HTML5 video .ended event called in Chrome, but not FF - javascript

I have a bit of jquery acting on an html5/video.js video tag:
$("#video").one("ended", function() {
various animations on page;
The animations run in Chrome, but not FF. Other javascript works, and .bind/.on do the same thing. The video plays fine. Firebug doesn't notice any errors. It should be noted that Firefox can't play the mov/mp4 files, so it falls back to the ogg I specified. No looping, autoplay is on.
Anyone? Thank you bunch's.

When video.js fell back to ogg video for Firefox, it wrapped the video in a different div (but not in chrome). Just selected it and it worked.


JPlayer - It doesn't work on firefox and IE?

In firefox, when I try to play this demo:
the console says:
Media resource could not be decoded.
I get this same problem with mp3 and wav files. It doesn't work on IE either. It works on chrome and opera.
I have tried changing solution: "flash" but again, this works in chrome but not in firefox. When I make it use flash, it doesn't give me any error message in the console, it just doesn't play the audio files.
The video player demo works in firefox, its just the audio player that doesn't work. Whats going on here?

html5 video autoplay delay in safari

I am embedding a html5 video. It works perfectly fine in chrome and firefox, however in safari, there seems to be this weird delay, where the video just hangs in there, and won't play until 1-2 minutes after. It however plays immediately, if I switch tabs. I am hosting my video on an Amazon S3, I set it to autoplay, muted and loop. I have tried using jquery to force play the video but it doesn't work. I have tried also changing the metadata to video/mp4 on aws control panel, also doesn't work. Also tried doing some window focusing, also doesn't work. Any tips would be appreciated. Here is the site
Solved, by converting the .mp4 video to web optimized version using handbrake.

flowplayer load and unload issue

I'm using a latest flowplayer, and i'ved created couple of buttons that provides video source from cdn. With the click event the player should load the video source dynamically. But for some reason flowplayer cant unload and load the source of video properly. Instead I get the following error
html5: Video file not found
function flow(source) {
alternatively I've tried to re-init the flowplayer with every click, but sometime the initial video get loaded instead of the clicked video source. After couple of clicks the flowplayer also get stuck on loading screen.
If you are using chrome for this purpose then from here . Chrome and Flow Player dose not go well together.
Native fullscreen is supported in Chrome 15+, Safari 5.1+ and Firefox 14+ and others will use full browser window. In Firefox 9+ the fullscreen is disabled and needs to be manually enabled at about:config (full-screen-api.enabled;true).
Some Chrome versions have issues with playing MP4 content. Workaround: List a WEBM before the MP4 source and/or set preload="none" as video tag attribute.
Chrome gets stuck when trying to load the same video twice, even in two different tabs.

Videos loading but not playing with mediaelement.js in Chrome 27.x when including subtitle tracks

I'm using mediaelement.js to load videos with subtitle tracks.
All was working well until I updated my Chrome browser to 27.x. Now if a subtitle track is included, the video will load but not play. The video buffers fine (I can manually scrub through it), but neither the play button or javascript play() will play the video. The loading gif just sits there, and I don't see any errors in the console.
It works in all other browsers I've tested, including Chrome 26.x.
If I remove the subtitle source element, the videos load and play correctly in Chrome.
(This is my first SO question so any tips would be appreciated, thanks)
I'm on day four of trying to solve this same issue and came across this question. It's happening on Mac and Windows. Troubleshooting is aggravated by what appears to be local caching -- if I comment out the <track> the video plays; When I re-enable it and reload, it also plays, but then if I close out of the browser it will no longer work until I comment the <track> out again.
If I disable mediaelement and test with native HTML5 video, the problem does not manifest itself.

mediaelement.js not playing video in IE 9

I just started using mediaelement.js a few days ago.
Everything works so far except that IE9 doesn't show any videos (natively) even though the sound plays fine. With Flash it works fine.
The video element seems to disappear (width and height = 0) after the success callback has run. If I manually change the size it's just black.
I tried playing the demo video from but the video was black as well.
I tried setting the size manually after success callback ( mediaelement.js: Local Flash playback shows black video with sound unless shown full screen ). This displays the video element but it's still only black. The sound still plays.
In Mediaelement.js malfunction in IE, no flashback works I found a possible solution using an undocumented property.
#if (#_jscript_version == 9)
mode: 'shim',
This forces IE to use flash but I'm not that comfortable using it in a productive environment.
Does anyone have a better solution?
UPDATE: I just tested on another computer with the same OS and browser (Windows 7, IE 9.0.8112) and there the video on plays fine. Could it have something to do with my installation? I normally never use IE and haven't changed anything...

