Hide if html is the same - javascript

I'm using Feedburner to show feeds. sometimes the feeds have the same title. In situations where this is the case I would like to show only the first title and hide all the other titles with the same text. I tried this: JsFiddle
No luck. I can refer to them as 'a' but I don't understand how to distinguish them from one another.

Try starting with all links showing and this javascript:
$(function() {
var $feeds = $(".feedburnerFeedBlock li a");
$feeds.each(function(i) {
var $that = $(this);
$feeds.each(function(j) {
var $this = $(this);
if (j <= i) {
return true;//continue
if ($this.text() == $that.text()) {

Instead of using the filter function you could use an object to collect all the feed titles with their jQuery elements. The object will behave just like a HashMap in Java since objects can't contain duplicate keys - so duplicate feed titles are eliminated automatically.
var unique = { };
// Reverse elements to keep first occurence of feed title (and not the last one)
$($(".feedburnerFeedBlock li").get().reverse()).each(function(){
// Use feed title as key and jQuery element as value
unique[$(this).find("a").text()] = $(this);
// Show all unique elements
for (title in unique) {
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Aletheios/9GKBH/1/
Besides, your code doesn't work because of several reasons. Amongst others jQuery's .html() function only returns the HTML string of the first element in the set (see documentation).


Get value of all dynamically created hidden fields with class?

I would like to get the values of dynamically created hidden fields with a class reference.
Example of created hidden field
<input class="SelectedClaimants" id="CodesList_2__Claimant" name="CodesList[2].Claimant" type="hidden" value="Jason Statham">
This is something along the lines of what i have tried.
$('.listSelected').on('DOMSubtreeModified', function (event) {
$(".SelectedClaimants").find('input[type=hidden]').each(function () {
var testC += $(this).val();
I was aiming to have them create into an array object, but at the moment i am happy just to get the values out into a concatenated string.
Try this (the result is logged to the console). It's based onn Tushar's answer, but the selector was wrong.
$('input[type="hidden"].SelectedClaimants').map(function () {
return $(this).val();
You can use .querySelectorAll(), spread element, for..of loop. Note, id, e.g., CodesList_2__Claimant should be unique in document.
var testC = [];
for (let el of [...document.querySelectorAll("input[type='hidden'].SelectedClaimants")]) {

What am I missing in the jQuery .each() function?

I have this function that I am trying to figure out/fix and can't seem to pinpoint the issue / can't figure out a way to get it working.
Basically my CMS is spitting certain hrefs that I would like to:
Part 1) change the targeted href URL
Part 2) change the button's text
Right now I only have 2 instances of this type of button, so here's what is printing out in my console:
Part 1) for this part I get the correct urls without the characters i want to strip out.
Part 2) two instances of the button's text (See All) followed by the correct variable of btnParent for the first button and then the second button and finally one instance of "Products".
My issue is, I can't figure out how to:
Part 1) send back the stripped URL to its respective button's href as an each function.
Part 2) Have the each() function print out the new text as "See All + BLAH + Products" for each instance, and then append the new text to the respective button.
Here is the code:
function viewMoreBtn() {
var btnMain = $("li:contains('See All')");
var btnText = $("li:contains('See All')").text();
var btnParent = $("li:contains('See All')").parent('ul').prev('li').text();
$.each(btnMain, function(i, v) {
v = $(this).find('a').attr('href').replace('-_-//', '');
$.each(btnMain, function(index, value) {
value = (btnText + btnParent + 'Products');
Thank you.
jQuery objects, as return by $(...) have a each method already on them. The element is passed as the this context. You could use that further with jQuery to act on the objects in an scoped context. Basically, you have the right code, just in the wrong scope.
Part 1
btnMain.each(function() {
var $li = $(this);
var $a = $li.find('a');
var desiredUrl = $a.attr('href').replace('-_-//', '');
$a.attr('href', desiredUrl);
Part 2
btnMain.each(function() {
var $li = $(this);
var btnText = $li.text();
varbtnParent = $li.parent('ul').prev('li').text();
value = (btnText + btnParent + 'Products');
See #Zequ's answer for the iteration over the each() function in the returned btnMain.
This is how $.each( obj, function( key, value ) works: you iterate over btnMain, and for each iteration of $.each(), the function assigns the index of the iteration to i and the value of btnMain at that index to v.
$.each(btnMain, function(i, v) {
//v = $(this).find('a').attr('href').replace('-_-//', '');
console.log(i); // I am the index of $.each() iterator
console.log(v); // I am the node from the btnMain array
// I don't know if this is right without seeing your HTML, but it seems like what you want
v.find('a').attr('href').replace('-_-//', '');
The second $.each() follows the same pattern.
If I understood correctly, you're confusing your variables.
$.each is a function for each element of the array/object being passed. It gives you a index and the element, check the reference
In part 1, you're defining v as the string you want, you're not changing the element at all,you need something like this:
$.each(btnMain, function() {
// you're saying you got the correct URLs, so the only thing you need to do is to change the element afterwards
var element = $(this).find('a');
v = element.attr('href').replace('-_-//', '');
element.attr('href', v);
Also you could use btnMain.each instead of $.each
In part 2, you are changing the value variable (it's actually the element you're iterating over), to the string you want, then you follow it by trying to change btnMain's text. This is wrong, from what I understood, btnMain is an array of two elements you can't change it's text. You should change the element's value (that you are calling value). It would be something like that
$.each(btnMain, function(index, element){
// I think this is the time you want to define the btnParent, relative to the element
var btnParent = element.parent('ul').prev('li').text();
var value = (btnText + btnParent + 'Products');
I THINK this is what you need.
Also you could append both parts into one, since both are iterating over btnMain

$.grep filter with contains

I am trying to filter an array with grep to apply CSS. My code is like below.
var depos = $('.panel-default > .panel-heading');
var chkd = ['ABC','XYZ'];
var found_p = $.grep(depos, function(v) {
return jQuery.inArray(v.innerText,chkd);
The first issue is that found_p is not filtering the needed array values from chkd. After filtering it, how can I apply CSS? I tried like below but it fails
$(found_p[0]).css('background-color', 'red');
Can anybody help me out with this.
Assuming from your code that you're trying to find the elements that have innerText matching a value in the chkd array, you can use the filter() method. Try this:
var $depos = $('.panel-default > .panel-heading');
var chkd = ['ABC','XYZ'];
var $found_p = $depos.filter(function() {
return $.inArray($(this).text(), chkd) != -1;
The $found_p variable will then hold a jQuery object with all matched elements. You can apply CSS to them like this:
$found_p.css('background-color', 'red');
Example fiddle
However, I would suggest using CSS classes instead of adding inline styles as it is much better practice.

JavaScript Asp.net repeating controls

I am trying to do the folowing with Asp.net 3.5/IIS
A web form with a top level repeatable form. So basically a Order->Products->ProductsParts kinda of scenerio. Order is only one. Product is repeatable. Each product has repeatable products parts. The product and product part have a whole bunch of fields so I cannot use a grid.
So, I have add/remove buttons for Product and within each product add/remove buttons for each product part.
That is my requirement. I have been able to achieve add/remove after some research using jquery/js. How, do i capture this data on the server? Since javascript is adding and removing these controls they are not server side and I don't know how to assign name attributes correctly. I am trying following javascript but it ain't working:
function onAddProperty(btnObject){
var previous = btnObject.prev('div');
var propertyCount = jquery.data(document.body, 'propertyCount');
var newDiv = previous.clone(true).find("*[name]").andSelf().each(function () { $(this).attr("name").replace(($(this).attr("name").match(/\[[0-9]+\]/), cntr)); }); ;
jquery.data(document.body, 'propertyCount', propertyCount);
//keep only one unit and remove rest
var children = newDiv.find('#pnlUnits > #pnlUnitRepeater');
var unitCount = children.length;
var first = children.first();
for (i = 1; i < unitCount; i++) {
newDiv.id = "pnlPropertySlider_" + propertyCount;
I need to assign name property as array so that I can read it in Request.Form
Fix for not updating ids not working:
var newDiv = previous.clone(true).find("input,select").each(function () {
'name': function () {
var name = $(this).attr('name');
if (!name) return '';
return name.replace(/property\[[0-9]+\]/, 'property' + propertyCount);
The issue looks like the following line:
$(this).attr("name").replace(($(this).attr("name").match(/\[[0-9]+\]/), cntr));
This statement doesn't do anything. Strings in JavaScript an immutable, and .replace only returns the string with something replaced.
You would then have to actually set the attr("name") to the new string that has the replaced value:
I can't help much more without seeing your HTML.

jQuery getting value from dynamic array

I have an array with divs ids (in my case its all divs ID values od parent div (#area) ):
jQuery.fn.getIdArray = function () {
var ret = [];
$('[id]', this).each(function () {
return ret;
var array = $("#area").getIdArray();
I need to get an array field value, something like this:
var lef = $("#array".[0]).css("left");
Taking a wild swing at it (see my comment on the question):
var array = $("#area").getIdArray();
var lef=$("#" + array[0]).css("left");
That assumes that getIdArray returns an array of strings, where each string is an id value for a DOM element, and that you want to get the left value for the first of those elements.
So for instance, if the array comes back as:
["foo", "bar", "charlie"]
then the selector created by "#" + array[0] is #foo, so you end up getting the left value for the foo element.
If you have an actual JS array within your variable array just use bracket notation to access each individual ID.
// I have the # before-hand since I'm assuming you have just the ID name
var lef = $('#' + array[0]) // this will access the 1st one in the array
I think you are looking for this :
var divYouWantToChange = $("#"+array[0]);
I try to formulate this as an answer because getIdArray is not a jquery function and we don't know what it does. If you'd like to apply a custom filter to the $("#area") collection you can do so using filter. This will return a jquery object where you can get the .css("left") from.
If you'd like to save both the id's and the left property you can do so with the following code:
var objects=[];
$this=$(this);//cache the object

