jQuery or JS transformation of dynamic HTML table - javascript

I need to find a TABLE within a DIV tag and perform modifications on the header. The available reporting tool does not allow to identify the generated table but allows script and DIV insertion.
Consider the table below where the header is the first line:
<div id="ScrollHeader">
<td>Avg. Time on Site</td>
<td>% New Visits</td>
<td>Bounce Rate</td>
<td>Avg. Time on Site</td>
<td>% New Visits</td>
<td>Bounce Rate</td>
<td>Firefox first</td>
<td>00:04:22 test test test</td>
I need a JavaScript or jQuery code to transform the table to the following:
<div id="ScrollHeader">
<th>Avg. Time on Site</th>
<th>% New Visits</th>
<th>Bounce Rate</th>
<th>Avg. Time on Site</th>
<th>% New Visits</th>
<th>Bounce Rate</th>
<td>Firefox first</td>
<td class="numeric">1,990</td>
<td class="numeric">3.11</td>
<td class="numeric">00:04:22</td>
<td class="numeric">70.00%</td>
<td class="numeric">32.61%</td>
<td class="numeric">00:04:22</td>
<td class="numeric">70.00%</td>
<td class="numeric">32.61%</td>
The code needs to identify the table within <div id="ScrollHeader">, insert THEAD before the first TR, change the TD to TH in the first line and close it with </thead>.
I have tried using $("div p[id^='ScrollHeader']").length to find the DIV and $("tr:first") to perform <table>.prepend(document.createElement('thead')); without success.

Try this:
$('#ScrollHeader table tr:eq(0)').wrap('<thead />');
$('#ScrollHeader table tr:eq(0) td').each(function () {
$('#ScrollHeader table tr:eq(0)').append($('<th />').html($(this).html()));

$('#ScrollHeader tr:first')
.wrap('<thead />')
text = $(this).text();
$('#ScrollHeader thead').insertBefore('#ScrollHeader tbody');
you can see it working here


Pass dynamically created html table row innertext id via row click event

I have a htmltable that is dynamically created. I have made the rows clickable.
I need to pass the row innertext id to the script that fires when the row is clicked.
<table style="width:100%;">
<th>other info</th>
<td class='table_row_click'>11</td>
<td class='table_row_click'>item 2</td>
<td class='table_row_click'>lmfao</td>
<td class='table_row_click'>22</td>
<td class='table_row_click'>item 2</td>
<td class='table_row_click'>lol</td>
Click event:
$(document).ready(function ($) {
$(".table_row_click").click(function (e) {
//I need to use the clicked row ID here for something
You can navigate up to the parent tr, find the td elemements, get the first one, and get its text.
Using closest('tr') will work if the class is on the td or tr level, as closest() can match on itself.

find child table selector from parent table - jQuery

I have a table structure like this. Fairly simple one.
<table id="myTable" class="table">
At runtime I am binding a new row to this table for a particular rowclick. This new row contains a new table.
Now on clicking the row again, I want to be able to remove the newly added row(the new table).
I am using bootstrap table.
Here is what I have tried so far.
$('#myTable').on('click-row.bs.table', function (e, row, $element) {
//if ($element.has('#newlyAddedTable').length) { ....// did not work
if ($('#myTable').has('#newlyAddedTable').length) { // this removes the table on any row click. Not what I intend to do
} else {
// some operation...
I want to be able to remove the newly added table on the row it was created.
Just more explanation based on the Answers below:
<tr> ----------> if i click this
<table id="newlyAddedTable"> ---------> this is added
<tr> ----------> if i again click this or maybe any other row in the table
<table id="newlyAddedTable"> ---------> this is removed
Update: from OP's comment below it sounds like the best way to implement the new table is to use a class selector and not an id selector. The code below has been updated accordingly. ***Where previously there was an id for newTable there is a class ---> #newTable ===> .newTable:
Just change:
$('.newlyAddedTable', $element).length //element === clicked row -- see demo
vvvvv DEMO vvvvv
$('#myTable').bootstrapTable().on('click-row.bs.table', function(e, row, $element) {
if( $('.newTable', $element).length ) {
$('.newTable', $element).remove();
} else {
$('td:first', $element)
.append( '<table class="newTable"><tr><td>NEW TABLE</td></tr></table>' );
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-table/1.7.0/bootstrap-table.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-table/1.7.0/bootstrap-table.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<table id="myTable" class="table">
Try replacing your remove code with this:
$(document).on("click", "#newlyAddedTable", function(){
The code above registers a click listener on the document. The second parameter filters those events for those with the target #newlyAddedTable. This way you don't have to register a new click handler every time you insert a row (as in #VimalanJayaGanesh's solution).
P.S. If you are adding HTML that looks like this:
<table id="newlyAddedTable">
Then you are probably actually wanting to remove the parent tr (not the table with the id). There are two ways to fix this.
You can change the selector that filters click events and so have the tr handle the click rather than the table element in my example code:
$(document).on("click", "tr:has(#newlyAddedTable)", function(){
You can leave the selector as is but grab the parent tr from the table and remove that changing the remove line above to:
As I don't have your complete code / fiddler, here is a possible solution.
Are you looking for something like this?
$('#add').on('click', function()
var newRow = '<tr CLASS="newrow"><td colspan="3"><table><tr><td>Test</td><td>User</td><td>test#example.com</td></table></td></tr>'
function Remove()
$('.newrow').off('click').on('click', function()
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table id="myTable" class="table">
<tbody id="myTableBody">
<button type='button' id='add'>Add</button>
The following line indicates that,
$('.newrow').off('click').on('click', function()
the click event will be binded to the new row only once.
The reason for adding 'off('click') is, when you are dynamically adding rows (with common class 'newrow') to the table, the events will be binded several times. To avoid that, remove the previously binded click event and add a new one.

jquery tablesorter usage without tbody and th block

I am very much interested to know how to use jquery tablesorter without tbody and th block, the reason behind this is I have many tables and css working which I generated from http://www.csstablegenerator.com/ site, in which only tr and td blocks only used
This is working table with tbody block Working default table style fiddle
But I want to sort table with only tr and td blocks Expected Fiddle
This is my test table which I want to sort
<table border='1' id='test' >
<!-- this is my header -->
<td>abc 123</td>
<td>abc 1</td>
<td>abc 9</td>
<td>zyx 24</td>
Assuming you don't want to manually deal with the HTML of the table, so I would get jquery to do it for you:
var header = $("#test tr:first").html();
$("#test tr:first").remove();
$("#test").prepend('<thead>' + header + '</thead>');

html nested table hide or show table row by clicking table row first td

I am doing one project, in which I want to display data in nested table structure, like in link
In that please check in down demo. It was implemented in grid view in asp.net. But I am trying to implementing in html. I got solution but, problem is that in that table if I am clicking any where in the row it is displaying next row. but I need first td of tr is clicked then only I have to display the tr other wise nothing,
and my html code is below.
Please anybody help me.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(function() {
$(".toptable > tbody > tr:not(.accordion)").hide();
$(".toptable tr:first-child").show();
$(".toptable tr.accordion").click(function(){
<table class="toptable" border="1">
<tr class="accordion">
<td class="id1">TD1</td>
<td colspan="3">
<table class="nested" border="1" >
<tr class="accordion">
<td colspan="3">
<table class="nested" border="1" >
use td:first in your selector to select the first td and parent().next() to toggle the next tr
try this
$(".toptable tr.accordion td:first").click(function(){
after the comment below
it is not not working for second row.means if iam clicking on second row first td it has to show some other table row.
try this
$(".toptable tr").find('td:first').click(function(){
working fiddle

Manipulating <td>'s within different <tr>'s

I'm wondering if the following can be done.
I have a list of 'expenses' that I'm displaying in a table. 4 columns - amount, date, where, and what.
I was thinking I'd like to make each clickable via jQuery which would expand that particular expense, inline, to show a more detailed description.
What I'm trying to do is, on click, replace the contents of the 'tr' with a single 'td' that would contain the extended info. Problem is that 'td' only expands to about a quarter of the table. Is there any way of making it extend to the whole row, while maintaining the widths of the other 'td's in the other rows?
Here's what I would do. Working Demo.
<table id="expenses">
<tr class='expense' id='expense-1'>
<td>Taco Bell</td>
<tr class='details' id='details-1'>
<td colspan='4'>
It was yummy and delicious
<tr class='expense' id='expense-2'>
<td>Burger King</td>
<tr class='details' id='details-2'>
<td colspan='4'>
The king of burgers, indeed!
<tr class='expense' id='expense-3'>
<td>Olive Garden</td>
<td>Chicken Alfredo</td>
<tr class='details' id='details-3'>
<td colspan='4'>
I love me some italian food!
With styles like these:
#expenses tr.expense {
cursor: pointer;
#expenses tr.details {
display: none;
And then have Javascript that looks like this:
$(function() {
$('tr.expense', '#expenses').click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id').split('-').pop();
var details = $('#details-'+id);
if(details.is(':visible')) {
} else {
That should do it.
<td colspan="4"> ?

