jquery using json object - javascript

success: function(msg){
var msg = msg;
msg = JSON.parse(msg);
if(msg.username != null){
if(msg.password != null){
returned object
When I am using JSON.parse and I am alerting, it's showing the correct error, but when I am appending it to the messagestatus div its not responding, please help .

Your username and password are arrays in your json.Either make it that your json looks like
or change your script:
if(msg.username.length > 0)
if(msg.password.length > 0)

Might be significant, might not be, but your json object actually consists of sub-arrays:
^----------^ ^----------^
meaning that the decoded data structure in JS would actually be
obj['username'][0] and obj['password'][0]

First of all, parameters do not need to be redeclared in their function.
then, to parse your json using $.parseJSON() :
msg = $.parseJSON(msg);
Your JSON contains arrays, use msg["username"][0] to access the first string and not the full array.
And I would put e.preventDefault(); as first statement before AJAX.
And .html('') => .empty() but it's the same result.


How can I assign dictionary values to javascript variables (jQuery / AJAX API call returned in JSON)

I have a well running AJAX request that queries data from a third party API that returns the data in JSON. I now want to assign the values from the returned JSON data to javascript variables to make further manipulation to the data itself in my AJAX success function before updating the frontend.
In the below example I would like to assign the value of key name to my Javascript team variable.
What would be the best way to accomplish this?
This is the returned structure:
"logo":"Not available in Demo",
"venue_name":"Camp Nou",
"venue_address":"Carrer d'Ar\u00edstides Maillol",
This is my AJAX request:
$('ul.subbar li a').on('click', function(e) {
var team_id = $(this).attr("id");
method: "GET",
dataType: "json",
url: "https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/http://www.api-football.com/demo/api/v2/teams/team/" + team_id,
success: function(response) {
var team_data = response
team = // how to assign team name from API callback to variable
You can use dot notation to navigate through objects
team_data.api.teams[0].name //output: "barcelona"
In you example there is only one item inside teams array, so the above example should works fine, but let's suppose that in your response there is more than 1 team on teams then you could do something like this:
var teamList = [];
$.each(team_data.api.teams, function(index, team){
and it will give an array with all team names from your ajax response
put JSON in js obj variable
var obj = JSON.parse('{ <key:value>,<key:value>...}');
Make sure the text is written in JSON format, or else you will get a syntax error.
Use the JavaScript object in your page:
<p id="demo"></p>
document.getElementById("name").innerHTML = obj.name + ", " + obj.country;

I mess up JSON object, arrays and strings

So i´m, trying send data from php to js.
$balkTypes[] = $stmt->fetchAll();
echo json_encode($balkTypes);
balkTypesData = {}; //Outside Ajaxcall
success: function(result){
balkTypesData = result;
[[{"id":"3","typ":"Bas 200*600","hojd":"200","bredd":"600","rec":"","viktM":"135"},{"id":"2","typ":"Bas 240*600","hojd":"240","bredd":"600","rec":"","viktM":"160"},{"id":"5","typ":"Isol\u00e4tt 240*600","hojd":"240","bredd":"600","rec":"","viktM":"105"},{"id":"4","typ":"Kontur 240*600","hojd":"240","bredd":"600","rec":"","viktM":"105"},{"id":"6","typ":"Passbit","hojd":"0","bredd":"0","rec":"","viktM":"0"}]]
Now, i´d like to search my Json object?!
I´d like to find "viktM" for "typ:Bas 200*600"
//Get balkType weight/m
var searchField = "typ";
var searchVal = "Bas 200*600";
for (var i=0 ; i < balkTypesData.length ; i++){
if (balkTypesData[i][searchField] == searchVal) {
weigth = balkTypesData[i]['viktM'];
First of all, it seams that i cannot use .lengton "balkTypsData". it gives me 410 hits. Must be all characters?
Second, i cannot find how to access part of my object.
If i use: console.log(balkTypesData[i][searchField]);
I get: "Undefined"
I have also tried to remove the "[i].
So what am i missing?
Be gentle i´m still learning.
Take a look at $.parseJSON() (jQuery) or JSON.parse() (vanilla):
With jQuery
success: function(result){
balkTypesData = $.parseJSON(result);
Without jQuery
success: function(result){
balkTypesData = JSON.parse(result);
When you receive the data from your AJAX request it's not JSON, just a string.
The length result that you're getting is the length of the string, not the amount of elements within the array.
Furthermore you're setting $balkTypes[] which means that you're trying to add 1 entry in the array of $balkTypes however $stmt->fetchAll(); also returns an array so you now have a nested array which is not needed.
In your PHP file change
$balkTypes[] = $stmt->fetchAll()
$balkTypes = $stmt->fetchAll()
this will make sure that when you fetch your data it will be an array containing all objects instead of an array containing the array of objects.
Then in your JS, instead of trying to directly read from the string, use JSON.parse() to convert the json string into a collection of JS objects/integers/arrays/strings/booleans
success: function(result) {
balkTypesData = JSON.parse(result);
As pointed out by Armen you could also set the dataType: 'json' in the AJAX request, when the AJAX request returns it will automatically do the JSON.parse() so you can just directly console.log(result); to see the output.
Within the console.log you should now see the nested structure instead of just the string.
From here on your loop which checks the values seems correct and I would not change it unless it tells you that something is wrong.
Docs: JSON.parse();
Set in your jQuery $.ajax request additional attribute dataType: 'json'
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
url: url,
data: { params },
success: function( response )
// Your data will be already json no need to parse it
You are encoding a JSON on the PHP side. You are not decoding it on the JS side.
You should look at JSON.parse()

getting string from object

I am having a problem with this code, could someone help me out?
<script type="text/javascript">
$obj = $.get('getSesion.php',function(data){ } );
if($obj != 'NULL')
The problem is that from $obj I get [object Object]. I searched how to convert it but I had no success.
MORE DETAILS. From data I can get a number (0-infinite) or the string NULL. Depend on what value I get, in apDiv7 I will load login window or a window's user connected.
I tried
var data =$obj.d;
but i get "undefined" string
Console log
Solution for this case:
var msg = $.ajax({type: "GET", url: "getSesion.php", async: false}).responseText;
.get is an async call, so you should be doing this logic in the callback:
$.get('getSesion.php',function(data) {
Always use console.log so you can actually expand the complex object. Then simply reference the property names of the data response object.

Addon firefox php request

i'm trying to develop Firefox extension
problem :
var Request = require("sdk/request").Request;
var latestTweetRequest = Request({
url: "file.php",
onComplete: function (response) {
var List = response.json;
I want to use this request function to parse json to an array (List here) from php file.
The php my php file echo json form correctly, but I can't transform the data into javascript array to be able to use it in my addon.
if there is a better idea than using this function to do it please tell me :)
try this: MDN - JSON Object
JSON.parse and JSON.stringify
var Request = require("sdk/request").Request;
var latestTweetRequest = Request({
url: "file.php",
onComplete: function (response) {
var List = JSON.parse(response.json);
it's very important to use double quotes.
If you are having a problem with JSON.parse. Copy your array to scratchpad and then run JSON.stringify on it and then make sure your php file matches the strignified result.
if Addon-SDK doesnt have JSON then you gotta require the module if there is one. If there isn't one than require('chrome') and grab the component HERE
There's a bug in Noitidarts code.
why JSON.parse the request.json? If you want to parse do it on request.text
However no need to json.parse as the request module tries to parse and if successful retuns request.json
see here:
var Request = require("sdk/request").Request;
var latestTweetRequest = Request({
url: "https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=mozhacks&count=1",
onComplete: function (response) {
var tweet = response.json[0];
console.log("User: " + tweet.user.screen_name);
console.log("Tweet: " + tweet.text);
// Be a good consumer and check for rate limiting before doing more.
url: "http://api.twitter.com/1/account/rate_limit_status.json",
onComplete: function (response) {
if (response.json.remaining_hits) {
} else {
console.log("You have been rate limited!");
so the likely problem is that your php is not outputting a json string that json.parse can read. make sure to use ". figure out what your php file should return by running json.stringify on a dummy object. ie:
var obj = {myarr:[1,8,9,7,89,0,'ji'],strr:'khhkjh',anothrtObj:{1:45,56:8}};
alert(JSON.stringify(obj)) //{"myarr":[1,8,9,7,89,0,"ji"],"strr":"khhkjh","anothrtObj":{"1":45,"56":8}}
so now in your php make sure your outputted text mateches this format
if your php outputs something like below JSON.parse will fail on it so request.json will be null

fetch json object containing 3 arrays with ajax call and pass arrays to javascript

I have a page that creates the following output:
var JSONObject = { "groups":['1210103','1210103','1210103','1210405'],
This page is called by an ajax call:
$.ajax({url:plink,success: function(result) { }
I now need to recieve the json arrays and pass them to ordinary javascript arrays.
How do I do that?
I have tried with:
result = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
mygroups = result.groups;
myprices = result.prices;
mylabels = result.titles;
Change your page so that it just produces JSON:
Note that in JSON, you must use ", not ', for quoting strings.
Have it return a Content-Type header of application/json. If for some reason you can't set the correct Content-Type header on the response, you can force jQuery to treat the response as JSON by adding dataType: 'json' to your ajax call, but it's best to use the correct content-Type.
Then in your ajax call's success callback, result will already be a deserialized object with three properties (groups, prices, titles), which will be JavaScript arrays you can work with.
Live Example | Source
You've said in the comments below that the page is a full HTML page with the embedded script tag and you have no control over it other than the contents of the script tag, because of the CMS you're using.
I strongly suggest moving to a more flexible CMS.
Until/unless you can do that, you can simply receive the page as text and then extract the JSON. Change your script tag to something like this:
var JSONObject = /*XXX_JSONSTART_XXX*/{"groups":["1210103","1210103","1210103","1210405"],
Note the markers. Then you can extract the JSON between the markers, and use $.parseJSON on it. Example:
(function($) {
url: "http://jsbin.com/ecolok/1",
dataType: "text",
success: function(result) {
var startMarker = "/*XXX_JSONSTART_XXX*/";
var endMarker = "/*XXX_JSONEND_XXX*/";
var start, end;
start = result.indexOf(startMarker);
if (start === -1) {
display("Start marker missing");
else {
start += startMarker.length;
end = result.indexOf(endMarker, start);
if (end === -1) {
display("End marker missing");
else {
result = $.parseJSON(result.substring(start, end));
display("result.groups.length = " + result.groups.length);
display("result.prices.length = " + result.prices.length);
display("result.titles.length = " + result.titles.length);
function display(msg) {
Live Copy | Source

