs best. Playing with some examples before implementing your app might be a good point to start with.


how to create service which gets the information from google places API

I'm creating an android app which uses AR and camera to find different places around it and highlight them when displayed.
It is developed using wikitude SDK(javascript API). I took reference of wikitude documentation from this link and built the app till this point. This app displays random POIs but I want POIs as google places. How to a create service which gets information from google places API so that I can then inject that in my application? Which google place API should I use?
I'd recommend you use the Google Places API - Place Details.
Google Maps API: Lets you add various types of base maps, draw various overlays on the map and use other services such as Directions.
Google Places API: Finds detailed information about places, use your current location and has auto complete features.

Use the standard google maps interface on embedded maps / google maps API

This surely sounds like a silly question in my head, but I want to put it out there nonetheless just to make sure I haven't missed anything.
I've got a page on my website that has a google map (currently 'embedded' through the google maps api v3).
While I'm perfectly capable of interacting with that map through a custom form (and the google map api):
an input box to set starting point
an input box to set endpoint
a dropdown list for transportation modes
I was wondering if it was possible (in comes the silliness) to use google's own interface for this (cause users are used to this).
Abstracting my question: Is there a way to "bring in" Google Maps' own UI on an embedded map and do some calculations on my own page, based on the routes (/modes of transportations, etc) that are being selected in that UI.
My guess: no. The google maps UI is something that can only show up on maps embedded with an iFrame (so only on and no interaction with it is possible, at least not in a kosher way.
There is the direction API which you can use to obtain responses (JSON or XML) regarding useful information such as distance, start coordinate, travel mode, etc. You can interact with the response to obtain what is needed for your web page.
I have posted a link for the direction API. Hope this can help.
Direction API

Feature layer from arcmap to arcGIS for server?

I am just wondering how I can go about publishing a feature layer in arcmap, and save that as a service to arcGIS for server, so I can call the service in my code in order to generate the feature layer for a web map?
So far I can only find resources in regards to publishing a feature layer to ArcGIS online. I am wanting to publish the feature layer from arcmap to arcGIS for server and call from javascript API to generate a web map.
There are two main ways I use to do this. I first log into my server with the ArcGIS Server installation. Open up ArcMap on that system. It is basically the same thing as a regular ArcMap but has a couple more tools you will be using. Mainly, you will be using the Map Service Publishing toolbar. It contains tools that allow you to analyze, preview, and publish your map.
Set up your map document to show the layer in the manner you want it to appear when you're showing it in a web application. You can set symbology, scale dependencies, labeling, etc...
Once that is set, you need to publish it as a service. I work off 9.3.1 but 10.x should be pretty similar. I believe in the 10.x installations, you must analyze your map before it allows you to publish. It is a good idea to analyze it anyway because it gives you suggestions to get the app running faster.
You have two options when publishing a map to the ArcGIS Server. You can publish the map document as a service or save a map service definition file. I typically do the map service definition files because it is supposed to render faster (according to ESRI).
This ESRI link gives better, more precise information too:
Best thing to do when you're first starting out playing with this is to go to and search through the developers presentations from ESRI's Developer Conferences. They are typically hour long segments that have presenters going through and describing how to do all sorts of things with ESRI software.
I am assuming you're using ESRI's JavaScript API to consume the map service. When you publish a service, you get the option to share it as a WMS service too. That would be more useful if you were using open source tools like OpenLayers to consume the map service.
This is a bit of an introduction into doing this. The major problems you may have is getting administrative privileges on your server and making sure the user accounts are set up properly. My biggest hiccups came from not having permission to administer the server.

How to prevent Google Maps API v3 from caching tiles (to save storage space)?

I have a strange issue regarding caching of the Maps js API for which I couldn't find any solution.
My situation is as follows:
We want to display a simple website including a map based on Maps API v3.
The website shall be displayed on an embedded device which uses a modified WebKit engine.
Therefor displaying and using Google Maps works great.
But here comes the problem:
Our embedded device has only few storage space (maybe a few 100 KBs).
The Maps API caches every map tile (which usually makes sense!!!), so after the user is moving around the map for some time, we get an error that the cache is full.
Is there any possibility to tell the Maps API not to cache the tiles, to only cache a specific number of tiles, or even to remove the cached tiles programatically by ourselves?
I couldn't find any approach or solution regarding this issue, so it would be really great if somebody has an idea.
Thank you in advance

iphone, uiwebview with JS (google maps API)

two question for you:
reading google documentation i've make an html with the JS for make a google maps api call.
I've put this file in my project, and in a TABView i read and render this file in a uiwebview.
Works great but every time i start my app and go to this view i got this message: "appleweb://someID want to use your current location".
Is my fault or is normal? why my authrization is not saved in position auth?
Second: if i must make some other request on my map and passing new data or refreshing existent data is better that i do this via javascript or there's some option in cocoa to refresh my view?
It is surely not your FAULT, and yes it is normal. user location authorization SHOULD NOT be saved because the next time user launches his app he wont be knowing that his current location is being used (just in case he wants to avoid that for whatever reason).
I dont know the answer to you second question but just a suggestion: why don't you use MapKit API provided by apple instead of going with html and js for google maps? It is pretty easy to use and theres enough documentation and sample codes available on ADC.

