e.preventDefault() in ie8 - javascript

I already read this, but i still can't make it work. 'e' just don't have property 'returnValue'. What's wrong?
<img id="vtkPicImg" style="display: none;" jQuery17102915111663214694="47"/>
Here js code:
var vtk = $("#vtkPicImg");
vtk.bind('mousedown', function(e) {
e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false;
return false;

Regarding your updated question, there is no "default" behavior when clicking an <img> element, so naturally there's nothing to prevent.
Since you're using jQuery, all you need is...
Cross browser issues are fixed.
Your trouble is probably that you're doing it on a mousedown event with an element that has no default behavior for mousedown.
To prevent whatever default behavior you're trying to prevent, you'll probably need to do it using the click event.
var vtk = $("#vtkPic");
vtk.bind('click', function(e) {
.bind('mousedown', function(e) {


Disabling default button action from the iframe parent

I have a website that includes all kinds of websites using an iframe element, so I wanted to have an option to disable default submit action of all button elements inside the iframe(I have overcome cross-origin problems).
Now, first, I tried with adding 'disabled' attribute to the button elements inside the iframe and that works perfectly, but I also found that it looks awful on some websites(css issue) so I have focused on adding a new click event handler that would just return false and prevent default action. I tried first on the live website(without the iframe), from the chrome console running this:
// disable all click handler
// Will submit form without this handler
$('button').bind('click', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); return false; } );
and this successfully disables submit action. However, when I tried the same approach with the iframe:
<iframe id="iframe" src='http://somewebsite.com'></iframe>
var element = $($('#iframe').prop('contentDocument')).find('button').get(3);
$(element).bind('click', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); return false; } );
console.log(jQuery._data(element, 'events').click[0].handler)
// output function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); return false; }
As you can see, DOM element inside the iframe has provided event handler to stop default action, but for some reason that doesn't prevent it. Is there any reason this doesn't work with an iframe ?
Can you try the following? It will make sure the iframe is loaded then will check its content:
$("iframe").load(function (){
var btn = $('iframe').contents().find('bitton');
btn.bind('click', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); return false; } );

Why can't I use addEventListener to stop contextmenu event?

I want to prohibit the right mouse button. But I find that if I write this:
document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(event) {
return false;
}, false);
It will not work, the event will still work.
But if I write it like this,
document.oncontextmenu = function() {
return false;
The right mouse button will not work.
I wish to know why I can't use addEventListener to stop the event contextmenu.
As stated in "Preventing the Browser's Default Action", the return of false value is not enough for preventing default action. You need to call preventDefault() method on Event object:
document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(event) {
}, true);
I believe you need to useCapture, try passing true as the third parameter to
document.addEventListener() and see if that doesn't solve it for you.

Input with clear icon - loss of focus issue

I have a clearable input like this:
| x |
The clear icon is a span with a font glyph in the :before:
<icon span>
Validation of inputs is done on blur (which re-renders the input View for validation message and icon changes - this keeps the architecture simple). The issue I am experiencing is that by clicking the icon the input triggers a blur and then the icon click.
Can you think of a way to either:
a) Avoid triggering a blur -- I can only think of ditching font glyph and using a background image, but I am already using other glyphs for required, invalid etc in that position so it is undesired
b) Detecting that the blur was caused by the icon and not something else
Edit: Here is one idea, a bit lame using a setTimeout though: http://jsfiddle.net/ferahl/td5VR/
Consider using mousedown and mouseup events to set/remove a flag.
var wasClicked = false;
$(".results").text(wasClicked ? "was clicked": "wasn't clicked");
wasClicked = true;
}).mouseup(function() {
wasClicked = false;
Though you still need to disable keyboard navigation to the link by setting tabindex="-1".
Here's a few ideas of what might be happening and some approaches to try:
This is a guess, but perhaps what you're experiencing is something called event bubbling. Take a look at this page to learn more about it. You can prevent event bubbling in your click handler like this:
IconElement.onclick = function(event) {
event = event || window.event // cross-browser event
if (event.stopPropagation) {
// W3C standard variant
} else {
// IE variant
event.cancelBubble = true
(If you're using jQuery, you don't need to worry about the "IE variant")
You could also try adding return false; or event.preventDefault() and see if that works.
And one more approach is to check event.target in your blur handler:
InputElement.onblur = function(event) {
event = event || window.event // cross-browser event
var IconElement = [do something to get the element];
if (event.target == IconElement) {
// Ignore this blur event, or maybe even call "this.focus()"
Here is the final very simple solution inspired by #Yury's answer:
$('.clearable-icon').mousedown(function() {
// This happens before blur, so return false and stop propagation.
return false;

how to identify onbeforeunload was caused by clicking close button

How do I determine if onbeforeunload was caused by clicking the close button or a page refresh or generally what event caused onbeforeunload?
here is a snippet:
window.onbeforeunload = function( e ){
if( !e ) e = window.event;
// insert code to determine which is the source of the event
Please help me.
Referring to various articles and doing some trial and errors, finally developed this idea which works perfectly for me just the way i wanted it to happen. The logic was quiet simpler it implement as well The idea was to detect the unload event that is triggered by closing the browser. In that case, the mouse will be out of the window, pointing out at the Close('X') button.
$(window).on('mouseover', (function () {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
$(window).on('mouseout', (function () {
window.onbeforeunload = ConfirmLeave;
function ConfirmLeave() {
return "";
The ConfirmLeave function will give the pop up default message, it case there is any need to customize the message, return the text to be displayed instead of empty string
See if this helps, :)
As far as I know, there is no way of determining what caused the onbeforeunload. The event is triggered when window is about to close whether closing the browser or some other way.
If the close button was pressed the value of e.clientY is negative. For the other possible sources i doubt there is a solution.
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
var e = window.event;
alert(e.clientX + " / " + e.clientY);
I searched for something similar but ended up empty handed.
So I tried doing the opposit
We can identify all the events but browser events.
Refer below (Untested) snippet.
var target = $( e.target );
if(!target.is("a, :button, :submit, :input, .btn, .bulkFormButton")){
//Your code for browser events)
$("form").submit(function () {
//Your code for browser events)
This worked for me but there are still some events that are not handled.
I am in search of those.
If anyone have idea about them please share.

how to reverse e.preventDefault() from the body?

I have this:
function dontMove(event) {
// Prevent page from elastic scrolling
<body ontouchmove="dontMove(event);">
This, on the ipad, stops it from being draggable and does not allow that grey background the ipad has when you drag a whole page around to show up.
I have seen on another website that its possible to reverse that in another div, so that div is completely draggable again.
Does anyone know how to reverse it?
I have also tried using this to prevent it (in the document.ready):
document.ontouchmove = function(e){
& this to enable it:
function doTouchMove(state) {
document.ontouchmove = function(e){
return state;
Then I put this to activate it.
<img ontouchmove="doTouchMove(state);" src="../jpeg/pages/01.jpg" class="touch"/>
This didn't seem to work
Is there anything wrong with this?
Or any other way that might work?
This is exactly why bubbles is slightly better(at least in my opinion).
bubbles is cross browser, so you should be able to replace.
e.bubbles = false;
and then latter in your code, you could potentially reset bubbles to true.
If the above isn't an option then just ignore. :D
An alternative(if you are just working with an iPad) is to just reverse how the DOM works.
document.addEventListener('click', function(){}, true );
This will force the event to work in the other direction.
Document click execute
Element click execute
try this post, HTML with event.preventDefault and erase ontouchmove from body tag.
Mine looks like this
// Get touch move enevt from IOS
document.ontouchmove = function (event) {
if (!event.elementIsEnabled)
// Get touch move enevt from IOS
function enableOnTouchMove(event) {
event.elementIsEnabled = true;
then enable ontouchmove on every tag you want. ie:
<div ontouchmove="enableOnTouchMove(event)" id="listing">
I managed to solve it with
You can solve it by preventing the event only if it comes from the body:
document.ontouchmove = function(event){
if(event.target.tagName == "BODY"){

