Mobile Safari on iOS crashes on big pages - javascript

I have a problem where Mobile Safari crashes when loading and manipulating the DOM with jQuery when the pages get too big.
I get the same problem on both iPhone and iPad.
What are the best way to troubleshoot mobile pages to find the error? Are there any known problems that might crash Mobile Safari?

I actually found the problem. It wasn't with JS as I thought, but with the CSS. I added class to make a CSS transition to fade in some elements. For anonymous users these elements had display: none; and probably never ran the opacity transition.
The strange thing is that the transitions was on exactly two elements. So why would this only crash on long threads with 100+ comments?
So the bottom line is: -webkit-transition crashed the page on mobile safari.

Had the same issue, for me it was -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); that caused the crash of Safari.

I know this question has been successfully answered but I just wanted to put my five cents in too as I have been banging my head against the wall over this one quite a few times:
As most answers have pointed out already it usually comes down to memory issues. Almost anything can be the last bit that finally tips over the "memory pile" much like a translateZ or anything else.
However in my experience it has nothing to do with the actual CSS (or JS) command in specific. It just happens to be that the last transition was one too much.
What tends to help me a lot is to keep anything that is not visible at this time under display: none. This might sound primitive but actually does the trick. It's a simple way to tell the renderer of the browser that you don't need this element at this time and therefore releases memory. This allows you to create mile long vertical scrollers with all sorts of 3d effects as long as you hide elements that you are not using at this time.

The main issue with any iOS app is memory usage. So, it is likely that your pages are using too much memory.
Mobile Safari use some clever technique so that not the whole page has to reside in memory at any given time, only a portion of it. Maybe you could check if anything in your page defeats this mechanism or makes it less effective.
In any case, to give more up to the point suggestions, more information about your page would be really great.
By the way, you could have some hints from the crash log that the device store. Check to see if you can find it under Settings:
Diagnostics & Usage
Diagnostics & Usage Data
If it's a memory problem, you should find something like "signal (0)"; not sure if this can only mean "killed due to memory usage", but I usually take this for granted when I found a signal (0).
Otherwise, it might tell you what is wrong...
Hope this helps.

There are both memory limits and Javascript execution time limits, though it's a little fuzzy as to how you may actually hit those. Common reports come in that a page with a size greater than 10MB will have issues, and Javascript execution is limited to 10 seconds.
See Apple's documentation for more info.

I recently had an issue with mobile safari crashing on web-app pages containing a lot of images (30+ were enough) and a few transformations for the menu. After a lot of trial and error, I settled with a solution similar to what LinkedIn does, but for infinite scrolling using angularjs. I used requestAnimFrame and two expanding/shrinking divs (with js style attributes) on the top and bottom of the list to remove all image containers (with other stuff overlayed on top) except for a few ones which are close to the viewport. Scrolling performance (native, no js) is fine and memory consumption is in check.

I had a similar problem, the web page worked like a charm on android devices and crashed on IOS (iphone and simulator).
After a lot of research (using also the ios_webkit_debug_proxy) I found that the problem was connected to the jQuery ready event.
Adding a little timeout solved the problem. My application was also using iframes.
$(document).ready(function () {
window.setTimeout(function () { ready(); }, 10);


Would the version of Chrome affect the behavior of a JavaScript library?

I ran into a bug that seems very nuanced and strange. I am using OpenLayers (v4.0.1) in a web application to display multiple WMS layers from a GeoServer (v2.8.2). Everything seemed to be working great until Windows 10 did a big update. Shortly thereafter, my browser began to crash when attempting to view the page on which the map and all of its layers should be displayed.
After a lot of digging, it appeared that this issue only shows up in Chrome Version 60 (60.0.3112.90 to be exact). I tried to reproduce the issue on multiple OS's and browser combinations (Linux/Windows/Mac and Firefox/IE/Edge/Chrome Version 59) and it works great everywhere except on Chrome 60 (across all OS's).
Though still hard to pin-point exactly, when doing a step-through of the JavaScript to find where the hang-up occurs, it is definitely happening somewhere inside of the OpenLayers code. Another key discovery is that the error does not occur at all if the browser window size is "small" enough. In other words, if I resize my window and try again, it will suddenly work consistently once a somewhat-random-seeming, certain browser size is reached. It seems to be more area-dependent, though, than a specific height/width constraint, as various height/width combinations will either work or not work.
At this point I have no great idea on how to resolve this issue, so I'm starting here by simply wondering if anyone knows if it would make sense that something in Chrome 60 is changing the behavior of the OpenLayers JavaScript library? If so, I'd want to open up an official GitHub issue with them. If not, would it be a Chrome issue I'd report? I'm reluctant to believe it is something that I have programmed, as it works in every other browser.
This does indeed sound like a Chrome bug. Please file a bug at, and include:
repro instructions (ideally, a link to a site that will trigger the crash)
any crash reports you see in chrome://crashes (if this is what caused them)
If you post the bug number here, I'll make sure it gets looked at. Thanks!

How to find out what is affecting the elements on a page?

I am currently building a site. When I refresh the page (as seen below), the two boxes with the brown outline start out at what seems to be 100% width, but then they re-size after about 1-2 seconds, and there is a small gap on the right hand side.
I'm pretty sure this isn't happening via the CSS, as there is a delay and I've looked through it all myself and can't find anything.
I am using Google Chrome's Developer Tools - is there any way that I can view any related JavaScript being ran on refresh that may be affecting these elements?
You can use a chrome extension to quickly turn off javascript. If the problem dissappears, you know that javascript is causing the problem. If the problem is still there, then it is a CSS issue (which I think is the case, but we can't solve that for you as you didn't provide the code).
here is a link to the javascript switcher extension:

Chrome App Poor Performance

I am developing a Chrome App which is based on the same code as the normal web based version. It's a web-audio app so quite performance critical for timing purposes.
I have noticed whilst holding down the mouse button within the app and wiggling it around, performance drops significantly, enough to mess up the timing. This issue does not occur in the ordinary browser based version which is running the same code.
I have recorded the activity with the Chrome developer tools and the only thing I can spot that does not happen with the browser based version is a function call to updateAppWindowProperties - which is a built in Chrome App function.
I have attached a screenshot of the dev tools recording where you can see 3 big spikes in the activity, these are the bits where I am holding down the mouse button and moving it around.
Anyone know what the cause of this could be, is it something to do with the Chrome App checking the window size?
It seems to have been fixed by reducing the number of css classes. I had a LOT of classes that were used only for jquery selectors, I changed them to data attribs and that seems to have fixed the performance issues.

Slow javascript execution in Iframe only in IE

The Problem:
I've developed a web application. It is embedded in a site with the help of an iFrame.
If I run the application as a stand alone (IE9) on say: it loads in about ten seconds flat (it's a rather large application). Chrome and FF are much faster.
If It's embedded in an iFrame however, IE completely loses it with javascript execution times up to 40-60 seconds until the app is done loading. Once the application is loaded however there are no issues and it runs flawlessly.
Recap: Stand alone: OK, in iFrame: Not OK.
In the web application a few xml's are loaded, specifically a very large one which is about 8mb. The xml's are parsed and content is created using KnockoutJS. However this is not very relevant as I've narrowed it down to the XML parsing which is done with jQuery.
Stand alone the parsing takes about 10 seconds in IE9. Embedded it's around 40-60. I've consoled out the status logs and timestamps and I can physically see the javascript is running incredibly slow embedded. Every trace-out takes 4-6 times as long which corresponds with the increased overall load time.
FireFox and Chrome are immune and show no slowdown or so little slowdown that it's unnoticeable.
I've tried iFrame and Object embedding. Same results.
The question
Do you know why simple javascript execution (XML Parsing when the xml IS loaded and in memory), would take 4-6 times longer when embedded in an iframe than in stand alone?
Bonus info
I'm not talking about page load here. Everything loads fine. Even the host page. This is not yet another page is hanging until iframe is ready problem. the problem is the execution inside the iframe being slow. I've tried embedding on same domain, foreign domain, internal, external. Same problem everywhere. As soon as I iframe the damn thing, load performance goes to hell. Once it's loaded, everything is fine and everything runs very well.
PS: I hope the bolding of what i find is keywords is OK. It's supposed to be a help, not be annoying. I personally have problems focusing on large amounts of text.
Performance Monitor while it's loading:
I found that setting element size with jQuery .height(n) and .width(n) can be extremly slow, you may use .css("width",x) and .css("height",x) instead.
First, hit F-12 and confirm the document mode is the same in both instances. If not, change the document mode of the outer frame to match..
If they are already the same, try instead to load the iFrame script dynamically after the outer page is complete. Older versions of IE handle resource allocation oddly and could be part of the problem.
Granted, not the answer to your question but bringing 8 MB of XML to the client is quite inefficient. Can any of this be stripped out or entirely processed server side?
Lastly, IE is slow to move and add DOM elements (compared to Chrome). Your best bet is to add them all at once. So if you are updating the UI as you parse the XML (instead of all at once after parsing), that will slow you down considerably.
Similar to what #ern0 said, if you are manipulating height and width in your script and are experiencing slowness then changing from using jQuery's .height() and .width() methods to vanilla JS could realize a significant performance improvement.
Here is a performance test for reading the element's current height. It shows that the vanilla JS property offsetHeight is significantly faster than the .height(), .css("height") and .style.height techniques.
The difference is so significant that it is not even a competition.
Here is a performance test for setting the element's current height. It shows that the vanilla JS property .style.height is significantly faster* than the .height(), and .css("height") methods.
Again, the difference is so significant that it is not even a competition.
The .style.height property excels in both getting and setting by an incredible margin, as compared to the jQuery methods. The read-only offsetHeight property is significantly faster than the style.height property for getting, but (as it is read-only) it cannot be used for setting the height. As such, it may be easier to just change the code to use .style.height, if it still achieves the desired effect.
The height and width properties and methods should be pretty much the same. If you want to add performance benchmarks for them too, that is fine, but you should get the same outcome, with the width properties and methods finishing in the same place as their corresponding height counterparts.
Apparently IE had a serious problem with getting attributes of an xml node through jQuery in a deeply nested loop. Changing this to pure JS reduced load time to about 15 seconds. Still not great, but much, much better!

Jquery Load function issue in IE6

i am using IE6 as a browser and when i call upon a local HTML file as an overlay by using Load function it loads the page but, following things happens
1: shows a loading status bar all the time
2: All the javascript in the called page(overlay) stopped working.
this is the call code
IE6 has known issues with transparent images (IE6 has A LOT of issues). There are numerous javascript fixes for this - but they all work basically the same way with a 1x1 pixel GIF. If you have the ability to go with JPGs or GIFs instead, that would save you a lot of heartache - but I would guess you would have already gone that way if you could have.
One way I've dealt with it in the past is to detect the browser and swap in a non-transparent image (GIF/JPG) if it is IE6. This is approach has many challenges as well and will end up being a significant effort.
The bottom line is that IE6 is just a pain in the rear. You might want to try one of the other IE6 transparent image solutions to try to avoid the conflict, but I wouldn't be optimistic on coming up with a clean execution.
use DD_Belated.png to fix PNGs in IE6 and this may fix this secondary issue:

