Javascript Recursion for creating a JSON object - javascript

needing some advice on how to do this properly recursively.
Basically what I'm doing, is entering in a bunch of text and it returns it as JSON.
For example:
The text:
"name": "rawr"
And the following input:
Would return (output format is not important):
"name": {
"rawr": "awesome"
How can I modify the following code to allow a recursive way to have objects in objects.
var jsonify = function(input){
var listItems = input, myArray = [], end = [], i, item;
var items = listItems.split('\r\n');
// Loop through all the items
for(i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
item = items[i].split(':');
// If there is a value, then split it to create an object
if(item[1] !== undefined){
var obj = {};
obj[item[0]] = item[1];
// return the results
return end;

I don't think recursion is the right approach here, a loop could do that as well:
var itemparts = items[i].split(':');
var value = itemparts.pop();
while (itemparts.length) {
var obj = {};
obj[itemparts.pop()] = value;
value = obj;
Of course, as recursion and loops have equivalent might, you can do the same with a recursive function:
function recurse(parts) {
if (parts.length == 1)
return parts[0];
// else
var obj = {};
obj[parts.shift()] = recurse(parts);
return obj;

Here is a solution with recursion:
var data = [];
function createJSON(input) {
var rows = input.split("\n");
for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
function createObject(array) {
if(array.length === 1) {
return array[0];
} else {
var obj = {};
obj[array[0]] = createObject(array.splice(1));
return obj;


i couldn't figure out how can i make the object dynamically

as you can see i get the "p" array from a html form, and i want to make a dynamic object from the "p" array here
function filter(p){
var obj;
console.log(p);//[ 'Grade', '>','123']
if(p[1]== ">"){p[1]=gt}
obj = {
{p[0]: {$p[1]: p[3}}
return obj;
to pass it to this aggregation function:
async function query(DS,filter,q1,q2,q3){
arr.length = 0;
var obj;
var x = [];
var y = [];
var filtered;
const projection = { _id: 0 }; projection[q1] = 1; projection[q2] = 1;
const grouping ={}; grouping[q1]=q1; grouping[q2] = q2;
filtered = await DS.aggregate([
{$project: projection},
{$match: filter}
if(q3 == ""){
for (let i = 0; i < filtered.length; i++) {
obj = filtered[i]
return arr;
i couldn't figure out how can i make the object dynamically.
If you want to generate the objects keys dynamically, you can compute them by using square brackets where the key(s) would go.
For your case, you can replace this:
if(p[1]== ">"){p[1]=gt}
obj = {
{p[0]: {$p[1]: p[3}}
with this:
if (p[1] === ">") { p[1] = 'gt' }
obj = {
[p[0]]: {
['$' + p[1]]: p[2]
and you will get this object as a result (when using your provided input):
{"$and": [
"Grade": {
"$gt": "123"
Hope that helps!

Javascript Parsing Key Value String to JSON

I'm currently working on trying to create a UDF to split a key value pair string based on web traffic into JSON.
I've managed to get as far as outputting a JSON object but I'd like to be able to dynamically add nested items based on the number of products purchased or viewed based on the index number of the key.
When a product is only viewed, there is always only one product in the string. Only when its a transaction is it more than one but I think it would be good to conform the structure of the json and then identify a purchase or view based on the presence of a transactionid. For example:
Item Purchased:
The output should look something like this:
Item Viewed:
The result I'll be able to parse from JSON into a conformed table in a SQL table.
What I've tried so far is only parsing the string, but its not ideal to create a table in SQL because the number of purchases can vary:
var string = "sessionid=12345&transactionid=555555&product1=apples&productprice1=12&product1qty=1&product2=pears&productprice2=23&product2qty=3&transactionamount=58";
function splitstring(queryString) {
var dictionary = {};
if (queryString.indexOf('?') === 0) {
queryString = queryString.substr(1);
var parts = queryString.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var p = parts[i];
// Step 2: Split Key/Value pair
var keyValuePair = p.split('=');
var key = keyValuePair[0];
var value = keyValuePair[1];
dec_val = decodeURIComponent(value);
final_value = dec_val.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
dictionary[key] = final_value;
return (dictionary);
Thanks in advance!!!
Feel like this would be less clunky with better param naming conventions, but here's my take...
function parseString(string) {
var string = string || '',
params, param, output, i, l, n, v, k, pk;
params = string.split('&');
output = [{},
for (i = 0, l = params.length; i < l; i++) {
param = params[i].split('=');
n = param[0].match(/^product.*?([0-9]+).*/);
v = decodeURIComponent(param[1] || '');
if (n && n[1]) {
k = n[1];
output[1][k] = output[1][k] || {};
output[1][k]['productline'] = k;
pk = n[0].replace(/[0-9]+/, '');
output[1][k][pk] = v;
} else {
output[0][param[0]] = v;
output[1] = output[1].filter(Boolean);
return output;
var string = "sessionid=12345&transactionid=555555&product1=apples&productprice1=12&product1qty=1&product2=pears&productprice2=23&product2qty=3&transactionamount=58";
"sessionid": "12345",
"transactionid": "555555",
"transactionamount": "58"
"productline": "1",
"product": "1",
"productprice": "12"
}, {
"productline": "2",
"product": "3",
"productprice": "23"
There's probably a far nicer way to do this, but I just wrote code as I thought about it
var string = "sessionid=12345&transactionid=555555&product1=apples&productprice1=12&product1qty=1&product2=pears&productprice2=23&product2qty=3&transactionamount=58";
function splitstring(queryString) {
var dictionary = {};
if (queryString.indexOf('?') === 0) {
queryString = queryString.substr(1);
var parts = queryString.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var p = parts[i];
// Step 2: Split Key/Value pair
var keyValuePair = p.split('=');
var key = keyValuePair[0];
var value = keyValuePair[1];
dec_val = decodeURIComponent(value);
final_value = dec_val.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
dictionary[key] = final_value;
return (dictionary);
function process(obj) {
let i = 1;
const products = [];
while(obj.hasOwnProperty(`product${i}`)) {
[`product`]: obj[`product${i}`],
[`productprice`]: obj[`productprice${i}`],
[`productqty`]: obj[`product${i}qty`]
delete obj[`product${i}`];
delete obj[`productprice${i}`];
delete obj[`product${i}qty`];
return [obj, products];
By the way, if this is in the browser, then splitstring can be "replaced" by
const splitstring = string => Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(string).entries());
var string = "sessionid=12345&transactionid=555555&product1=apples&productprice1=12&product1qty=1&product2=pears&productprice2=23&product2qty=3&transactionamount=58";
function process(string) {
const splitstring = queryString => {
var dictionary = {};
if (queryString.indexOf('?') === 0) {
queryString = queryString.substr(1);
var parts = queryString.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var p = parts[i];
// Step 2: Split Key/Value pair
var keyValuePair = p.split('=');
var key = keyValuePair[0];
var value = keyValuePair[1];
dec_val = decodeURIComponent(value);
final_value = dec_val.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
dictionary[key] = final_value;
return (dictionary);
let i = 1;
const obj = splitstring(string);
const products = [];
while (obj.hasOwnProperty(`product${i}`)) {
[`product`]: obj[`product${i}`],
[`productprice`]: obj[`productprice${i}`],
[`productqty`]: obj[`product${i}qty`]
delete obj[`product${i}`];
delete obj[`productprice${i}`];
delete obj[`product${i}qty`];
return [obj, products];

Flatten a nested objects to one dimensional array javascript

I have a nested objects in this structure:
myArray = {
"D": {
"U": {
"A300": "B300",
"A326": "B326",
"A344": "B344",
"A345": "B345"
"P": {
"A664": "B664",
"A756": "B756"
"I": {
"U": {
"A300": "B300",
"A326": "B326"
"P": {
"A756": "B756"
I am trying to get the data out of it to be only one dimensional (Flatten). I tried the code below but it doesn't work:
var myNewArray = [].concat.apply([], myArray);
var myNewArray = myArray.reduce(function(prev, curr) {
return prev.concat(curr);
I want myNewArray to have ["B300","B326","B344","B345","B664","B756"]
You can do something like this:
var myArray = [];
myArray[0] = [];
myArray[0][0] = [];
myArray[0][0][0] = [];
myArray[0][0][1] = [];
myArray[0][1] = [];
myArray[0][1][0] = [];
myArray[0][0][0][0] = "abc1";
myArray[0][0][0][1] = "abc2";
myArray[0][0][1][0] = "abc3";
myArray[0][1][0][1] = "abc4";
myArray[0][1][0][1] = "abc5";
function flat(acc, val){
acc = acc.concat(val.reduce(flat, []));
return acc;
var newMyArray = myArray.reduce(flat, []);
What this does is to recursively reduce all the inner values that are arrays.
It seems that you're dealing with an object. The previous title of your question and the name of the variable are misleading.
In any case, flattening an object is a very similar process.
var myArray = {"D":{"U":{"A300":"B300","A326":"B326","A344":"B344","A345":"B345"},"P":{"A664":"B664","A756":"B756"}},"I":{"U":{"A300":"B300","A326":"B326"},"P":{"A756":"B756"}}};
function flatObj(obj){
return Object.keys(obj).reduce(function(acc, key){
if(typeof obj[key] === "object"){
acc = acc.concat(flatObj(obj[key]));
return acc;
}, []);
var newMyArray = flatObj(myArray);
I just wanted to add my 2 cents since I was following this question and working on an answer before I left work. I'm home now so I want to post what I came up with.
const obj = {
x1: {
y1: {
z1: {
h1: 'abc',
h2: 'def'
z2: {
h1: 123,
h2: 456
const valAll = getPropValuesAll(obj)
function getPropValuesAll(obj, result = []){
for(let k in obj){
if(typeof obj[k] !== 'object'){
getPropValuesAll(obj[k], result)
return result
It would be easy and safe answer.
var myArray = [["abc1"],[["abc2",,"abc3"]],"abc4",{"r5": "abc5", "r6": "abc6"}];
var myNewArray = [];
function flatten(arr){
for(var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i){
if(arr[i] !== undefined){
} else if (typeof arr === 'object') {
for(var key in arr){
} else {

Add or remove element(s) to array

I have an existing array of objects :
existingArray = [
{object1: 'object1'},
{object2: 'object2'}
{object3: 'object3'},
I receive a new one :
newArray = [
{object2: 'object2'},
{object3: 'object3'},
{object4: 'object4'}
I want only to modify the existing one to get the new one as the result (push+splice)
Here is what I have for now (is there a better way ?)
for (var i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++) {
// loop first to push new elements
var responseToTxt = JSON.stringify(newArray[i]);
var newStatement = false;
for(var j = 0; j < existingArray.length; j++){
var statementToTxt = JSON.stringify(existingArray[j]);
if(statementToTxt === responseToTxt && !newStatement){
newStatement = true;
var statementsToSplice = [];
for (var i = 0; i < existingArray.length; i++) {
// then loop a second time to split elements not anymore on the new array
var statementToTxt = JSON.stringify(existingArray[i]);
var elementPresent = false;
var element = false;
for(var j = 0; j < newArray.length; j++){
var responseToTxt = JSON.stringify(newArray[j]);
if(responseToTxt === statementToTxt && !elementPresent){
elementPresent = true;
} else {
element = i;
Then I needed to split multiple times in the array :
existingArray = statementsToSplice.reduceRight(function (arr, it) {
arr.splice(it, 1);
return arr;
}, existingArray.sort(function (a, b) { return b - a }));
Here is the example :
So the final output should always be the new array, but only by push or splice the old one.
In this case, the final outpout will be
existingArray = [
{object2: 'object2'},
{object3: 'object3'}
{object4: 'object4'},
The new array could contains multiple new elements and/or deleted elements that is currently in the existingArray
Use shift() and push()
existingArray.shift(); //Removes the first element of the array
existingArray.push({'object4' : 'object4'});
I'm almost 100% sure that there is a better way to do it, but at least this works, feel free to comment any suggestions / optimizations.
existingArray = [
{object1: 'object1'},
{object2: 'object2'},
{object3: 'object3'}
newArray = [
{object2: 'object2'},
{object3: 'object3'},
{object4: 'object4'}
// Loop all the old values, if is not in the new array, remove it
existingArray.forEach(function(item) {
if(!inArray(item, newArray)) {
var idx = indexOfObjectInArray(item, existingArray);
existingArray.splice(idx, 1);
// Loop all the new values, if is not in the new array, push it
newArray.forEach(function(item) {
if (!inArray(item, existingArray)) {
// Auxiliar functions
function inArray(initialValue, array) {
testValue = JSON.stringify(initialValue);
return array.some(function(item) {
return testValue == JSON.stringify(item);
function indexOfObjectInArray(initialValue, array) {
var result = -1;
testValue = JSON.stringify(initialValue);
array.forEach(function(item, idx) {
if (testValue == JSON.stringify(item)) {
result = idx;
return result;
Maybe this helps. It features Array.prototype.forEach and Array.prototype.some.
Splice unwanted items
Look if object with same property exist
If yes, then assign new object
Else push the object
var existingArray = [
{ object1: 'object1' },
{ object2: 'object2' },
{ object3: 'object3' },
newArray = [
{ object2: 'object22' },
{ object3: 'object33' },
{ object4: 'object44' }
function update(base, change) {
var changeKeys = (a) { return Object.keys(a)[0]; }),
i = 0;
while (i < base.length) {
if (!~changeKeys.indexOf(Object.keys(base[i])[0])) {
base.splice(i, 1);
change.forEach(function (a) {
var aKey = Object.keys(a)[0];
!base.some(function (b, i, bb) {
if (aKey === Object.keys(b)[0]) {
bb[i] = a; // if that does not work, use bb.splice(i, 1, a);
return true;
}) && base.push(a);
update(existingArray, newArray);
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(existingArray, 0, 4) + '</pre>');

Best way to group elements in an array with least complexity

I have a JSON array which looks like this:
var map_results = [{"Type":"Flat","Price":100.9},
This array contains about 100,000 records. I want the output to be grouped by "Type" and "Price". It should look like this:
var expected_output = [{"Type":"Flat", "Data":[{"Price":100.9, "Total":2},
{"Price":67.5, "Total":1}] },
{"Type":"Plot","Data":[{"Price":89.8, "Total:1"}]}]
This has to be done in pure javascript and I cannot use libraries like undersore.js. I tried solving the problem but it had like 3 nested for loops which made the complexity as n^4. What could be a better solution for this problem??
The function I have looks like this:
var reduce = function (map_results) {
var results = [];
for (var i in map_results) {
var type_found = 0;
for(var result in results){
if (map_results[i]["Type"] == results[result]["Type"]){
type_found = 1;
var price_found = 0;
for(var data in results[result]["Data"]){
if(map_results[i]["Price"] == results[result]["Data"][data]["Price"]){
price_found = 1;
results[result]["Data"][data]["Total"] +=1;
if(price_found == 0){
results[result]["Data"].push({"Price":map_results[i]["Price"], "Total":1});
if(type_found == 0){
results.push({"Type":map_results[i]["Type"], "Data":[{"Price":map_results[i]["Price"],"Total":1}]});
return results;
I have a short function that handles the first part of the requested functionality: It maps the map_results to the desired format:
var map_results = [{"Type":"Flat","Price":100.9},
var expected_output = map_results.reduce(function(obj, current){
obj[current.Type] = {'Type':current.Type, 'Data':[]};
obj[current.Type].Data.push({'Price':current.Price, 'Total':1});
return obj;
Then this piece of code is required to calculate the totals, I'm afraid:
for(var type in expected_output){
var d = {};
for(var item in expected_output[type].Data){
d[expected_output[type].Data[item].Price] = (d[expected_output[type].Data[item].Price] || 0) + 1;
expected_output[type].Data = [];
for(var i in d){
As the Types and the Prices are unique after grouping I think a structure like {"Flat": {"100.9":2,"67.5":1}, {"Room": {"23.5": 1}}} would be easier to handle. So could do the grouping the following way:
var output = {};, i) {
output[el["Type"]] = output[el["Type"]] || [];
output[el["Type"]][el["Price"] = (output[el["Type"]][el["Price"]+1) || 1;
If you can not handle this structure you could do another mapping to your structure.
As you are iterating the Array one time this should have a complexity of n.
Look here for a working fiddle.
EDIT: So remap everything to your structure. The order of the remapping is far less then the first mapping, because the grouping is already done.
var expected_output = [];
for(type in output) {
var prices = [];
for(price in output[type]) {
prices.push({"Price": price, "Total": output[type][price]);
expected_output.push({"Type": type, "Data": prices});
Below is yet another effort. Here's a FIDDLE
For performance testing, I also mocked up a JSPerf test with 163840 elements. On Chrome(OSX) original solution is 90% slower than this one.
Few notes:
Feel free to optimize for your case (e.g. take out the hasOwnProperty check on object cloning).
Also, if you need the latest Total as the first element use unshift instead of push to add the obj the beginning of the array.
function groupBy(arr, key, key2) {
var retArr = [];
arr.reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array){
if(currentValue.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var kVal = currentValue[key];
if(!previousValue.hasOwnProperty(kVal)) {
previousValue[kVal] = {};
previousValue[kVal][key] = kVal;
previousValue[kVal]["Data"] = [];
var prevNode = previousValue[kVal];
if(currentValue.hasOwnProperty(key2)) {
var obj = {};
for(var k in currentValue) {
if(currentValue.hasOwnProperty(k) && k!=key)
obj[k] = currentValue[k];
obj["Total"] = prevNode["Data"].length + 1;
return previousValue;
}, {});
return retArr;
var map_results = [{"Type":"Flat","Price":100.9},
var expected_output = groupBy(map_results, "Type", "Price");
Tried something like this:
var reduce_func = function (previous, current) {
if(previous.length == 0){
previous.push({Type: current.Type, Data:[{Price:current.Price,Total:1}]});
return previous;
var type_found = 0;
for (var one in previous) {
if (current.Type == previous[one].Type){
type_found = 1;
var price_found = 0;
for(var data in previous[one].Data){
if(current.Price == previous[one].Data[data].Price){
price_found = 1;
previous[one].Data[data].Total += 1;
if(price_found == 0){
previous[one].Data.push({Price:current.Price, Total:1});
if(type_found == 0){
previous.push({Type:current.Type, Data:[{Price : current.Price ,Total:1}]});
return previous;

