Rendering bug in WebKit browsers - javascript

In the project I currently work on we experience very strange rendering issue. The worst thing is that this issue emerges completely spontaneously and after several days of testing we haven't managed to find the sequence of actions wich would reproduce this issue. Here is an explanation of how this bug look like. Here is a screenshot of how the page should look like:
But instead of this after some manipulations content block pops up so only the part of the content is visible and its look like:
The most strange thing is that such a position of the block is not based on values of CSS properties as shown by Web Inspector.
As you can see the CSS properties are ok, while the position of the block is not. This fact suggest me that it could be some rendering bug of the WebKit engine
The project is built using Ext JS 3.4 and it is a classical one-page web application. This issue was seen in the last versions of Chrome and Safari on Mac OS 10.7/10.8. Though due to the spontaneous nature of this issue it might be present in other browsers and platforms too.
Any piece of advice on how to debug such issues or how it could arise is welcome.

Please check if any of your code or Ext JS's code is using scrollIntoView method, we have seen similar issue when scrollIntoView is called on any element that does not have overflow set to auto and it is inside an clipped element that is probably placed relatively positioned.
It seems bug in webkit because it scrolls clipped element which is not happening in other browsers.
I also see two elements in same hierarchy which has overflow set to auto. And scrollIntoView is scrolling wrong element.

Chrome and safari on Mac are having problems with scrolling. If the element has been scrolled and the content changes, the scroll position is kept even if the content is not high enough to require a scrolling.
The work around we have found in our application is to resize the container (the one that has the scroll) so that it has the scrollbar (or else you cannot play with the scrolling properties) and then reset the scrolling, and the height.
Here is how we do it in jQuery. You will not even see a flickering :)
I am not sure if it is the problem, but this thing kept us on our feet for a while.

i went through the same problem while working with a sencha touch 2 app and because thats same as ExtJS i have a solution for you
this probably is a bug in the framework and this happens when the ExtJS renders the application before the browser populates mayb the correct window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight and thus the viewport cannot take the correct width and height. this also explains the randomness of the event. This becomes more prominent when used on mobiles probably because of the limited resources and slow response.
the solution that i took to handle this mayb isnt a good one but i couldnt find a better one considering is a glitch in the framework itself
i poll for the correct height and width of the browser for around a sec after every say 100ms for the correct height and width of the window and if i find that the height OR width of the viewport isnt same i re adjust it. because you are working with ExtJS and app would run on high powered systems(as compared to mobile phones) i would recommend a smaller interval and then to be safe a larger time period to which it polls.
heres the code that i use currently edit according to your needs
var aId = setInterval(function () {
if (Ext.Viewport.getWidth() !== window.innerWidth || Ext.Viewport.getHeight() !== window.innerHeight) {
Ext.Viewport.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
num = num + 1;
if (num > 10) {
}, 100)
i currently use this code inside the launch function of the app. but you can also use this inside the show event of the viewport for which you should keep the interval time to minimum possible to avoid any lags.
with this if you think this app might be used on devices where the window height and width would be changed by the user (like that of mobile browser when the orientation changes or if you think user would change the height and width of the browser window). then just copy & paste the same code piece inside the viewports resize event so that it also polls and resizes viewport when the size of the viewport changes.

Did you try adding a clear:both; block after the toolbar div ?
<div style="clear:both;"></div>

#bjornd it's pretty hard to debug without any code :)
Is the toolbar positioned and has the content an ID that's called in the URL?
In other words: is there some link (e.g.) that triggers #content and has no preventDefault() etc? This would scroll the page probably.
I dunno, this was the first thing that came to mind.
It could also be the toolbar content that is (for some reason) no longer cleared or some change in the content's top position (relative to another changed/removed element?)
Try and create a stripped-down test-case that contains the simplest of code but still triggers the bug. If you post that (through e.g. a Fiddle etc) we can have a proper look.

It might be a css issue;
I've had a similar issue using equal height divs by setting a padding-bottom: 99999px; and margin-bottom: -99999px;. Which workes fine in all cases, except when you use hashtag anchors to jump to a div further on the page. Jump down.
In that case the top of the page clipped and started with the div I wanted to see.
Since you say the problem is pretty hard to track, this might be something to have a look at. The solution was to remove these 2 css lines and use another method of setting div heights.


Loading content with getBoundingClientRect

if (element.getBoundingClientRect().bottom < window.innerHeight) {...}
I'm loading content when scrolling to the bottom of the page. The problem is, at a certain point getBoundingClientRect().bottom ain't smaller than window.innerHeight - 640.390625 640. I don't know where this slightly bigger number comes from. There's no margin or anything else preventing the container getting to the end of the page.
If you need more details, just ask and I'll add it.
EDIT: The problem just seems to appear when simulating mobile devices in the dev tools. As a workaround I just substracted 25 from getBoundingClientRect().bottom but this seems ugly.
Try using IntersectionObserver. You can read up on it here

How to work with responsive 'vh' sizes without the page "jumping" when scrolling in chrome browsers or other browsers with a URL bar

I'm working on a responsive website and I'm so frustrated with finding a solution for this one.
this is the basic structure:
I used 'vh' sizes and when ever the URL bar slides up - the page changes the sizes of the elements and kinda "jumps", which makes a bad user experience especially when reading.
I changed the size of the second part (orange) to 'em's because I thought maybe it will not "jump" so at least where there are texts this will not happen - and I was wrong. it's still happening.
What I'm trying to get to is to make the first part (in baby-blue) opened on all of the screen no matter what screen size is displaying the page (but without making it "jump").
I'm very frustrated finding a solution to responsive pages, can you please help me solve this, or help me with some reading material that will help me solve this ?
Note: I found some codes to add that should remove the URL bars from iPhones and it didn't work :I
Since you've tagged Javascript/jQuery I'd suggest assigning the height by getting the height the specific element (eg: window, document or viewport) you want. A good comparison can be found here. From the looks of it, you might want window.outerHeight which may account for what's "under" the URL bar. On my desktop, it's the only value that's different from the rest but on mobile other values may be different as well.

Resizing iFrame based on content inconsistent height calculation

I've implemented the solution described in this previous post Resizing an iframe based on content and it's almost working great, but not quite.
The problem I'm getting is that sometimes it calculates the height correctly, sometimes it calculates it way too short and the content gets chopped off.
I'm looking for some suggestions as to what may cause this, because everyone else seems to have success. It seems to me that if the height is calculated incorrectly, then perhaps the calculation is happening before all the data has loaded into the iFrame from the external source. But that is a guess, and I am by no means a JS expert.
Is there something I can do to ensure that the calculation is done after the external page has finished loading?
It is pretty much impossible to get the height calculated right. I have played around with it for quite some time. One of the things I have experienced is, if you have a form inside the iframe and there are some error handling events in the form. Lets say there is a table in the form with hidden rows etc. Then when the errors appear the table gets "higher" as the rows start appearing, so the height range is now different again. Whenever there is a post back done inside the iframe one can not control the height. I have tried about every solution posted out there and could not get it calculated right. I had to estimate the "highest" height and hard code it to be that height.
I expect the issue is that you need to detect when the content in your iFrame is changing and then resize your iFrame again. In modern browsers you can use mutationObserver to do this, but it doesn't work in IE10 downwards, so you have to use failbacks to workaround this.
I wrote a small library that looks after all these issue and will keep an iFrame sized to it's content. Work's in modern browsers and IE8 upwards.

Mobile browser persistent footer (Non jquery)

I'm looking for a non-jquery solution to add a persistent footer overlay to my mobile site. It is similar to a popup ad that is on top of content but anchored to the bottom of the page.
I've been using a javascript approach to this:
function() {
//if scrolled and offsets are the same (iphone)
if(_self.initOffsetY == window.pageYOffset)
document.getElementById( = _self.initWindowHeight - window.innerHeight+"px";
document.getElementById( = _self.initWindowHeight - window.innerHeight - window.pageYOffset+"px";
where initPage Height is the initial page height and initOffsetY is the initial offset of the page. This takes care of the case with the browser menu bar.
But it doesn't really work too well on android. The positioning is off. Can someone explain why? Thanks
You should probably use either of these standalone scrolling helpers:
Wouldn't it be better to have two separate elements, a main wrapper and a footer div perhaps, and enable scrolling in just the wrapper (overflow:auto;)? This would avoid most browser inconsistencies, or even cases where JS is turned off.
There's a drawback though. You will need to program a method for scrolling inner elements for some mobile devices. There are libraries for this (gasp!), but frankly it isn't too hard to program yourself (as I've done with my site).
If you're attached to this approach of floating an element to where you want it / approximating position:fixed, you're going to have a number of things to check, one being html code that you've got to make sure there aren't any margins or padding interfering with the above script. The quick hack solution would be to just measure the heigh difference and calibrate your script according to that. The number you get from the calibration might be helpful in determining the source of the problem. There are probably some additional tricks to make this work smoothly, but I would go with a library thats being used already, and it looks like there are a number of them:
btw - the iscroll4 library will fix the scrolling issue with overflow:auto on ios < 5, android < 4

Firefox textarea typing causing screen shaking (firefox2 winXP)

EDIT: Firefox 2 windows XP
Steps to reproduce problem:
Firefox 2 and visit:
Begin Typing and pressing [enter key] to create new lines
After about 10 [enter key] presses you'll notice the screen shaking
How this happened
This began happening after I installed a plugin for jQuery. It's located here:
It makes it so the textarea is expandable as I type, depending on how many lines there are in the text area, up to a max-height value which can be specified in CSS.
I tried disabling the 'setHeight' function within this plugin (the only thing that changes height dynamically) but I still saw the screen shaking.
When I think the problem might be
Firefox thinks that the screen just got larger, and compensates by putting in a scrollbar on the right side of the body document.
However, it realizes that in fact the page didn't get larger, and removes the scrollbar, causing the shaking.
I have no idea where in the code that makes Firefox think this way...
Appreciate any help.
You can either force a scrollbar:
or hide the overflow of the div and try to get rid of the scrollbar, try overflow: hidden instead of auto in the div propertySetup
Can't reproduce, works fine here in Mac OSX + Firefox 3.5.
I can reproduce it (Debian Lenny, IceWeasel 3.0.6), but only with a very, very specific window size for FireFox (just slightly taller than 1024px, depending on your system font size, window manager and number of toolbars shown).
Just make your page slightly shorter or taller and the problem goes away. The problem only occurs when the addition of a new line after the 10th or so causes firefox to grown the page just enough to cause the scrollbar to appear. Just as you guessed.
That's a tiny 10px margin that is dependent on a lot of browser and system specific settings. In your page that margin is somewhere around the 1024px limit, depending on system font, toolbars, window decorations and the phase of the moon. Move that margin out of the 1024px region. Either make the page 40-50px shorter so that the scrollbar does not appear (even with large system fonts and an extra toolbar) or make it taller so the scrollbar is always there. Zoltan Lengyel's answer in this thread to always force the scrollbar can also be used.
I can reproduce it in Firefox 3.0.11 in Win XP.
Adding overflow:hidden to the body tag seemed to fix the problem, but doing that may wind up causing you more grief then disabling the plugin altogether. Giving the body tag overflow-x:scroll will stick a scrollbar there permanently but seems to solve it, too.
I reproduced it on Windows, FF3.
Interestingly it seems to happen within the jQuery .height() function!
Unfortunately you're using the minified version, so that's as far as I can get.

