Modify mask height dynamically in javascript - javascript

I have to increase the height of .x-mask class through javascript(extjs). I will get dynamic height by using
var hgt = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
Then I have to apply it instead of
.x-mask {
height: 100% !important;
through javascript dynamically.

Have you used , = '100%!important';
or = document.documentElement.scrollHeight + 'px';

If you are using any element like div or span where you have assign this class like
<div id="mydiv" class="x-mask">
try this js
And if you are using jQuery, then try


Setting a CSS value as a javascript variable

Ok, I want to have a CSS value such as the value of width: 50%; to be a variable defined in pixels. Let's say that the 50% width is perhaps 1000px, or 500px. I want the javascript to detect the pixel value of the percent.
I have tried several times with absolutely no luck.
You can do it like below using jquery.
var width = $('#your_id').width();
var width = $('#myDiv').width();
alert(width + 'px');
<script src=""></script>
<div style="width: 200px;">
<div id="myDiv" style="width: 50%;"></div>
var total_width = $( window ).width();
var display_width = 50; //50%
var my_width_px = ((display_width * total_width) / 100); // 100 = 100%
This will may be helpful for you.
You can get the width in pixels using jQuery
var width = $('#mydivid').width();
Set the width of a div using jQuery
$("#mydivid").css("width", your_new_width);
Get width using javascript

Resizing child DIV equal to parent DIV

I have a DIV with width 400px and height 200px. Inside this div is another div with some text at position 50,50 and font-size 14px;
When the parent DIV resizes (for example to 600px x 300px), i want that the text-size inside the child DIV resizes too (to a larger font-size), equal to the resized parent DIV.
How can i do that with jQuery and HTML?
make the child div width and height 100%
childDiv {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position:relative //so you dont lose the positioning of your text
when the parent dives size becomes (600 / 300) from (400 / 200) for example, you should apply a javascript function to the child div like so
function resizeFont(parentElementId, childElementId, newWidth) {
currWidthParentElement = parseFloat( $(parentElementId).width() ); // get current width
currChildFontSize = parseInt( $(childElementId).css('font-size') ); // get font size for child
percentaRaise = (newWidth - ceil(currWidthParentElement)) * (100/ceil(currWidthParentElement)); // calculate how much parent increase
// calculate and apply new font size
newFontSize = currChildFontSize * percentaRaise/100 + currChildFontSize;
is seems tricky but is simple algebra. I hope thihs will help you
var div = $('div');
$(window).on('resize', function(){
var u = div.width() / 200;
div.css('font-size', u +'em');
There is an extension for jquery that allows resize to be fired on elements like it would on the window itself.
The extension: Jquery Resize Plugin
So something like this will do the trick:
var newFontSize = $("#parent").height() * 0.07
$("#child").css("font-size",newFontSize +"px");
Check out this JsFiddle for an example:

Can a DIV's CSS attribute be changed dynamically by javascript just by knowing it's class?

I have this div:
<div class="galleria-info" style="">
<div class="galleria-info-text">
<div class="galleria-info-title" style="">#test</div>
And I have this CSS for it:
.galleria-info {
width: 100%;
top: 290px;
left: 330px;
z-index: 10;
position: absolute;
What I would like to do is somehow thru javascript change the left attribute of the div dynamically so that based on the length of the text for #test i can position the div far enough left to make room for it on screen.
I write different information where the word #test is at in the HTML dynamically and it doesn't have an ID only class.
Any clues or help will be mega-appreciated!
document.getElementsByClassName('galleria-info')[0].style.left = '300px'; // or whatever you want
You have two questions; I have two answers.
Getting by Classname
getElementById() gets the element by its id, getElementsByTagName()[] gets the element by tag name, and to get it by class name, use:
Setting the Position
Sorry I used getElementById and getElementsByTagName instead of querySelectorAll.
right Attribute
Wouldn't a right attribute be more appropriate? You could get the width of the body (or container) and subtract however much you want from that instead.
var body_width = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.width;
var body_width = parseFloat(body_width);
document.getElementById('galleria-info').style.right = (body_width - 600) + "px";
Fixed-Width Font
But, if you are using a fixed-width font, then you can get the length of the string, multiply by the width of each character, and then set style.left to that minus the max distance it can reach (i.e. 300px.)
var str_length = document.getElementById('galleria-info').innerHTML.length;
var str_length = str_length * 10; // Or whatever the fixed width is
document.getElementById('galleria-info-text').style.left = (300 - str_length) + "px";
This doesn't use JavaScript, which, in my opinion, is a good thing because users can disable JavaScript. You can have a wrapper div around the original div that has the following CSS:
#galleria-info-wrapper {
#galleria-info {

set the width dynamically of element which create dynamically

I create one div#sresult_container dynamically and append no of div to that div. and all appended div have different text. so i can retrieve the width of div#sresult_container but i try to that increase the width of div#sresult_container 10px before it display on the view port. how can i do this plese help me?
my code is below:
var $sresult_container = $('<div id="sresult_container"></div>');
AND after that i append the some divs as children of div#sresult_container.
and append to body.
var Setwidth = $('#sresult_container').outerWidth() + 10;
$('#sresult_container').css('width',Setwidth + 'px');
so here first load original width after that load the modified width. so how can do directly load the modified width.
First of all #sresult_container must have a pre-defined width.
#sresult_container {
width: 100px;
$('<div id="sresult_container">text</div>').appendTo('body');
$('#sresult_container').css('width', function () {
return ($(this).outerWidth(true) + 10) + 'px';

jQuery calculate img's real height / width values which coming from server

I am in a situation that; need to calculate image's original width and heigth values when one of them defined 0 on css. I can't change CSS with jQuery, need to solve like this:
Here is example link.
img { width:0px; }​
var imgHeight = $('img').height();
alert(imgHeight);//which returning 0 ofcourse
I hope this is possible with less code, thanks,
Try this:
var img = $("img")[0];
alert( img.naturalWidth + "x" + img.naturalHeight );
You could clone the element to a new hidden DOM node (I assume you want to hide it here). Then remove the CSS, then measure the dimensions.
var img = $('img'),
imgHeight = img.css("width","auto").height();
Here is a fiddle. All we do is temporarily set the height to it's automatic value (which is the image's 100% width), grab the height, and reset the image to width:0;.
EDIT: Since you can't manipulate CSS directly, you can change the class:
var img = $('img'),
imgHeight = img.addClass("auto").height();
And the CSS:
img {width:0;} {width:auto;}​

