two select options in javascript - javascript

i have two select options but i found little complication between them in the javascript.
here is my javascript code :
function displayVals() {
var singleValues = $("select option:selected").text(); //to stay slected
$("#hiddenselect").val(singleValues); //hidden field of second select option
$("samp").html("" + singleValues); // this to insert text between samp tags
$("select > option:first").prop("disabled", "disabled") // this to disable first option
$("select").change(function() {
$("select#menucompare").change(function() {
$("#aform").submit(); // second select options to submit
$("select#infmenu").change(function() {
$("#infform").submit(); // first select options to submit
now what i expect is :
- only the first select options ( the first option is disabled), need the second select option also (the first option be disabled)
here is my html code
my first select option :
<form action="" id="infform" method="post">
<select id="infmenu" name ="infmenu" size="1" class="select" onchange="submitinfform()" >
<option value="0" >Please Select your country</option>
<option value="<?php echo $row9['id'] ;?>" <?php if ($_SESSION['infmenu'] == $row9['id']) { echo " selected='selected'"; } ?> ><?php echo $row9['name'] ;?></option><?php } ?>
<input type="hidden" name="hiddenselect" value="<?php echo $infmenu; ?>" />
this the second select options
<form id="aform" method="post">
<select id="menucompare" name ="menucompare" size="1" class="select" onchange="submitaform()">
<option value="0">Select one</option>
<option value="west" <?php if ($menucompare == "west") { echo " selected='selected'"; } ?> >West</option>
<option value="est" <?php if ($menucompare == "est") { echo " selected='selected'"; } ?> >Est</option>
<input type="hidden" name="hiddenselect" value="<?php echo $menucompare ; ?>" />
i have spent on this many days no luck
thanks for your time

Not able to understand you code well. Here is little help for you to try:
To get selected value (value attribute) of the first select element use:
To get selected value (value attribute) of the first select element use:
To disable first option in first select called "infmenu":
$("option", "#infmenu").first().attr("disabled", "disabled");
To disable first option in second select called "infmenu":
$("option", "#menucompare").first().attr("disabled", "disabled");
To get displayed text of the first select element use:
$("option:selected", "#infmenu").text();
To get displayed text of the second select element use:
$("option:selected", "#menucompare").text();

The jQuery selector that you're using is $("select option:selected"). This means "find all <option> tags that are selected and are children of a <select> element."
You have two <select> elements, so your selector is matching both of them. If you want to match a specific one, you'll need to refine your selector. Since you already have an ID attribute on the second one, try using $("#menucompare option:selected").
var singleValues = $("select option:selected").text(); //to stay slected
var singleValues = $("#menucompare option:selected").text(); //to stay slected

You want to choose the second select tag. so you have to change your jquery selector in line 2:
var singleValues = $("select:nth-child(2) option:selected").text();


Validating checkboxes with associated select field

I have a PHP Query that returns MYSQL table results in the form of Checkbox Inputs as such...
<input type="checkbox" name="deli_meat[]" id="<? echo $rows['itemname']; ?>" value="<? echo $rows['label']; ?>" />
In addition, each checkbox has an associated SELECT box that becomes visible anytime one of the checkboxes in checked.
<select id="<? echo $rows['itemname']; ?>" class="weight" style="display:none"><option disabled selected value> -- Select Quantity -- </option>
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
I do this with jquery like this
$("input[name$='deli_meat[]']").change(function() {
var e = $(this).val();
$(this).is(":checked") ? $(".weight[id='" + e + "']").show() : $(".weight[id='" + e + "']").hide()
My Goal
I am would to make it so, when someone clicks a checkbox and it's associated select box becomes visible, that they MUST make a selection before clicking ANY other checkbox. Any ideas how I can accomplish this.

Remove one value from all drop down using jquery

I have multiple drop down with same value.If they select Lunch first time from other drop down I have to remove Lunch. Following is my code
Front end code
<?php for($i=1; $i<=7; $i++)
<select name="task<?php echo $i;?>" onchange="checkSelected(this,<?php echo $i; ?>);" id="task<?php echo $i;?>"
<option value="Testing">Testing</option>
<option value="Lunch">Lunch</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<?php } ?>
In javascript I am removing 3rd select box (task3) its got removed but i have to remove all the other except the selected one how i can implement this
javascript function
function checkSelected(e,number)
if(e.value == 'Lunch')
$('#task3 option[value="Lunch"]').remove();
I tried this but its not working
$("#task+"number"+ > option[value='Lunch']").remove();
It should be
$("#task" + number + " > option[value='Lunch']").remove();
You could use the .each() function to remove only the option that has the value you select from the list.
var value = $(this).val()
// Probably best to store this value here before removing the option below.
if($(this).val() == value){
Working example -
Example with multiple dropdowns
Example that removes the options from another select box -
The only problem in doing this is that by removing the selected option it is not shown as the selected option. you can however store the value after selecting it and before removing it from the list as commented above.
Another thing you should consider is changing .remove() to .attr('disabled','true') so that you can re-enable the option later on if you need to e.g. someone wants to go back and change the previous select. Here is an example of that too
If only the "lunch" option is concerned by your answer (see my comment above), then there's a solution. It's not already full-optimized, but you see how you can do it.
<form action="demo.html" id="myForm">
<select class="event_handler" name="task1">
<option value="Testing">Testing</option>
<option value="Lunch">Lunch</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<select class="event_handler" name="task2">
<option value="Testing">Testing</option>
<option value="Lunch">Lunch</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
$(function () {
// Handler for .ready() called.
$(".event_handler").on("change", function () {
var name_select = $(this).attr("name");
if ($(this).val() == "Lunch") {
//Loop through each "lunch" element
$('.event_handler option[value=Lunch]').each(function(){
//Remove all 'lunch' option, except the ont in the 'name_select' select
if($(this).parent().attr("name") != name_select){
NB: I suppose you have to allow the user to change his selection. It's why I use "disable" in place of "remove". But you can easily adapt this code if you really want to remove the option element.

Having a input text appear when chosen option in a double drop down select option

Say I want to create a double drop down select options where the second drop down list changes according to which the first drop down option is selected. I've already figured out how to do this. BUT one of my first drop option is "Others" and I want an input textbox to appear if I select "others" in the first dropdown list instead of having a second drop down option list. So far, I've been able to get the input textbox to appear, but the second drop down option list also appears (as undefined). How do I make the second drop down option list disappear?? Also, if one of the options in the first dropdown list doesn't need or have a second drop down option list, how do I code this?
This is an example of my script (I only changed the names of the categories):
<form name="search" method="get">
<select name="cat" id="cat" size="1" onChange="redirect(this.options.selectedIndex)">
<option selected disabled>Category</option>
<option value="fruit">Fruit</option>
<option value="music">Music</option>
<option value="vegetable">Vegetable</option>
<option value="book">Book</option>
<option value="other">Other</option>
<input type='text' id="other" class="hidden" />
<select name="cat2" size="1">
<option selected disabled>Sub-category</option>
<input type="button" name="Search" value="Search" onClick="go()" /
This is my javascript:
var selected_item = $(this).val()
if(selected_item == "other"){
var group=new Array(groups)
for (i=0; i<groups; i++)
group[i]=new Array()
group[1][0]=new Option("Moodle")
group[1][1]=new Option("Ultranet")
group[1][2]=new Option("Private School")
group[2][0]=new Option("Gmail")
group[2][1]=new Option("Windows Live")
group[2][2]=new Option("Office 365")
group[3][0]=0 //has no second dropdown option, how do I make it disappear?
group[4][0]=new Option("Kamar")
group[4][1]=new Option("Musac")
group[5][0]=new Option("Windows")
group[5][1]=new Option("Mac")
group[5][2]=new Option("Novell")
group[5][3]=new Option("Linux")
group[6][0]=new Option("Ruckus Wireless")
group[6][1]=new Option("Aerohive Networks")
group[6][2]=new Option("Aruba Networks")
group[7][0]=new Option("Pre-Trial")
group[7][1]=new Option("Implementation")
group[7][2]=new Option("Full Trial")
group[8][0]=0 //The 'others', I don't know what to put here to make this disappear
function redirect(x){
for (m=temp.options.length-1;m>0;m--)
for (i=0;i<group[x].length;i++){
temp.options[i]=new Option(group[x][i].text,group[x][i].value)
function go(){
You need to add 2 new lines to the .change function, from:
var selected_item = $(this).val()
if(selected_item == "other"){
Change it to
var selected_item = $(this).val()
if(selected_item == "other"){
So when you remove hidden class from the input you have to add it to the select with name "cat2", and vice-versa. Hope this helps you.

Javascript function to check a box based on value of select option

I currently have a javascript function, which changes a select option to 1 if a checkbox is checked. What I can't seem to figure out, is how to automatically check the box if the user fails to tick the checkbox and just chooses a value (other than 0) from the select dropdown. The script has ID's and names that are generated with php array values.
Thank you for taking the time to look at this.
function quantityChangeHandler(source) {
var qtyElem = document.getElementById(source.getAttribute('rel'));
if (source.checked) {
if (qtyElem.value == 0)
qtyElem.value = 1;
qtyElem.value = 0;
<input type="checkbox" onclick="quantityChangeHandler(this)"
name="prodid[<?php echo $prodid;?>][]" rel="prodqty_<?php echo $prodid . '_' . $contactid; ?>"
value="<?php echo $contactid; ?>" /><br />
<select id="prodqty_<?php echo $prodid . '_' . $contactid; ?>"
name="prodqty[<?php echo $prodid; ?>][<?php echo $contactid; ?>]">
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>
You should add a similar handler and rel attribute to the select tag, and set source.checked based on the value of the select element.
Add this to your Javascript:
function selectChangeHandler(source) {
var checkboxElem = document.getElementById(source.getAttribute('rel'));
checkboxElem.checked = source.value != 0;
Example changes to HTML:
<input id="checkbox_0" ... />
<select ... rel="checkbox_0" onchange="selectChangeHandler(this)">
Working JSFiddle
From my understanding manually trigger the checkbox selection is by triggering the click event.
say you checkbox id = "mychkbox"
then using the jquery you can do by $('#mychkbox').trigger('click');
this makes the check box selected selected.
and your check condition for if checkbox is selected or not.

Get value of selected <option> in ddSlick dropdown

This currently returns undefined. What should go in the commented line to alert the value (1, 2, 3 or 4) of the current <option> tag?
<select id="dropdown" name="dropdown">
<option value="0" data-imagesrc="images/icons/all.png">All Questions</option>
<option value="1" id="friends" data-imagesrc="images/icons/friends.png">Friends</option>
<option value="2" data-imagesrc="images/icons/friends_of_friends.png">Friends of Friends</option>
<option value="3" data-imagesrc="images/icons/network.png"><?php echo $network; ?></option>
<option value="4" data-imagesrc="images/icons/location.png"><?php echo $location ?></option>
<script type="text/javascript">
showSelectedHTML: false,
onSelected: function(selectedData){
var str = $(this).attr('id'); // WHAT SHOULD GO HERE?
If it's relevant, I'm using this plugin.
Perhaps this question might help. I'm trying to make sense of it.
Managed to figure this out. Final working code is:
<select id="dropdown" name="dropdown" value="hello">
<option value="0" data-imagesrc="images/icons/all.png">All Questions</option>
<option value="1" id="friends" data-imagesrc="images/icons/friends.png">Friends</option>
<option value="2" data-imagesrc="images/icons/friends_of_friends.png">Friends of Friends</option>
<option value="3" data-imagesrc="images/icons/network.png"><?php echo $network; ?></option>
<option value="4" data-imagesrc="images/icons/location.png"><?php echo $location ?></option>
<script type="text/javascript">
showSelectedHTML: false,
onSelected: function(data){
Use $(this).val() in place of $(this).attr('id')
The value of the currently selected <option> is returned when you call .val() on the <select> element.
showSelectedHTML: false,
onSelected: function(selectedData){
var str = $(this).val()
So, use val() instead of attr('id')
According to the docs for your plugin, the onSelected method gets the selectedData parameter:
selectedData (nested object with text, value, description, imageSrc)
The text label and value are available as selectedData.text and selectedData.value inside the onSelected function. Try this:
showSelectedHTML: false,
onSelected: function(selectedData){
var str = selectedData.value
I got it!! if you want to get the attribute value you set in your array where your data is coming from you get your value like this->
selectText: "Select Circle",
onSelected: function(selectedData){
val = selectedData.selectedIndex;
if you want to post the data, create a hidden input, use jquery to set the value of the hidden field then post the hidden field
onSelected: function(selectedData){
//set the value to a hidden field then post the hidden field
I got the selected index from ddslick and assinged a value to seperate input >fields.this way I can have input fields to control my form. I've been coding >for 3months now so i don't really know what i'm doing. This is a long way of >doing it but it seems to work so...
onSelected: function(selectedData){
if(selectedData.selectedIndex == 1 ){
if(selectedData.selectedIndex == 2 ){
if(selectedData.selectedIndex == 3 ){

