Single record persistence with ember-data - javascript

In Ember.js with ember-data (using the 1.0pre versions) all changes to the data are saved into a defaultTransaction on the store. When the store is committed with store.commit() ALL changes to the data are saved back to the API (using the RESTAdapter).
I would like more control over objects being persisted. So for now, I have been getting instances of store and adapter, then calling something like adapter.createRecord(store, type, record) or updateRecord where type is the App.Person model and record is an instance of that model.
This is using internal bits of the DS.RESTAdapter that I don't think are meant to be used directly. While it works I'm hoping there is a better way to gain more control over persistence then store.commit(). The business logic and UX of my application require finer control.

transaction = router.get('store').transaction();
person = transaction.createRecord(App.Person);
person.set('name', 'Thanatos');
watch yehuda presentation regarding this.


How to share a single instance of an object among multiple actions?

I have a React/Redux application that talks alot to an API and deals with a lot of rarely changing data from a DB. In order to reduce traffic and improve UE, I now want to create a caching mechanism that stores data on the client by automatically using the best technology that is available (descending from IndexedDB to LocalStorage etc.).
I created a cache object that does an initial check which determines the storage mechanism (which gets saved to an engine property, so the check just needs to run once). It also has some basic methods save(key, value) and load(key), which then call the appropriate functions for the initially determined mechanism.
The cache object and its methods do work, but I wonder how to create the cache in my main index.js only once when the application loads, and then use this very object in my actions without recreating another cache object every time?
BTW: It feels wrong to make the cache part of my application state as it does not really contain substantial data to run the application (if there is no caching available, it falls back to just calling the API).
Do I need to inject the cache into my actions somehow? Or do I need to create a global/static cache object in the main window object?
Thanks for clarification and thoughts on this issue.
redux-thunk middleware offers a custom argument injection feature you could use.
When creating the store
const cache = createCache()
const store = createStore(
Then in your action creator
function getValue(id) {
return (dispatch, getState, cache) => {
// use cache

Ember 2: extract model data

Is there any way to extract Model data from existing Ember app (ember version >= 2.10) without any changes in app's sources.
For example I want to have some Selenium test for my UI based on Ember. And some of my initialization code depends on Models in Ember. Can I extract this models via some pretty JS script?
You cannot access the store from outside its namespace. Meaning if you dont have access to an Ember container you will not be able to look up the store.
You would have to modify the source code to do something hacky like setting the main App store as a global property (not recommended as it can lead to memory leaks) and accessing that global store with your test suite.
Recommended: rely on Embers well thought Acceptance tests:
If you did have access to the App instance you could simply:
var store = App.__container__.lookup('store:main');
var post ='post', 1); // => no network request

Storing websocket (channels) connection objects in Redux

I want to use websockets in my redux app and have problems with storing connection objects (phoenix channels).
I have a dynamic collection with possibility to add and remove items. When user adds an item, app should create a new phoenix channel based on connection, subscribe and store because I have to do some stuff on it (for example I have to call a method leave() on channel when user removes an item). Unfortunately, store in redux is all immutable, so there is no option to handle this. Any help would be appreciated.
Definitely don't put it in the store. Per Redux FAQ, only serializable data should go into the store. The standard place to put things like persistent connection objects is inside middleware. And, in fact, there's literally dozens of existing middlewares that demonstrate that approach, with most of them listed over at redux-ecosystem-links. You should be able to use some of those as examples.

Angular - initiate a response when data loads/changes

Relative Angular newbie here, and I am wrestling with what would seem like something most applications need:
Watching a model/data and doing something when that model is hydrated and/or has a state change.
Use case would be, when a user logs in (user model gets initiated) a complimentary directive/controller sees the state change, and then requests out to the backend to get a list of this users corresponding data elements (ie Notifications, emails, friends, etc)
Ive parsed through StackOverflow and such, and it always appears that a shared service is the way to go, however I never find a definitive answer about how the directives are to watch the state change. Some suggest a broadcast/watch while others say that is a bad pattern.
Our app currently does employ a shared UserService, which contains model representation of a User (data and simple methods is fullName())
This service also has a subscription hook that directives can subscribe to
onLogin: (fn) ->
$rootScope.$on userService::login, fn
and the use is:
When the UserService loads the User, it then broadcasts userService::login and all the listeners are run. Hence everyone that shares the UserService can subscribe and respond to a User logging in.
This all works. But I was thinking there must be a built in Angular way that the directives can just know about the state change and then do myFunction (ie make additional data calls)
Thoughts and feeling would be extremely appreciated!

BreezeJS and Windows Mobile Service Inserting/Updating a Record

I had no issues hooking up breeze to querying the azure mobile services rest endpoints however I was not able to figure out how to perform an update/insert.
Doing something like this works great except for the save part.
var datas = new breeze.DataService({
hasServerMetadata: false,
serviceName: serviceName // my endpoint
var manager = new breeze.EntityManager({ dataService: datas });
// manager.enableSaveQueuing(true);
var qu = breeze.EntityQuery.from("notification").where("id", "==", 1);
manager.executeQuery(qu).then(function (data) {
data.results[0].isRead = false;
How can we use breezejs with the azure mobile service to either insert or update records.
I can see that you're not getting metadata from the service (you set hasServerMetadata: false) and you aren't defining any metadata on the client. Therefore you have an empty BreezeJS entity model which means that every query returns raw JavaScript objects not Breeze entities.
These raw objects are not in cache, they are not change tracked, they don't have any property change notification or binding support. They are just data.
manager.hasChanges() will always be false and manager.saveChanges() won't do anything ... because you never have any entities.
I haven't tried Breeze with AMS (aka "ZUMO") yet and don't know much about it. I'm sure that it will work with Breeze. But someone has to put in some time to discover how to get metadata from the server, how to insert/update/delete, and how ZUMO data flow over the wire.
My understanding is that ZUMO objects are flat objects that map directly to SQL Azure tables. They have no associations with other entities/tables and that you have to manage foreign keys and related-entity loads by hand. It's really not ready for the rich object models typical of business applications.
For the moment, I suggest you stick with ZUMO's own client component for accessing data.
We'll have a Breeze story in due time.

